#* JS V0. i just want to turn the light on.
theothersidepress · 4 years
Healing the Energy of Your Home
Our home environment is a direct reflection of our overall energetic state of being and by clearing and elevating the energy of our home environment, we are then able to support the health and well-being of ourselves, family members, flatmates and pets who co-exist there with us. There are many things that we can begin to do today to help clear and elevate the energy of our home environment that will make a wonderful difference to our health and happiness. Restoring energetic harmony to each room in the home will immediately begin to raise the quality of the energy within the whole home environment. As we spend many hours within the sanctuary of our home, we will greatly benefit from the higher vibrational energy that emanates and circulates there.
Security, Safety and Sanctuary
When we feel safe and secure within a harmonious environment, our home becomes our sanctuary where our energy and vitality can begin to expand and rejuvenate in the comfort of our ‘happy place.’ If we don’t feel safe and secure and live in a home environment that’s less that harmonious because the natural energy flow is affected by things like clutter, darker areas with no natural light or in need of general repair, and other areas that require greater care and attention, then the overall energy within the home environment lowers its vibrational resonance. This lower energy can directly influence and empathically affect each family member. In this sense, each person’s disposition affects the overall energy of the home environment, and the ‘home’s energy’ keeps their disposition and patterns of behavior locked into place due to the direct match of their vibrational frequencies. Like energy attracts like energy is another way to describe this.
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(Photo Picsby Fran)
It’s therefore most beneficial to make supportive changes within the household that will bring greater energetic balance and harmony to the home environment. This will not only raise the vibrational frequency of the home; it will also help to raise the vibrational frequency of each person who lives there. Family members and pets who have a faster, lighter and clearer vibration, will instantly begin to make transformational changes that will bless and support all aspects of their life experience – health, joy, creativity, harmonious relationships with others, and greater levels of abundance as new opportunities present themselves.
House clearing/home healing is very similar to the Chinese art of Feng Shui, which has been around for more that 4,000 years. Feng Shui is based upon the flow of energy (chi) throughout the home environment, including the garden/land. The difference with energy clearing/home healing, is that energetic adjustments can be done via prayer and other easy space clearing techniques.
Illness and Emotional Stress
Illness resonates at specific vibrational frequencies (disease frequencies) that create energetic disturbances within our personal fields. Some of these disease frequencies are energetically mirrored into our home environment. Personal clearings, combined with a house clearing, offers a powerful approach that helps to transform disease frequencies and restore harmony and joy back to both our physical equilibrium and home environment.
Check out this partial list of some low vibrational aspects found within the home environment:
EMFs – non-beneficial electromagnetic fields that can interfere with our personal fields and over time can weaken our immune system.
Clutter – even a small amount of clutter can have a draining effect upon our body’s vital energy because clutter interferes with the flow of natural energy (chi) that moves throughout the home. Clutter that’s never used and just continuously sits in the home, leads to energetic stagnation and interferes with our soul’s creative expression. Lack of creative expression leads to issues with limitation and abundance.
Areas lacking natural light – basements or windows that are hidden, blocked, or sealed up, or windows with the curtains constantly closed.
Plumbing issues and leaks – water leaks represent our emotional health and our lymphatic system. It’s important to have any leaks or dripping taps repaired.
Electrical issues – electrical issues mirror problems with our nervous system and can also be a sign (not always) of earthbound spirits within the property.
Doors that don’t open – these represent areas of our life that we have some energetic resistance and limitations. Are we willing to stay in the same old limitations with the same situations repeating themselves, or are we willing to take charge of the situation and make any necessary changes that support us?
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(Photo: Elden Miller)
The good news is that you are able to make beneficial changes within your home environment from today, simply by starting with de-cluttering. You will be amazed at the difference you will feel in body (vitality) and mind (clarity) by doing so. Making other repairs and bringing more light into the home will also help you to raise the vibration of the home environment. This, in turn, supports your vibrational frequency and when your frequency becomes faster than the frequency of ‘disease frequencies,’ you will begin to transform your health and wellbeing from inside out. Why? Because a higher vibration will always transform a lower one.
