#150 follower oc announcement celebration
aspiritofcompassion · 3 years
Hi everyone!! I just noticed that I'm super close to 150 followers and wanted to do an art giveaway for my followers to celebrate!!!
The rules are:
1.) Enter by reblogging this post and be following me (not following no entry)
2.) I'll be stopping entries on Thursday September 4th at 6pm (EST) and announcing who won on at 12pm on Friday September 5th (this can change depending how quickly
3.) Please have dms open so I can contact you!
4.) DO NOT ENTER IF YOU AREN'T 18+!!!! If you do you will not be entered in and will not have a chance to win
5.) Please have your ocs be from these fandoms: Dragon Age, Mass Effect, Skyrim, Stardew Valley, The Wayhaven Chronicles, Mind Blind or Body Count
6.) New followers are welcomed!! Just please check out my blog and don't just follow to get free art lol
7.) You can reblog as many times as you'd like but please know that it will not increase your chances of winning if you reblog multiple times
8.) I'll be using a randomized name generator and selecting up to ten people and be drawing busts of their ocs
9.) This is all for fun and to celebrate the wonderful people who have decided that they like my content enough to see it on their dash, so if you don't win please don't be upset! :)
Here is an example of what you'll be receiving:
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(you can choose the background color!)
Thank you to all my lovely followers and amazing mutuals for getting me to where I am and liking my art! I remember when I first posted my art on here and not expecting to get anywhere near I am now. I can put into words how appreciative I am, all I can say is thank you so much and know that you've made my life so much better 💙💙💙
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circuscarnage · 4 years
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As a celebration of hitting 150+ twst followers recently, I’ve decided to hold an art raffle! I drew a banner for this occasion, and as an example of what you could win.
1st place will receive a 3/4th body drawing of their character of choice. 2nd place will receive a half body of their character of choice. Both include colouring and shading.
To enter you must reblog and like this post.
You must be a follower. New follows are welcome.
I will draw oc’s or cannon characters.
Put a 💜 on your post so I know you read the rules.
In the tags put your favourite oc of mine and why (It’s for my own validation I’m sorry sdahdhadh)
The raffle ends November 5th. I will announce the winners soon after.
I thank you kindly for joining me and my wacky oc children. And I thank everyone for inspiring me to draw and share my drawings. Mutauls, you know who you are, ily mwah ❤. Have a good day now!
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malumsmermaid · 5 years
First Match (MC)
A Hogwarts!SOS idea I got Friday: Michael’s first time announcing a quidditch match.
Ravenclaw!Michael x OC
Word Count: 2,283
Michael took deep, slow breaths, calming himself as the stands filled for the first quidditch match of the year. He was excited when the head of Ravenclaw called him into their office on the first day of term, asking if he’d take over the announcer position, the previous announcer having graduated. His three best friends were each on their respective houses’ quidditch team, and he’d been close to the previous announcer, so he knew what he was getting himself into. The stadium filled with the low rumble of chatter as more and more people filled the stands, Michael twisted his wand between his fingers, trying to ground himself as he waited for the signal to start. He heard a shout of his name, and jumped, glancing to the side of the stand, and grinned when he laid eyes on Ashton. The seventh year Hufflepuff beater grinned at him, holding his hand up. Michael stood up, walking over to his friend, giving him a high five. Ashton grinned at the fifth year, saying, “You’re gonna do great, man, you’ve got this.”
Michael smiled, nodding at his friend, “Thanks man.” He waved goodbye, noticing his head of house waving him back to his seat.
Michael hopped back over, getting into his spot, clearing his throat and pointing his wand to his throat, “Sonorus,” he muttered, before starting to welcome everyone, “Hi everyone! Welcome to the first quidditch match of the year! For those of you first years who may be at your very first quidditch match ever, all four houses will be competing against each other for the Quidditch House Cup, which will be awarded before we take finals! It’s based on the total number of points each team gets in their official games throughout the school year, ten for every goal they score, and 150 for catching the snitch. Today’s match is Ravenclaw against defending champs Slytherin! 
Each team has some new faces, on Ravenclaw, the third year Johnson twins taking over for the beaters who graduated last year, and in Slytherin they’ve trained up a new seeker, second year Thomas Oliver. 
I’ve heard a lot of talk about Oliver’s skill in friendly matches as well as his obvious talent that was noticed during flying class. We’ll see today how his smaller size, natural talent, and the Slytherin captain’s practice matches help Oliver against Ravenclaw’s seeker, Daisy Merriman. She joined the team in the same way as Oliver, but that was four years ago, giving her an edge on experience!”
Michael’s heart fluttered just saying the Ravenclaw seeker’s name, thoughts of her nearly white hair and hazel eyes distracting him for a moment, before movement down on the field brought him back to the present. “And now, what you’ve all been waiting for, here come your defending champs, Slytherin!” He smiled as he watched the green-robed players take off, doing a lap around the stadium before hovering in formation in the middle of the pitch. There were cheers filling the air from the sea of green on the opposite side of the stadium, the side nearest Michael booing and yelling at the opposing team. “And coming in, hopeful to take the trophy back this year, Ravenclaw!” 
The team did a lap, hovering by the blue section of stands, waving at everyone who was cheering for them. As they moved towards the center of the pitch, Merriman flew by the announcer’s stand, giving Michael and smile and a thumbs up before the sixth year seeker flew off to join her team for the tip off. “Alright everyone, the match is ready to start, Coach Fritz is here as always to referee today’s match and release the balls. First out, the snitch! Next up, the bludgers, firsties, keep an eye out for those and be ready to duck if they take a turn towards the stands before a beater can get to them! And now here comes the Coach up to join the teams with the Quaffle!”
Michael grinned, the stadium going silent as their flying coach rose into the air, holding the quaffle aloft. He gripped his whistle between his teeth, looking between the two chasers on either side of them before tossing the quaffle into the air, blowing his whistle and flying out of the way. “And Ravenclaw tips off the ball, their captain immediately passing the quaffle to Scamander, and he’s off, dipping below the line of Slytherin chasers, making a b-line for the goal posts as his teammates trail behind him. The keeper is lining up, ready to block a shot and Scamander is drifting past him! Putting that braking charm on his Comet to good use as he prepares to throw the quaffle into the goal...And Scamander fakes out Morris, making the keeper block the wrong hoop and scores ten points for Ravenclaw! That’s a strong start to the match, let’s see how the Slytherin team responds as their keeper retrieves the quaffle and passes it off to his teammates.”
