#-- yiune rei
why-raven · 2 months
smash or pass? — yiuno.
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— quick facts.
HEIGHT. 6' 1" / 186.5 cm
AGE. Unknown (immortal, appears 20+)
GENDER. Male / "Female" (as Yiune)
SEXUALITY. Demiromantic Asexual
— the pros.
ASTUTE. Yiuno is highly intelligent and perceptive; coupled with his resourcefulness, he is an asset you'd definitely want as a partner, whether it's on the battlefield... or even for the long trip ahead across the realm. A protector who's got your back, always. ENIGMATIC. Yiuno is a (wo)man of mystery; his broad knowledge of the world, particularly in ancient history and arcane arts, is extremely valuable. His secretive nature will also keep you on your toes... and yearning for more. There's never a dull day for as long as you're with him. REFINED. While Yiuno is a practical person at heart, he also understands the importance to be presentable for various situations. Perhaps it's due to his educational background, or his rich life experience—regardless of reasons, Yiuno certainly makes a great first impression, and continues to uphold that in the long run.
— the cons.
CHAOTIC NEUTRAL. Yiuno operates only by his personal code, his own rules—he doesn't bend his will to others. He can save lives as much as he takes them away; he has no qualms to lie or hurt people. A morally gray person through and through, he simply does whatever it takes to complete his own objectives, to fulfill his personal agendas. It's either his way, or no way. MANIPULATIVE. While Yiuno's secretive nature would excite those who seek the thrill of suspense and mystery trying to crack into his inner world, he's not going to let you in so easily. Sending you on a wild goose chase is what he does best (and enjoys most), and you're in for hell of a ride trying to navigate through his multi-layered masks and labyrinthine mind. SOLITARY. Yiuno often comes and goes like the wind—any attempt to seek a co-dependent relationship with him will only earn you a cold shoulder at best. He doesn't reject human interactions per se: he recognizes the necessity to blend into the society for a life of normalcy. A loner at heart, he needs lots of space for himself and his personal pursuits. He has little to no interest to indulge in the whims of others, unless it aligns with his own goals.
— more info.
WIT. While Yiuno doesn't demand his potential partner to possess the same level of intelligence as him, it'd certainly be easier to build rapport and gain his favor if you're able to communicate with him on equal footing. Otherwise, don't be dismayed at his superficial reactions, a facade maintained out of politeness. Or he'd simply ignore you and walk away once his attention span for you has dried up. SLOW BURN. Yiuno is no stranger to one-night stands or sexual interactions; however, these are often associated with the darker side of his job, hence he's not particularly keen to go there if you're looking to develop a more genuine connection with him. Coupled with his mysterious and callous nature, gaining his trust will be an uphill battle. If you don't have the patience to peel off his tough defenses one layer at a time, then you don't deserve to know him, to be with him, period. BEST OF BOTH WORLDS? Yiuno becomes a shifter due to an incident that involves the aetherial sea (it's a long story); he eventually comes to terms with his duality. Prior to this, "Yiune" was merely a feminine disguise that he used for jobs dealing with the underworld of Eorzea. Once seen as separate identities, now he accepts both egos as two halves that make him whole. Gender and sexuality be damned—man, woman or other, Yiuno frankly doesn't care. Satisfying the sensual needs of both ends of the spectrum isn't a problem for him, but the inverse is a different story altogether.
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writeraven · 5 months
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it’s thigh day today and I know I’d be okay in a deep dungeon all alone at the top, white as bone.
— poem by isorawrites (@writeraven)
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etheirysnoir · 13 days
just the basics — yiuno.
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[ lore / writing / answers / gpose / aesthetics ] — Updated 2024.09.14
An adventurer by day, and an assassin by night—Yiuno Reine is an enigmatic Viera who walks along the blurred line of light and darkness. From the politically righteous Grand Companies to the unknown depths of the Eorzean underworld, Yiuno will work for anyone for the right price, especially if the job aligns with his personal agendas. However, the dangerous secrets that have slept within him for so long will become the key to the fate of the world… once more.
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— basics.
NAME. Yiuno Reine. ALIASES. Yiune Rei (alter ego), Sigrid Rindr (birth name). AGE. Unknown; appears to be in his early twenties. NAMEDAY. 15th Sun of the 3rd Umbral Moon. RACE. Veena Viera. ORIENTATION. Demiromantic Asexual.
