#-if you're interested. i think it'd be cool to draw people's funny little guys.
marclef · 10 months
exciting news. i'm about to be very busy doing art stuff so hey if you wanna help support me i made a ko-fi? there's very little there so far but uhh hey check me out, i will love you forever if you feel like throwing me a few bucks.
awesome cool ko-fi account link here
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flame-shadow · 2 years
"Hate" is a strong word, but I will admit that it bothers me a little seeing you dump so much on Bug Fables' worldbuilding and aesthetic choices and whatever every chance you get because it feels like you're judging the game for something that it's not: like, Mario games don't focus as much on their lore as Kirby games do, but I won't get mad at Mario for it. It's fine that Bug Fables went for simpler stuff with its story or didn't want to be 100% biologically accurate to real life Bug Stuff.1/3
Side note, these types of discussions have kind of soured my opinion on Hollow Knight (not much, just slightly) because it feels like fans of that game really want Bug Fables to be the same thing when I feel they share no traits, even as "Bug Games": Hollow Knight's "Bugs" seem to be mostly just guys with vaguely bug-like elements. It'd be like expecting Star Fox and Kirby to be more similar because "they both involve animals and space", when the capacity they both do is entirely different. 2/3
oooo my first multi-ask anon. hello and thanks for taking the time to send this all in! i’ll try my best to respond to things in a clear and understandable way, though i cannot promise to be concise. :P
I’m actually not dumping on bug fables every chance I get, though I understand why you’d think that. I am much more positive and engaged with the fun and/or positive stuff in a couple servers on discord. I save the more critical stuff for tumblr where I’m just talking to the void of my own blog and people don’t have to engage if they don’t want to. You’ll hopefully have noticed that I don’t maintag most of my more critical/negative ramblings, and that’s intentional, as I’m not trying to garner attention or talk at the bf community at large. I’m just throwing my thoughts on my little blog here that some people have elected to follow.
I cannot say much about the mainstream game series and their depths of lore that you’ve brought up, as I’m not much of a gamer and don’t engage in or keep up with all that. I used to play some of the Mario games at a previous point in my life, but I don’t remember enough to discuss the lore or worldbuilding in much detail. 
I have no idea how deep kirby lore is or even what the star fox games are about. I do, however, know about what breaks my immersion in a game, and I speak more from a storytelling perspective than from a “this game should be like that game” perspective. No, Bug Fables isn’t Hollow Knight, and I don’t want it to be. I like Hollow Knight for being Hollow Knight, and I like Bug Fables for being Bug Fables.
However, Bug Fables gives me the impression, both from the game and from the extra materials/discussion from the devs, that the intention was of a more developed world with cool and sometimes edgy lore, with culture and history and consequence. And the reason I agreed earlier with someone when they said that the world feels kinda empty and why I express the wish that this game had had another draft before being complete is because to me is because it rather clearly was trying to be more than the light-hearted funny bug game. It looks to me like the devs had some cool ideas, but they weren’t effectively implemented/ integrated into the game that we bought and played. I express my dissatisfaction because I can see the potential and I’m disappointed that I came away unfulfilled. 
Again, I like the game. I’ve been engaged in the bf community for over two years. Do you really think I’d still replay the game, discuss it, draw fanart for it, make OCs, etc. if i didn’t still enjoy the game, the concepts, and the community? If I disliked this game so much, I wouldn’t have recommended it to my friends, and I wouldn’t post about when I see the game go on sale for anyone interested to purchase and play. I would’ve shut up and walked away and not constantly checked the maintag to see what people were saying and drawing that related to it and sharing the art I like and liking the takes I enjoy.
Hmm. I think there’s been a misunderstanding on the OC bit, though I can’t tell if it’s on your end or mine, though it could also be both. I’ll try to clarify, and if that’s not what you were trying to address, you’re welcome to send another ask.
I think you misinterpreted my statement about not being fond of characters who feel like NPCs as meaning I don’t like characters that fit in. I was using NPC as a negative, however, as OCs Who Feel Like NPCs to me feel less developed, less like they’re characters and more that they’re just present to make the world look lived in and maybe provide a service. I have OCs like this! I’m speaking first and foremost about my own NPC-OCs! I don’t like that they’re like this, but I find it challenging to develop them further when, well, -gestures at the worldbuilding dissatisfaction expressed in the above paragraphs- 
I greatly enjoy characters that fit into the world they’re made for! I love when people take a small aspect of established society or some job mentioned once and make a character out of it, and flesh out and explore that vague aspect of the world. I love it when they get accidental development because their creator learns something new about their species or the relevant lore, and now suddenly there’s more to do with the character.
There’s also the opposite of NPC-energy characters. If a character is too different, very overpowered, or otherwise stands out too much, then it’s hard for me to engage with them and feel like they’re part of the world they were purportedly made for. This is all very subjective, as the criteria for “fitting in” are going to be different for everyone. I’m not saying don’t make your super mega powerful god that can smite all of the kingdom by pointing at it, but I personally don’t want to engage with that character, either OOC or within a character interaction. If you enjoy making crazy wacky powerful characters and horror-beasts and divine children that are the result of five gods banging in a cloud, then you’re welcome to do so. I don’t understand the appeal, and it won’t feel like those characters “fit” to me, but I’m not your mother or your boss. I just won’t interact.
