mad3lyncline · 1 day
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𝑹𝑼𝑫𝒀 𝑷𝑨𝑵𝑲𝑶𝑾 . Outer Banks Season 4 Trailer ( x ) .
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lurkingpoisons · 18 days
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very rough sketch but do you see the vision. the unplucked eyebrows. the bags under her eyes. the chapped lips. shinobu grew out her hair because k.anae always wanted her to but that's the only stereotypically glamorous thing my s.hinobu is interested in.
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nightmaretist · 4 months
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INGE / moodboard.
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fina1act · 1 day
only people that i like can touch my horns
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bountyhaunter · 4 months
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DAIYU / moodboard
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ohwynne · 4 months
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WYNNE / moodboard.
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hakuuji · 23 days
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also sometimes when i've had a bad day i draw a.kaza like this and then everything's okay
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laureljacobs · 5 months
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a look into laurel's senior yearbook with @benj-hyun
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uppertwo · 10 hours
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just know I'm not the sinister type~!
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quinnnhq · 4 months
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quinn fabray x week 4
social media.
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mad3lyncline · 1 day
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𝑴𝑨𝑫𝑬𝑳𝒀𝑵 𝑪𝑳𝑰𝑵𝑬 . Outer Banks Season 4 Trailer ( x ) .
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a11sunday · 5 months
STATISTICAL  CHARACTER  PERSONALITY TEST  ♡ take  the linked  quiz  from  the  perspective  of  your  character,  then  select  5 - 10  results from  the  complete  matches  list  that  you  feel  resonate  with  your  character  the most.
rosa diaz - b99
darlene - mr. robot
max mayfield - stranger things
marion ravenwood - indiana jones
inigo montoya - the princess bride
mulan - mulan
kat stratford - 10 things i hate about you
trinity - the matrix
toph beifong - atla
april ludgate - parks n rec
stole this from myself TAGGING: you < 33 !!
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maidenxpersephone · 6 months
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weylinco · 6 months
Viv and I will be away for a while. Important business calls, so we must step away for a few hours. Don't worry, it's nothing more than a simple surgery, but we don't have time to answer asks or reblog posts right now. This is urgent and we hope you can understand. You will soon, anyways.
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alecflynn · 8 days
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full name — Alec Bodhi Flynn
faceclaim — Nick Robinson
gender & pronouns — cis man, he/him
age — 28
birthday — 8/23/1996
sexuality — disaster bi
occupation — bartender at The Pour House
neighborhood — transient (living in a van), but mostly stationed around Forest Lake
length of time in blue harbor — all his life, with occasional bouts of traveling throughout
tldr. tw: mental illness, drugs, alcohol, child neglect (full bio can be found at the bottom of the intro)
alec is a blue harbor native. he's been cutting it up in these streets since day one. his mother suffers from manic episodes and would often leave him alone for days on end and go cause havoc around town. so locals probably know the name 'daisy flynn' and they probably don't get warm and fuzzies when they hear it. his dad is totally unknown to him
with the freedom of having absolutely zero structure growing up, alec fell into partying. he taught himself how to play the guitar, and as he got older, he used that to his advantage. he started a band, was surprisingly good at writing songs— the only time anyone caught a glimpse of emotional depth— and settled into his role as the heartbreaker
alec really thought the glory of high school would last forever, even going as far as buying a van with the intention of touring for the summer between junior and senior year and every summer after that. only, he never clued his bandmates into those plans and they actually had parents that gave a shit, so instead, he turned it into his home. eventually, inevitably, they were evicted from their apartment when his mom went off the deep end for a little too long, so he sort of had no choice
for all of senior year, alec lived alone in his van that he lovingly named ole bessy. it was about halfway through the year that he realized people were making plans outside of blue harbor. college, jobs, settling anywhere that wasn't here. but alec liked here, and he didn't really understand everyone being so hellbent on leaving
abandonment issues settled in and alec sort of became a nomad. once he graduated from high school (somehow??? like, good for him, but i genuinely don't understand how he did it) he left blue harbor to travel in his van. he played shows, settled in places for just long enough to start to feel those attachments grow and then he'd take off again
he'd roll back into town from time to time, but when he inevitably messed up, he'd leave again, coming back only when enough time had allowed to dust to settle. and the cycle has repeated itself now for years
alec has undiagnosed dyscalculia. he doesn’t realize that numbers don’t jumble around in everyone’s heads the way they do his. it makes him feel stupid, so he tries to avoid math situations, or anything that has anything to do with numbers.
alec can be very self-absorbed. it’s not because he’s a dick, it’s just because he’s always too aware of himself to see things from any other perspective. he’s covered up his need to be loved and accepted by fooling himself into believing everyone loves him the way he loves everyone else. it’s a fun line to walk.
because alec largely had to parent himself, there are a lot of things he misses that should be obvious, but just aren't. he genuinely doesn't ever go out of his way to hurt anyone's feelings, but he definitely has left a string of heartbreak in his wake. he just doesn't know how to let people in, he doesn't understand that his inability to love isn't the same for everyone else. he just expects that people feel the way he does about things.
