#-these cats' and ended up joining Honeyclan
kirisclangen · 5 months
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She/they, 62 moons, nonbinary
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salt-clangen · 2 months
More random headcannons for my clangen cats!
Capri is three granddaughters, Jade, Sage, and Olive. Their mother, Capri’s daughter in law Mabel, passed away when their eyes were still unopen, so Capri named them. She thought naming them basically different words for ‘green’ was funny.
Honeyclan’s leader is Rookstar(tail) injured his tail in a fight against Oakclan over honey trade when he was a -paw.
Rookstar was actually born a dark reddish brown, nearly black. So he was named after the black bird. However he began fading shortly after his name, but everyone found it endearing and he never changed it. (He’s based on a real cat patient of mine named Salem who was all black as a kitten then slowly faded orangey red)
Wolfpaw’s other parent wasn’t actually an honor sire situation. They weren’t originally from Duskclan and had considered joining, Jaggedstar was actually mates with them. When it didn’t work out and they ended up not joining, Jaggedstar claimed her resulting pregnancy was an honor sire. There’s no real reason why she did that, mostly because she didn’t want anyone knowing she’d failed at TWO relationships.
Thornstrike is not super well liked by his clan mates, since he’s a deputy he’s held to higher standards and his nonexistent relationship with his two kits reflects poorly on him. He’s very dedicated and capable, he’s an excellent warrior, hunter, and fighter. But given how grouchy he is and his quarrels with Darkfold and his kits, most don’t look forward to his leadership.
Greyclaw by contrast is wildly popular and a pseudo mediator for the clan. He’s got great speaking skills and loves teaching younger cats.
Ashenstep has mixed reviews, most of the clan finds them odd but endearing. They’re a great storyteller and provide plenty of entertainment to the clan, but they’re not a great fighter. So while vast majority think fondly of them and indulge their strange behavior, there are a few cats not shy about their disdain for Ashen’s eccentricities.
Jaggedstar is well respected, though no one could say they ‘like’ her as most aren’t that close to her. She’s very strict and closed off, even by Duskclan’s standards. She’s most comfortable with Greyclaw, but Ashenstep is very attuned to her emotions and state of mind. She’s actively involved in the clans day to day tasks and isn’t too good to do any job.
Lynxkit has started seeing her Starclan friends less and less as she ages, she’ll likely grow out of her ghost sight like most kits do.
Burnpaw and Ashenstep are the only two cats still looking for Wolfpaw. Burnpaw visits the Moonspring every quarter moon and Ashenstep has tried catching her scent at the twoleg place border. They assume she’s gone to live as a loner or kittypet, Greyclaw covers for them when they cross the border to the investigate the nearby town, but cats are getting suspicious.
Since moon 0, Jaggedstar has tried to subtly check for Wolfpaw’s scent on any other clan. For a while she thought maybe her daughter had joined another clan. She also tries to ask if anyone has found any dead cats on their land recently. Archstar and Rookstar believe she’s got an enemy she’s on the look out for.
Capri got her face injured when she hid under the hood of a car during winter, then when the person turned it on she burnt her face from the heat. She was treated at a local vet and lost part of her eye sight in that eye.
Jade is a trans molly, she doesn’t take any hormone altering herbs as she doesn’t want to give up her jowls. She’s very fond of her chubby cheeks and really just wants she/her pronouns. She does roll in local flowers to get rid of her sour ‘tom’ scent.
Olive, Capri’s granddaughter, lives with another cat and a dog named Trudy and Spike respectively. Spike doesn’t speak cat very well but can understand some words and Olive has an easier time speaking dog words. They mostly just communicate with gestures and tail expressions, like charades, Spike is not allowed near Capri’s Post as he scares customers away, but he’s a sweet boy.
Wolfpaw can taste sweet things but she pretends she can’t to avoid making Lynxkit feel bad. She gets her sweetness tolerance from her other parent and none of her siblings have it.
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mudpool-art · 3 years
Rev my memory is pudding so if I asked about any of these before, no I didn't 💕🥳
🌼 Jasperchasm
🌈 Lilacsnap
🍁 Rose Light
☁️ Poetic Justice
🌼Jasperchasm – Hard to imagine him as anything else tbh and I don't see enough of him to have much knowledge on what's important to him to be named after something significant, but. Based exclusively on appearance, smth to do with Dawn/Sunrise/Daybreak and something to do either with water (for joining CreekClan) or with birds/flight (metaphorical freedom of being out of CanyonClan) could be nice! Lightwing or Dawnroost or Sundive, or something of the like. None of those feel exactly him but like! Along those lines.
🌈Lilacsnap – I don't know a ton of where she's At in her character arc currently, but I would really really love to see her really find joy and catharsis in taking care of younger cats again. Given how we've chatted about how they felt about themself and who they were after the war ended, I feel like Lilac rediscovering that part of themself that they thought was dead would just be really beautiful and sweet.
and for mine–💕
☁️🌺Sedgeclaw – alt Clan au where Sedge and Lilac ran away together after the war ended and both wound up in CreekClan,, tbh I totally could see Sedgeclaw going the Deertuft route and coming to resent CanyonClan's way of treating "outsiders" in her youth and how they were still used as pawns in the war, and deciding to leave because of that after Rattlefang and Snakepaw weren't around anymore. Learning to live outside of CanyonClan would definitely be a struggle for her, esp given she'd be living with a lot of cats who had done a LOT of harm to her life, but idk it could work out, who knows. As for virtues, definitely dedication/loyalty and conviction!
🍁Rose Light – Ooooh that's tough. I think it's a tie between dancing in the rain with Vesper, meeting Shrikeshade and Stormfallen at the border with Smokey Orchid, and her thread at the lake with Sycamore! I think all of them gave me a chance to really get into her feelings and into how her anxieties and very "HoneyClan" view on life affect her interpersonal relationships!
☁️Poetic Justice – oh man asghj Poet would have a whole different set of problems if they lived someplace else. On the one hand, they'd be 10000% more comfortable with who they are internally if they lived literally anywhere else, but they'd also be equally less comfortable with who they are physically, since MarrowClan and TimberClan cats generally don't have cats who look like Poet (especially Marrow). I think it'd be interesting if they were a MarrowClan cat, though! They'd probably get by alright, they might even enjoy the mysterious night lifestyle and all its pranks more. They'd definitely get a lot of weird looks and cats wondering if they were just a very unsubtle changeling their entire life tho so that would bring out a lot of different insecurities.
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