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unrepentantweirdo · 3 months
Robert Joseph MacCready Headcanons and Birth Chart- Part Three!
Now, for the astrology side of things! I almost fell out in the floor at how perfectly it nailed my RJ.
Here's his chart:
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For the sake of my and your sanity, I'm going to quote Astrology.com directly. It will not have a ton of links like the Cassie post, just this one that takes you to the planets if you want to read further: https://www.astrology.com/planets
Sun (self/personality) in Aries: "Those born during the season of the Ram approach life with an assertiveness unfettered by doubt. Rams take life at the horns and use their own to plow through any and every obstacle that comes their way. Meandering paths and methods aren't their style. They prefer direct action, so no need to worry about passive aggression from these individuals. However, despite their fierce and fearless fronts, beyond the flames lies a surprisingly sensitive soul.
These are the firecrackers of the zodiac. Though Aries' can be quick to mouth off, they're usually just as quick to cool off. Barring those natives with a couple fixed sign placements, grudge-holding is unlikely for a Ram. Mars, their ruling planet, implies high stamina and excitement, therefore pushing them to keep moving forward. But don't presume to get over on an Aries sun. They may forgive, but truly forgetting is another thing entirely."
Moon (emotions/instinct) in Scorpio: "On the surface, Scorpio moons appear to be the most controlled of their watery brethren. Lunar Scorpions prefer to sift through their emotions alone, projecting a mysterious air to everyone but their dearest (and sometimes, not even them). But, like a lake frozen over, their psyches contain any number of lurking sensitivities and troubles. Unfortunately for their loved ones (and those trying to join those ranks), they have an inherent distrust towards others.
Conversely, those with their moon in Scorpio actively seek out commitment. However, their defensive and overly suspicious natures make it difficult for their relationships to reach the profundity that they crave. But for the rare few that manage to break through Scorpio moon's walls, a wealth of devotion awaits them. The affection of a Scorpio moon isn't for everyone, but for those who receive it, it is everything."
Mercury (communication) in Aries: ""Intensely expressing" should be the byline for those with their Mercury in Aries. If you happen upon a person speaking and gesturing wildly, they likely have this placement. Communication is a full-body experience for Aries Mercury, so they can't help but let their passion pour from every pore. Aggression isn't their intention, but they certainly do come across defensive, making them seem a little rough around the edges.
If you listen closely, their words are likely very straightforward. Mincing words isn't exactly an Aries Mercury skill, and much like other fire Mercury placements, nor is filtering, for that matter. The speed at which they make decisions simply doesn't allow for it. Someone with their Mercury in Aries says what they mean and mean what they say. More than nearly any other sign—save perhaps Sagittarius—you can trust that an Aries Mercury will tell you the truth."
Venus (love and money) in Aquarius: "Venus in Aquarius originated the friends-to-lovers trope. These folks require familiarity and real attachment before committing. From open relationships to separate households, they are pulled into relationships that others might consider strange or unconventional. In fact, their partners are often offbeat and "different" in some way. While some fall for appearances or voices, Aquarius Venus' are most attracted to minds. Clever conversations, spirited debates, and witty retorts are the path to the heart of someone with their Venus in Aquarius. These people are generally fairly intellectual, so they need to feel that they've met their match before settling down.
Beyond romance, those with this Venus sign have forward-thinking tendencies and are unafraid to let them loose. However, Venus' influence softens their otherwise highly stubborn nature, making them a little more tolerable than the average Aquarius placement."
Mars (passion) in Aries: "The Roman gladiator and the brave knight on horseback—Mars in Aries has a drive that is the stuff of legends. They approach obstacles with the confidence that they'll bulldoze over them. Often, they do just that—unless, of course, the task requires prolonged efforts. As a Cardinal sign, Aries prefers to be the starter rather than the finisher. Their fire burns brightly, and that sort of passion can be difficult to maintain for very long. Furthermore, though they excel at self-starting, their impulsivity can act as a two-edged sword, alternating between inspiring their most forward choices and causing them to veer off course.