— appearance.
HAIR. Born silver-white, which he normally keeps short. Changes hair colors and styles often due to personal circumstances and line of work. As Yiune, he wears bobcut wigs. Dislikes long hair. EYES. Originally born with blue eyes, Yiuno now has heterochromia—blue right, green left—ever since the coup d’etat in Ul’dah. Has larger irises compared to common male Viera, with long eyelashes. Red markings accentuate the corner of his eyes, with a beauty spot under the left. PHYSIQUE. Considerably tall for a male Viera with a gracefully lithe frame. Sometimes mistaken as female even when he’s not in Yiune guise. Very fair complexion. No visible wrinkles, scars or tattoos. CLOTHING. Usually seen in an assortment of suits or military uniforms, consisting a combination of trench coats, shirts and ties, and dress shoes. For casual wear, Yiuno favors hoodies, high-neck sweaters, and survival boots. As Yiune, he may go for more daring designs, such as high-silt dresses or low-cut tops, and over-the-knee heel boots. ACCESSORY. Due to his circumstances and line of work, Yiuno often avoids having telltale items that may easily blow his covers. However, he does wear a leather-bound necklace with a wind-aspected crystal—a gift from his twin sister, Yiuna, with quite a story behind its origin.
— résumé.
ALCHEMIST. Cover story when he travels from city to city. Usually conducts trade with curative potions and antidotes. GLEANER. Mostly known amongst guilds of arcane arts. Mainly hired to hunt and retrieve dangerous magical artifacts of eons past. Also works as normal treasure hunter (at times, a dungeon raider), possessing a collection of rare items of his own. ASSASSIN. Only known in the Eorzean underworld. Goes by the cover identity “Yiune Rei,” a Hingan courtesan deeply shrouded in mystery, prized for her beauty and talent in Astromancy. Uses honey traps to kill her targets in cold blood.
JACK OF ALL TRADES. The perks of being immortal grants Yiuno unlimited time to acquire an arsenal of skills and abilities, which would usually be difficult or even impossible for beings with a normal lifespan. However, regardless of the numerous know-how he has under his belt, he never considers himself a master of any. He has no interest in becoming an expert in a specific field or area, anyway. MAGICAL APTITUDE. Both Yiuno and his twin sister, Yiuna, are naturally gifted in aether manipulation—so much so that even the likes of his former mentor, Shatotto, and later on his partner, Y’shtola, are able to discern in one glance. RECONNAISSANCE. “Knowledge is power,” is a quote often used by scholars, usually associated with books. However, to Yiuno, the same can be applied to field work, especially the kind of jobs he’d take on. Terrain of the site he’d be scavenging as a gleaner. Profile of the target he’d be killing as an assassin. Always preparing himself for the worst.
MOST POSITIVE. Resourcefulness. Yiuno has lived for a long, long time, which gives him a wealth of knowledge and experience well beyond any beings with an ordinary lifespan. It has helped him to live in the shadows for millennia, enabling him to constantly adapt to the ever-changing world he’s forced to live in—for eternity. MOST NEGATIVE. Cynicism. Yiuno harbors a strong mistrust towards people in general—after all, he has lived through many calamities and countless wars in his immortal life, which have shaped him into a bitter, pessimistic man. He’s driven by personal interests, and he believes that others are no different from him, since he sees it as a basic survival instinct that every living being is born with.
— personal.
HOBBIES. Reading and research, people-watching, training (usually by himself, sometimes with Y’shtola or Sora), traveling. COLORS. Monochrome—the different types of gray, including black and white. Doesn’t mind neutral colors like brown. To a lesser extent, the darker shades of red and blue. AROMAS. Freshly brewed coffee or tea. Amongst musty old tomes in libraries and bookshops. TEXTURES. Soft, fluffy hair of the people he really likes (ex. Y’shtola, Sora). Cold, hard surface of bladed weapons. Rough, wrinkled pages of ancient books. BEVERAGES. Drinks that contain high amount of caffeine with low to no sugar content at all. Long black and herbal tea are his go-to.
