#...wouldn't his family very likely be at least historically-culturally catholic
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iZOMBiE Season 2, Episode 10 Method Head
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specterthief · 1 year
canadian thoughts on langa's hometown
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it's never actually specified in sk8 the infinity where in canada langa is from, but i am canadian and very autistic so i have been overthinking this since i watched the show and have come to what i think is a solid conclusion that might be proven totally wrong as soon as season 2 comes out
there's a few things we know about langa that i think are particularly relevant to narrowing down where he might be from:
he lived somewhere with easy, regular access to snowboarding
he's catholic (or at least went to catholic school, but from the bits showing him crossing himself i think it's meant to be understood that he's at least... loosely catholic himself, not just a "going to catholic school because they're better funded" situation)
he's never been to the coastline
he and his father speak english
if not for point 3, my easy bet would be that he's from british columbia – most of the biggest ski resorts in canada are in BC (including whistler-blackcomb, the largest ski resort in all of north america) and BC even has the largest (and most historically entrenched) japanese population in the country, which at a glance would make it a likely place for nanako to have immigrated to.
however, BC is a coastal province, with vancouver (by far the largest city) being right on the coast and victoria (the capital) being on an island. even if langa lived in a city further inland, the idea that his family never traveled to the coast in his entire life before coming to japan seems very unlikely to me.
however, there's a place that better fits all the criteria for langa's hometown: québec, specifically montréal. montréal is only a bit over an hour's drive from mont-tremblant, the #1 ski resort in eastern north america, so oliver would have been able to take langa there all season with no trouble. the city has a very large catholic population and québec has historically been a catholic center of canada, so langa growing up catholic also fits (while the very low church attendance despite the large catholic population also tracks with him not having any seeming involvement in the catholic community in naha after moving there.) and while québec as a whole is largely francophone, montréal has the largest population of solely anglophone and bilingual people in the province, so the fact that langa and oliver are shown speaking english rather than french wouldn't be unusual if they're specifically from montréal.
poutine, langa's favorite food, is actually also from québec specifically, despite its association with canada as a whole and some people from québec even consider the broader association with canada to be cultural appropriation lol
so yeah, my verdict until proven otherwise is that langa most likely grew up in montréal!
(my one quibble is that if his father is meant to be québecois his name would probably be olivier rather than oliver, but ehhh if he's from a totally anglophone family then that doesn't really matter since it doesn't have to be a french-canadian name)
also, as a fun fact: the mont-tremblant resort is absolutely gorgeous, and would be both very visually distinctive and beautiful to stylize if they wanted to have langa and the gang go to canada in season 2... 👀
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