fauvester · 1 year
so......... elim junior...... he wife?
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Not only can the modern Cardassian woman have it all, it is her state-given DUTY to have it all! A successful career as the mayor of Lakat province well positioned to be Castellan in 15-20 years, a man at home who keeps everything in order, lots of children who only have to go down the road a few blocks to bother their grandfathers, a wardrobe that's a tasteful balance of sober old-fashioned tunics and mod 'new Cardassian' cuts and jackets..
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habizuh-studios · 14 days
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mayblelayla · 4 months
Strawberry Blonde (Robb Stark Modern AU)
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throw out your bobby pins and your reservations let your hair hang loose There is a reason for the things that I do I got a bible and a ring and an empty chapel we won't look back 'til it's through there is a reason for the way that I love you There is a reason that I say that I do - Strawberry Blonde Sam Burchfield
Modern Robb Stark x OC
Content: eloping, road trip, fluff, set in the 1960's, Jon and Ygritte
"Bev, darlin'?" Robb called as he closed the front door to his apartment. The sound of soft feet patted from around the corner, a gorgeous woman with strawberry blonde hair came into view carrying a well-worn book clasped in her freckled hand. A smile spread across her face when she saw Robb standing in the hallway, the sleeves of his white button-up rolled up and his arms crossed over his chest. Beverly placed the book down on the table next to the couch before sauntering over to him, the skirt of her sage green dress flowed as her hips swayed.
His arms slid around her waist, pulling her close to his chest and pressing a kiss to the top of her head.
"I got us a reservation at a cabin up north for the weekend," He mumbled into her hair, leaving another kiss on the top of her head before she pulled away from his chest. Her soft brown eyes gazed up at his blue ones, taking in the lines at the corner of his eyes, and the way a few stray curls fell into his face.
"Robb," Beverly mumbled, a small freckled hand coming up to rest on his cheek. A small smile spread across his face when he saw her brown eyes soften and her freckled cheeks turn pink.
"You still wanna get married up north right hon?" He asked, tucking a piece of her strawberry blonde hair behind her ear. Beverly could only nod as she wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her head in the corner of his shoulder.
"We're getting married!" Beverly exclaimed, pulling away from Robb and running down the hallway toward their shared bedroom. Robb only chuckled and slowly followed after her, watching as she spun around the room picking her favorite summer dresses out of their shared closet. He stood in the doorway leaning on the doorframe with a wide smirk across his face. She turned around, her strawberry blonde hair flying around and settling on her shoulders.
"I need to find a dress," She mumbled as Robb pushed off the doorframe.
"We'll go out and get one in a litl' bit darlin'," he said pulling her in for a kiss that made her giggle. After a moment she pulled away and pushed him away from her.
"You don't get to see the dress, it's bad luck," She teased, turning around to pick up her sneakers and favorite heels, placing them in her bag with her dresses. He just smiled at her and slipped out of the room.
"Honey! Have you seen my book?" Beverly called from down the hall of the cabin they just arrived at. Robb's head peaked into the bedroom, the afternoon light from the large window lit up the auburn color in his hair. In his hand, he held her worn copy of Little Women, the edges of the dark blue cover fraying.
"Thank you," She said walking over to him to grab it, but when she did he held it above his head. She tried to reach up and grab it but it was no use, she even tried to jump, but still she couldn't reach.
"Robb, that's no fair," she pouted, her arms crossed over her chest.
"Sorry sweetheart," he said handing it over to her with a kiss to the cheek. She only smiled before pushing out of the room, saying she needed to get ready and he couldn't see what she was wearing until they left.
"Just one kiss," He argued, holding himself in the doorway, a smirk on his face. "Please, darlin'?" He pleased. She gave in, pushing onto her toes to peck his lips softly, but he pulled her in by the waist, pulling her closer to him. Her lips moved with his, a soft sigh falling from them before she pulled away.
"I'll see you in an hour," she huffed, closing the door and locking it behind her knowing he should try to get in.
Beverly stood in front of the floor-length mirror in the bedroom staring at her reflection and fidgeting with her necklace. She wore a simple flowy lace dress with her black and white saddle shoes. Her hair was half up, leaving a few strands to frame her face. Her freckles stood out on her pale face and she took one last look before walking toward the door, turning the lock and opening it.
Right there in the hallway was Robb wearing his brown suit with a few strands of his hair falling over her face. To Beverly he looked perfect, his small beard framing his jaw and cheeks, his blue eyes just as soft and loving as the day they met in university. it seemed just the other day they had bumped into each other in the library, but now they had been together for almost four years, and the two of them would be graduating next spring.
"Darlin' you look absolutely breathtaking," Robb whispered, holding his hand out to her, which she gladly took with a wide smile.
"You're very handsome yourself, Mr. Stark," Beverly joked, staring up at the auburn-haired man. But before either of them could do anything, there was a knock at their cabin door.
"Robb, you two almost ready?" Called a familiar voice. Robb pulled Beverly toward the front door to the cabin, opening it to reveal his cousin Jon who was wearing a simple white button-up and dress pants with his hair slicked back. Beverly's smile only grew wider when she saw him standing there, rushing to pull him into a tight hug.
"You look beautiful Bev," he whispered, placing a kiss on her cheek.
"That she does," came the voice of Ygritte, her European accent strong with each word. Beverly let go of John and rushed into her friend's arms. The two held each other for a while before letting go with large smiles across their faces.
"How did you-" Beverly went to ask Robb but John answered for him.
"You didn't think we would miss this right? Robb needed a best man and you needed a maid of honor," He said with his soft smile. But he looked down at the watch on his wrist, realizing that the four of you needed to get going if you were going to be on time. Jon took Beverly's hand and led her to his truck that was parked next to Robb's, helping her up before watching Robb do the same for Ygritte.