If you are sick, its common sense and important that you always seek the help of a licensed medical doctor, yet you can also begin to help yourself by understanding that everything is energy and all energy can be transformed. You may also decide to seek professional help from an energy expert and healer who works with house clearings/home healings, or even choose to learn more about them in order to do this creative work for yourself and others.
Typically, what you always want to do is bring more vibrant energy back into the home environment. You can do this through bringing in more natural sunlight and using other forms of lighting in any areas that are dark and stagnant. You can open windows daily to bring in fresh air. You can introduce some bright or lighter colors to the home (furnishings) and use some uplifting artwork to help clear and transform previous, lower vibrations.
You can also use the power of prayer to bless the home and to raise the levels of love within the home to the highest appropriate level that will support all of the people and pets that live there.
“I ask the highest forces of Divine Love and Light to please raise the levels of love within this home to the highest appropriate level to help support myself, my family and our pets, for our greatest and highest good and the greatest good of all concerned. Thank you. Amen. It is done!”
Joanne Brocas is a world-renowned healer, intuitive and #1 bestselling author of Angel Prayers. To find out more about Joanne’s home clearing/home healing treatments, online classes and courses, visit www.joannebrocas.com.
if(window.strchfSettings === undefined) window.strchfSettings = {}; window.strchfSettings.stats = {url: "https://the-otherside-press.storychief.io/en/healing-the-energy-of-our-homes?id=492151294&type=2",title: "Healing the Energy of Our Homes",id: "ff9f9eef-5765-4d6d-bd86-ed78b42ea041"}; (function(d, s, id) { var js, sjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) {window.strchf.update(); return;} js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = "https://d37oebn0w9ir6a.cloudfront.net/scripts/v0/strchf.js"; js.async = true; sjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, sjs); }(document, 'script', 'storychief-jssdk'))
from The Otherside Press https://ift.tt/3e8ad9l via IFTTT
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theothersidepress · 4 years
Three Healing Steps to Greater Abundance
To attract and create more abundance into your life, you need to know that it’s an inside job. By that I mean it’s a transformation of consciousness due to subtle, yet profound shifts in one’s own perceptions.
A shift in perception can make all the difference in how we see and interact with the world in which we live. When we take the time to gently observe the areas of our life where we are currently limited and feel totally stuck, where we struggle or come up against resistance, then we can use my simple three-step healing process towards allowing in greater abundance.
The transformative power of love is the force that brings healing change to our thoughts, emotions, behaviors, and actions. When our daily thoughts are dominantly aligned to fear, lack and limitation, then the transformative power of love is missing.
This is how we unwittingly separate ourselves from love – our true nature, and in doing so we subconsciously feel guilt and shame. We unintentionally block our creative energy from flowing outwards without restriction. Our heart energy creates unnecessary energetic blocks which are typically manifested as energy walls of resistance that prevent us from attracting and creating a greater good.
Abundance is a free-flowing energy that has no resistance when in perfect harmony with the energies of love, generosity, gratitude, kindness, compassion and all of the high-vibe attributes of Spirit.
The truth is that most people block their flow of abundance, which is simply an abundance of all of the good that the Universe has for them, such as – improved health, increased wealth, balanced and loving relationships, and true heart-centered romantic love. Not to mention our work or social life that is aligned with passion and purpose.
Blocking the Flow
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Image: John Hain, Pixabay
People block their flow of abundance in many different ways. Here are three main ways, in no particular order:
First Block: Ongoing Resentment
Deep-seated hurts create trauma energies. Our trauma memories continue to stir up the energetic resonance of the pain we still carry if we aren’t willing to clear it and let it go.
Resentment of others involved in our pain, or just plain old resentment of others simply because they have something we want, but don’t have, will cause energetic disarray within our heart energy center and hinder our ability to attract and create more abundance.
Second Block: Self-loathing
The second way in which a person blocks or interferes with the natural flow of abundance into their life is self-loathing.