The match continued on for another two hours, Michael’s bright green eyes tracking the movements of the blurs of blue and green flying around the pitch, commentating on every move and strategy both teams employed. “Alright folks, it’s anyone’s game at this point, Ravenclaw 110 to Slytherin 80. Scamander has the quaffle yet again, but Slytherin have clearly decided he’s the one to watch, two of their chasers are pinning him between them, think we’re gonna see a pincer here. And yes, here comes the third Slytherin chaser barreling towards Scamander as he tries to shake the two chasers pinning him in, but, oh! Perfect hit from one of the Johnson twins, spinning the Davies’ broom out of control and allowing the Ravenclaw chaser to finally shake the Slytherins and quickly passing the quaffle over to his captain! And she scores, bringing Ravenclaw up to 120 points! Slytherin’s only hope here is to catch the snitch to bring them victory. And speaking of the snitch I think Merriman may be on it! Oliver is following right behind her, putting on some extra speed, and oh! Great Wronski Feint from Merriman there...wait...no, she seems to actually have eyes on the snitch now, let’s see if Oliver can pull it together from overshooting that dive...he’s on is way back up at a steeper incline than Merriman, but not fast enough! Ravenclaw has the snitch, beating Slytherin by nearly 200 points, 270 to 80, better luck next match guys!
That was absolutely phenomenal to watch and I hope you all enjoyed! I’m sure the Gryffindor and Hufflepuff teams all have a bunch of notes taken for when they face off with these two houses later in the season, but for now, we will see you all back here in two weeks for the Gryffindor-Hufflepuff match! And my fellow Ravenclaws, I’ll meet up with you guys in the common room in a few minutes for the celebration of today’s win!”
Michael was beaming as he held up his wand and murmured “Quietus” after his last statement, allowing his voice to return to its normal tone and turning to face his head of house. The professor nodded at him, trying to contain his own glee at the house’s victory. Michael made his way down from the announcer’s stand, and met Luke, Ashton, and Calum outside of the stadium, all three of his friends beaming at him, giving him high fives and hugs, Ashton opting to ruffle his hair before he led the way up to Ravenclaw tower.
Michael easily answered the raven’s riddle when he arrived at the entrance to the common room, the statue clearly affected by the number of students coming into the tower and the day’s win. The other three boys followed behind him and they took the steps two at a time to join the victory party. One of the seventh years stopped Michael at the top of the stairs, “Great job on your first match commentating, Clifford.” Michael grinned, murmuring a thanks as he was handed a goblet of Firewhiskey, “Welcome to fifth year as well.” The same older student said with a wink, handing Luke and Calum their own glasses of the drink as well.
“Thanks, Orion.” Michael said, leading the way further into the common room as Ashton accepted the firewhiskey too. 
A mix of muggle and wizard music filled the room as they all stood around, people talking, dancing and awaiting the arrival of the victorious quidditch team. About twenty minutes after Michael had come in his glass was nearly empty and he was considering just going back to the familiar flavor of butterbeer when the common room erupted in cheers. Michael craned his head to peer through the crowd towards the stairs. He spotted the quidditch captain, holding her hand up as the rest of the team followed behind her, some of the older team members accepting their drinks from Orion as she climbed up onto one of the tables to address the room. 
Michael barely heard her speech about winning and plans for taking back the quidditch cup, his green eyes searching for Daisy, heart fluttering when she glanced in his direction.
Soon she disappeared among a crowd of well wishers and Michael sighed, leaning back against the couch. “Give her an hour, I’m sure she’s gonna come talk to you.” Ashton said, catching onto the fifth year’s mood. “Specially with the way she looked at you before the start of the match.” He added teasingly and Michael groaned, shoving the seventh year off of his perch on the arm of the couch.
Ashton scrambled, giggling as he got to his feet. Michael finished off his firewhiskey, rising to his feet, placing the empty cup on the tray on the coffee table and walking over to one of the barrels of butterbeer, pouring himself a glass when someone tapped his shoulder. He turned, grinning when he recognized Daisy, even though the metamorphmagus had altered her appearance to sneak through the rest of the party. She made her own glass of butterbeer before taking his hand, pulling him up to their favorite study nook. They passed the couch where Michael had left his friends, both Ashton and Luke shooting him a thumbs up when they spotted him and Daisy hand in hand. Michael’s face turned pink but he kept his head down as the pair made their way up the stairs.
They both sat down at the table that was situated above one of the bookshelves on the lower floor, encased by more bookcases, providing them a quiet space from the party going on below. Daisy’s facial features shifted to her usual look, her hair remaining a sky blue from her excitement. “You did a great job commentating on the match today,” Daisy said, “just like I knew you would.” 
Michael blushed slightly, “You’re just saying that.”
She shook her head, “Don’t think I would’ve convinced Ashton to go with me to Fitz to nominate you for the open position if I was just saying it.”
Michael’s eyes went wide, staring at Daisy in shock. She smiled, scooting closer to him, her hand resting on his knee, a show of gentle affection that they’d been working through since the end of last term. “Don’t tell your buddies down there this, since they’re on their own quidditch teams, but I was actually pulling a feint. Slytherin’s seeker actually spotted the snitch first, but he just got that Firebolt this morning at breakfast, saw the owls bring it in myself. He didn’t even take it for a practice spin before the match, so he was adjusting to it from the school’s Cleansweeps on the fly, that’s why he wasn’t able to pull out of the dive before me.”
Michael grinned, nudging her knee with his, “Still believe you could’ve beat him to it.”
Daisy snorted, shaking her head and grabbing her mug of butterbeer. They both sat there chatting for a while longer, scooting closer and closer, until Calum appeared around the corner. He was the only one of the boys who knew about this little nook, Michael having allowed him up on some non-party days that he snuck him into the tower on, both for studying and for a breakdown or two, especially the big one he had before he and Daisy started talking. The dark haired Hufflepuff smiled at the pair before saying “Team needs you Daisy, school newspaper stuff.” 
The seeker gave Michael an apologetic smile as she got up from her seat. Michael rose to his feet too, leaning forward and placing a shy kiss to her cheek. His own cheeks flamed as he pulled away, hiding his face before he felt Daisy take his hand in hers, “You missed,” she said softly, her other hand tilting his chin up before she gave him a gentle kiss.
He melted into her touch, responding gently before pulling away. “Go talk to the newspaper, I’ll be up here when you’re free.”
She smiled, giving him one quick peck before walking off, Calum giving him an approving smile, taking her spot at the table once she was out of sight. “Today’s the best ever.” Michael said, sure of himself as he sunk back into his seat next to his best friend.
“I’m sure it has been.” Calum said, holding his best friend in a tight side hug, “Think this is going to be you two’s year.” 
Michael grinned, looking at Calum as he said, “You know, I really think that it is.” He took another swig of his butterbeer as the two friends sat in the quiet nook for the rest of the party.