Born into an ancient clan built upon strict matriarchy and meritocracy, Yiuno’s understanding of a family greatly differs from common Eorzeans. Shortly after their birth, kits (young Viera children) were placed under custody care in a specialized facility within the civilization; raised collectively by adult Viera designated to be their caretakers, none of the members knew who their birth parents were. They didn’t care, either—the concept of blood relation never once crossed their mind, for they were taught since young that everyone in the clan is family. The only exception to this is Yiuna, his twin sister. Their birth was met with scrutiny, for no twins were born in the clan for centuries until they came. They share a special bond that they can’t explain, but they know and they can feel it between them. They were banished from the clan due to Yiuna’s deceit—she disguised her brother’s true gender and made him to pretend to be a female so that the wood wardens wouldn’t take him away from her when they hit puberty. After the Seventh Umbral Calamity, Yiuno woke up in the middle of the Black Shroud with an amnesiac Xaela, Sora Amariyo; Yiuna was nowhere to be found. He became a mentor and guardian both to the young Warrior of Darkness, and they began their journey through the realm. As of DT, Yiuno is still searching for Yiuna, trying to reunite with his missing twin sister.
Yiuno owns a collection of minions—automated mechanical dolls that he uses as either unsuspecting scouts or diversion puppets in his line of work. He can also summon familiars, in the form of black-feathered owls, to do his bidding.
— law & order.
SMOKES? Never. He despises the smell. ALCOHOL? Drinks socially to maintain some cover stories; this is especially so when he assumes the identity of the mysterious courtesan, Yiune. While he’s unable to get drunk due to his unique body condition, he does enjoy a wine or two on special occasions. DRUGS? Similar to alcohol, drugs have no effects on him due to his special circumstances. However, he has no qualms to use them on others. MOUNT? Yiuno rescued a chocobo sometime during the ARR timeline—the chocobo was apparently abandoned by its original owner because it was an albino. To avoid any issues with the law enforcement, Yiuno registered this chocobo as his mount with the Grand Companies, naming it “Sören”. CRIMINAL RECORDS? Too many to count, given his immorality; some were major historical incidents, such as the War of the Magi. Though Shatotto erased his name from history and bore the weight of his crimes onto herself, Yiuno would never forget the sins he’d committed, even till this day.
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why-raven · 4 months
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Sun’s sweet smile and wind’s cool breath, Both of these I send thee, To ripe thy fruit and spread thy seed, And nourish those that tend thee.
— Nophica’s Hymn, Final Fantasy XIV: Legacy
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why-raven · 1 month
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“I feel confined, only free to expand myself within boundaries.”
— Motoko Kusanagi, Ghost in the Shell (1995)
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why-raven · 27 days
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YIUNE REI (YIUNO ALTER) The Hopeless Romantic・The Quest Giver・The Final Boss
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why-raven · 5 months
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“True revolutionaries do not flaunt their radicalism. They cut their hair, put on suits and infiltrate the system from within.”
— Saul Alinsky
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why-raven · 29 days
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You don’t have to feel ashamed This form hurts you inside out, I know
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You entrusted me with this secret And I have sworn my devotion to you
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I’d be lying if I say I wasn’t jealous But only because you’re my equal
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Man or woman, it doesn’t matter to me Why choose, when I can have both?
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writeraven · 3 days
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“If it was anyone else he’d be pissed if they were still here, but not you.” — Sarah Clay, Never Enough
TAGS: [ isorawrites. » FFXIVwrite » 2024 ]
FANDOM: Final Fantasy XIV.
VERSE: AU » Modern Day.
STATUS: Submitted; 1 chapter (3 parts).
GENRES: Draft, Short Story.
SHIPS: Shenanigans.
MUSES: Yiuno Reine (Yiune Rei).
NPC: Emmanellain de Fortemps.
lend an ear phrase of lend listen sympathetically or attentively.
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WARNING — mild alcohol abuse.
Emmanellain loved his job very much. He enjoyed working in the sales department: there were plenty of challenges awaiting him each day. Whether it was about handling fussy regulars or seeking out new customers to add to his repertoire, he was content with the busy schedule that gave him a sense of fulfillment.
However, his colleagues had other ideas—they exploited his easygoing personality by often dumping their tasks onto him, causing him to stay in the office beyond working hours. By the time he managed to complete everything for the day, it was already half past eleven. Then, he had to catch the last train home; he barely had any time for himself, and simply crashed for the night. Worse, he had to return to the workplace on weekends in a feeble attempt to catch up, draining him further.