If a person judges themselves as being less than another and continuously compares themselves to others in a negative and judgmental way, where the other person is observed as being so much better than, will once more block a person’s heart energy flow and create energetic walls of resistance that block the flow of good.
Third Block: Selfishness
The third block or interference with the natural flow of abundance is selfishness. In other words, an attitude of what’s in it for me? How am I benefiting? How can you or the world help me without me needing to give anything back?
When the energy behind a person’s intentions is selfishly based, they unwittingly create shifts in their energetic vibration that matches their selfish intent. When a person has needy or greedy energy, with little thought to helping or blessing others, or in adding light to the world in some way through their own creative expression, they hinder the free flow energy of abundance into their life.
My Three-Step Healing Process
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Image: Jill Wellington, Pixabay
Use the following simple yet the powerfully transformative three-step process to help clear your energy and create subtle shifts in consciousness, that over time, can lead to profound and even miraculous changes. Shifts that help to align you with the greater good of the Universe and to open your heart energy to give and receive love and abundance.
Step One: Observe any time you have a fearful or limiting thought. A fearful thought can easily become a negative word spoken and then turn into a non-beneficial behavior or action. Creation begins with your thoughts.
Simply notice yourself when you are stuck in a negative or fearful thought and do so from a point of non-judgment. You are not to criticize yourself for having this negative thought pattern.
Step Two: Understand that your real nature is Love. God is Love and anything other than Love is therefore not real. In this sense, fear, lack and limitation do not originate from the Divine Mind of God, or Source, or Creator. They originate from the fearful collective consciousness of mankind.
You have a free will choice to live in separation by turning away from love, or by choosing to return to love and the energy source of your true-self. This step simply asks you to understand that your real nature is Love and that Love didn’t create these thoughts. This contemplation is life-changing.
Step Three: Clear the negative thought by sending it to the Light of Ultimate Truth. Simply say the following: “I send this (state exact fearful thought) to the Light of Ultimate Truth to be transmuted into Love. I willingly choose to return to Love. I allow the energy of abundance to flow to me and through me.”
These subtle shifts in perceptions will begin to take energetic root in your consciousness for transformative changes to take place in your health and life experience. However, this path of spiritual growth requires you to be consistent.
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Photo: Gerhard Gellinger, Pixabay
Golden Key to Transformation
You have been given an easy yet amazingly powerful three-step process to help you but being consistent is the golden key to real change.
It means that you take the time and the conscious effort (a few seconds) so that every time that you become aware of being stuck in low-vibe patterns, such as feeling resentful, being judgmental of self, others and the world, and being self-centered in any way – you simply realize and understand that this does not originate from Love and therefore isn’t true for you.
Remember that the energy behind these negative patterns blocks all the good that Love and the Universe have in store for you. It makes perfect sense to incorporate this three-step healing practice into your daily life.
Blessings & joy,
Joanne Brocas,
Healer. Intuitive and the #1 Bestselling Author of Angel Prayers. Visit Joanne’s website to find out more about her online healing classes, courses, and personal appointments.
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from The Otherside Press https://ift.tt/3jJZ4gg via IFTTT
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theothersidepress · 4 years
Healing the Energy of Our Homes
Our home environment is a direct reflection of our overall energetic state of being and by clearing and elevating the energy of our home environment, we are then able to support the health and wellbeing of ourselves, family members, flatmates and pets who co-exist there with us. There are many things that we can begin to do today to help clear and elevate the energy of our home environment that will make a wonderful difference to our health and happiness. Restoring energetic harmony to each room in the home will immediately begin to raise the quality of the energy within the whole home environment. As we spend many hours within the sanctuary of our home, we will greatly benefit from the higher vibrational energy that emanates and circulates there.
