A Brief Review on the Etiology of Depression
Over the past 50 years, there has been increased research acknowledging that partner-and family involved treatments produce better outcomes across several domains of functioning compared to individual-based interventions. Yet, despite impressive empirical evidence supporting their efficacy, couple-and family-based interventions for substance use have not been widely adopted in clinical practice. The purpose of the current paper is to provide support for the use of family/couple’s therapy for the treatment of substance use disorders by discussing empirical evidence, potential barriers and impediments to implementation (both for clients and therapists), and recommendations for areas of future research.
Read More About This Article: https://crimsonpublishers.com/pprs/fulltext/PPRS.000590.php
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Postoperative Complications in Thyroidectomy Performed at Hospital Escuela Universitario and Hospital General San Felipe, Tegucigalpa MDC in 2018
Specific complications of thyroid surgery include injury to the recurrent laryngeal nerve and the parathyroid glands, without being exempt from other complications such as infection of the surgical site, bleeding, surgical wound dehiscence, and others.
The present study is retrospective observational and aims to analyze the condition of thyroid surgery in the country, specifically in state hospitals in Tegucigalpa, its rate of complications and its relationship with associated factors before the procedure.
A total of 92 patients undergoing thyroid surgery were studied at the Hospital Escuela and Hospital General San Felipe by reviewing the clinical record. The preoperative status, comorbidities and the surgical procedure performed were recorded and were related to the main complications mentioned above.
A global rate of complications related to laryngeal nerve injury of 15% and late hypocalcemia of 7% was found, which are higher than the incidences reported in international series, however these vary from 0% of recurrent laryngeal nerve injury in thyroidectomies subtotal up to 22% in radical dissections in patients with neo proliferative processes.
Read more about this article: https://crimsonpublishers.com/smoaj/fulltext/SMOAJ.000590.php
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crimson-marine · 2 years
Light Fishing in Indonesia
In several fishing locations in Indonesia, many purse seine vessels use lights to lure fishes at night. Until now, it is suspected that there has been a waste of energy in the operation of the lighted purse seines. This waste occurs because the type of lamp used to lure fish is a metal halide (MH) lamp. This type of lamp is very bright but uses a large amount of electricity (1,500 watts/pc). Besides, the shape of the lamp is spherical so that most of the light energy is wasted because it spreads in all directions (omnidirectional). Currently, it is not known the level of wastage of light energy due to the shape of the lamp. Also not known the level of wastage of fuel oil. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct research to examine the value of MH lamp light inefficiency and fuel inefficiency in MH lamp generator set. Experimental research methods can be carried out to determine the inefficiency of the MH lamp on fishing vessels and the fuel consumption of the generator set to turn on the MH lamp on the purse seines.
Read more about this article: https://crimsonpublishers.com/eimbo/fulltext/EIMBO.000590.php
Read more Crimson Publishers Google Scholar Articles: https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=view_citation&hl=en&user=5CwCZSMAAAAJ&citation_for_view=5CwCZSMAAAAJ:UHK10RUVsp4C
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Sodium/Glucose Cotransport and Treatment of Diabetes
There are two ways for glucose uptake depending on metabolic needs and glucose availability. These ways included passive (facilitated diffusion) and secondary active transport. Passive transport is movement of substances from high to low concentration. On the other hand active transport is movement of substances against its concentration gradient, unlike passive transport, the cell expends energy. In passive process, as a result of impermeability of plasma membrane for polar substance as glucose, the cellular uptake of glucose is accomplished by special carrier proteins called glucose transporters. The most significant carrier proteins are GLUT1-4. GLUT1 and GLUT3 are located in the plasma membrane, and they are responsible for maintaining rate of glucose uptake. GLUT2 is located in the plasma membranes of hepatocytes, pancreatic beta cells and it responsible for glucose sensing. GLUT4 transporters are insulin sensitive, they found in muscle and adipose tissue. During carbohydrate breakdown high level of glucose concentration according to absorption. This means there is a concentration gradient allowing the diffusion of glucose into the cells. Active transport can be divided into two categories. Primary active transport uses ATP as source of chemical energy to move molecules across a membrane against their gradient as sodiumpotassium pump.