Tag List: @irwinkitten @dammitbands @gorgeouslygrace
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robotfantrain · 5 years
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Happy New Year everyone! May this decade be filled with joy, love and trains! Recently we’ve been creating our own Robot Trains OC, you must have seen them. To celebrate our 150 followers on Twitter, we would like to see your RT OC too! 
* Choose a real train you like, or imagine it 
* Make a humanization * Name them and pick tree adjectives to describe them, precise their size 
* Imagine some wagons (the accompanying kids) (optional)
* Comment “I’m in !” or “I participate !” or “Nyohoho!” to be registered as a contestant! * Reblog this post ! 
You’ll be judged by the council of HLM ! 
H focuses his attention on the coherence and the personality of your character. 
L judges the originality of their design (Even if it’s a description, so be precise!).
 M checks if your OC fits with the train you have chosen. 
THE WINNER WILL BE ANNOUNCED ON MONDAY, FEBRUARY 03rd 2020 ON TWITTER !!!! (we are susceptible to ask you more info later if you win)
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ginumo2 · 5 years
Hello, Hello!
I've come to interrupt the action in this blog to announce...
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I will be hosting a raffle in celebration of all the followers in each blog!
How to join:
Simply reblog this! Please don't reblog the original version and only reblog the versions with the lists!
How it goes:
The raffle will start when this is in the three blogs, and it'll end when either 1ets-start-from-the-beginning gets to 125/150 followers or in two/three weeks depending on how many people join.
Once the raffle is over, I'll randomly roll out two entries from each blog (6 winners in total) and then I'll contact them. I'll only give one day to answer back and confirm their prize, or else I'll be choosing someone else!
The price is a piece like this for each person!
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With a more fluid pose and better details of course-
To make sure you're reading the rules, please state who's your favorite character in the tags!
Each blog will have a list of characters* below the original post from where you can choose! You can choose any of those to be drawn with your characters or mine alone! There's also the option of drawing only your character, so that too.
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* By characters i mean either your own versions of the canon or your ocs!
You can only reblog one version of this post (only once means no alter accounts, unless its for propaganda. If its for propaganda make sure to clarify in the tags please). Each post, as I said earlier, has a list with characters on it. That character list will apply to who you would like your character drawn with or who'd you like drawn, so that means you can't reblog the definetly-not-rada version and ask for Havoc. Gotta pick wisely.
And that's it! Now, if you excuse me--
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redeyedryu · 7 years
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So I just hit 150+ followers and figured I could do a super quick, mini art raffle to celebrate!
Raffle Info & Rules:
You must already be following me to take part in this raffle!
A Reblog and Like count as an entry each; 1 Reblog per account
Contest ends Friday, 17 November at midnight, Mountain Standard Time; Winner to be announced 18 November (I wasn’t joking about it being a super quick raffle)
Winners & Prize:
Two winners will be decided at random
Winners will receive 1 (One) 800x800 drawing of a character of their choosing (OC or UT character only).
Good luck and thanks for being awesome! (๑・ω-)~♥”
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marcus-and-carter · 8 years
I'm sorry I don't post much art right now, I'm actually very stressed and in the middle of trying to find a place of my own to live! I got accepted into this nice apartment complex though!!! (It's not 100% official and that makes me nervous) But my bestie (the most darling person, my greatest hero, my greatest motivator, my one true (mostly platonic????) LOVE) is moving in with me!!! SO IM SUPER EXCITED!!!!!!
I know I've got a ton of unfinished projects. And I swear to work on them as soon as I get settled in to a new apartment (if I get the final clear). But this is all very exciting! I can feel my luck starting to take a turn for the better, and I can only hope it holds, 'cause I'm gonna need a lot of it in these coming months.
And one last thing: Is there anything you guys want more of? Roadrat? Dragons? OCs? Art in general? (Haha, jokes on you, you're gonna get that last one either way) One thing that's gonna show up on my blog is sculpting and writing, because either of those would be a dream job for me.
BUT FEEL FREE TO TALK TO ME!!! Message me or send me asks! Or submissions??? (Though I don't know what you would submit. XD Give me fluffy animal pics or writing prompts or drawing inspiration) I love hearing from you guys, and I don't bite!
I know this post is kinda everywhere, but I'm finally coming alive again! And I just need to make this announcement CAUSE IM SO EXCITED!!!
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certainheartrunaway · 5 years
DXNL News No. 2160
  DXNL 2160 – August 28, 2019
DX Newsletter
a free and weekly service of
DARC Committee “DX”
Editor: Klaus Poels, DL7UXG
translation by: Oliver Bock, DJ9AO
9M2, West Malaysia & 9M6, East Malaysia:
The following special event calls will be celebrating the 62nd
anniversary of Malaysia between August 30 and September 1: from
West Malaysia: 9M62MA, 9M62MB, 9M62MC, 9M62MD, 9M62MJ, 9M62MK,
9M62MM, 9M62MN, 9M62MP, 9M62MR, 9M62MT, 9M62MW, and 9M62MY; from
East Malaysia: 9M62MQ and 9M62MS. Awards will be available as well.
For more information see the URL below; for QSL information see
qrz.com or ask on the air. http://www.9mdxc.com/cq9m
9U, Burundi:
Francesco/IV3TMM operates as 9U3TMM from Bujumbura between Aug. 31
and Sept. 17. QRV on 60 to 6m on SSB, FT8, and RTTY. QSL via IV3TMM
(B), LoTW.
EX, Kyrgyzstan:
Leszek/SP6CIK, Jarek/SP6OJK, Janusz/ SP9FIH, Roman/SP9FOW,
Jurek/SN9J, and Jozef/SP9HVW are announcing an operation from Lake
Issyk-Kul for September 2 to 15. QRV as EX6QP on HF on CW, SSB,
RTTY, FT8. QSL via SP6OJK, ClubLog OQRS.
FK, New Caledonia:
Watch out for Jan/F6EYB operating from Noumea (OC-032) as FK8CJ
between August 29 and the end of the year. QRV mainly on 30, 20,
and 17m. QSL via F6EYB, LoTW, eQSL.
I, Italy:
The ARI section Fidenza (IQ4FE) commemorates the Gruppo
Radiotecnico Milanese, a club of early radio experimenters, with
the callsign II4GRM during September. QSL via IQ4FE.
JA, Japan:
The International Council of Museums meets in Kyoto from the 1st to
7th of September. The special event stations 8J3ICOM (based in
Kyoto) and 8N3ICOM (portable activities) operate in the context of
this meeting until the end of 2019. All QSOs to be confirmed
automagically via bureau and ClubLog.