Security, Safety, and Sanctuary
When we feel safe and secure within a harmonious environment, our home becomes our sanctuary where our energy and vitality can begin to expand and rejuvenate in the comfort of our ‘happy place.’ If we don’t feel safe and secure and live in a home environment that’s less that harmonious because the natural energy flow is affected by things like clutter, darker areas with no natural light or in need of general repair, and other areas that require greater care and attention, then the overall energy within the home environment lowers its vibrational resonance. This lower energy can directly influence and empathically affect each family member. In this sense, each person’s disposition affects the overall energy of the home environment, and the ‘home’s energy’ keeps their disposition and patterns of behavior locked into place due to the direct match of their vibrational frequencies. Like energy attracts like energy is another way to describe this.
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(Photo: PicsbyFran)
It’s therefore most beneficial to make supportive changes within the household that will bring greater energetic balance and harmony to the home environment. This will not only raise the vibrational frequency of the home; it will also help to raise the vibrational frequency of each person who lives there. Family members and pets who have a faster, lighter and clearer vibration, will instantly begin to make transformational changes that will bless and support all aspects of their life experience – health, joy, creativity, harmonious relationships with others, and greater levels of abundance as new opportunities present themselves.
House clearing/home healing is very similar to the Chinese art of Feng Shui, which has been around for more that 4,000 years. Feng Shui is based upon the flow of energy (chi) throughout the home environment, including the garden/land. The difference with energy clearing/home healing, is that energetic adjustments can be done via prayer and other easy space clearing techniques.
Illness and Emotional Stress
Illness resonates at specific vibrational frequencies (disease frequencies) that create energetic disturbances within our personal fields. Some of these disease frequencies are energetically mirrored into our home environment. Personal clearings, combined with a house clearing, offers a powerful approach that helps to transform disease frequencies and restore harmony and joy back to both our physical equilibrium and home environment.
Check out this partial list of some low vibrational aspects found within the home environment:
EMFs – non-beneficial electromagnetic fields that can interfere with our personal fields and over time can weaken our immune system.
Clutter – even a small amount of clutter can have a draining effect upon our body’s vital energy because clutter interferes with the flow of natural energy (chi) that moves throughout the home. Clutter that’s never used and just continuously sits in the home, leads to energetic stagnation and interferes with our soul’s creative expression. Lack of creative expression leads to issues with limitation and abundance.
Areas lacking natural light – basements or windows that are hidden, blocked, or sealed up, or windows with the curtains constantly closed.
Plumbing issues and leaks – water leaks represent our emotional health and our lymphatic system. It’s important to have any leaks or dripping taps repaired.
Electrical issues – electrical issues mirror problems with our nervous system and can also be a sign (not always) of earthbound spirits within the property.
Doors that don’t open – these represent areas of our life that we have some energetic resistance and limitations. Are we willing to stay in the same old limitations with the same situations repeating themselves, or are we willing to take charge of the situation and make any necessary changes that support us?
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(Photo: Elden Miller)
The good news is that you are able to make beneficial changes within your home environment from today, simply by starting with de-cluttering. You will be amazed at the difference you will feel in body (vitality) and mind (clarity) by doing so. Making other repairs and bringing more light into the home will also help you to raise the vibration of the home environment. This, in turn, supports your vibrational frequency and when your frequency becomes faster than the frequency of ‘disease frequencies,’ you will begin to transform your health and wellbeing from inside out. Why? Because a higher vibration will always transform a lower one.
If you are sick, its common sense and important that you always seek the help of a licensed medical doctor, yet you can also begin to help yourself by understanding that everything is energy and all energy can be transformed. You may also decide to seek professional help from an energy expert and healer who works with house clearings/home healings, or even choose to learn more about them in order to do this creative work for yourself and others.
Typically, what you always want to do is bring more vibrant energy back into the home environment. You can do this through bringing in more natural sunlight and using other forms of lighting in any areas that are dark and stagnant. You can open windows daily to bring in fresh air. You can introduce some bright or lighter colors to the home (furnishings) and use some uplifting artwork to help clear and transform previous, lower vibrations.
You can also use the power of prayer to bless the home and to raise the levels of love within the home to the highest appropriate level that will support all of the people and pets that live there.