The ride to the field was short and filled with small talk between the two, Jon teasing her about Robb and all the books she's read since they last saw each other. But before they knew it they pulled up to the field where the officiant was waiting for them under a large willow tree. John hopped out of the truck and helped her down as Robb pulled in behind them. When he got out he was holding a small bouquet of wild daisies and lavender that he placed into her waiting hands.
"Couldn't have my bride go without a bouquet," he teased as he linked arms with her on their walk to the tree, watching Jon and Ygritte do the same in front of them.
"Are you ready for this?" Beverly asked as they stepped under the willow tree. Robb nodded his head in response a soft smile lighting up his blue eyes.
"I always have been darlin'," he said before kissing her forehead and turning towards the officiant.
"Are we ready to get started?" The man asked and everyone nodded in response.
“We stand here in the sight of gods and men to witness the union of man and wife: one flesh, one heart, one soul, now and forever.”
“Let it be known that Beverly Frey and Robb Stark, are one heart, one flesh, one soul. Cursed be he who would seek to tear them asunder.”
“In the sight of gods and men, I hereby seal these two souls, binding them as one for eternity. Look upon one another and say the words.”
The two looked at each other with smiles across their faces before speaking the last words the the ceremony.
“I am hers and she is mine. From this day, until the end of my days,”
“I am his and he is mine. From this day, until the end of my days.”
Robb leaned down and pulled Beverly in by the waist, letting his lips touch hers softly.
"Mr. Stark," She giggled, pulling away from him with a light blush across her cheeks.
"Mrs. Stark," He laughed, kissing her lips one more time before pulling her out from under the tree and towards his parked truck. But Beverly stopped in her tracks, catching Robb off guard. She turned around and yelled out to Ygritte.
"Catch!" The redhead looked up from her conversation with Jon to see the bouquet of wildflowers flying towards her. She held out her hands and caught it perfectly with a shy smile.
Beverly turned back to Robb and continued to walk toward their truck.
"They're totally getting married soon," She said as Robb began to pull out of the field they had parked in.
"I'm sure they will darlin'," Robb said placing his hand on her thigh as he drove back down the dirt road to their cabin.
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marshmellowtea · 2 years
Damien: Do you know what you’re doing?
Y.N.: Not really, no. But since technically you helped me get this position, if anything goes wrong, I’ve decided it’s going to be your fault.
Damien: …I meant with the fax machine.
Y.N.: Oh.
Y.N.: …also no.
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kwebtv · 7 months
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The Stranger - ABC (Aus) - April 26, 1964 - July 25, 1965
Science Fiction (12 episodes)
Running Time: 30 minutes
Ron Haddrick as Adam Suisse / "The Stranger"
Janice Dinnen as Jean Walsh
Bill Levis as Bernard Walsh
Michael Thomas as Peter Cannon
John Faassen as Mr. Walsh
Jessica Noad as Mrs. Walsh
Owen Weingott as Professor Mayer
Reg Livermore as Varossa
Supporting cast
Mary Mackay as the female Soshun
Ben Gabriel as the male Soshun
Grant Taylor as Detective Inspector Chisolm
Jeffrey Hodgson as Detective Howell
Ivor Bromley as Colonel Nash
Ronne Arnold as Dr. Kamutsa
Bernie Baia as Dr. Matoula
Alex Cann as Rudolph Lindenberger
Dennis Carroll as Edward Mayer
Chips Rafferty as the Prime Minister
Reg Livermore as Varossa
Henry Gilbert as Hutchins
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shodansbabygirl · 2 years
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last night i dreamt i held you in my arms
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loljaeyunz · 22 days
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Summary: In which, your crusty-ass boss has given you a new wack task to fullfil: exploring a haunted mansion. Little did you know, the said mansion was going to open new doors in your life.
Or to put it another way, you suddenly find yourself trapped in 1960's. The four owners of the notorious mansion welcome you as if nothing is strange. Yet, you have a bad feeling about them. Therefore, as the journalist you are, you embark on the journey of uncovering their sinister agendas and find a way to return to your timeline. The problem? The owners seem to posses something beyond just a dark truth.
Pairing: enha hyung line x paranormal journalist!fem!reader
Genre: smut mdni, vampire au, detective au, accidentally time travel au, 1960s au, mystery, thriller, crime, angst, bits of fluff, suggestive, reverse harem
Warnings: murder, death, explicit acts of murdering someone, lots of blood (obv), description of crime scenes, manipulation, very suggestive themes, supernatural themes, religious themes, secret societies, cults, blasphemy, references to satanism, morally grey character, if you're here for romance and fluff then lower your expectations 'cause this is gonna be a fucked up ride, more to be added...
Expected wc: a lot idk maybe more than 30k? 40k?
Estimated publish date: not before than end of 2024/start of 2025
Note: thats a crazy idea and idk how ill manage this lmao and sorry for grammar mistakes if there's any!
Everything written here subject to change.
*You can ask for a tag but I must warn you this fic is gonna take a looooot of time for me to finish! So if you decide to be taken out or change name lemme know. Please have your age visible on your bio before asking!
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bettyfrommars · 4 months
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Dirty Metal Summer
a Dirty Dancing au
Part 3: Crimson and Clover
Eddie x fem!Reader & Steve x older!OC
masterlist playlist
18+MDNI, not too many warnings for this part just mention of losing a parent, hint to an abusive relationship, alcohol consumption, tons of awkward flirting, eventual smut, but very much a slow burn. Steve is in his mid-late 20's, aunt Kim is mid 30's to early 40's, or whatever age you are, dear reader.
wc: 4.5k
Summary: Hello! We're getting to know a bit more about the character dynamics, listening to some of Eddie's thoughts, and catching a glimpse at a third possible romance on the horizon. Preparing us for the wild ride that starts in the next chapter.