One day, his manager, Yiuno, called him to his room for a talk. While Emmanellain greatly respected Yiuno, for the latter was the youngest in the department but also the most capable, he found it difficult to approach his stony-faced superior. He heard rumors from his colleagues about Yiuno being an extremely strict person, and he’d fire anyone who didn’t meet his high expectations.
Throughout the whole meeting, Emmanellain merely kept his eyes on the carpeted floor. He didn’t pay much attention to what Yiuno was saying to him; his mind was running various simulations about the mountain of tasks that he still needed to do.
He only jolted out of his own thoughts when he felt a sudden pat on his shoulder. “There’s a client I want you to meet tonight,” Yiuno said. “Meet me at the parking lot at seven. I’ll drive.”
“Ah! But—”
“I will drive,” Yiuno cut him off in a flat tone. “You should take a good look at yourself in the mirror. Have you actually slept at all?”
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An hour had passed since Emmanellain arrived at the posh restaurant with Yiuno—they were already done with the main course and now onto the desserts, but the client they were supposed to meet was nowhere in sight. He glanced at his Viera boss, who was digging into his chocolate soufflé with a blank expression.
He kept wiping his sweaty hands on his pants. He couldn’t remember the last time he ate together with anyone in the company; this was his first time hanging out with his superior. As the tense atmosphere began to crush him, he hurriedly picked up his glass and downed all its content. He coughed as the dryness of red wine burned his throat.
He looked up to see Yiuno standing next to him with a glass of water. “Take it easy,” he said. “I think our clients got lost somewhere, so I’m going down to fetch them. It’s my treat tonight—feel free to order anything you like in the meantime.”
Emmanellain nodded as he watched Yiuno leave with a paper bag. He suddenly felt a little light-headed—maybe he was too nervous. He never had issues with alcohol, and he used to be quite the drinker when he just turned twenty. He ordered more wine for himself, becoming more intoxicated by the time he finished the third bottle.
Through his half-opened eyelids, he saw a figure approaching: at first, he thought his manager had returned because of the familiar leporine ears, then he sat upright when he realized the person was female. Emmanellain traced the lady’s curvy figure with his eyes, then he mumbled a quick apology when he noticed the latter pulling down her mini skirt shyly. Work had kept him busy for years with no room to socialize, let alone date anyone.
“D-Do you mind… if I sit here?”
The lady’s mature voice surprised Emmanellain; he relaxed when she covered her mouth and coughed softly. “No, no… Not at all,” he replied, still gaping at the Viera woman. Half of her face was covered by the long fringe of her silver bobcut, with only one eye and her dark-red lips visible. She was clad in full-black: long-sleeved turtleneck, opaque pantyhose, and ankle-strapped heels.
Chuckling nervously, she averted her gaze from Emmanellain’s intense stare. “…Is there something on me that bothers you?”
“No… no.” Emmanellain shook his head. “My apologies. I’m awed by your beauty.”
She laughed again. Then she looked Emmanellain. “But there is something that has been bothering you.”
He froze. This lady was a stranger, yet he felt a tinge of familiarity from her. Waving his hand at a passing waiter for more wine, Emmanellain could no longer stop the words tumbling out of his mouth, and the tears flowing down his cheeks for the rest of the night.
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The next day, Emmanellain woke up with a splitting headache. That cleared after he sat up for a while, and he began to study his environment.
He was in a hotel room, fully illuminated by the sunlight pouring through the bay windows. The bed was queen-sized, big enough to fit two fully-grown adults. He heard the sound of running water coming from the bathroom; he then noticed some clothes left on the backrest of an armchair, just a few steps away.
He felt his head throbbing again when he tried to recall what had happened last night. He kept talking to the Viera woman, who simply listened in silence, occasionally helping to fill his glass with more wine. He clutched his head when he remembered leaning against the surprised lady and cried on her shoulder. He recognized the clothes belonging to the female stranger. A sudden realization dawned upon him, and he began searching the room frantically.
He couldn’t recall anything else after he cried himself to sleep. Nothing could possibly happen between them… right?