Read More About This Article: https://crimsonpublishers.com/iod/fulltext/IOD.000590.php
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Iris Publishers_Journal of Textile Science & Fashion Technology (JTSFT)
Blending the Gender Lines: Effectiveness of Beauty Boys as Brand Endorsers
Authored by Sarah E Frankel
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In 2016, the cosmetic market grew an estimated of four percent globally in comparison to the previous year; revenue for this segment amounts to approximately $13.6 billion and is expected grow annual by 3.7% in 2018 [1]. With the healthy growth of the cosmetic market there are signs that highlight inclusive practices that can be attributed to this growth. Boy beauty and gender-neutral make-up have contributed to this development with offering malefocused beauty products [2]. More companies like ASOS, Calvin Klein, Yves Saint Laurent, and Clinique offer makeup for men while disruptive startup companies like Context and incumbent brands such as MAC, Tom Ford, and Marc Jacobs have propelled inclusive gender-neutral make-up campaigns [2]. This has even sparked mega-beauty brands such as Maybelline and Covergirl to announce male brand ambassadors. These ambassadors, known as beauty boys, are male make-up artists who have gained recognition as internet celebrities by utilizing social media platforms. The impact of influencers online, such as beauty boys, can be strategically used as an effective marketing tool, has aroused both marketers’ and investors’ interest [3].
Perhaps unsurprisingly, little research has attempted to address male beauty brand ambassadors for influencer marketing. So far research has focused on celebrity endorsement and well documented its positive effects. Positive effects of influencer endorsement are well documented in extant literature; celebrity endorsers have been identified as a favorable way to generate attitudinal and behavioral responses among consumers [3-7]. Research on celebrity endorser effectiveness has centered around endorser characteristics such as a consumer’s perception of a celebrity’s personality characteristics with the consumer’s selfconcept or a match between a product and the endorser [3]. There is sufficient evidence for the notion that consumers purchase and consume products congruent with their actual or ideal selfconcept [5], yet prior research has overlooked the emerging facet of endorsement in beauty that is gender incongruent and could be consider deviant to the targeted consumer demographic.
The beauty market is a volatile, innovative and boundary pushing facet of the fashion industry and can be a valuable site for revisiting established theory. Thus, the purpose of this article is to act as a catalyst for developing an understanding on how congruency effects consumer behavior when accounting for inclusive images in advertisements. Specifically, examining the impact of congruency between beauty boy ambassadors’ endorsement and female consumers on their behavior intention; and also, determining possible factors that influence the beauty boy ambassadors’ endorsement effectiveness in terms of fashion advertisements.
Proposed Market Segment
Generation Y, Millennials, and Gen Z demonstrate an inclination to embrace celebrities as brand endorsers and their behavioral intentions are affected by their veneration of the influencer [7,3]. More specifically, millennials continue to demonstrate a desire for inclusive advertising that radiates authenticity [8,7]. This type of advertising can include images of individuals from minorities, individuals whom have disabilities, or models that go against the hegemonic depiction of the mainstream consumer segment. This acceptance of inclusive advertising is also attributed to the paradigm shift in the make-up industry that is blending the lines of traditional gender roles [4]. I propose that there should also be a focus on the GenZ consumer and their perceptions of this new marketing technique. Gen Z, individuals born after 1998, have become an appealing demographic for marketers. They account for a fourth of the population in North America and are also the most ethnically diverse generation ever with influence of over $600 billion in family spending [9].
Why Beauty Boys?
Many beauty boys acknowledge the influence that drag makeup has had on their aesthetic, though they are not performing as women, rather they are wearing make-up as men [10]. The fact that young men do not necessarily equate make-up and femininity indicates a new chapter in the beauty industry: a modern development to what drag culture pioneered for most of the 20th century [10]. The adoption of male beauty models continues to expand in the fashion beauty market due to large brands, social media, and television.
CoverGirl is currently the third-largest color cosmetics brand in the U.S., following L’Oreal’s Maybelline and Estee Lauder’s MAC [9]. This beauty giant has led a revolution in marketing in a notable way. They have become increasingly aware of the rise of diversity in the millennial consumer group, noting the appreciation for authenticity and trustworthiness in brands [9,11]. While this has been important to millennials, marketing ads have become more inclusive in terms of showing more diversity and less restrictive gender roles [9]. Male vloggers are popular on YouTube, Instagram and other social channels. Along with the rise of the long running reality TV show, RuPaul’s Drag Race, has highlighted a broader acceptance of beauty products beyond the core cisgender female audience [9]. In response to shifting demographics and a desire for inclusive marketing, Covergirl made an announcement that created the first wave a paradigm shifts in the mainstream beauty industry. On October 11, 2016, CoverGirl announced that that 17-year-old Instagram beauty guru, James Charles would be the newest face of the brand, making him the first male CoverGirl spokesperson [12]. So Lashy by blastPRO Mascara was the first advertisement to include a male spokesperson for the brand, which soon led to TV commercials including James Charles [12].