LZ, Bulgaria:
The Bulgarian Radio Club Blagovestnik (LZ1KCP) continues to honour
Orthodox saints during September with the callsign LZ304EW. QSOs
count towards the All Saints – 2019 award. QSL via bureau, LZ1KCP
(d). http://www.lz1kcp.com/
OE, Austria:
During September, members of the VIC Amateur Radio Contest DX Club
(4U1A) will be using the callsign 4U500M to commemorate Ferdinand
Magellan’s circumnavigation of the globe 500 years ago. QSL via
UA3DX (d/B). http://www.cqdx.ru/4u1a/4u500m/
OE, Austria:
Special event stations OE2XXM and OE5XXM operate in the context of
the International Field Day in Gosau. QRV mostly on 80 and 40m
(SSB) and 2m and 70cm. QSL via bureau.
PA, Netherlands:
PD538RNI commemorates Radio North Sea International and Radio
Veronica, two 1970s offshore radio stations. QRV from Aug. 28 until
Sept. 26. QSL via PD0ARI (d/B).
PA, Netherlands:
The Koninklijke Luchtvaart Maatschappy (KLM) is the world’s oldest
airline (founded on Oct. 7, 1919) and remains The Netherlands’
national airline to this day. The special event station PH100KLM
celebrates this anniversary from the 1st of September until the
30th of November. QSL via PA3DVA (B).
T6, Afghanistan:
Robert/S53R will be staying in Kabul on a work assignment from
September 2019 until summer 2021. QRV as T6AA on HF (SSB, CW,
digital modes). During major contests he will sign T6A. QSL via
S53R and LoTW.
TA, Turkey:
The special event station TC113PTR draws attention to the Ottoman
Empire’s first wireless telegraphy station in Patara. QRV on Aug.
31 and Sept. 1 on HF, 6m, and via QO-100. QSL via TA4E (d/B).
YB, Indonesia:
The Organisasi Amatir Radio Indonesia (ORARI) celebrates the 74th
anniversary of Indonesia’s independence with the following special
event stations between August 28 and Sept. 1 on 80 to 10m:
8A74RI/0, 8A74RI/1, 8A74RI/2, 8A74RI/3, 8A74RI/4, 8A74RI/5,
8A74RI/6, 8A74RI/7, 8A74RI/8, and 8A74RI/9. QSL via bureau and
5H, Tanzania:
The Italian DXpedition Team plans to activate Zanzibar Island
(AF-032) during February next year. They aim to keep 10 operators
busy at 5 stations on CW, SSB, RTTY, FT8, and FT4 with the
callsigns 5I5TT and 5I4ZZ (FT8, FT4). For more information see
their website. QSL via I2YSB. http://www.i2ysb.com/idt/
HK0, San Andres and Providencia:
Rob/HK3CW, Petr/OK1BOA, Petr/OK1FCJ, Palo/OK1CRM, Pavel/OK1GK,
Ruda/OK2ZA, Ludek/OK2ZC, Karel/OK2ZI, and David/OK6DJ will be
active as 5K0K from San Andres Island (NA-033) between October 15
and 30. QRV on 160-10m on CW, SSB, and FT8. QSL via OK6DJ.
V6, Micronesia:
Sho/JA7HMZ operates as V63DX from Pohnpei (OC-010) between November
22 and 27. QRV on 160 to 6m and during the CQ WW DX CW Contest as
V6A. QSL via JA7HMZ (d/B).
FO, Marquesas Islands:
Operators Didier/F6BCW, Robert/K4UEE, Robert/K5PI, Neil/VA7DX,
Keith/VE7KW, Madison/W5MJ, Robert/W5RF, and Bill/W5SJ, all members
of the CAN-AM DXpedition Group, activate Hiva Oa Island (OC-027)
from Nov. 6 to 11 as TX7T on 160-6m (CW, SSB, RTTY, FT8). QSL via
M0URX, LoTW. http://www.marquesas2019.com/
AF-053; J2, Gulf of Tadjoura group:
Jean-Philippe/J28PJ/F1TMY plans to visit Moucha Island during
September or October and operate as J28PJ/p on HF (SSB, FT8).
Abbreviations in this DXNL:
ARLHS Amateur Radio Lighthouse Society
DDFM Diplome des Departements Francais de la Metropole
GIA German Island Award
IOTA Islands on the Air
LoTW Logbook of the World
OQRS Online QSL Request System
ORARI Organisasi Amatir Radio Indonesia
WCA World Castles Award
WLOTA World Lighthouse On The Air Award
WRTC World Radiosport Team Championship
Upcoming Contests:
31.08. HSW-Contest
31.08./01.09. WW Digi DX Contest
01./02.09. Tennessee QSO Party
02.09. QCWA-QSO-Party
IOTA Compiled by Andreas, DK5ON ([email protected])
CW: 28040 24920 21040 18098 14040 10114 7030 3530 kHz
SSB: 28560 28460 24950 21260 18128 14260 7055 3760 kHz
EU-127; DL, Schleswig-Holstein State South West group: Markus/DJ4EL
and a group of operators will be active from the islands Neuwerk
(GIA N-12, WW Loc. JO43fv) und Scharhoern (GIA N-11, WW Loc.
JO43fx) between Aug. 30 and Sept. 2.
NA-010; VE1; Nova Scotia Province (Cape Breton Island) group:
Alessandro/VE7ADA will be signing VE7ADA/1 from some smaller
islands in the NA-010 group and maybe also in the NA-081 group. QRV
on on 40 to 10m on SSB. QSL via VE7ADA (d/B).
NA-176; VE2; Quebec Province (St. Lawrence Gulf) Centre group:
Pierre/VE2GT is going to operate as VE2GT/150 from the Ile du Havre
for a few hours (around 1330z to 1530z) on September 1. QSL via
OC-083; 3D2, Viti Levu and Vanua Levu Group: Bigi (XYL)/DE3BWR and
Helmut “Heli”/DD0VR will be visiting Fiji from the 2nd to 9th of
September and operate as 3D2VR on 80-10m (SSB only). QSL via DD0VR
WWFF Activities
CW: 28044 24894 21044 18084 14044 10124 7024 3544 kHz
SSB: 28444 24944 21244 18144 14244 7144 3744 kHz
Flora & Fauna Aktivitaeten von F4GTB:
Christophe/F4GTB will be activating several WWFF references in
southern France between Sept. 2 and 18 as TM44WFF. For a list see
qrz.com. QSL via F4GTB, LoTW, and eQSL.
