#* You watch her suplex a boulder ; she’s pretty cool ! ( Undyne )
missholoska · 5 years
How would the Underswap MH characters react if they met their Undertale and Classicswap counterparts?
seeing as I took ages just to answer this it’d take even longer to draw for every character, so I hope text is fine :’D
(also just a general reminder that I’m not interested in making Swap MH interact with the whole AU multiverse concept, these are just for fun and not canon!)
Swap MH Chara & UT Chara:
I uh, actually don’t know enough about Canonswap Chara or Frisk to answer for either of them, and Swap MH Chara couldn’t meet UT Chara without also meeting UT Frisk and vice versa due to the dead narrator ghost thing, so! both Charas and both Frisks:
UT Frisk would be excited to meet a version of Chara who’s actually alive! Swap MH Chara would have a quieter “huh, cool” reaction, but I don’t think it’d take long for them to start treating each other like siblings :’>
Swap MH Chara would probably be mildly unsettled to know that they died in another universe, but I think they’d get along nonetheless. UT Chara would just be glad to know that there’s a universe where they get to live and grow up, and they have an intellectual discussion about the best chocolate brands.
likewise UT Frisk would be a little upset to hear that their counterpart is dead, but Swap MH Frisk’s reaction? ecstatic to see a version of them who’s alive. they possess Swap MH Chara just to be like “it’s me!! :D!!!”
finally the ghost kids: they’d likely have a fairly morbid talk comparing the differences between their monster families and their deaths, but after that they’re pretty chill buds. and then when UT Frisk and Swap MH Chara take back control of their bodies they’re both just like “……wow geez that was sad”
Neptune & UT Sans:
already drawn Neptune and Canonswap Sans meeting, so I’ll just stick with UT Sans! he and Neptune would absolutely be friends.
UT Sans would be pretty entertained by a version of himself who acts somewhat like his brother but still has their same hobbies and interests. he’d probably struggle to keep up with Neptune’s energy, but they’d definitely have fun sharing horrible puns and talking about space.
Neptune would be a little exasperated by how… stationary UT Sans is, but he can’t be that annoyed when he naps a lot too and that’s how his own brother is half the time. meeting another pun pal and ketchup enthusiast is always a good thing!
UT Sans sees Neptune do his hanging-upside-down-on-a-floating-bone thing that I still haven’t actually drawn him doing yet and feels exhausted just watching him
Noodle & UT Papyrus & Canonswap Papyrus:
UT Papyrus definitely goes googly-eyed with frustration over how Noodle and Canonswap Papyrus are content to just stand around doing nothing, but they can at least develop puzzle ideas together!
considering Noodle is still the younger skelebro and he’s also only a year older than his UT counterpart, he’s a little bewildered by the Older Brother Instincts™ he has for UT Paps.
also Noodle talking to Canonswap Paps: “please don’t blow smoke on my spaghetti thanks”
Axe & UT Alphys & Canonswap Alphys:
I think UT Alphys would have some very conflicting feelings about two versions of herself who are both Strong Ladies and act like the fishy gf she loves, and the fact that she doesn’t like herself enough to like herself. not that she’d act on said feelings at all (there will be no selfcest in my house), just a lot of flustered confusion ahah
both Swap Alphyses are also pretty charmed by how smart UT Alphys is and ask her to teach them some science trivia they can impress their Undynes with
Axe and Canonswap Alphys have a flexing contest. UT Undyne detects A Gun Show in action and joins in. Aaron is there. UT Alphys’ poor little pan heart is too weak for this.
Sci-Fi & UT Undyne & Canonswap Undyne
so much chaos. many explosions. anime speeches. boulders being suplexed. the world is doomed
similarly to the Alphyses, both Swap Undynes are in awe of how cool and strong UT Undyne is, and UT Undyne thinks these two nerdy versions of herself are fun to be around.
Canonswap Undyne is definitely shyest of the bunch and the other two will protecc and attacc for her
Swap MH Happstablook & UT Mettaton & Canonswap Happstablook:
MTT would be very surprised that his counterparts don’t have robot bodies, possibly even a little uncomfortable with the reminder of his past? but he’d at least be glad that Swap MH Happstablook has found happiness remaining a ghost, even if he didn’t himself (not sure what Canonswap Happsta’s feelings are about being a ghost).
ghostly makeovers and dramatic poses. these three will take the fashion world by storm
Swap MH Napstabot & UT Napstablook & Canonswap Napstaton:
UT Blooky is quietly surprised and just a little awed by their robotic counterparts, but honestly Canonswap Napstaton’s personality is probably a bit overwhelming for the other two ahah
they all just lie on the ground feeling like garbage and sharing music tracks together :’>
also I know this is focused on just the napstas but UT Mettaton would be so excited to meet Napstabot/Napstaton and so proud of them being famous and living their dreams and nothing will convince me otherwise
Dandelion & UT Asgore & Canonswap Asgore:
Canonswap Asgore would be the more horrified of the two about UT Asgore and the whole dead kids thing, while Dandelion is more sympathetic since that was his call, too. but I think they’d all get along eventually.
a nice Sad Dad Talk and sharing gardening tips over cups of golden flower tea~
Orchid & UT Toriel & Canonswap Toriel:
UT Toriel’s reaction to two versions of her who did the very thing she left Asgore for would be… uncomfortable. but as long as they meet at a point in time where she’s making progress in forgiving Asgore, she’d be able to tolerate them too.
Orchid would be pretty surprised that UT Asriel was UT Toriel’s son, since she’s an aunt to Swap MH Asriel. and UT Toriel would be sad to hear that both Swap Frisks and Swap Monster Kids died long ago.
…this one got depressing so let’s say they have a happier talk about their respective living human children and it warms UT Toriel’s heart to know Chara and Asriel are alive and well in other universes :’D
Swap MH Temmie & UT Monster Kid & Canonswap Temmie:
UT MK is very confused about this one very angry Temmie, this other sentient plushie Temmie, and how in the world they’re all connected. both Swap Temmies just fiercely ignore this version of themself that gets be alive still and fight like two angry housecats.
“faker?? tem thinks YOU da fake tem round here,,”
Swap MH Asriel & UT Flowey & Canonswap Asriel:
both Swap Asriels just have a fun time being kids and playing together with no idea that they have a third counterpart, because UT Flowey noped out of there immediately.
or alternatively, UT Flowey meeting the Swap Floweys: absolute confusion and intense discomfort. this is the worst possible timeline
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