He accidentally knocked over the lady’s pile of clothes, where it fell onto the ground in a scattered mess. As he picked them up, he noticed something queer among the sea of black. Something he’d never imagine anyone would have, under normal circumstances.
He looked up when he heard a click, and the bathroom door opened to reveal the last person he’d expect to meet.
“Oh, you’re finally awake,” Yiuno greeted him with his usual nonchalance. “Feeling better now?”
Emmanellain could only gape at his topless superior, his other hand still holding the silicone breastplate he’d just picked off the floor.
Yiuno merely replied with a wry smile. “This is the only way I could make you talk to me.”
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Support me on Ko-fi — https://ko-fi.com/whyraven. Thank you very much for your continuous support☕
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writeraven · 3 days
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“When I discover who I am, I’ll be free.” — Ralph Ellison, Invisible Man
TAGS: [ isorawrites. » FFXIVwrite » 2024 ]
FANDOM: Final Fantasy XIV.
VERSE: Endwalker » MSQ.
STATUS: Submitted; 1 chapter.
GENRES: Draft, Flash Fiction.
SHIPS: Bibliomantiques.
MUSES: Yiuno Reine (Yiune Rei), Sora Amariyo (mentioned).
NPC: Y’shtola Rhul, WoL | Meteor (mentioned).
reticent /ˈrɛtɪs(ə)nt/ adjective not revealing one’s thoughts or feelings readily.
After the talk and bidding goodnight to Meteor, Y’shtola Rhul left the Baldesion Annex and made her way to the Journey’s End—the residential district of Old Sharlayan. Upon arriving at her destination, she rapped smartly on the door. “I have come.”
Pushing it open, she entered the room and walked towards the peacock-blue couch. Someone was already seated there, staring out of the skylight window. A Veena Viera with a complexion as pale as the full moon above, further enhanced by the raven trench coat they were wearing. They turned their attention to the approaching sorceress with a raised eyebrow.
“Shtola,” they greeted; despite their androgynous features, the voice was clearly masculine. They—he—regarded the Sun Seeker with his heterochromic eyes, unblinking. “Is everything all right?”
“Never better,” Y’shtola replied, sitting next to her partner. “You should worry about yourself first, and more.” Seeing that the Viera clearly didn’t buy her cheery tone, she shook her head. “The Warrior of Light is fine; he is with friends, who will rush to his immediate aid if anything happens. I’m more concerned about you.”
She closed into the troubled man; her hands felt something soft on her lover’s chest. “How long were you able to control this, Yiuno?” she asked as she began to remove his coat. “Does the Warrior of Darkness—Sora—know?” Then she sighed at Yiuno’s averted gaze. He didn’t want her to worry. Just like me.
As she began to loosen Yiuno’s necktie, the latter stopped her with a hand. “You’ve been pushing yourself very hard, too,” he said, his tone colored by mild amusement. “The effects are only temporary; you shouldn’t rely on my potions so much.”
A moment of silence hung between the pair. Regret met longing; sadness met desire. Y’shtola brought her face closer and kissed her weary partner on the lips. “Fools, are we not?”
“We are, indeed.”
Straightening up, Y’shtola picked up a parcel from the low table before the couch. “Shall we get changed?”
“Shtola, I—”
“No buts,” she cut him off, unwrapping the package to reveal two sets of feminine clothing. “Ladies’ night at the Last Stand, you and I.” Her expression softened as she handed over a sweater to her embarrassed partner. “All I want… is for you to be free.”
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Support me on Ko-fi — https://ko-fi.com/whyraven. Thank you very much for your continuous support☕
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writeraven · 18 days
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A sequel to this photostory, written from Yiuno’s perspective.
TAGS: [ isorawrites. » FFXIVwrite » 2024 ]
FANDOM: Final Fantasy XIV.
VERSE: Event » Moonfire Faire (2024).
STATUS: Submitted; 1 poem.
GENRES: Draft, Poetry.
SHIPS: Bibliomantiques.
MUSES: Yiuno Reine (Yiune Rei).
NPC: Y’shtola Rhul.
horizon /həˈrʌɪz(ə)n/ noun the line at which the earth’s surface and the sky appear to meet.