start – end DX DXNL
02.09. – 09.09. 3D2VR 2160*
15.08. – 15.09. 3Z1919PS 2158
01.09. – 30.09. 4U500M 2160*
24.10. – 23.10. 4U73B 2117
28.08. – 09.01. 8A74RI/0 2160*
28.08. – 09.01. 8A74RI/1 2160*
28.08. – 09.01. 8A74RI/2 2160*
28.08. – 09.01. 8A74RI/3 2160*
28.08. – 09.01. 8A74RI/4 2160*
28.08. – 09.01. 8A74RI/5 2160*
28.08. – 09.01. 8A74RI/6 2160*
28.08. – 09.01. 8A74RI/7 2160*
28.08. – 09.01. 8A74RI/8 2160*
28.08. – 09.01. 8A74RI/9 2160*
02.04. – 30.11. 8J3AC 2140
01.04. – 31.12. 8J3ICOM 2160*
20.05. – 30.11. 8J7AIZU 2148
05.07. – 06.10. 8J8ARDF 2152
21.06. – 22.09. 8J8HAM 2150
01.04. – 31.12. 8N3ICOM 2160*
01.06. – 31.10.20 8N7JAPAN 2148
30.08. – 01.09. 9M62MA 2160*
30.08. – 01.09. 9M62MB 2160*
30.08. – 01.09. 9M62MC 2160*
30.08. – 01.09. 9M62MD 2160*
30.08. – 01.09. 9M62MJ 2160*
30.08. – 01.09. 9M62MK 2160*
30.08. – 01.09. 9M62MM 2160*
30.08. – 01.09. 9M62MN 2160*
30.08. – 01.09. 9M62MP 2160*
30.08. – 01.09. 9M62MQ 2160*
30.08. – 01.09. 9M62MR 2160*
30.08. – 01.09. 9M62MS 2160*
30.08. – 01.09. 9M62MT 2160*
30.08. – 01.09. 9M62MW 2160*
30.08. – 01.09. 9M62MY 2160*
– 10/2019 9Q6BB 2012
31.08. – 17.09. 9U3TMM 2160*
01.01. – 31.12. DA200TF 2137
01.07. – 30.06.20 DL50NFA 2152
01.01. – 31.12. DL70AFUG 2129
01.03. – 31.12. DL70AIR 2134
– 31.12. DL70BRD 2127
01.01. – 31.12. DM100ZM 2125
01.01. – 31.12. DM19LGS 2127
24.01. – 31.12. DM2025C 2130
01.05. – 31.10. DM460DA 2143
– 31.12. DM70GER 2127
01.01. – 31.12. DM775FLD 2127
01.01. – 31.12. DQ1200ASP 2125
01.01. – 31.12. DQ600UNI 2126
01.08. – 31.12. DR30FKR 2158
01.01. – 31.12. DR50DIG 2129
15.04. – 31.12. EN185UNIV 2141
02.09. – 15.09. EX6QP 2160*
29.08. – 31.12. FK8CJ 2160*
01.07. – 28.08. GB80ENI 2155
23.08. – 03.09. H44MI 2159
05.07. – 25.09. H44MS 2152
01.08. – 01.09. HC2/IZ1HGP 2156
15.08. – 15.09. HF1919PS 2158
01.08. – 31.08. HG50DFC 2157
01.06. – HK3JCL 2147
01.08. – 31.08. HO1D 2156
01.04. – 31.08. II0KT 2138
01.08. – 31.08. II4BRD 2156
01.09. – 30.09. II4GRM 2160*
– 31.12. J28ND 2035
– 01.09. J28PJ 2004
23.08. – 04.10. J68HZ 2159
06/19 – 11/19 JW/LB2PG 2148
24.08. – 01.09. K7C 2159
27.08. – 02.09. KL7RRC/p 2159
01.08. – 30.08. LY30BW 2157
02.08. – 30.08. LY783SUN 2157
01.08. – 31.08. LZ304AE 2156
01.09. – 30.09. LZ304EW 2160*
30.03. – 10.11. OE19LAWN 2158
01.09. – 30.09. OE2XXM 2160*
01.09. – 30.09. OE5XXM 2160*
01.01. – 31.12. OG60IPA 2128
01.01. – 31.12. OU0POLIO 1919
22.08. – 05.09. OX3LX 2159
15.08. – 30.09. PA75OSB 2158
26.08. – 22.09. PA75SODS 2159
28.08. – 26.09. PD538RNI 2160*
01.09. – 30.11. PH100KLM 2160*
– 31.12. PI60DWN 2142
06.07. – 13.09. RA/DK2AI 2153
01.08. – 31.08. SN0ARCO 2157
15.08. – 15.09. SN1919PS 2158
15.08. – 15.09. SO1919PS 2158
15.08. – 15.09. SP1919PS 2158
15.08. – 15.09. SQ1919PS 2158
20.08. – 28.08. SV8/IW7EGQ 2158
01.09. – 30.06.21 T6A 2160*
01.09. – 30.06.21 T6AA 2160*
06.02. – 31.12. TC10GITRAD 2133
31.08. – 01.09. TC113PTR 2160*
13.05. – 14.10. TM17FFF 2145
08.05. – 25.10. TM230RF 2145
17.08. – 31.08. TM36V 2158
02.09. – 18.09. TM44WFF 2160*
01.06. – 17.11. TM500LV 2148
18.09. – TR8CA 1902
06.07. – 13.09. UB5O/p 2153
01.09. – VE2GT/150 2160*
01.09. – 07.09. VE7ADA/1 2160*
27.08. – 01.09. YP0F 2159
22.06. – 10.10. Z81D 2151
05/17 – 05/2020 ZL7DX 2040
05/17 – 05/2020 ZL7QT 2040
01.08. – 30.08. ZY160CAT 2158
01.08. – 31.08. ZY40ZT 2156
01.09. – 30.09. ZZ40ZT 2156
* = new or updated
.. = and other calls
QSL information
3D2VR via DD0VR (d/B)
3Z1919PS via SP9PNB (B)
4S6WAS (d)
4U500M via UA3DX (d/B)
4U73B via 9A2AA, (C)
5A0YL (C), (O)
5B4AMX via LZ3SM
7X2JV via SM4VPZ (d)
7X4CZ (d), (L)
8A74RI/0 (B), (L)
8A74RI/1 (B), (L)
8A74RI/2 (B), (L)
8A74RI/3 (B), (L)
8A74RI/4 (B), (L)
8A74RI/5 (B), (L)
8A74RI/6 (B), (L)
8A74RI/7 (B), (L)
8A74RI/8 (B), (L)
8A74RI/9 (B), (L)
8J3AC via (B), JA3PYH (d)
8J3ICOM (B), (C)
8J8HAM (B)
8N3ICOM (B), (C)
8P6ET via KU9C
9K2HS (d/B)
9M62MA via 9M2OHM (d)
9M62MK via 9M2YDX (d)
9M62MM via 9M2MDX (d)
9M62MP via 9W2EYR (d)
9M62MR via 9W2VGR (d)
9M62MW via 9W2VWT (d)
9N1AA via N4GNR (d)
9Q6BB via W3HNK
9U3TMM via IV3TMM (B), (L)
9V1YC via W5UE
9Z4Y (d), (L)
A91FTDMC via A92AA
AH7C (d/B), (L)
AL7JK (d/B), (L), (e)
CO3LT (d), (L), (e)
DA0SAT (L), (e), (O)
DA200TF (B), (L), (e)
DL50NFA (d/B)
DL70AIR (B), (e), (C)
DL70BRD via DK1YH (d/B), (C), (e)
DM100ZM (B)
DM19LGS via (B), DG0ERS (d), (e)
DM2025C (B)
DM460DA via DL9GFB (d/B)
DM70GER via M0SDV (d), (C)