This is my personal blog where I share personal feelings. I often write my posts without elaborating or thinking too carefully about what I’m saying or how it’ll be interpreted. That’s part of why I tag those posts with #rambling. They’re just rambles. I’m not going to write an essay about everything that I think about. I just jot down thoughts and drop them in the hole that is tumblr, and if somebody picks them up and wants to say something or share them around, then that’s on them.
Oh, nice timing! I’m glad I checked my askbox again before posting this. One more message from anon:
One last thing (this is the anon that sent you four asks today about your worldbuilding issues, btw): I'd like to apologize if I came off as rude or accusatory. I meant most of what I said, but I also can't help but feel like how I said it may have come off as me being angry or mean, and I'd rather not send angry or mean asks to people. I do very much disagree with your opinions on the matter (and don't like hearing them so often, tbh), but if how I expressed myself upset you then I'm sorry.
You didn’t come across as mean to me, don’t worry. You clearly care about this stuff, and it can be upsetting to see opinions you disagree with. I don’t mind that we disagree, and I’m not trying to change your mind or make you agree with me on anything I’ve said. It doesn’t feel to me like I post critical stuff with any frequency - it feels like an average of less than one day a month - but if that’s too much for you, you’re welcome to unfollow me. You have the power, at least to the extent that the website/ Internet allows you, to control your online experience, and I support you in that endeavor.
One final thought- if it’s just the critical discussions that bother you, but you’d still like to follow my blog for its other content, I could tag those posts as “#bug game discussion” or something. I think I need to workshop that tag, as that looks clunky. But! If that’s something you’d like, please let me know, and I’ll do my best to do that going forward. :)
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i-may-be · 3 years
Hi my name is rex, i’m queer and use they/them pronouns and i’m 15. And i would prefer someone not over the age of 18 plz.
have like a caramel colored skin-tone and im 5’3 (short king). Rn i have a purple-pink short mullet and i have pretty curly hair(the ethnic popped off hehe), im pretty chubby but i have an hourglass shape, im pretty busty(im a fuckin k bro😭) and thicc thighs(thicc thighs save lives, sorry i’ll stop). I dress pretty alternative but i cant just choose one subculture tho, i wear a lot of heavy eye makeup. I could say i dress kinda “showy” but thats kinda what only fits me, but also who gives a fuck.
Im a libra sun, scropio moon, and gemini rising. This means that im a pretty social person and always wanna hang out with friends and just have fun, but moon in scropio makes my emotions rlly haywire and kinda boosts any sorta negative emotion. I really like making people laugh, it makes me feel helpful, but im also good at being to mother figure for people.
My hobbies include art (painting, drawing), sleeping (because i stay up mad late😭✌🏽), reading comics, Marvel and D.C superheroes, and super villains, cartoons, and anime/manga.
My favorite music genre’s are rock, alternative, emo, rap, and a little bit if indie music.
Personality: funny, sarcastic, creative, kind, inappropriate and the right times. Like im not gonna pull out a dick joke in front of your family
hello! thank you for choosing this blog for your matchup <3
ROMANTIC MATCHUP: Tadashi Yamaguchi
I always feel like a cop out when I say this but school. You guys were put on a table together(if your school only has single seats uhh not anymore).
Mutual friends because sometimes people at school are cool and Yams was one of the cool ones.
It's really boring but that's basically it, you just kinda became friends because all solid relationships start with the good friendship as a foundation.
I think you guys would just have a good few common interests so it was easy for you both to find things to talk about when you were both bored in class.
It was kinda sweet n' nice, your friendgroups(friend rather? Yams mostly hangs out with Tsuki in the source so I dunno mate) got along well so it was very cool and awesome and nice how things ended up.
If you want him to not die like I don't want him to die, please refrain from being funny when he is eating/drinking because he will choke, and it will not be fun. Also the inappropraite jokes, especially infront of other's because their reactions just add to it.
A though has occured... if you were to paint him.... he would lose it/pos. He'd be like "you!! you made me look so pretty and awesome!!" genuilnely so excited whenever you show him any of your art actually.
Mans is so supportive and understanding of you <3 You're havng a bad day? He's getting you your favourite snack. You're in an unmotivated slump? He'll find something really cool to inspire you!!
His love language is words of affirmation, so he likes complimenting and reassuring you. He makes a habit of complimenting you especially when you're more comfortable with each other.
Listening and finding music together. I feel like you both have similar music taste ya'know?? It was probably one of the things you both reall bonded over when you first met so I think it'd be a cool lil thing that helps bring you both together!!
Do his makeup PLEASE. He is so bad at it because he keeps blocking his face from where he can see so please help him however you can I beg. You guys doing eachother's makeup though <3
No thoughts just the two of you talking about superheroes together. He likes Nightwing a lot methinks. I imagine you'd both share your comics because some of them are ridiculously hard to find+expensive so it would help :]
YOU GUYS WATCHING CARTOONS!!! Not sure what cartoons you like but he really enjoys Looney Tunes and The Owl House. He'll watch basically anything, especially if it's with you.
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