Fortunately, Aries Mars' tempers are much the same with large blow ups being followed by relative peace. In this way, they usually aren't the type to hold grudges, but their wound-up nature encourages a certain irritability."
Jupiter (luck/learning) in Virgo: "When Jupiter meets detail-oriented Virgo, he creates an individual whose mind goes a mile a minute, though others will likely never know this on account of their humility. Jupiter in Virgo makes for an orderly mode de vie. Unlike their Mercurial sibling, Gemini, there is a method to Jupiter in Virgo's madness. As they say, the devil is in the details, and Virgo Jupiter prefers to immerse themselves in the minutiae of everyday life. Habits, routines, and so-called busy work are a pleasure for those with this placement, but refrain from simply characterizing these people as dull!
They're just at home and prosperous while engaging in deep intellectual pursuits as they are doing their daily chores. In these quests, Virgo Jupiter is relentless. Exhaustion or lethargy are foreign concepts for these natives. Productivity is the word, so it's rare to catch them sitting down."
Saturn (karma/life lessons) in Taurus: "Saturn tightens the belt in Taurus. Taurus' usual love of luxury is reigned in here to produce somewhat of a spendthrift. Where most Taurus placements opt to spend, Taurus Saturn instead saves. Practicality rather than excess is the North Star for those with their Saturn in Taurus. These folks have serious financial and material goals that Saturn pushes them to reach.
However, as different as these Saturnian Taurus' are from their solar counterparts, Saturn can't completely erase the Taurean spirit. It's uncertain whether a higher power even has that ability. So, those with this placement retain the stereotypical Taurus stubbornness—or, more kindly put, their admirable stick-to-it-iveness."
Uranus (rebellion/innovation) in Aries: "When the planet of shock meets the sign of the adrenaline junkie, you're up for a wild ride. Uranus in Aries wants the world, and they want it now. They, more than anyone, want to be first in whatever line they're in. These individuals aren't satisfied if they're not breaking ground. As a result, records of their exploits are often found in the earlier pages of history books.
However, the path to becoming the stuff of legends is hardly an easy one and typically fraught with more than a few bumps, scratches, and broken bones for these folks. Uranus in Aries treats looking before leaping the same way most people do trips to the dentist. That is, they loathe, sidestep, or overlook it completely. As a result, Aries Uranus can end up in touchy and ultimately avoidable situations."
Neptune (illusion/dreams/abstract thoughts) in Virgo: "Neptune tries to lift grounded Virgo a little more into the clouds. Neptune releases Virgo from some of the trappings of practicality. Where stress and anxiety ordinarily exist in the Virgo psyche, Neptune has replaced with bliss and calm, giving them ample opportunities to better employ their intellect. With Neptune in Virgo, the sign's Mercury-fueled ideas are used for the greater benefit of mankind or even just the native's community.
Though they can definitely still fall down the rabbit hole where their detail-oriented natures are concerned, Virgo Neptune's genius and tendency toward precision generally flow in positive directions."
Pluto (transformation/regeneration/rebirth) in Capricorn: "The Pluto in Capricorn generation is meant to smash through existing systems and structures. Accepted concepts of work/life balance and office politics do not appeal to the children of this astrological era. This is the generation that asks, "Why should we spend 40 hours or more each week in the service of a company?" As a result, those with this placement are more independent where working is concerned. However, Capricorn Pluto is far from lazy; they simply abide by a set of laws that may or may not fall in line with society.
Naturally, these individuals don't exactly mesh well with authority figures. Ironically, Pluto's passion and Capricorn's enterprising energy will likely push them to become the very authority they've struggled against. Drive is a key characteristic for this placement, so they're sure to take the world by storm."
North Node (karmic destiny) in Taurus: "Lessons and rewards around themes of discovering your personal value, establishing boundaries, mutual empowerment through relationships, and developing personal strength."