Songs for this chapter: Under the Milky Way/The Church Edge of a Broken Heart/Vixen Seek and Destroy/Metallica
The shores of the resort were thick the next day with people who worshiped the sun, playfully kicking at the water in their bathing suits, stretched out in their lounge chairs, glistening in layers of Hawaiian Tropic tanning oil.  
You, on the other hand, were still fully clothed, covered in SPF, under one of the big umbrella’s the resort offered with your headphones on to drown out the sound of the screaming children.  Your dad was in the shade next to you, absorbed in a book, while aunt Kim caught some rays on her backside in a black one-piece that was high at the hip, flipping through an issue of People magazine.  It was the Summer of Love issue celebrating the 1960’s with the Beatles on the front and the quote: “It’s 20 years later, do you know where your love beads are?”
“Don’t you want to get in the water, Bird?” Your aunt cooed politely, adjusting her big sunglasses on her face.
You shook your head, pulling your headphones down.  “I think I’ve developed a phobia of public watering holes.”
“Suit yourself,” she sat up and brushed herself off.  “I think I’ll take a quick dip.”
“Watch out for sharks,” you quipped, earning the weight of a magazine being thrown at your hip.
“This has been enough excitement for me,” your dad cleared his throat, placing a bookmark to save his spot, standing from his chair, knees popping.  “I think I’ll head in, get some writing done before dinner.”
“Later dad,” you mumbled, wishing you had an excuse to hide in a room by yourself all day.  
Once he was gone, Kim took a drink out of her water bottle and heaved a sigh.  “I wish the two of you would give this place a chance.  Look at that lake!” She stretched her arm out, pointing. “It’s breathtaking.”
You gazed out at the expanse of the cheery, vacation scene, bursting with melancholy.  “Mom would’ve loved this place,” you choked on the last word, not sure where that fresh pang of emotion had come from.  
Kim chewed the inside of her cheek, equally adrift in reverie, when a body stepped up to block the sun, putting her in its shadow.  “I was hoping I’d run into you again.” 
The body belonged to Steve, and he was shirtless, in a pair of navy-blue Staff swim trunks, short and slightly snug against his hairy thighs, and flip flops.  His lips were glossy, and even though he wore sunglasses, he had to shield his face with his hand, squinting against the sun so hard that his top lip curled.
Kim tried to speak so fast she coughed, wondering if she looked too frumpy in the suit she had on.  What was she thinking? He had to be a good 10 years younger than her, no way he was interested in—
“Kim, right?” He aimed a finger gun at her, but then he struggled a bit with your name, snapping his fingers to ignite recollection.
“And you’re Steve,” Kim's eyes couldn’t help but land on the silver chain nestled in his ample chest hair.  “Did you, um, are you working on your tan?”
It took him a second to catch what she was referring to, and then he smirked, pulling a crumpled polo from his back pocket.  “I jumped in to cover lifeguard duty for a buddy of mine,” and then he shifted his sunglasses to the top of his head and so did she.  “If you ever need a swimming lesson, I’m your guy.”
“You’re a swim instructor too?” Kim asked, impressed. Steve put his hands on his hips, accentuating broad shoulder muscles.
“Nah,” he shrugged, tucking his chin. “But I’d do my best.”
You dropped your gaze to the sketchbook you’d been doodling in, trying to pretend like you weren’t listening.  From the headphones around your neck, the song Under the Milky Way by The Church played and a handful of kids ran by you giggling, dusting sand onto your blanket.
Steve wished you a good afternoon just before he excused himself, seemingly headed back to the pool area.  You thought he’d been on his way somewhere else, but you were mistaken.
“I think he likes you,” you swirled a few doodles, raising an eyebrow.
“Noooo,” Kim gave a long protest, adjusting the straps of her bathing suit.  “He works here, it’s his job to be friendly.  
“Yeah? Is it his job to keep checking over his shoulder at you as he walks away?”
Kim peeked just as the man in question tripped over his own feet.  Regaining his balance, he waved and said, “I’m okay,” and then proceeded to put his shirt back on as he approached the lifeguard station. 
It was your turn to stiffen and feel tingly all over when you spotted Eddie strolling down the sidewalk from the main house, wearing a tool belt loose at his hips to accompany his denim and staff shirt attire.  
From the way he knocked that Lance guy out with one punch the other night, you wondered if his hand hurt.  Adjusting yourself, you wet your lips, as if he’d spot you or something, which was impossible from that distance.  He cut in front of the fenced pool area, heading for the outdoor bar that had a thatched roof like you’d see at a tropical beach.  For the first time that day, you noticed that Chrissy was working the area, carting fancy drinks around to the guests at the pool.  Her blonde ponytail bobbed as she turned from what she was doing to talk to him.  
She dipped her chin a few times in answer to whatever questions he was asking, and then he squeezed her arm affectionately before taking off again.  
“Do you want anything from the bar?” You got to your feet, dropping your Walkman to the towel.
Kim cocked her head, considering the question.  “Is it too early for alcohol?”
Eddie was back on the path, his back to you as he got further away, but your attention was on Chrissy mixing cocktails in a metal shaker.  
“I can see if they have mimosas?” You weren’t thirsty, really, but you were curious.  
Kim decided on a bloody mary and asked you to put it on her tab, slipping you a few bucks for a tip.  
The smile Chrissy gave you as you approached was polite, but it did not reach her eyes.  “What can I get for ya?”