Like oil and water, we seem incompatible Like sky and ocean, we’re from worlds apart
Near yet far, our fates entwine Through the knowledge we seek Yearning for more beyond pages
The bonds we make The promises we keep Changes challenging to break us
Like the sunset on the horizon In that moment, looking out of the inn You curl up next to me The sky and ocean finally kiss.
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Support me on Ko-fi — https://ko-fi.com/whyraven. Thank you very much for your continuous support☕
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why-raven · 4 months
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可信的不华美﹐ 华美的不可信。
The truth is not always beautiful, nor beautiful words the truth.
― Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching: Chapter 81
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etheirysnoir · 13 days
contacts wanted — yiuno.
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[ lore / writing / answers / gpose / aesthetics ] — Updated 2024.09.14
An adventurer by day, and an assassin by night—Yiuno Reine is an enigmatic Viera who walks along the blurred line of light and darkness. From the politically righteous Grand Companies to the unknown depths of the Eorzean underworld, Yiuno will work for anyone for the right price, especially if the job aligns with his personal agendas. However, the dangerous secrets that have slept within him for so long will become the key to the fate of the world… once more.
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Shrouded in deep mystery with a rich backstory, there are plenty in store for you to develop and forge a bond with him. His complex characterization does not deter my freedom to play him in a wide array of settings; rather, the possibilities are almost endless, and meeting new people is a part and parcel of his long life.
For a limited time, I am open to only 1-2 players interested in creating intricate stories with Yiuno.
I am no longer seeking roleplay contacts; all my partner slots are currently full. However, you are still free to send me writing prompts or approach me to chat about your blorbos. I love reading about everyone’s characters and learning something new about them.
before you jump onto the bandwagon…
Please read this section very carefully as it contains important things you should know before you approach me to RP with my character(s).
Yiuno’s lore contains very dark and mature themes, and these are crucial in his characterization and development as a person. On the same note, I’m not keen to work with adults who are sensitive to various triggers, to err on the side of safety. I’m a very busy person, and my empathy for others is fairly limited after a long and stressful work day.
I have a demanding full-time job and I live in the JST (GMT+9) timezone. Aside from schedule restrictions, I mainly play on Japan DCs due to latency issues. It’s difficult for me to arrange in-game meetups, and I’m too busy with real life to manage alts on other data centers. I’m also uncomfortable with many aspects of in-game roleplaying, which I find them too stressful and not fun to deal with.
Google Docs is most preferred. Also open to other long-form writing platforms suggestions and I’m happy to give them a try. That being said…
I don’t expect my partners to be a bookworm as much as I am, but please have the basic courtesy to provide enough content in your IC replies to keep the story moving. Neither Yiuno nor I can read minds; metagaming is frowned upon in roleplays, and I’m sure we both want the collaboration to be a fun and fruitful experience.
I am unable to respond immediately due to timezone differences. Your active time is my working or sleeping hours, and vice versa. Real-life commitments take priority over a shared hobby, which is a rule I will respect you for and expect the same in return. I’d need some time to come up with quality replies, too.
While I’m willing to impart bits and pieces of Yiuno’s backstory for the purpose of planning ahead in OOC discussions, it should be universally understood that you should never mix OOC knowledge with IC development without my explicit permission. Always keep communication channels open—not only to make sure everyone is on the same page with the RP, but also to build good rapport along the way.
possible starting points.
I’m mainly looking for serious, long-term roleplays with a good dose of plot and character development. If none of the hooks below can tickle your fancy, we can discuss further in OOC to brainstorm more ideas.
Krile Baldesion. One of Yiuno’s regular clients, who often calls upon his expertise as a treasure hunter and curse breaker both, to handle jobs deem too dangerous for any gleaners to tackle. In exchange for his assistance, Yiuno exploits Krile’s position as an esteemed Sharlayan scholar to gain access to the Noumenon, where he can conduct his own research for the information he seeks. The question is: what is he looking for amongst the dusty, ancient grimoires of forgotten past?
Yayake Yake. Though a dutiful receptionist who works at the Thaumaturges’ Guild, this seemingly polite Dunesfolk has a sharp sense for those with great potential for arcane arts. She has tried and failed to recruit Yiuno to join the guild on countless occasions, with only requests in reclaiming artifacts of the black to seduce the unwilling man back to Ul’dah each time. While this seems like an inconspicuous relationship, there is definitely more than meets the eye. Why does Yayake single out Yiuno from amongst the promising candidates of black magic? Why does she have such high regards for his talent and skill? What else does she know about this brooding Viera—and what is she hiding about him?