“I ask the highest forces of Divine Love and Light to please raise the levels of love within this home to the highest appropriate level to help support myself, my family and our pets, for our greatest and highest good and the greatest good of all concerned. Thank you. Amen. It is done!”
Joanne Brocas is a world-renowned healer, intuitive and #1 bestselling author of Angel Prayers. To find out more about Joanne’s home clearing/home healing treatments, online classes and courses, visit www.joannebrocas.com.
if(window.strchfSettings === undefined) window.strchfSettings = {}; window.strchfSettings.stats = {url: "https://the-otherside-press.storychief.io/en/healing-the-energy-of-our-homes?id=492151294&type=2",title: "Healing the Energy of Our Homes",id: "ff9f9eef-5765-4d6d-bd86-ed78b42ea041"}; (function(d, s, id) { var js, sjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) {window.strchf.update(); return;} js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = "https://d37oebn0w9ir6a.cloudfront.net/scripts/v0/strchf.js"; js.async = true; sjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, sjs); }(document, 'script', 'storychief-jssdk'))
from The Otherside Press https://ift.tt/2ZkDis6 via IFTTT
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theothersidepress · 4 years
Healing the Energy of Our Homes
Our home environment is a direct reflection of our overall energetic state of being and by clearing and elevating the energy of our home environment, we are then able to support the health and wellbeing of ourselves, family members, flatmates and pets who co-exist there with us. There are many things that we can begin to do today to help clear and elevate the energy of our home environment that will make a wonderful difference to our health and happiness. Restoring energetic harmony to each room in the home will immediately begin to raise the quality of the energy within the whole home environment. As we spend many hours within the sanctuary of our home, we will greatly benefit from the higher vibrational energy that emanates and circulates there.
Security, Safety, and Sanctuary
When we feel safe and secure within a harmonious environment, our home becomes our sanctuary where our energy and vitality can begin to expand and rejuvenate in the comfort of our ‘happy place.’ If we don’t feel safe and secure and live in a home environment that’s less that harmonious because the natural energy flow is affected by things like clutter, darker areas with no natural light or in need of general repair, and other areas that require greater care and attention, then the overall energy within the home environment lowers its vibrational resonance. This lower energy can directly influence and empathically affect each family member. In this sense, each person’s disposition affects the overall energy of the home environment, and the ‘home’s energy’ keeps their disposition and patterns of behavior locked into place due to the direct match of their vibrational frequencies. Like energy attracts like energy is another way to describe this.
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(Photo: PicsbyFran)
It’s therefore most beneficial to make supportive changes within the household that will bring greater energetic balance and harmony to the home environment. This will not only raise the vibrational frequency of the home; it will also help to raise the vibrational frequency of each person who lives there. Family members and pets who have a faster, lighter and clearer vibration, will instantly begin to make transformational changes that will bless and support all aspects of their life experience – health, joy, creativity, harmonious relationships with others, and greater levels of abundance as new opportunities present themselves.
House clearing/home healing is very similar to the Chinese art of Feng Shui, which has been around for more that 4,000 years. Feng Shui is based upon the flow of energy (chi) throughout the home environment, including the garden/land. The difference with energy clearing/home healing, is that energetic adjustments can be done via prayer and other easy space clearing techniques.
Illness and Emotional Stress
Illness resonates at specific vibrational frequencies (disease frequencies) that create energetic disturbances within our personal fields. Some of these disease frequencies are energetically mirrored into our home environment. Personal clearings, combined with a house clearing, offers a powerful approach that helps to transform disease frequencies and restore harmony and joy back to both our physical equilibrium and home environment.
Check out a partial list of some low vibrational aspects found within the home environment:
EMFs – non-beneficial electromagnetic fields that can interfere with our personal fields and over time can weaken our immune system.
Clutter – even a small amount of clutter can have a draining effect upon our body’s vital energy because clutter interferes with the flow of natural energy (chi) that moves throughout the home. Clutter that’s never used and just continuously sits in the home, leads to energetic stagnation and interferes with our soul’s creative expression. Lack of creative expression leads to issues with limitation and abundance.