You told her, fumbling over your words a bit, and then waited on one of the five stools for her to make your drinks.  She scooped ice into a Styrofoam cup and tossed in a jigger of alcohol. You noticed a gold, heart shaped locket around her neck with something engraved on the front.  
“Is it true you used to play with Vixen?” You asked, in awe.
Chrissy’s face fell and she paused to stare at  you.  “Who told you that?”
“Oh, um, Joyce, she, well—sounded like she was proud of you.”
Chrissy went back to work.  “That was a long time ago, back when life was good.”
“It’s not good now?” You were intruding, and you knew it, but still, you couldn’t help yourself.  
Chrissy scoffed. “You could say that. Lemon in your tea?”
You nodded, wondering if there was anything you could say or do to cheer her up.  
“How long have you and Eddie been together?” 
She frowned down at what she was doing.  “Eddie’s not my boyfriend,” she corrected.  “He’s like a brother to me. Known him since I was a kid.”
“Oh I see,” you pressed your lips together, trying not to appear relieved at that news.  
There was a lull of silence as she finished up and you felt compelled to fill it.  “I saw you play with the house band last night.  I think you’re really talented.”
You could hear the click of her molars gnashing together when she placed both drinks in front of you. “Playing lame cover songs for a no-name house band is the best I can do with my life right now. Music is the only thing I’ve ever cared about.”
You used some of your own cash to give her an even bigger tip and scooped up your drinks.
“Hey, wait,” Chrissy called after you. She rubbed her forehead and tried to smile.  “Listen, I’m sorry that I’m, that I’m being such a bitch,” she shrugged. “It’s been a shit couple days.”
You shook your head, cold drinks sweating in your hands, about to tell her that you understood, but the two of you were interrupted.  
“Bird, there you are,” you froze at the sound of Troy’s voice. “Glad to see you’re enjoying the amenities.”
Troy had a green and white tennis outfit on with a racket in his hand, and you caught the way Chrissy tensed and quickly turned away at his entrance.  She folded the tip you’d left and put it in the front pocket of her apron.  He came up close to  you—too close, invading your bubble—and so you shuffled back, bumping into one of the stools.  
“The staff is treating you well, I hope?” He leaned against the tiki bar, and it was not lost on you that Chrissy pretended to be so busy she didn’t notice him.
“Just about to bring this to my aunt,” you lifted the red drink with the celery stick sticking out of it. You glanced at Chrissy, but she went to the other side of the bar to help someone else.  “The service here is impeccable,” you said, loud enough for her to hear.
You headed out and he kept up, sticking by your side. “I’ll walk with you,” he winked.
“Great,” your smile was a tight, thin line.  
Eddie bent at the waist to sip from the stone drinking fountain near one of the utility sheds and splashed water on his face a few times, combing wet fingers through his hair so that his bangs were off his forehead.  He worked the cool water around the back of his neck, wondering if he had a sunburn.  He loved Indiana for the fall colors and the long winters, but the summer? The summer heat could go fuck itself.  
Water was still dripping from his chin and nose when Steve walked up, sunlight through the leaves making patterns on his face.   
“Did Robin mention we need to borrow your van tomorrow night?” Steve bent down to take a sip from the fountain after he asked it.  
Eddie pulled the bottom of his shirt up to wipe his face, exposing his stomach and trail of hair from his belly button to his waistband.  “As long as you don’t bring it back on empty. What’s wrong with your car?”
“We need to pick up a bunch of Robin’s stuff from her ex’s house,” Steve raised his brows high, locking them in place. “Girl is a bit of a psycho, I don’t want Robbie to go alone.
Over Steve’s shoulder, he caught sight of you making your way back to the umbrella with Troy by your side and he hoped that you were smart enough to know that guy was a piece of shit.
“I work late tomorrow, but I’ll help you unload when you get back,” the tip of Eddie’s tongue rested at the corner of his mouth, eyes darting to you again.  You weren’t some goddess from the cover of a hotrod magazine, or one of the metal babes who always tried to go down on him when he used to play shows with his old band, but yet, without knowing anything about you, the sight of you made his heart jump into his throat.
“Nah, we got it,” Steve talked as the two started walking.  “It’s just a mattress and a chair and some clothes I think.  I told her just to let them go, but it's the principle I suppose.”
“I get it man, believe me,” Eddie once drove three states just to get a rare Scorpions concert tee back from an ex who stomped his heart.
“Hey,” Eddie caught Steve before he headed off in the other direction.  “Jam at the Hideout tonight?”
They bumped fists. “Wouldn’t miss it.”
The movie Casablanca was the offering at the outdoor theater that night, and respective families cuddled on the lawn on their various blankets and camp chairs under cover of generous tree branches.  Halfway through, you excused yourself from your aunt’s company to find the restroom, and that was when you spotted Chrissy and Troy having what appeared to be a heated conversion at the curve of the sidewalk near the rose garden.  You ducked behind a tree just as Humphrey Bogart said one of his infamous lines on the screen.  
Since everyone’s attention was occupied elsewhere, no one but you saw the way Chrissy pointed in Troy’s face, only for him to snatch her wrist in a way that made you gasp.  She yanked her arm away and turned on her heel, but then he caught up and lunged in front of her.  Whatever he said to her then calmed things down for a moment, she stopped trying to break free, and then he cupped her face as if he were about to kiss her, but she shoved away again.  That time, he let her go.  Hands balled into fists in his pockets, head down, he stormed off in the opposite direction, toward you.
You stood very still, hoping to be mistaken for the thick trunk of the tree, and thankfully, it worked. You came around to glare at his backside, but then trotted after Chrissy.  She was long gone, walking as fast as her feet could carry her along the treeline, and you didn’t think she’d appreciate you screaming her name at the top of your lungs in front of the other guests.  