DM775FLD (B)
DQ1200ASP via (B), DK1AX (d), (L)
DQ600UNI via (B), DL5KVV (d)
DR175CW (C), (O)
DR50DIG via (B), DH1PAL (d)
DS2GOO/3 via DS2GOO (d/B)
EO28U (B)
ES2TT/0 via ES2TT (d/B)
ES30WAY (C), (O)
EX6QP via SP6OJK, (C), (O)
FK8CJ via F6EYB, (L), (e)
GB0SNB via (B), G3SVK (d), (L)
GB100HAL via G0KUC (d/B)
GB4ENI via (B), M0AXH (d)
GB4RSE via G4CIB (d), (e)
GB80ENI (d/B)
GX4BJC/a via M5DIK (d/B), (e)
H44MI via DL2GMI (d/B), (L)
H44MS via DL2GAC (d/B)
HB0/DL5PIA/p via DL5PIA (B)
HB0/DL7PIA/p via DL7PIA (B)
HC2/IZ1HGP via IZ1HGP (d/B), (L)
HG50DFC via HA0NAR (d/B)
HI8DL via KM4JQ (d), (L)
HK3JCL via DK8LRF (d/B)
HL2EIZ (d/B), (L), (e)
HL74V (B)
HL9GY (d), (L), (e)
HO1D via HP1RCP (d)
IQ9SY via IT9NVA (B)
J28ND via S57DX
J28PJ via F1TMY
J69HZ via K9HZ (d), (L), (e)
JW4PUA (d/B), (L)
K7C via NT7MM (d)
KH6AP (L), (e), (C)
KH8C via JF1OCQ, (L)
KL7J via N3SL, (L), (C)
KL7RRC/p via N7RO, (C)
LY30BW via LY2QT
LY30WAY (C), (O)
LY783SUN (L), (e), (C)
LZ304AE via (B), LZ1KCP (d)
LZ304EW via (B), LZ1KCP (d)
MS0INT via M0SDV, (C)
MX1SWL/a via M5DIK (d/B), (e)
OJ0O via OE1ZKC (d/B), (L), (C)
OX3LX via OZ0J
OY/IZ1AZA via IZ1AZA (d/B), (L), (C)
PA75OSB via PC4C (d/B)
PA75SODS via PI4ZWN (B),
PA3GEO (d)
PD538RNI via PD0ARI (d/B)
PH100KLM via PA3DVA (B)
R14MAKS via UA3DJ (d/B)
RK30DR via R1II
SN1919PS via SP9KDU (B)
SP1919PS (B)
SQ1919PS via SP9PKM (B)
T6/IT9HRK via IT9HRK (B)
T6A via S53R, (L)
T6AA via S53R, (L)
TC10GITRAD via TA7AZC (d), (B), (L)
TC113PTR via TA4E (d/B)
TM17FFF via F4GFE (d/B)
TM230RF via F4DTO (d/B)
TM36V via F5OHM (d/B)
TM44WFF via F4GTB, (L), (e)
TM500LV via F1IOZ (d/B)
TM75DP via F4AHJ (d/B)
TM8Z via F8KGZ
UE90AGN via RZ4Z (B)
UE90PR via RK1O (B)
VE2GT/150 via EA5GL
VE7ADA/1 via VE7ADA (d/B)
W1R via N2TA (d)
W2Q via N2TA (d)
WH6R (d)
YJ8RN via NZ4DX, (e)
YR5GEO (L), (e)
Z81D via OM3JW (d/B), (C), (O)
ZD7BG (d)
ZF2LC via W2SM (d), (L)
ZL7QT (d)
ZV1WSA (d)
ZW8T via PS8HF
ZY160CAT via PP2BO (d)
ZY40ZT via PT7ZT (d), (L)
ZZ40ZT via PT7ZT (d), (L)
(d) = direct (B) = bureau ok (L) = LoTW (O) = OQRS
(C) = ClubLog (e) = eQSL (*) = new manager (Q) = QRZ.COM
* QSLs received direct: 9X0T, 9X0Y
* QSL via LoTW: PJ9X, UN7QX, VO1AW
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festpop · 8 years
America’s largest tattoo and music festival, MUSINK, just announced the band performance times and an expanded list of tattoo artists from around the world. Travis Barker’s MUSINK, presented by KROQ, will be celebrating its 10th year on March 17-19 at the OC Fair & Event Center in Costa Mesa, CA. The three-day festival will feature a tattoo convention, car show, a vendor village, and music from NOFX, The Used, Bad Religion, Pennywise, and more.
The Tattoo Artists
MUSINK will feature hundreds of world-renowned tattoo artists. The impressive partial list of tattoo artists includes:
Robert Atkinson, Jack Rudy, Nikko Hurtado, Little Linda, Juan Puente, Small Paul Stottler, Yushi Holie Glory, Marc Jackson, Fabian Iezzi, Franco Vescovi, Baba, Eddie Tana, Gold Rush Tattoo, Corey Miller, Britton McFetridge, Freddy Negrete, Alex Trufant, Charlie Roberts, Eric Gonzalez, Chuey Quintanar, Norm, Big Sleeps, Frank Whittington, Shawn Barber, Kim Saigh, Lynn King, Big Gus, Bob Tyrrell, Rich Pineda, Julius Vargas, Steve Schultz, Gary Elsworth, Brian Gonzalez, Carlos Macias, Tattoo Louie, John Caleb, Mando Islas, London Reese, Josh Woods, Chris Earl and many more.
The Low ‘N’ Slow Car Show
MUSINK will feature The Low ‘N’ Slow Car Show, presented by Famous Stars and Straps and Tribal Streetwear. The show will display the best selection of custom rides, American classics, and lowriders in Southern California, handpicked by Travis Barker and Bobby Tribal.
The Lineup
In addition to the 100+ tattoo artists and an awesome car show, MUSINK has a killer lineup to create the soundtrack of this unforgettable weekend. The band performance times for MUSINK are as follows:
Friday, March 17
5:40 PM A Wilhelm Scream 6:40 PM Lagwagon 7:45 PM The Vandals 8:55 PM NOFX
Saturday, March 18
4:55 PM Hell or Highwater 5:45 PM Story of the Year 6:40 PM Goldfinger 7:40 PM Glassjaw 8:55 PM The Used
Sunday, March 19
4:20 PM Unwritten Law 5:10 PM Swingin’ Utters 6:05 PM Miss MUSINK 6:25 PM Pennywise 7:55 PM Bad Religion
General admission and VIP ticketing options are available for purchase Here!