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mechanicalcurator · 6 years
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Image from 'The New Geographical Grammar ... Comprehending a copious ... account of ... Europe, Asia, Africa and America ... To which is prefixed, a concise System of Astronomical Geography, by J. Ferguson', 001178092
Author: EVANS, John LL.D., of Islington
Volume: 01
Page: 590
Year: 1811
Place: London
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maskrt · 4 years
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 04年的贾看到了移动互联网流媒体的视频的机会,成立了乐视网。而现在的生意规模已经不能和山西时期同日而语了。而他的合伙人模式让他认识了更多的“贵人”。 2005年前后,经人介绍,贾跃亭结识了网通天天在线的总裁王诚。双方开始合作,虽然成效甚微,但是两人发展了很铁的关系。而王城,后来我们都知道了,某领导胞弟。乐视随后即和新浪等几家拿下了视频牌照。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 令完成的人物经历 令完成高中毕业后,在平陆县常乐镇后村小学教过书。1977年高考恢复,他考取了一所师范学校,但是不太满意。之后,令完成去常乐中学补习,1978年再次报考,并考上了吉林大学经济系。 1979年至1983年吉林大学经济系学习,获经济学学士学位; 毕业后,进入新华社,曾在新华社长期从事内参和新闻采编工作,在其旗下杂志《瞭望》周刊当过记者和编辑,后升至新华社办公厅副主任,还曾出任中国广告联合总公司总经理(新华社所属); 2002年至2004年,在湖南大学企业管理系学习获管理学硕士学位; 2004年任中国网通旗下子公司天天在线有限公司总裁; 2009年,王诚当选中国高尔夫球协会会员。 后为北京汇金立方投资管理中心(有限合伙)的全资子公司——汇金立方资本管理有限公司的董事长。 2014年6月,令政策因严重违纪违法被调查后,令完成也失去了人身自由。 2015年08月04日,美国《纽约时报》今天报道,令完成避开中国当局,已来到了美国。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 神秘谷姓女子 中青红舰系退场 2003年12月,九州在线成立不足半年,未及开展业务之际,在线九州开始了与红舰文化的合作。 两家公司共同成立了北京九州网联科技有限公司(以下简称“九州网联”),注册资本857万元,红舰文化以非专利技术“网上协同教学系统方案计算机软件技术”投入257.1万元(评估价值260万元),占股30%,在线九州则出资599.9万元,占股70%。法定代表人也是上述谷姓女子。 当时,在线九州的法定代表人为时任中国网通副总裁冷荣泉。随着中国网通退出,2006年12月在线九州法定代表人变更为王诚,2008年10月又由陈湘安接替。 上世纪80年代初,陈湘安是王诚的同事、新华社军事记者,曾创办《世界军事》并担任主编,还曾担任新华社香港分社新华亚太电视中心主任。2003年5月,他担任新华社音像部编审,直到2005年8月才加盟天天在线。两个月后,他就接替该名谷姓女子担任九州网联法定代表人。 在天天在线网站,陈湘安先是担任天天在线运营总监、九州军事网总裁兼总编辑。2006年起,他开始担任在线九州总编辑。 一份针对上述非专利技术的评估报告书中,这样介绍红舰文化公司:“一家专门从事远程教育领域项目技术和���容开发、运营的高新技术企业。目前开展的项目包括青少年计算机教育培训、青少年宫管理软件技术开发、网上协同教学系统开发、青少年宫门户网站建立等。” 据评估报告书介绍,“网上协同教学系统”专门针对青少年宫体系而开发,是应用于局域网环境下、进行远程教学管理、课程发布、分布式学习的教育平台。 红舰文化专门向评估方提到:在市场销售方面,“首先利用和全国青少年宫协会的合作关系,将以青少年宫(协会)属下的1500多家青少年宫为主要销售市场”,预计5年内向青少年宫销售100套“网上协同教学系统”;而面向青少年宫系统外的教育机构,预计5年内销售50套。 