Areas lacking natural light – basements or windows that are hidden, blocked, or sealed up, or windows with the curtains constantly closed.
Plumbing issues and leaks – water leaks represent our emotional health and our lymphatic system. It’s important to have any leaks or dripping taps repaired.
Electrical issues – electrical issues mirror problems with our nervous system and can also be a sign (not always) of earthbound spirits within the property.
Doors that don’t open – these represent areas of our life that we have some energetic resistance and limitations. Are we willing to stay in the same old limitations with the same situations repeating themselves, or are we willing to take charge of the situation and make any necessary changes that support us?
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(Photo: Elden Miller)
The good news is that you are able to make beneficial changes within your home environment from today, simply by starting with de-cluttering. You will be amazed at the difference you will feel in body (vitality) and mind (clarity) by doing so. Making other repairs and bringing more light into the home will also help you to raise the vibration of the home environment. This, in turn, supports your vibrational frequency and when your frequency becomes faster than the frequency of ‘disease frequencies,’ you will begin to transform your health and wellbeing from inside out. Why? Because a higher vibration will always transform a lower one.
If you are sick, its common sense and important that you always seek the help of a licensed medical doctor, yet you can also begin to help yourself by understanding that everything is energy and all energy can be transformed. You may also decide to seek professional help from an energy expert and healer who works with house clearings/home healings, or even choose to learn more about them in order to do this creative work for yourself and others.
Typically, what you always want to do is bring more vibrant energy back into the home environment. You can do this through bringing in more natural sunlight and using other forms of lighting in any areas that are dark and stagnant. You can open windows daily to bring in fresh air. You can introduce some bright or lighter colors to the home (furnishings) and use some uplifting artwork to help clear and transform previous, lower vibrations.
You can also use the power of prayer to bless the home and to raise the levels of love within the home to the highest appropriate level that will support all of the people and pets that live there.
“I ask the highest forces of Divine Love and Light to please raise the levels of love within this home to the highest appropriate level to help support myself, my family and our pets, for our greatest and highest good and the greatest good of all concerned. Thank you. Amen. It is done!”
Joanne Brocas is a world-renowned healer, intuitive and #1 bestselling author of Angel Prayers. To find out more about Joanne’s home clearing/home healing treatments, online classes and courses, visit www.joannebrocas.com.
if(window.strchfSettings === undefined) window.strchfSettings = {}; window.strchfSettings.stats = {url: "https://the-otherside-press.storychief.io/en/healing-the-energy-of-our-homes?id=492151294&type=2",title: "Healing the Energy of Our Homes",id: "ff9f9eef-5765-4d6d-bd86-ed78b42ea041"}; (function(d, s, id) { var js, sjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) {window.strchf.update(); return;} js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = "https://d37oebn0w9ir6a.cloudfront.net/scripts/v0/strchf.js"; js.async = true; sjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, sjs); }(document, 'script', 'storychief-jssdk'))
from The Otherside Press https://ift.tt/2Fk3vj0 via IFTTT
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theothersidepress · 4 years
Three Healing Steps to Greater Abundance
To attract and create more abundance into your life, you need to know that it’s an inside job. By that I mean it’s a transformation of consciousness due to subtle, yet profound shifts in one’s own perceptions.
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Photo: John Hain, Pixabay
A shift in perception can make all the difference in how we see and interact with the world in which we live. When we take the time to gently observe the areas of our life where we are currently limited and feel totally stuck, where we struggle or come up against resistance, then we can use my simple three-step healing process towards allowing in greater abundance.
The transformative power of love is the force that brings healing change to our thoughts, emotions, behaviors, and actions. When our daily thoughts are dominantly aligned to fear, lack and limitation, then the transformative power of love is missing.
This is how we unwittingly separate ourselves from love – our true nature, and in doing so we subconsciously feel guilt and shame.
We unintentionally block our creative energy from flowing outwards without restriction. Our heart energy creates unnecessary energetic blocks which are typically manifested as energy walls of resistance that prevent us from attracting and creating a greater good.