It was pure luck that made you take notice of something shiny on the ground, a pile of glistening gold on the sidewalk.
It was a necklace, a heart locket to be exact, much like the one you’d noticed around Chrissy’s neck earlier that day.  You ran your thumb over the engraving on the front and let the delicate chain drag along the back of  your hand.  
You were sure that it belonged to Chrissy, the clasp must’ve broken during the struggle with Troy.  You had to get it back to her somehow.  
“Where are you going?” Your dad asked as you sailed through the living room on your way to the door later that evening.  He looked at his wristwatch.  “It’s almost 11.”
You’d planned on him being in bed already.  “I, well, I ahh—” you scrambled for an excuse, something that wasn’t “I’m going off the property to where people fight and get drunk and listen to metal”.  You were 21 and technically, by the law of the land, could do anything you wanted, but anyone who has ever traveled with family is familiar with the tendency to be treated like a child infinitely.  He loved  you, he worried about you, and you didn’t want him to stay up all night pacing, so, you lied.  
“There’s a meteor shower tonight, and a bunch of the guests are watching from the boat docks,” god, you hoped he wouldn’t fact check you on that.
He shuffled some saltines absently out of a tin.  “You’re still coming on the boat with us tomorrow morning?”
“Wouldn’t miss it,” you beamed, clenching the front of your jean jacket closed to hide the revealing shirt you wore underneath.  
You raced down the porch steps once you were able, dashing into the night with Chrissy’s necklace safe in your pocket.
A guy in a Black Sabbath shirt and a drastic mullet with hair down his shoulders moved out of the way for you as you crossed the bridge, and then you had to stand there and take a breath. Robin wasn’t with you and you hadn’t been invited to the Hideout this time, maybe they wouldn’t want you?  Surely you could find Chrissy at work the next day and give her the necklace then? Fuck it, you were almost there.  
You could hear the shrill feedback from a guitar and then someone speaking into a microphone.  Was that Eddie’s voice? Your heart raced.  People cheered at whatever was said, and then the drum beat kicked in a few times, followed by guitar riffs, and a woman’s voice singing the Vixen intro to Edge of a Broken Heart.
“I can't believe I could have been so blind
But love is strange
I thought about it for a long long time
But the truth remains”
You could feel the music in your chest.  Was that Chrissy? Perhaps it was the “band practice” Robin told you about, but the music didn’t sound at all like what you’d expect to hear from the conservative house band. The sliding door was open once you were in view, with people mingling outside, and you dodged around them, sucking in a plume of secondhand smoke from a passerby.   
Slithering through a few more bodies, you stepped right over the spot where Lance had gone down the night before, and then you had the perfect view of Chrissy exercising her impressive pipes on the microphone under a few ropes of tiny, pale string lights.  
Steve was on bass, hair flopping in his face, his mouth holding an “O” shape as he played. He had on a thin white tee that was soaked through with sweat on the front atop belted blue jeans.  Eddie arched back, exposing his throat, his fingers deftly working the strings on his smoke black Warlock guitar.  He had a Bark at the Moon shirt on with wide, ripped out arm holes exposing the tattoo work on his ribs.  His hair hung in his face when he bent over to play, a frown of concentration knitting his brows together.
Chrissy jabbed her fist in the air for the chorus and the crowd screamed it:
“I've been living on the edge of a broken heart
I don't wanna fall, I don't wanna crawl
I've been living on the edge of a broken heart
Don't you wonder why I gotta say goodbye”
She commanded the stage, playing guitar as she sang. You were too absorbed to realize that you had made your way forward and were right there front and center when Eddie glanced up.
He wasn’t expecting to see you, so he did a dramatic double take, nostrils flaring the moment your eyes connected.  Why couldn’t you just stay away?
A smile teased at the corners of your mouth, but faded to an unsure lip bite when he averted his gaze, scowl deepening.  He ignored you for the rest of the song. 
When it was over, there were cheers and whistles all around.  The drummer with the mop of tawny hair twirled one of their drumsticks in the air with a flourish and caught it, clapping the high hat.  Voices murmured around you as people fell back into conversation while they had a break from the volume of the amps, and you shuffled to the side, following Chrissy as she took her guitar off and held it by the fretboard.  She had on a cropped shirt with her shorts, golden hair loose and wild around her shoulders, her short fingernails painted black.  There were a few old, wooden apple box crates stacked on top of each other to act as a makeshift table, and she grabbed the neck of the beer that was waiting there to take a sip.   
Eddie continued to play, wailing on the guitar with precision, while Steve and the drummer followed his lead to the tune of Seek and Destroy by Metallica.
You tapped Chrissy on the shoulder, and she jumped.  “Oh shit, you scared me,” she said, spinning around. She checked around as if she were expecting to see someone else there.  “Where’s Robin? Is she with you?”
“No, I, just a sec—” you dug around in the front pocket of your jacket, panicking for a moment that you forgot to bring the locket with you. “I found this on the sidewalk, and I thought maybe you dropped it?”
Chrissy gasped at the sight of it and her eyes began to water.  “How did you–?” A sob caught in her throat, and she reached out to gently take it from you.  She shook her head in disbelief.  “I looked everywhere, I thought it was gone forever, I—”
“I thought that was you!” It was Robin, bobbing on the balls of her feet as she came up to nudge your shoulder.  But then, her attention turned to Chrissy and her face tensed with concern.  “What happened, why are you crying?”
“No, no,” Chrissy sniffed and opened her fist to show Robin the piece of jewelry.  “It’s my grandmother’s locket I told you about.  Bird found it.”