红舰文化称,按照每套20万元的价格销售,预计5年内销售收入可达到2500万-3000万元。 但是,系统内“摊派”的销售策略似乎并未实施。2003年度年检信息显示,九州网联没有任何销售额和资产情况变动。2004年8月,九州网联就将上述非专利技术资产转移给了北京英博五洲科技开发有限责任公司。 2005年10月,九州网联法定代表人变更为陈湘安,同时选举陈湘安、周全、夏柏涛、黄庆霞、杨华东为董事。这时,谷姓女子同时退出了九州网联和红舰网络的董事会。 2007年4月,在线九州退出九州网联,将599.9万元的出资额转让给北京天吉畅科技有限公司。当时天吉畅科的法定代表人是耿淑娟,她曾是天天在线监事、主管会计工作的负责人。该公司的前身为北京吉芙德互动科技发展有限公司,戴小兵是公司创始期的法定代表人。 两个多月后,九州网联因经营亏损注销,清算所剩资产仅5700元。 这一年,这名谷姓女子陆续退出或注销了中青红舰系公司。 2007年5月,红舰科技将所持红舰网络18万元的出资额转让给郭磊为法定代表人的北京强势合力国际会展有限公司,后者与取代国力神州、出资1018万元的自然人股东、广厦集团创始人楼忠福,维持“四六分”的分红比例。 2009年10月,红舰网络注销,剩余资产510万元,按照分配比例,北京强势合力国际会展有限公司获得204万元,是出资额的11倍多。 在红舰科技转让红舰网络股份的5个月后,2007年10月,红舰科技即告注销。清算后的所有者权益为39.3242万元,按照股东出资比例分配,红舰文化约27.5269万元,文华天立约11.7973万元。 不到两个月后,红舰文化也被注销。 红舰文化和红舰科技,在北京西城区民族文化宫七层办公楼留下了最后的印迹,从此消失在历史的长河中。 下篇:吉芙德系往事 2007年,从西安一所普通院校毕业的山西运城姑娘王玲,来到北京“打拼”。 公开简历显示,那年她22岁,第一份工作是北京吉芙德信息技术公司办公室主任。 2009年12月,王玲受让王诚在北京汇金立方投资管理中心(有限合伙)(以下简称“汇金立方”)2万元的出资额,成为汇金立方最年轻的合伙人。翌年,汇金立方参股的乐视网在创业板成功上市,王玲随即引发资本市场瞩目和猜测。 王玲在北京的第一份工作,显然受益于小舅舅王诚的安排。 2006年8月,王诚出任北京吉芙德信息技术有限公司(前身为北京吉芙德资讯有限公司,以下简称“吉芙德信息”)董事长,随后成为公司法定代表人。 时任吉芙德信息总裁/CEO、中国互动媒体网首席执行官戴小兵,与王诚同样出身新华社,与其同期先后在中国华星汽车贸易(集团)公司(以下简称“华星汽贸”)、中国网通天天在线有限公司(以下简称“天天在线”)工作,此番至少已是第三度共事。 王诚参股的华星集团旗下投资公司投资的两家互联网公司,都转让到了戴小兵名下。 吉芙德信息的创始股东包括北京国创高科有限公司(以下简称“国创高科”)和北京国力神州投资有限公司(以下简称“国力神州”),两者的关联公司此前即参股创立了天天在线网站运营商北京在线九州信息技术服务有限公司(以下简称“在线九州”)。 吉芙德信息不仅致力于打造“三网合一”的互动电视网络技术平台,还积极开展电信增值业务,与中国网通、中国电信均有深度合作。与天天在线一样,吉芙德信息也轻松获得了原国家广电总局颁发的网上传播视听节目许可证——对于普通民营企业,要想获得这一项资质十分困难。 虽然连年业绩不佳资产为负,但凭借这些深厚的背景和资源,2007年9月,上市公司成都鹏博士还是以3067万元的高价收购了吉芙德信息37.83%股权,使吉芙德信息股东北京天吉畅科技有限公司一朝套现,突击入股该公司的股东戴小兵从中获益。 从中建大厦到国兴家园 北京海淀区三里河路15号中建大厦,一栋拥有数十年历史的写字楼,隶属于中国建筑工程总公司,紧挨国家住建部大院。A、B两座高楼,内部相通。 在这座如今几乎被中国建筑工程总公司各部门独占的写字楼里,已经难觅世纪初那股“互联网浪潮”的影子。 2001年到2004年间,中建大厦A座迎来送往,“汇聚”了不少熟悉的面孔:在五楼,从最早的北京国创高科有限公司(前身为北京国创信息技术有限公司,王翎为实际控制人,以下简称“国创高科”),再到在此短暂停留的九州在线有限公司;在七楼,从北京九州网联科技有限公司,到后来戴小兵和王诚先后任法定代表人的北京吉芙德资讯有限公司(北京吉芙德信息技术有限公司前身)…… 同一时期的中建大厦B座,801室属于刘剑捷任法定代表人的北京国力神州投资有限公司(以下简称“国力神州”)。 