Remnants of the Great Flood. Though Yiuno would often introduce himself as a mere treasure hunter when prompted on his martial prowess, if one is observant enough to pick up the signs, they would notice that some things just don’t add up. Majority of Yiuno’s regular clients have affiliations with guilds of the arcane arts. He’s usually tasked to find and reclaim ancient artifacts from fallen civilizations known for their knowledge in magic. He has a curious familiarity with the three factions in the Magi War: the Floating City of Nym, the Weeping City of Mhach, and the Lost City of Amdapor. Just what kind of connections did Yiuno have with the Sixth Umbral Calamity?
An enigma of many faces. Many adventurers would’ve dipped a toe or two into the Eozean underworld during their long journeys; those enticed by the promise to fulfill their desires would exchange their virtues for riches, sinking themselves into the violent hellscape beneath the façade of peace and prosperity. Toxic masculinity ruled this chaotic world with brute strength, while they exploit femininity to charge their own libido. However, not all women are willing to bow down to such prejudiced savagery—Yiune Rei is an assassin who seduces her male targets with her beauty before she seals their fate in the silence of the night (or so the rumors say). Very few would live to learn about the shocking truth of this graceful lady of death… for “she” is actually a man under the glamorous mask. What compels him to exact his own brand of justice in such an unorthodox way? Is there more to this curious killing spree under the bleeding moon of Etheirys?
looking for…
To reiterate on the importance of OOC discussions: both parties should have basic respect for all characters in the roleplay. Pre-established connections or no, I expect the player(s) to keep communication channels open—talk things out and come to an agreement first before throwing any drastic plot twist in each other’s face, especially one that can drastically change the course of the RP development for both sides.
A wanderer at heart, Yiuno often flits around Eorzea and beyond, never staying in one spot for long. Sometimes due to work calls, other times purely on a whim—while he is fairly knowledgeable on the geography of Etheirys, he doesn’t seem to have a place he’d call home. Deep down, Yiuno knows that he doesn’t belong anywhere: his immortality forces him to constantly move from town to town, keeping a low profile lest someone finds out the secrets to his eternal youth.
Do you share his plight of not having a place to feel home? Or are you seeking for the thrill of leaving your home and explore the uncharted waters beyond your comfort zone? Yiuno’s experience with traveling might just be what you need for the long journey ahead.
Regardless of Yiuno’s hermit lifestyle, even he understands that people are generally social beings who thrive on interactions with anything and everything around them. Yiuno knows that he can’t stay incognito forever—he’s getting weary of all the running, hiding, and lying. He wants a shoulder to lean on when the world comes crashing down upon him, or to be in a group of his caliber that can bring out his real talents.
Are you looking for a veteran to join your team and perform great heists like the one in the TV series, Leverage? Or are you the same as Yiuno, seeking a partner with great chemistry to make the world tremble under your unstoppable efficiency? Yiuno might just be that unlikely friend you need to make your ambitions come true.
Perhaps your only goal is to hire someone for the job, and you’re content to keep the relationship professional. Or you’re already taken and eternally bound by oath, preferring to employ someone who will respect your boundaries. Yiuno has been in this job for a very long time, and he knows where to draw the clear line to get the work done.
However, having a personal network of contacts does have its own merits—the gil and rewards grow with the trust and reputation built from the result of every completion. Of course, the danger and tension will come along with the riches, and perhaps this is the thrill you seek beyond the façade of your seemingly peaceful life.
Perhaps he’s an infinite darkness you want to reach and conquer. Or maybe you hate him just because. Whatever your reasons are, you’ll never see eye to eye with him: you communicate with fists and blades, and every meeting is a fight to kill.
Whether Yiuno is an assassin you aim to erase from the world, or his very existence threatens yours, how will this rivalry or enmity end…? Or a different kind of dynamics might be born from the final clash?
I’m selective towards romantic relationships with other player characters. Slow-burn is most preferred to create a meaningful development between our characters, and also reveal the truth behind Yiuno’s complex characterization in the most organic way, layer by layer. Though he’s no stranger to one-night stands due to the nature of his job, Yiuno’s a demiromantic asexual in the RP verse—mere physical pleasures with randoms aren’t enough to win him over, and instead more than likely to send you into Death’s sweet embrace.
getting in touch.