Robin bent to get a closer look and the two women knocked their heads together, sharing a laugh.  “The clasp is broken though,” Chrissy mused.  “It must’ve come off when—” she swallowed, deciding not to finish that sentence.  “I’ll take it into town to get it fixed this weekend.”
“Give it here, I’ll fix it for you,” Robin volunteered.  “Not only can I unclog a toilet, but I’m also pretty crafty.”
“Y-you’d do that for me?” She asked as she was passing it over.
“Of course,” Robin chuckled.  “I’d do anything for y—I mean, what are friends for right?”
Chrissy turned her attention back to thank you properly when Steve pushed in between the other two girls and slung his arms around their shoulders.  “What's going on?”
Robin cringed.  “Gross, Dingus, you’re all sweaty,” to which he shook his head and droplets from his hair flew everywhere, making the girls scream and push him off.
The three of them got into conversation about something and you sank back against the corrugated metal wall to observe.  You hadn’t noticed the music stopped but the drummer was in the crowd having a beer and just as you were on your toes trying to find Eddie, a warm body sank in next to you.  
“Hey,” Eddie said.
You looked just in time to catch his gaze traveling down your body, but then he was quick to lift his beer to his mouth and pretended to be watching the crowd. 
“Hey,” you returned, suddenly full sentences and conversation felt so foreign.  You were acutely aware that there was plenty of space along the wall, but he was pressed close, bare arm touching yours.  
“They let you stay out this late on a school night?” He grinned against the aluminum rim, amusing himself.  He had a second beer in his other hand, and he passed it to you.
“Ha. Ha.” 
He had one knee bent with his foot on the wall while the other leg stretched long to show the heavily scuffed toe of his black boot.  
You shuddered despite the heat.  “So, how long have you and Chrissy been playing music together?”
He hummed, shifting so that his bicep rubbed against you, squinting one eye shut in thought, tilting his head back.  “Been something like a decade now, I think? Feels longer.  Feels like I’m 60 years old some days.”
“How old are you though?” You swallowed so hard your throat clicked.  “45? 50?”
He leaned into you, hard enough to push you over if your feet weren’t planted, his hair skimming your shoulder.  “Close enough,” he paused to say something else, but then puffed out his cheeks and exhaled.  
He wanted to ask how long you’d been playing the cello, but how would he even know you did without admitting he’d watched you that night from the street like a stalker? “Do you think you’re gonna stick around, watch us play some more?”
“I could,” you were about to add something super cheesy like, “if you want me to,” but opted for nonchalant.  “I love watching Chrissy play.”
He nodded a few times, and pushed off the wall, handing you his beer.  “Hold this for me?” His silky brown eyes locked onto yours, the tip of his tongue resting between parted lips.  “Please?”
There you were, holding Eddie Munson’s beer.  He got behind the mic and took his shirt all the way off to wipe his face with it before strapping his guitar on.  The next song they did was an original, something that Eddie and Chrissy wrote, and Chrissy came in on backup vocals, while Eddie growled out the lyrics, banging his head every so often.   He swiped his bangs from his forehead, wet with perspiration, and his fingers worked like magic along the strings.  At one point, he and Chrissy shared the same mic, belting out the words.  
He made eye contact with you three times, not that you were counting.  Each time longer than the last.  When it was over, he came out and took his beer from you, fingers touching as he did so.
“Eddie, I think I—” you were about to let him know you should probably get going, but he’d already turned, chugging the rest of the beer as he went, and then they were right into the next song.  
Eddie wasn’t sure why you made him so curious, but the voices in his head were screaming at him to shake it off.  Somehow, he’d gone four years without getting involved with a summer person, he’d never even been tempted really.  Nothing good could come of it, especially since he’d probably end up being nothing but a vacation fuck for you to brag to your friends about.  
He glanced around but couldn’t find you during the song.  When he went to check for you at the wall, you were gone.  
thank you again for the love on this and for reading!
taglist: @micheledawn1975@kurdtbean@katethetank@elvendria@spookysqaush86@somethingvicked@stylesxmunson@laurenlokirby@sapphire4082 @kellsck @motherfckerrr @emxxblog @justdamnpeachy @dashingdeb16 @corrodedcoffincumslut @bexreadstoomuch @ohmeg@marrowfrog00
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paper-lilypie · 2 years
Ok ok so
✨Runaway Bride AU✨
Set in the 1960’s, an era where humans and robots coexist (albeit a little tensely), the rich reign supreme and status is everything.
Cue Y/N, engaged to one William Afton— famous, wealthy, head of a robotics company and very, very, very ambitious. Gets what he wants, when he wants it. Even if what he wants is another body to warm their bed a week before the wedding.
The day of the wedding, Y/N, all dressed up, decided they’ve had enough. And, in the heat of it all, risks everything— they run.
They run and run and run, knowing when word gets out— when William finds out— Y/N is ruined. Their reputation, public image, their dignity— all of it shattered. Still, they run, even when they know his goons are already at their heels.
In a desperate attempt at fleeing, they barge into the local bakery, startling the two robots working there, one at the ovens; the other at the display glass. They blink, stunned.
Y/N, desperate, asks them to help them hide.
And they do.
Cue hurried running through the establishment, hiding when William’s people show up asking for them, and breathing a sigh of relief when the bakers deny ever seeing them.
Cue meeting them properly (their names are Sun and Moon, from the culinary product line) and tearfully explaining your whole situation. Explaining you’re no longer good in the eyes of society, you’d be a wretch, a liar, a player, someone who no one will want to wed if William has anything to say about it—
Cue an idea. Cue a dangerous idea. Cue the desperation and the running against the clock.
The next day, they make preparations. The next day, the three of them get married.
The day after, word gets out. The day after, everyone’s eyes are set on them:
Y/N, married, terrified and with their dignity in tact.