同一楼层上,还有国力神州与北京中青红舰科技发展有限公司(以下简称“红舰科技”)、北京文华天立咨询有限公司共同投资成立的两家公司:北京中青红舰网络技术有限公司(以下简称“红舰网络”)和北京学通天地科技有限公司。 有意思的是,此后的两年内,红舰科技和红舰网络都将住所搬迁至“海淀区首体南路20号X号楼X单元301号”,该处房产的所有权人为“王伶”。 仅一���之隔的“302号”,同样是“王伶”的房产,登记有北京吉芙德互动科技发展有限公司。 该公司成立于2005年9月,由北京吉芙德资讯有限公司投资375万元、自然人股东袁光林投资125万元共同成立,戴小兵任法定代表人。2006年5月,该公司更名为北京天吉畅科技有限公司,目前该公司仍然开业,还控股了吉芙德信息,几经变更,戴小兵仍是法定代表人、董事长。 2003年7月成立的北京吉芙德科技有限公司(以下简称“吉芙德科技”),登记住所为“海淀区首体南路16号国兴家园紫薇苑X单元X层B型”,房产所有权人同样是“王伶”。 上述三处房产均在国兴家园小区,距离中建大厦不足1公里。 澎湃新闻通过权威信息证实,吉芙德科技成立时的大股东王伶,正是天天在线董事王翎的妻子。王伶生于1962年1月,与王翎是安徽老乡。 除了王伶出资20万元,吉芙德科技的自然人股东还有北京人司政、安徽人王宜和汪桐生,三人各出资10万元,注册资本50万元。其中,司政当时是国创高科的自然人股东,担任吉芙德科技的法定代表人。 2004年5月,吉芙德科技变更为北京国创网游信息技术有限公司,投资人变更为司政和雷进。该公司于2008年10月吊销。 工商登记资料显示,“吉芙德”的字号取自外文Gifted的谐音,意为“有天赋、有才华的”。 2004年1月底,吉芙德科技出具的一份授权书显示,国创高科与国力神州拟共同出资3000万元,成立北京吉芙德资讯有限公司,公司授权其使用“吉芙德”字号。 两个月后,北京吉芙德资讯有限公司正式成立,注册资本仍是3000万元,出资方却新增了一家:重庆市泰通实业发展有限公司(以下简称“重庆泰通”),法定代表人为祁勇。 工商登记资料显示,重庆泰通出资450万元,国创高科出资750万元,国力神州出资1800万元。吉芙德科技的自然人股东王宜担任法定代表人。 2005年10月,北京吉芙德资讯有限公司名称变更为北京吉芙德信息技术有限公司,目前由戴小兵任董事长,王翎、王诚均为董事,天吉畅科为控股股东。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 令计划之弟任汇金立方董事长 曾为乐视网早期投资方 令完成。图片来源:高尔夫时代网 原标题:令政策、令完成的红与黑 在担任山西省政协副主席之后,令政策才大张旗鼓地给自己搞了一个项目,但却因不具备操作性而流产,沦为笑谈。据参与以及见到该计划的人透露,令政策的计划颇为宏大,投资数十亿元,在山西各大著名景点之间修铁路,从而大大缩短山西各景点间往返的时间。 生活在山西运城的人都知道,这个紧邻黄河区域的地方,人们曾经世代生活在窑洞里。 直到全国很多地方流行红砖大瓦房时,运城人也盖起了这种房子。但窑洞冬暖夏凉的优势,让大家很快又搬了回去。 令家还在运城的时候,便住在窑洞里。 包括令政策在内,令氏兄妹同父同母共5人。他们的父亲令狐野,在很多熟悉他的运城人看来,神秘而且高人一等。 特批窑洞占地 运城市地处山西西南,其下辖的平陆县常乐镇后村,便是令氏家族生活过的地方。 上世纪60年代,令狐野携妻带子从陕西西安的临潼搬到这里居住。起初居住在大队的办公平房里,后来因为令狐野住惯了窑洞,省里下达指令给村里特批了一块地方给他们。 之所以“特批”,是因为令狐野的延安式窑洞需要占地一亩,而运城当地人的窑洞一般占地在7分左右。 《第一财经日报》记者见到过令家曾经居住的窑洞,有12个门洞、雕花门窗,内部两侧是贯通的,不出门就能从东侧房间走到西侧房间。 “自他们来到这里,便觉得这一家子不简单。”一位曾经担任后村村干部的当地人告诉本报记者。 所谓“不简单”,是指令狐野曾经担任陕甘宁边区医院医务科的科长。而令狐野住惯了延安式的窑洞,是因为从上世纪30年代末开始,令狐野便在延安工作。 令狐野行医从来不给地主、富农身份的人看病,只给贫下中农看。如此行医,收入自然很少。村里人回忆,他们一双球鞋都要大的穿了小的再穿,生活拮据。 1979年,令家彻底从后村搬离。几年后,后村的老支部书记蒋守立亲自为令家卖掉了这口窑洞,报价3000元,成交价2700元。蒋守立说:“后来,他们又退了50元给买主。”自此,后村人便很少再有令家消息。 蒋守立表示,后村小学要重建时,他去太原找了令政策。 “后来批了10万元钱,盖了学校。”蒋守立对本报记者说,后村小学后来跟镇上小学合并后,学生搬到了镇上,学校旧址就成为了现在的“常乐镇后村村民委员会”。二层办公,一层则设立有村民矛盾调解室、休息室、灶房、餐厅。 