Did I manage to pique your interest? Tumblr DM is open to curious souls who wants to learn more about this mysterious Viera, to unravel the dark secrets this man is hiding… and more. Discord handler will be shared only with those who have shown genuine interest to take the risk and step into Yiuno’s world of lies and deception.
If you need more information to get a better feel of Yiuno’s character, feel free to check out the following tags:
noir; database. — lore notes and meta.
noir; chronicle. — writing; ex. canons, au.
noir; faq. — ask answers.
noir; gallery. — gposes.
noir; academia. — aesthetics; ex. quotes, moodboards.
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why-raven · 5 months
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“Play is the mediator of the invisible and visible.”
— Dora M. Kalff
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why-raven · 5 months
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“The story of her life etched on her skin… She’s like a walking book. Patterns and portraits and words. Mantras of love and power. I wonder how much of it is fiction.”
— Sulari Gentill, The Woman in the Library
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why-raven · 5 months
character associations — yiuno.
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Tagged by @miqojak. Combined from 5 Things, and Character Features.
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emotions & feelings.
apathy. / bloodlust. / cynical. / inquisitive. / melancholic.
curt nod. / offhand wave. / raised eyebrows. / sideways glance. / tight-lipped smile.
body language.
crossed arms or legs. / finger on lips. / hands in pockets. / pinch nose. / rest chin on hands.
as yiuno — high necks. / hoodies. / three-piece suits. / trench coats.
as yiune — far eastern. / high-cut silt dresses. / over-the-knee boots. / stockings.
monochrome. / neutral palette. / dark and cool themes.
a curious deck of tarot cards. Can be used both defensively (as shields) and offensively (as throwing blades).
flip cards with binder ring. For summoning familiars (in the form of black owls) to do scout work for him.
leather-bound necklace with a wind-aspected crystal. Used as a voice changer for some of his disguises.
freshly-brewed coffee or tea.
rain-scented air after a drizzle or shower.
smell of battlefield; of blood and gunpowder.
chaotic alignment. Only motivated by his own goals and agendas, he has no qualms to switch allegiance or betray people according to his own needs and wants.
manipulative liar. He’s highly mistrustful towards people and fairly unwilling to open up to others, preferring to conceal his real self behind multiple layers of deception. He also charms or tricks them into getting his own way or to do his bidding.
mercenary. If you want his assistance, he expects reasonable payments for his troubles. He doesn’t operate on benevolence.
sadistic. He enjoys watching people being punished; occasionally he may take a more active role and torment others instead.
blood splatters on snow-covered fields.
dusty tomes and abandoned libraries.
heavy fog over mountainous landscapes.
secret hallways and hidden alleys.
whiskey on the rock, served in lowball.
over the clouds — alan.
The moon that quietly soaked in sadness Paints the land red and disappears Can you hear my voice? In this bloodthirsty era Can I continue to be myself?
rapport — tatsuya kitani.
In the tranquil solitude I wished for a quiet end I felt sad for something inside me that was slowly going cold But it didn’t matter To love someone and to want to be loved It means that there is an equal amount of pain involved That’s why I kept my heart closed But now you have entered deep into it
song of lamentation — kokia.
Every time I tried to protect something Someone was sacrificed Wondering what we’ve been fighting for My heart lamented in silence
I thought that as long as I live, I’d be fine Until something I treasure was taken away from me I felt like I could hear the sound of my heart breaking Is it okay to go on like this?
truth — arashi.
I can’t return (after the tears that fell) Memories swirling (the colors of freezing tears) At the end of this world where everything was taken away
No matter what kind of ending I create, my heart remains a mystery Like the darkness that approaches the truth No matter what kind of world I create, I can’t see tomorrow Like a lily, pure and untainted My wishes remain transparent
weight of the world (japanese) — keiichi okabe ft. marina kawano.
This is my curse The depth of the sins I’ve committed Even with my corrupted soul I’ll still redeem your wish
This is my curse The pain of killing a promise With the final dream I threw away I’ll still atone for your wish
All lyrics translations (except “rapport”) are by @why-raven. Please credit if use. Do not claim as your own.
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