William, furious, vindictive and with a vicious plan brewing;
Sun and Moon, robots, married, shell-shocked and with no idea what they’ve just gotten themselves into.
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tiddygame · 3 months
hello im sorry i wrote more for @myriadblvck ’s streamer au ghoap
I time travelled and around 4,000 words magically appeared in a document titled: "you didn't juju on the fucking beat soap" I think I was possessed by something. anyways here’s that:
tw: is it a panic attack? is it just typical ghost angst? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ just be careful it's mostly fluffy (ghost is mean to himself cause he almost kissed soap on the forehead)
also i just realized after i wrote this whole thing, this is based on my general knowledge of dog tags… as an american. writing about the british military. so if you know your shit about the british military, uhh sorry in advance. my bad. from a very brief search i think a lot of it’s the same or at least same enough but this might hurt for people that know a thing or two. whoops!
fun fact: did you know for a brief stint (iirc, >40 years from around 1960s to 2010ish) the american military was printing soldiers’ ss numbers on their tags? yeah can’t imagine why they switched back to serial numbers.
Ghost had been pacing outside of his office for three minutes before he actually entered. When he did, he didn’t say a word. Just sat down in one of the chairs, fidgeting. It wasn't that uncommon of an occurrence, he was normally either gathering his thoughts before talking to Price about something more personal or hiding from what/whoever he didn't feel like dealing with.
When it came to mission debriefs, he was clear and concise. However, personal matters were a different story, and based on the way he anxiously opened and closed his hand, he'd guess this was a personal matter.
Price didn’t ask. He knew that whatever it was Simon needed to say would come out eventually. For now, he continued filling out paperwork and trying to figure out what it was that had Ghost so worked up.
Honestly, there wasn't much guesswork involved. Chances were, it was probably yet another leave request. He knew from Gaz (who was such an awful gossip he sometimes wondered how the man made it through interrogation training) that Simon had been visiting some social media person he had taken a liking to.
(Look, yes, Price knew about Twitch and live streaming and everything. He’s not actually that old. However, as long as he kept up the front of the old man who complained about the keyboard on his phone being too small, he didn’t have to deal with social media. Sure, it caused all of them to joke that he was geriatric and on his last legs, but he was able to convince Roach that he doesn’t know what TikTok is, meaning he wasn’t in charge of reviewing all the bullshit he and Gaz posted. A fair trade if you ask him.)
He also knew that Gaz was convinced the two were in love to the point that he and Roach had a bet going to see when they would get together. Price thought it was rather stupid, but he had to admire their ability to keep it under wraps; if the lieutenant found out they’d been placing monetary bets on his love life, he had a feeling he would need to find replacements for the 141.
Regardless, Price hoped that one day Simon would tell him about the friend but, until then, he was happy to fill out any paperwork that would get the poor man off base. God knows that idiot needs a vacation.
Simon was bouncing his leg, messing with his fingers, and staring off into space.
Three of his nervous habits at once? He must be even more worked up about this than Price thought. But, he was a patient man. It was about seven minutes of companionable silence before Simon spoke.
“I need replacement dog tags. I seem to have lost mine.”
Price looked up. He could see the chain around his neck and the outline of them still under his shirt.
"You do?" Price shuffled his documents around, eventually finding a blank piece of paper he could write on.
"Yes sir."
“And do you know what happened to them?”
“I believe they were knocked off during the fight from the last mission. I didn’t notice until later that night when we were back at base.”
Price paused and looked up from where he had been writing.
The last mission had been an odd one. Ghost normally stuck further away, their eagle-eyed lieutenant typically stayed at long to mid-range, watching for hostiles and making sure whoever else was in the field wouldn’t get caught off guard by someone they hadn’t seen.
During the last mission, he decided to engage at close range, a far cry from his usual approach of sniping hostiles from the shadows.
At one point, their lieutenant had been tackled and almost strangled. The fight had pretty much ended, his attacker was the only one left there. Ghost, being The Ghost, dispatched him with ease, but it stuck out to Price. Ghost may prefer to stay further back, but that didn’t mean that his hand-to-hand combat skills were lacking by any means.
He remembered thinking at the time that it was a clumsy mistake, that Ghost would have had to be intentionally trying to fuck up to get knocked down. He assumed the man had just been caught off guard, but he knew that theory wouldn’t hold up to any scrutiny. Ghost isn’t one to get caught off guard.
What was stranger yet still was Ghost specifically pointing it out in his mission report, calling even more attention to it.
Price set his pen down and leaned back in his chair.
“You planned this?”
“I plead the fifth,” said the British man.
Price just continued to stare, curious to see if this was actually going where he thought it was going.
“Is this off the record?” Simon eventually asked.
“Of course,” almost everything the 141 did was of dubious legality. Not reporting a conversation about possible wasted assets was far from the worst thing that had been swept under the rug.
“Then yes.”
Simon didn’t answer. Price waited, giving the man time to gather his thoughts, but based on the way his mouth opened and closed before he slumped in his chair, it seemed he didn’t know what to say at all.
Price had an inkling he might know what this was about.
“You know, Gaz likes to keep me informed,” Ghost looked up at him, somewhat panicked yet resigned, like he already knew what Price was going to say.
“He tells me you have a certain someone you’ve been visiting?”
“Is this person a friend or…?” Ghost once again paused, calculating the potential consequences of his available responses.
He didn’t answer.
“Hmm,” Price paused, wondering how far to push before he continued, “You want to give this person your old dog tags?”
Of course he would pre-plan “losing” his dog tags. Price mentally chuckled, leave it to Simon to be such a sap that he wanted to give someone his dog tags yet still make sure to follow protocol so he never actually risked going without them.