在后村小学“建校捐资功德碑”上,本报记者发现,在“伍佰元者”一栏中,“令路线”的名字赫然在列。 兄妹的政商组合 令狐野经历过两次婚姻。与第二任妻子在延安认识结婚后,育有四子一女。 2009年9月30日,《运城日报》头版曾报道了已经90岁的令狐野的消息。内容是,当时的市委书记看望慰问了享受副省长级医疗待遇的离休干部令狐野。 除了被传早逝的令路线,1952年出生的令政策官至副部级。 令政策早年随父学医,曾在常乐镇医院工作。后来,其被调任当时的运城地委和省委机要部门工作。30岁的时候,至山西大学主修汉语言文学专业。 大学毕业后的20余年,令政策徘徊于副厅级位置,先后在机要局、粮食局以及发改委等部门担任副职。52岁那年,令政策升任山西省发改委主任。4年后退居二线,成为山西省政协副主席。62岁的时候,也就是2014年的6月19日,中纪委监察部网站宣布了其因涉嫌严重违法违纪而被调查的消息。 据熟悉令政策的知情人士告诉本报记者,其在担任山西省发改委主任期间,审批的项目不计其数,其中贿赂之事多源于此。这位知情人士同时表示,其实,不管令政策审批项目有多少,直接为自己或亲属操作的项目未有耳闻。 但在担任山西省政协副主席之后,令政策才大张旗鼓地给自己搞了一个项目,但却因不具备操作性而流产,沦为笑谈。 据参与以及见到该计划的人透露,令政策的计划颇为宏大,投资数十亿元,在山西各大著名景点之间修铁路,从而大大缩短山西各景点间往返的时间。“早上在大同看云冈石窟,中午就能到祁县游览乔家大院”。 令政策本人对该计划颇为重视,花费大量时间调研起草。他甚至在项目未获得许可前,找到了当地某报领导,安排记者对该项目写成报道,并亲自对稿件逐字修改。他还找来国内众多专家,开了好几次研讨会对该项目进行研讨论证。多数专家却并不看好,令政策“铁轨上游遍山西”的计划,也宣告流产。 对于令政策来讲,做生意却不如一个弟弟。 本报记者获取的权威资料显示,化名王诚的令家老五令完成至今仍担任汇金立方投资管理有限公司董事长。实际上,在该公司,王诚出资额仅2万元,持股0.04%。于2009年12月,王诚将其出资额2万元转让给王玲。 汇金立方投资管理中心则成立于2008年4月。4个月后,汇金立方资本管理有限公司成立,注册资金5000万元,经营范围为资产管理;投资及投资顾问;企业形象策划。法人代表为唐富文;董事长为王诚,目前仍在营业中。 汇金立方投资管理中心(有限合伙)的注册地址位于北京市朝阳区广渠门外大街31号。 《第一财经日报》记者走访该处发现,该地址原属于北京市光华木材厂,现在是一栋老旧的四层小楼,一楼为超市,楼上为办公区域。 一位在光华木材厂工作超过30年的老员工告诉记者:“广渠门外大街31号,这个地址原来就指木材厂所在的区域,后来木材厂所在的区域开始改造,并进行商业住房的开发,这个地址逐渐不再用了,只有上了岁数的老住户知道。” 记者从官方获取的资料显示,2008年4月23日,北京市光华木材厂将400平方米建筑面积的房屋提供给北京汇金立方使用。那时,刚刚成立的北京汇金立方一共有从业人员20名。其中,本地10人,外地10人。 如今,尽管工商资料仍显示汇金立方投资管理中心的注册地在这里,但记者在此地已寻不见这家公司的踪影。 汇金立方资本管理有限公司是汇金立方投资管理中心(有限合伙)的全资子公司和投资持股主体。汇金立方资本管理有限公司的注册地址在北京市海淀区中关村南大街12号天作国际中心。 本报记者在这里看到,这里挂着“汇金立方资本管理有限公司”和“汇金立方投资管理中心”两排金色大字。这家公司占据了20层写字楼的一大半,呈现“L”形。 本报记者两次前往此地,有一侧的大门始终紧锁,里面一排并排五间单独的办公室,进门处散落着小广告,看起来久未打开或清理。物业人员告诉记者,这一侧一直没什么人上班,常空着。原先还看见偶尔有人去给鱼缸换水,后来鱼也死了,鱼缸也就一直空着了。 根据相关上市企业公告统计,上述两家公司均没有官网,其一众合伙人、实际控制人也均在互联网的搜索中一���空白,但从成立后不久,悄然在PE市场叱咤风云,点石成金。 汇金立方资本管理有限公司曾是乐视网早期发展时的重要投资方。从2009年至2010年间,与汇金立方有关的三家企业相继上市,分别是神州泰岳、乐视网和东方日升。 除此之外,本报记者统计,汇金立方先后“突击”入股海南瑞泽、东富龙、光一科技、腾信股份等4家公司,上述7家公司均在汇金立方介入后成功挂牌交易。