Chiron (empathy/pain/helping others) in Pisces: "Pisces, the sign of sacrifice, surrender and spiritual depth, adds even more to Chiron’s legacy and ability as a wounded healer, and invites us to take a long hard look at this wound....
Profound pain can be a calling to spiritual awakening, no matter where the pain originally came from. It can be a call to patience, a call to joy, a call to empathy, a call to mercy. Pain does not have to multiply itself. It can stop wherever you stop it. Not content to simply heal our wounds, we can also dance them, love them, preach them, decorate them, sing them, work with them, honor them."
Ascendant (outward appearance): "People with a Taurus ascendant exude beauty and creativity. Taurus is a sign that’s ruled by the planet Venus, which represents beauty, balance, and creativity. There is a strong connection to the tangible and physical world. Spending time in nature, creating things with their hands, and cultivating more sensual experiences matter greatly to this rising sign."
Midheaven/MC (professional life/traits) in Aquarius: "Rebellious, witty, zealous, changemaker. Professions: activist, engineer, environmental scientist." (The first one made me laugh in the beginning, but then it kind of made sense considering how upset he gets at pre-War atrocities.)
If you made it to the end, thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed the miniature novel about my favorite Fallout companion. I hope to have the next chapter of DATC up by the weekend; I'm still ironing out some rough spots here and there.
Love you all.
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Astrology Aspects Of Planets In astrology, the distance between any two planets and zodiac signs is called an aspect. This determines whether things will be easy or challenging. Planets in astrology have a meaning different from the modern astronomical understanding of what a planet is.Before the age of telescopes, the night sky was thought to consist of two very
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In Western astrology, astrological signs are the twelve 30° sectors of the ecliptic, starting at the vernal equinox also known as the First Point of Aries. The order of …
There are 12 zodiac signs, and each sign has its own strengths and weaknesses, its own specific traits, desires and attitude towards life and people.By analyzing the projection of the position of planets, and the Sun and the Moon on the Ecliptic at the moment of birth. Astrology can give us a glimpse of a person’s basic characteristics, preferences, flaws and fears.
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2019 Horoscopes – Get free 2019 astrology predictions for all 12 Zodiac signs from GaneshaSpeaks.com. Know about all areas of life with your future …
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2019 Astrology Forecast 2019 Horoscope Aspects. The major planetary aspect for the 2019 horoscope is saturn sextile neptune which brings material gain from spiritual pursuits. You can make your dreams come true with hard work and a sensible, realistic approach.
Astrology Today Planet Position CurrentPlanetaryPositions.com: Current solar, lunar, and planetary positions and calculations for astrology and horoscopes, including custom calculations … See also: Astrology of Today – an overview of the day (this takes you to my other site, …. THIS WEEK'S PLANETARY POSITIONS BY SIGN (General Trends):. January 27th, 2019. Where do the planets lie right now? Check Today's
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Read the 2019 horoscope by Astroyogi. See the astrology predictions for 2019, find detailed predictions on love, career, finance and health for the 12 zodiac …
General 2019 Horoscope: 2019 New Year brings in new hopes, dreams and aspirations. It is an opportunity to make us more joyous and focused. Well, the year 2019 is not far away now.
Astrologer Susan Miller's Guide to 2019. Read our lips: Famed astrologer Susan has your upcoming #freshforecast. meet susan. Fire, Earth, Water …
Year of 2019: Easy, breezy, beautiful Libra… It takes a lot to make you lose your cool. But with both Mars and Uranus in Aries at the start of 2019, your patience is wearing thin—especially with loved ones who seem not to care how their actions affect you.
Cafe Astrology offers summary overview yearly horoscopes for 2019 for each zodiac sign.
Dec 26, 2018 … Your 2019 horoscope predictions on love, relationships, money, career and more . 2019 Horoscopes decans give your 2019 Astrology forecast …
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