MUSINK / United The United Charity Auction
For those looking for a unique experience, a MUSINK / United The United charity auction benefitting The Pathway Home, Hope For The Warriors, One MAPS and Infinite Hero Foundation is now underway. The auction features exclusive offerings such as: onstage / side stage viewing of one of the performing bands, two backstage dinner vouchers, and a behind the scenes guided group tour.
You can view details and bid on the auction items Here!
Hours and Location
The OC Fair & Event Center is centrally located in Southern California, just off the 405 and 55 freeways at 88 Fair Drive in Costa Mesa. The venue is convenient to all in Orange County, as well as Los Angeles, San Diego, San Bernardino, and Riverside Counties. John Wayne Airport in Irvine, CA is also easily accessible for those traveling from other parts of the U.S. and the world.
MUSINK hours are as follows:
3:00 PM – 10:00 PM on Friday, March 17 12:00 PM – 10:00 PM on Saturday, March 18 12:00 PM – 9:00 PM on Sunday
  For more information, visit their Website
You can also find MUSINK on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
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Rashae- FestPop Staff Writer
Travis Barker’s MUSINK Announces Band Performance Time & Additional Artists for 10th Annual Event America’s largest tattoo and music festival, MUSINK, just announced the band performance times and an expanded list of tattoo artists from around the world.
0 notes
certainheartrunaway · 5 years
425 DX News No. 1477
  24 August 2019                                            A.R.I. DX Bulletin No 1477
=========================== *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S *** ****  DX  INFORMATION  **** =========================== Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW
5H     – Silvano, I2YSB and the Italian DXpedition Team have announced plans to be active as  5I5TT (CW, SSB and RTTY)  and  5I4ZZ (FT8 and FT4) from Zanzibar Island (AF-032) on  4-18 February 2020.  They will be QRV on 160-10 metres  with five stations.  QSL via I2YSB.  Bookmark http://www.i2ysb.com/idt/ for updates. 6O     – 14-28 September are the dates for LA7GIA’s  DXpedition  to  Somalia [425DXN 1472]. Ken will be active as 6O7O on 160-10 metres CW, with some SSB and FT8 limited to one or two bands.  He will focus on the low bands and  on  working  North America.  “I have some additional security related expenses like armored car,  armed guards etc”,  he says. “If you would like to contribute to  protecting  the low band antennas from being stolen, cut or moved”, you can donate by  going to  https://www.la7gia.com/.   QSL  via  M0OXO’s  OQRS  and   LoTW; logsearch  will be also provided  by  Club Log.  Make sure you read Ken’s “QSO & QSL Policy” detailed on his website. 9G     – Chip, KB1QU will be active as 9G5QU from Ghana  on  8-21 September. In his spare time he will operate  CW, FT8, FT4 and some SSB on 40, 30 and 20 metres. QSL via LoTW, or direct to N4GNR. D4     – Harald, DF2WO  will  be  active  again  as  D44TWO  from  Sao Tiago (AF-005), Cape Verde from 29 September to 13 October.  “He has been working hard in the last few months getting his  Satellite  station working”, M0OXO reports, “and is now confident he will use it  from Cabo Verde. He will be using an Icom 7300,  2 transverters  with  3 watts output on ES-Hail using the  QO-100 Geostationary Satellite”. QSL via M0OXO’s OQRS. E5_sc  – Fred, DH5FS will be active as  E51SFS  from  Rarotonga (OC-013)  on 8-16 September and from Aitutaki (OC-083) on 20-25 September.  DXCC wise,  both count  for  the  South Cook Islands.  QSL via ome call, direct or bureau. [TNX DX World] ES     – Eddie,  ES2TT  will  be  active  as  ES2TT/0  from  Saaremaa Island (EU-034) on 24-26 August.  He will operate CW and SSB on 20 metres, battery powered. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. F      – Christophe, F4GTB will be active as either TM44WFF  and  F4GTB/p on 2-18 September.  He will operate CW, SSB, PSK63 and FT8  on  40, 30 and 20 metres from several Flora & Fauna sites  in  Departement 48. QSL  via  home call  (bureau or direct),  eQSL  and LoTW.  Complete information about the France Flora Fauna programme can be found  at https://www.france-flora-fauna.fr/. F      – Special event call  TM41CDXC will be  active on 13-27 September for the 41st Convention of the Clipperton DX Club (http://wp.cdxc.org/) to be held at Mejannes-le-Clap (Gard) on  27-29 September.  QSL via F5CWU (OQRS on http://www.f5cwu.net/oqrs/). [TNX F6AJA] F      – Thierry, F6CUK  will be active as  F6CUK/p  from  Sainte-Marguerite Island (EU-058) between the late morning on 5 October and  the mid- afternoon on 6 October. He plans to operate SSB and CW on 20 and 40 metres.  QSL  via  Club Log’s  OQRS,  or  via home call (direct  or bureau). [TNX F6CUK] FK     – Jan, F6EYB  will be active  as  FK8CJ  from  Noumea,  New Caledonia (OC-032) starting around  29 August  until the end of the year.  He will be QRV mainly on 30, 20 and 17 metres. QSL via LoTW, eQSL,  or via home call. [TNX The Daily DX] FO/M   – Members of the CAN-AM DXpedition Group (namely F6BCW, K4UEE,  K5PI, VA7DX, VE7KW, W5MJ, W5RF and W5SJ) will be active as TX7T from Hiva Oa, Marquesas Islands (OC-027) on 6-17 November [425DXN 1458]. They will operate CW, SSB, RTTY and FT8 (Fox & Hound)  on  160-6 metres. QSL via M0URX’s OQRS  and LoTW.  See  http://www.marquesas2019.com/ for more information, band plan included. FP     – DK1BT, DL4WK, DL6SAK,  DL7DF,  DL7UFR,  SP3CYY and  SP3DOI  will be active  as  TO80SP  from  Ile-aux-Marins,  St. Pierre  et  Miquelon (NA-032) on  2-14 October.  They will operate CW, SSB  and  digital modes on 160-10 metres with three stations.  QSL via DL7DF  (direct or bureau) and LoTW  “within 6 months  after  the DXpedition”.  See http://www.dl7df.com/fp/ for logsearch and OQRS. I      – Commemorating the  500th anniversary  of the death  of  Leonardo da Vinci, ARI Vigevano will be active as IB2LV between 30 August and 2 December.  Leonardo  worked in  Vigevano  for  his patron  Ludovico Sforza, and special event station IB2LV/p  will be activated  on 1, 15 and 22 September from sites strongly related  to his work there. QSL via I2MYF, bureau or direct.  