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- 清华控股,清控,汇金立方资本管理有限公司,汇金,乐视,令计划,令完成,王志诚 -------------------------------------- (600100)诚志股份 (000990)紫光股份 (000938)紫光国微 (002049)同方泰德(01206.HK)启迪古汉(000590)同方友友(01868.HK)启迪桑德(000826)启迪国际(00872.HK)辰安科技(300523)等上市公司。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 汇金立方资本管理有限公司 清华控股汇金资本管理有限公司 https://www.tsinghua.edu.cn/publish/kg/5340/ 清华控股有限公司(简称“清华控股”)是清华大学在整合清华产业的基础上,经国务院批准,出资设立的国有独资有限责任公司,2003年9月成立,注册资本25亿元人民币。清华控股位居2018年中国企业500强第137位,研发强度位居2018年中国企业500强第3位。 清华控股依托清华大学的科研实力与人才优势,面向国家战略需求与社会发展需求,坚持产学研一体化的发展道路和生态化、社群化、全球化的发展战略,坚持科技创新与科技服务的发展主线,以创新链、产业链、资本链三链融合驱动,推动科技成果产业化,矢志成为高校产业的中国引领者和全球典范,产学研一体化的世界级标杆,创新型企业孵化、投资和运营的巨人,为创新型国家的建设和经济发展方式的转变贡献力量。 清华控股旗下产业涵盖科技产业(集成电路、能源环保、生命健康)、创新服务、科技金融、创意产业、在线教育五大产业群组,运营着同方股份、紫光集团、启迪控股、诚志股份四大综合性集团以及清控人居、清华大学出版社、博奥生物、清控资管、清控核能、慕华教育等专业性集团,培育了同方威视、辰安科技、同方知网、清控科创、华海清科等一批细分行业龙头企业。清华控股旗下拥有同方股份 (600100)、诚志股份(000990)、紫光股份(000938)、紫光国微(002049)、同方泰德(01206.HK)、启迪古汉(000590)、同方友友(01868.HK)、启迪桑德(000826)、启迪国际(00872.HK)、辰安科技(300523)等上市公司。 作为清华大学服务社会的重要平台,清华控股积极推动清华大学科技成果转化和产业化,助力社会创新发展,累计转化56项国家级重大科技成果,实现了62项重大技术突破,推动实施3项国家科技重大专项的项目转化,取得了一批具有国际影响力的标志性成就:全球首座模块式高温气冷堆商用核电站示范工程、全球市场份额第一的大型集装箱检测系统、中国首个拥有完整独立自主知识产权的公共安全应急系统、中国首台12英寸化学机械抛光机、全球首张遗传性耳聋基因检测芯片,运营着全球最大的大学科技园和中国首个创业大街,等等。 地址:北京市清华科技园科技大厦A座25层 邮编:100084 电话:010-82150088 传真:010-82150099 网址:www.thholding.com.cn
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biomedgrid · 5 years
Biomed Grid| High-Throughput Data Analysis for Chronic Diseases Investigation
Large-scale genome analysis, proteomics, clinical biostatistics and bioinformatics, pathophysiology and clinical and molecular epidemiology are today complementary disciplines applied daily for the discovery of new pharmaceutical targets or the understanding of molecular interactions laying behind the development of rare and chronic diseases. During the past years we have worked on different projects involving advanced technologies which purpose was to improve the understanding and treatment of chronic diseases mainly cancer, alzheimer and cardiovascular diseases that I am describing in this Editorial.