Abundance is a free-flowing energy that has no resistance when in perfect harmony with the energies of love, generosity, gratitude, kindness, compassion and all of the high-vibe attributes of Spirit.
The truth is that most people block their flow of abundance, which is simply an abundance of all of the good that the Universe has for them, such as – improved health, increased wealth, balanced and loving relationships, and true heart-centered romantic love. Not to mention our work or social life that is aligned with passion and purpose.
People block their flow of abundance in many different ways. Here are three main ways, in no particular order:
First Block: Ongoing resentment
Deep-seated hurts create trauma energies. Our trauma memories continue to stir up the energetic resonance of the pain we still carry if we aren’t willing to clear it and let it go.
Resentment of others involved in our pain, or just plain old resentment of others simply because they have something we want, but don’t have, will cause energetic disarray within our heart energy center and hinder our ability to attract and create more abundance.
Second Block: Self-loathing
The second way in which a person blocks or interferes with the natural flow of abundance into their life is self-loathing.
If a person judges themselves as being less than another and continuously compares themselves to others in a negative and judgmental way, where the other person is observed as being so much better than, will once more block a person’s heart energy flow and create energetic walls of resistance that block the flow of good.
Third Block: Selfishness
The third block or interference with the natural flow of abundance is selfishness. In other words, an attitude of what’s in it for me? How am I benefiting? How can you or the world help me without me needing to give anything back?
When the energy behind a person’s intentions is selfishly based, they unwittingly create shifts in their energetic vibration that matches their selfish intent. When a person has needy or greedy energy, with little thought to helping or blessing others, or in adding light to the world in some way through their own creative expression, they hinder the free flow energy of abundance into their life.
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Photo: Jill Wellington, Pixabay
My Three-Step Healing Process
Use the following simple yet the powerfully transformative three-step process to help clear your energy and create subtle shifts in consciousness, that over time, can lead to profound and even miraculous changes. Shifts that help to align you with the greater good of the Universe and to open your heart energy to give and receive love and abundance.
Step One: Observe any time you have a fearful or limiting thought. A fearful thought can easily become a negative word spoken and then turn into a non-beneficial behavior or action.
Creation begins with your thoughts.
Simply notice yourself when you are stuck in a negative or fearful thought and do so from a point of non-judgment. You are not to criticize yourself for having this negative thought pattern.
Step Two: Understand that your real nature is Love. God is Love and anything other than Love is therefore not real. In this sense, fear, lack and limitation do not originate from the Divine Mind of God, or Source, or Creator. They originate from the fearful collective consciousness of mankind.
You have a free will choice to live in separation by turning away from love, or by choosing to return to love and the energy source of your true-self. This step simply asks you to understand that your real nature is Love and that Love didn’t create these thoughts. This contemplation is life-changing.
Step Three: Clear the negative thought by sending it to the Light of Ultimate Truth. Simply say the following: “I send this (state exact fearful thought) to the Light of Ultimate Truth to be transmuted into Love. I willingly choose to return to Love. I allow the energy of abundance to flow to me and through me.”
These subtle shifts in perceptions will begin to take energetic root in your consciousness for transformative changes to take place in your health and life experience. However, this path of spiritual growth requires you to be consistent.
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Photo: Gerhard Gellinger, Pixabay
Golden Key to Transformation
You have been given an easy yet amazingly powerful three-step process to help you but being consistent is the golden key to real change.
It means that you take the time and the conscious effort (a few seconds) so that every time that you become aware of being stuck in low-vibe patterns, such as feeling resentful, being judgmental of self, others and the world, and being self-centered in any way – you simply realize and understand that this does not originate from Love and therefore isn’t true for you.
Remember that the energy behind these negative patterns blocks all the good that Love and the Universe have in store for you. It makes perfect sense to incorporate this three-step healing practice into your daily life.
Blessings & joy,
Joanne Brocas,
Healer. Intuitive and the #1 Bestselling Author of Angel Prayers. Visit Joanne’s website to find out more about her online healing classes, courses, and personal appointments.
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