#-'Oh. Actually T'Pel Kinda Liked It'-
sofiadragon · 1 year
We may never see it on screen it's clear throughout Voyager just how functional and devoted Tuvok marriage is. It's actually kinda sweet
Let me just look something up to refresh my memory, I haven't watched much of Voyager since I was a teenager.
During the birth of their third and youngest son, T'Pel spent 96 hours in labor. (VOY: "Deadlock")
Oh, I feel that. I went into labor on a Sunday night and gave birth Tuesday morning. Respect.
Yeah, these two are precious. I think this is what a good, healthy Vulcan couple should be. So often we get to see the weirdos with problems, and fair enough that's what makes for more interesting story opportunities, but these two seemed like regular old vanilla Vulcan culture to me. Just as endlessly devoted to each other as Sarek and Amanda, but without the cross-species drama. Four kids and rocking it, and Tuvok complained that the hologram they used to save his life when he went into pon farr had ears four millimeters off. Man knows his wife.
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bumblingbabooshka · 2 years
I know Tuvok didn’t complete his Kolinahr because he went into pon farr and married T’Pel but I’d like to tweak that so it’s actually T’Pel who went into pon farr and Tuvok abandoned his Kolinahr studies to be with her anyway. Because I think it’s very wife guy of him.
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