Large-Scale Genome Analysis
In a first work, we could find specific gene networks (oxidative stress genes, renin-angiotensin system) responsible of the pathophysiological alteration in “hypertrophy/hypertension” by analyzing microarrays gene expression data [1]. Currently, we are finishing a statistical analysis where we have used the CGH arrays data to identify breakpoints and chromosome aberrations implicated in the breast cancer in the light of the evolutionary mutational sites of the genome [2].
Another work in evolutionary proteomics [3], showed that the same protein could have different functions according to its structure in different organisms. The aim objective of this work was to adapt and apply a new clustering/alignment method on topoisomerase type IA protein sequences of representative organisms from the three domains of life in order to find conserved and non-conserved motifs. Such tools are very useful today for the finding of new chimers/drugs, the understanding of molecular structure-function relation and the study of molecular evolution.
Pathophysiology and Epidemiology
In an epidemiological work, the impact of the metabolic syndrome (MS) on arterial stiffness was different between young and elderly untreated hypertensive independently of age and blood pressure, two cardiovascular risk factors [4]. This revealed the time evolution of arterial stiffness in MS patients which could not be detected in younger MS patients and may be due to a late under/ over-expression of some genes. This assumption is actually the main work of basic cardiovascular research labs [1].
Clinical Research and Antihypertensives
Medicine and biology are converging progressively towards a personal prognosis, diagnosis, and treatment according to patient’s pathophysiology and risk factors. Thus, the quality of clinical markers like blood pressure (BP) signals should be tested in order to establish a good diagnosis especially in populations where it’s difficult to measure the BP signals like in obese patients [6]. Other markers such arterial stiffness should be investigated in cardiovascular complications before prescribing a drug [7]. In case of negative diagnosis, the anti-hypertensive treatment should be efficient depending on the pathophysiology of the population especially in diabetic hypertensive patients. A meta-analysis [8] has shown that candesartan cilexetil controls hypertension independently of glycemia level in French diabetic hypertensive patients compared to their control, which was not the case of other drugs. Therefore, predictive methods based on clinical meta-analysis and statistical inference could deeply help physicians to prevent the disease before its occurrence or to offer an adequate treatment when the diagnosis is established. Finally, the pharmaceutical industry was a strong link between fundamental and clinical research, currently all the laboratories are fully equipped with advanced high throughtput analysis platforms able to analyse thousands of biological samples in order to find specific molecular targets and their corresponding drugs.
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Read More About this Article: https://biomedgrid.com/fulltext/volume2/high-throughput-data-analysis-for-chronic-diseases-investigation.000590.php
For more about: Journals on Biomedical Science :Biomed Grid
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secs12018 · 5 years
Security and Exchange Commission Form S-1/A Filing for MJ Harvest, Inc [Amend] General form for registration of securities under the Securities Act of 1933 from https://sec.report/Document/0001721868-19-000590/
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ipofilings · 5 years
MJ Harvest, Inc - S-1 IPO Investment Prospectus
Security and Exchange Commission Form S-1/A Filing for MJ Harvest, Inc [Amend] General form for registration of securities under the Securities Act of 1933 from https://sec.report/Document/0001721868-19-000590/
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templatecatalog · 6 years
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(via Corporation Brochure Template Design 000590 - Template Catalog)
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trmpt · 7 years
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contratoscolombia · 7 years
via Contratos Colombia
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mechanicalcurator · 7 years
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Image from 'The Two Hemispheres: a popular account of the countries and peoples of the world ... Illustrated, etc', 000688781
Author: CHISHOLM, George Goudie.
Page: 590
Year: 1882
Place: London
Publisher: Blackie & Son
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allgeekshop · 7 years
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Look at http://ift.tt/2mp8LEb Logitech 980-000590 Speaker Stand for iPad
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