he writes really good fuckin' songs. you would never know he is the same person listening to his songs versus meeting him in real life, but it stems from the fact that he never learned how to deal with or regulate his emotions, so he channels it into his song writing
alec is a very physically affectionate guy. his love language is physical touch so it's not weird or out of the ordinary for alec to be touchy.
wanted connections.
childhood friends - some that he still keeps in touch with, maybe some that are starting to get tired of his shit. maybe some that have been tired of his shit for a while
bandmates - new or old. he's been back in town for a little while now, so he's had time to get the band back together (or welcome new people into it)
best friend - someone who understands him in a way that other people really don't. they might be hurt when he leaves, but they know that he'll come back and they know why he is the way he is. it's complicated but they'll always have his back
exes - alec is not known for his faithfulness or for being a good boyfriend. these would have likely ended badly and they wouldn't have gone on for very long. or maybe a few ended up friends. who knows
hook ups - a guy has needs. and those needs don't need strings. it can be complicated with unrequited feelings or it can just be a casual thing that just scratches an itch for both parties
antagonistic - enemies alec has made, people that liken him to his mom who is still around causing trouble, people that feel he's done them dirty. maybe past employers he's left high and dry. people he owes money to. anything!
honestly, up for ANYTHING. might add more as they come to me, but let's just throw stuff at the wall and see what sticks.
full bio.
Alec Flynn was born a free spirit. As a child, he was always questioning everything: who decided we have to go to school five days a week? Why is ‘because I said so’ an acceptable answer? Why do we have to wear shoes? We’re inside! (Alec was regularly in trouble in school for taking off his shoes). For a minute, he tried the Scouts thing, but ultimately it wasn’t meant to last. He didn’t do well with structure or a chain of command. He constantly questioned authority and pushed his limits as far as they would go and then some. He’d say he quit, but it was, at the very least, a mutual parting of ways. It was probably for the best, though. Being raised by a single mother who followed her every whim and regularly left her too-young son alone, sometimes for days on end, while she ran off with a new boyfriend or chased a new high meant that money was so tight it was basically non-existent. Just like the father he never knew. God forbid they spent any of that money on him.
He found his stride a little more once he hit high school. Being musically inclined since he could talk suddenly seemed a lot more interesting to his peers once puberty hit. Alec loved the attention and he leaned fully in. He started a band with a few friends. People knew him. And for the first time in his life, he felt seen. That kind of feeling went to his head. He was a serial dater, the heartbreaker, and he really fell into the party scene. With his friends at his side, he felt unstoppable, untouchable. The band found its groove and they owned the school. Or, at least, in Alec’s mind, they did. 
The insecurities began to creep in around the middle of senior year. He’d never been much of a planner, content to only acknowledge what was right in front of his face at any given moment. But Alec began to realize, as everyone finalized their college and future plans, that he’d never really given it any thought. He liked what he did and what he had here, so why change it? But in the back of his mind, it did cause panic, listening to everyone plan to leave Blue Harbor behind. 
Leave him behind.
Alec grew a little more reckless after that. He partied harder, he wrote songs with a frantic edge. He thought maybe if he could just get lost in the life, it would never abandon him. But in the end, he watched people he adored and people that adored him scatter to the wind after graduation. 
On a whim, he’d purchased a van with money he’d managed to scrape together. It was an absolute piece of shit, but it was his piece of shit. It’s original intention was to go on tour— a notion he’d had but hadn’t clued his bandmates in on until after he’d already bought it— but when he was slapped with an eviction notice after his mom had been gone on a bender for weeks, it became home. 
For years, Alec did his best to outrun the bad feelings. Abandonment issues, who? Alec was simply a free spirit. It was in his DNA after all. His mother had never been able to stay in one place, and with a home on wheels, why shouldn’t he do the same? 
So it became something of a routine. He’d roll back into town after staying gone long enough to be missed, for whatever misdeeds he’d released on Blue Harbor to be forgotten or at the very least swept under the rug. And then, when he inevitably messed up, he’d go again to start the process over once more. It kept him safe and it kept others safe from him. That was a lesson he’d learned from his mother who had become something of a fixture on the streets in Weaver Ridge, becoming the town’s burden instead of just his. 
He’d like to stop running. Of course he would. But everything catches up to you when you stop moving. And he’s not ready to face those things just yet.
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tigrexhater · 14 days
MUSE — mhr/sunbreak
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⟢ age: 22-25
⟢ orientation: straight
⟢ pronouns: she/her
⟢ description: (work in progress)
a young promising hunter whose first task was to travel to Kamura and help the villagers shut down the rampages that took place with the help of her team of four members. she fell in love with the people and stayed behind when her team decided to split up.
falling deeply in love with a charming chef, she thought Kamura to be the place to live, until family members came bothering and her sick partner eventually died. having drifted apart with both her friends and the villagers she once loved, her heart decided to leave and find other purposes.
a sarcastic but serious hunter who prefers to keep her past to herself and find anything to keep her mind from drifting. missing her friends, she wishes to find more people out there and adventures so could look up to […].
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