A certificate will  be available, see https://www.qrz.com/db/ib2lv for the details. [TNX IK2AVH] JA     – Shige, JR7DXE will be active again as JR7DXE/7 from Oshima (AS-206) on 24-25 August. He will run 50 watts, and will operate CW, SSB and FT8 on 40-10 metres. QSL via home call. [TNX JN6RZM] LZ     – Dmitry, R2ATP will travel along the Bulgarian coastline to activate several lighthouses and Bulgarian Flora Fauna sites as  LZ/R2ATP/mm on 1-24 September.  He will be QRV on 40 and 20 metres.  QSL direct to  R2ATP.   See  https://www.qrz.com/db/r2atp   for  his   planned itinerary, which includes the island of  Sveta Anastasiya  (EU-181) on 18-19 September. [TNX NG3K] OX     – Bo, OZ1DJJ will be active in his spare time as OX3LX from Upernavik Island (NA-134) from 22 August to 5 September.  QSL via OZ0J,  Club Log’s OQRS and LoTW. [TNX DX World] PA     – Commemorating the 75th anniversary of Operation Market  Garden  and the liberation  of  the  Dutch  city  of  Nijmegen,  special  event station  PA75OMG (http://www.pa75omg.nl)  will be  active on  13-22 September. QSL via operator’s instructions. SP     – Special event station SP60DXC  is active  on  all bands  and  modes until the end of the year to celebrate the  60th anniversary of the SP DX Club (http://www.spdxc.org/).  QSL via Club Log’s OQRS, LoTW, or via SP7DQR. UA9    – R0LS, RW0LZ and R0MZ will be active as R0LS/p from Karamzin Island, near Rikorda Island (AS-066) in the Peter the Great Gulf between 10 UTC on 24 until around 2 UTC on the 25th. They will operate CW, SSB and FT8 on 40, 30, 20 and 17m. QSl via R0LS, direct or bureau. [TNX qrz.ru] VE     – Look for Pierre, VE2GT to be active as VE2GT/150 from  Ile du Havre (NA-176) for a couple of hours  (+/- 13.30-15.30 UTC)  on 1 Septem- ber. QSL for this operation via EA5GL. [TNX DX World] VE     – Alessandro, VE7ADA  will be active  as  VE7ADA/1  from  IOTA groups NA-010 and possibily also NA-081 on 1-7 September.  He will operate SSB on  40-10 metres. QSL via home call, bureau or direct.  [TNX DX World] W      – The  Northern  Colorado  Amateur Radio Club  will  operate  special event station WW0WWV  from  28 September to 2 October  to mark  the 100th anniversary of the time and frequency standard station (WWV), the  oldest  continuously  operating  radio station  in  the world. Operations will take place from the WWV site near Fort Collins (CO) with four stations on multiple bands  CW, SSB and digital modes.  A trial run of WW0WWV will be conducted on 24-25 August. QSL via Club Logs’ OQRS  and  oTW, or  direct  to  WWV Amateur Radio Club,  1713 Ridgewood Rd, Fort Collins CO 80526, USA. YB     – ORARI HQ will run special event station 8A74RI from  28 August to 1 September  to celebrate  the  74th anniversary of  the  Republic of Indonesia’s independence. QSL via the bureau and LoTW.  In addition to the HQ station,  expect the special callsign to be used from the various  Indonesian  provinces/call areas  as  8A74RI/1,  8A74RI/2, 8A74RI/3,   8A74RI/4,  8A74RI/5,   8A74RI/6,  8A74RI/7,   8A74RI/8, 8A74RI/9 and 8A74RI/0. YJ     – Ron, YJ8RN is working and casual  operating  from  various  Vanuatu islands. On 8-14 August he was on  Mere Lava (OC-104),  followed by Gaua Island (Santa Maria, OC-104) until 19 August,  and  Loh Island (OC-110) until the 26th.  He will then  go to  Sola  on  Vanua Lava (OC-104) until 1 September. QSL via NZ4DX. [TNX The Daily DX]
=========================== *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S *** ****  GOOD TO KNOW … **** =========================== Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW
Access to the main functions of www.425dxn.org is provided by the 425DXN App for Android. It is available on Google Play – free of charge, no ads. Enjoy!
4D0B —> Ken, G3OCA is receiving many  QSL cards  from Japan  for  contacts made with 4D0B in 2018. “I operated as 4D2B in 2003”, Ken says,  “but I have no knowledge of 4D0B in  2018,  and I cannot  afford  to keep sending  these cards back to the operator”.
GOOGLE EARTH —> Francesco, IV3TMM has prepared the KMZ files  for  showing CQ and ITU zones on Google Earth, and  made them available  for download  on https://g7vjr.org/. Vincent, F4BKV has updated the KMZ file containing all IOTA groups including the six new ones.  The new version  (iota-v-3.kmz)  can be  downloaded  from https://iota-world.org/  (click on “Downloads”  in the drop-down menu  under “Programme Information”).
NA-211 —> The K7TRI  IOTA  DXpedition  to  Tillamook Rock  (6-9 September) [425DXN 1475] is  quite  an  expensive project.  “We are very far  from  our intended  support target”, Cezar VE3LYC  posted  to the expedition’s website (https://k7tri.weebly.com)on 16 August.  “Please help us defray some of  the huge costs associated with  this  project  by considering  a donation  –  we really do need all the support that IOTA chasers and  DXers are willing  and able to offer!”
QSLs received direct or through managers:  9Y4/OK2ZI,  CU2AK,  CW5W,  CX6VM, DF3DEJU, EA9ACF, FH/UA4WHX,  GU8FBO, HK1NA (SA-082),  HP1WW,  II7P (EU-091), JA5QYR  (AS-200),  JG7PSJ/7  (AS-206),  JO1CRA/7  (AS-206),   JW/EA3NT,  K7Y (NA-250),  LX1JX, OD5TX, OH8X,  R3RRC/6 (EU-180),  RI1OB (EU-066), SV2ASP/A, T2AR, V6K (OC-059), VP8EME, XR0ZRC (SA-005), XR1RRC (SA-069), XV1X, YV1KK.
425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE:  http://www.425dxn.org 425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE:   http://www.425dxn.org/monthly
425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH
Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed in part or full provided that “425 DX News” or “425DXN” receive proper credit
Contributors are invited to send their DX information to Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ  (i1jqj…@gmail.com) The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays
Direttore Responsabile Gabriele Villa, I2VGW Giornalista Professionista – Tessera n. 071675 Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti Roma, Italia
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