He had to hand it to him, it wasn’t a bad plan.
Price had a smile now, knowing his grumpy hard-ass lieutenant had a sweetheart he wanted to be sappy with.
“Romantic or platonic?” Price tried again.
“… I don’t know,” he’d never seen Simon look quite so… forlorn.
Hmm… That would explain his hesitancy.
He was pushing how much Simon was willing to divulge.
“And does this person know the significance of you giving them your dog tags?”
Well, curiosity killed the cat…
“No, they don’t.”
…But satisfaction brought it back. How interesting, the plot thickens.
“Do you plan on telling them?”
There was a long pause, after which it dawned on Price, “You want to give them your dog tags because they don’t know.”
It wasn’t a question, he already knew. Simon somehow slumped further, attempting to hide his face as if he weren’t wearing a balaclava.
His grumpy hard-ass lieutenant. Absolutely smitten with someone yet too shy to say anything, deciding on a quiet confession, one they likely wouldn’t pick up on.
Price chuckled, jotting down the necessary information he would need when he got his hands on the right paperwork, polishing up some of the details of Ghost’s story to make it more believable, before reading off what he had written to Ghost to make sure he got everything right. Ghost nodded once, and that was that.
“Replacement tags will probably be here in two to three weeks.”
“I would like to request leave for two to three weeks from now.”
Price handed him the form, having already grabbed it. He noticed how the man seemed to calm at just the thought of getting to visit his mystery person.
Oh, he thought to himself.
I am definitely joining Roach and Gaz’s bet.
They were lying on the daybed in his streaming room, or, well…
No, that’s not quite right.
Simon was lying on the daybed.
Johnny was lying on top of Simon.
His computer was still softly playing quiet (non-DMCA) music from where his stream had just ended. Instead of turning it off, he had decided to unplug his headset and leave it on, the music just loud enough to be heard.
Simon was sleepily scrolling through his phone, trying to pretend like he hadn’t almost dropped several times while dozing off, desperately trying to stay awake. Johnny had watched his struggle and decided to lay down right on top of Simon, not even trying to pretend like he was trying to fit on the remaining space on the daybed. Why would he when Simon was right there?
It was meant to be a joke, having thrown himself on top of him to annoy the man into sleeping on an actual bed (he claimed he wasn’t tired but the comically loose grip on his phone and the waking world said otherwise.) However, unfortunately for said sleepy man, Simon was very, very comfortable.
His head was resting on Simon’s chest, arms under his back like he actually was just a pillow, one hand reaching higher to feel where Simon’s hair had begun to grow out slightly.
I wonder if he would let me help him cut it…
Simon had said he was like a clingy cat, his free hand running through his hair in the same manner one would pet a cat to prove his point. The joke's on him though, he likes it.
Simon had tried to stop but Johnny didn’t let him, threatening to tickle him if he did.
(“I’m not ticklish, I just don’t want you throwing a tantrum.”
“Yeah, sure. Whatever you say,” he was definitely ticklish, and one of these days he was going to prove it.)
At some point, Simon had given up on keeping a grip on his phone, letting it drop to the side. They would probably have to go digging through the cushions to get it out of whatever crevice it had fallen to. As of right now, the idea of ever leaving his spot was comical at best.
The sun had begun to set, orange and pink tinted light filtering through the sheer curtains, making everything look more like a dream. Or maybe it was just the proximity to the man below him that was making him feel so serene.
Johnny took a second to inhale and exhale slowly, appreciating the moment. He hoped that this memory, this beautiful tranquility with Simon, would be something he cherished for a long time to come.
He knew that they had things to do. Soon, Simon would be catching a flight at some ungodly hour, headed back to save the world yet again. But for now, he was happy to nap away in their own little bubble. He never was a religious man but here in the arms of Simon Riley, he was tempted to think heaven was real, and that it was right in front of him.
“I almost forgot,” Simon mumbled, not sounding any more awake than he looked, reaching up for the collar of his shirt. Thankfully, the hand that was running his hair remained. He didn’t like proving the cocky bastard right, but he probably would have thrown a tantrum had he tried to remove it.
“They had some fuck up along the line or something and accidentally printed me an extra set of dog tags. I was just gonna toss ‘em but thought you might want—”
Johnny was now wide awake, sitting up and yanking the chain out of his hands.
“Don’t you fucking dare throw them away, of course I want them!” Simon’s face reddened, a frequent treat for Johnny now that he had gotten more comfortable going without the mask. Simon might have been good at keeping a poker face, but without his mask, he was a blushing mess.
He wondered if the blush was from his obvious jubilation at the gift or if it was because he was now straddling the man. Such pesky details, however, (even ones that would keep future Johnny awake at night) were far less important than examining the necklace in his hands.
It was obvious this was the older set, the metal worn and dented in some spots though the writing was still clearly visible.
“Calm down, I’m not going to take it from you,” the gruff tone was severely undermined by the aforementioned blush. It was hard to sound tough while half asleep on a daybed and being used as another man’s pillow.
Johnny stared at them for a little bit longer, feeling every dent and wondering the story behind how they got there, before putting them on.
He smiled at the man under him, “How do I look?”
He was going to joke, asking if he looked like a rough and tough soldier ready for war, but something in Simon’s eyes made him stop short.
He was looking with… with… Reverence was far too intense of a word for the softness of the moment but it was the only word that came to mind.
Simon reached up with his hand, grabbing the tags, his knuckles grazing his chest.
Well, that’s just fucking unfair.
Simon was supposed to be the blushy one. Not him, goddammit!
Though, he thinks when they make eye contact, they end up tied for who is blushing the most. They stare for a while, maybe it should have felt awkward but it was too adoring for either to feel any form of uncomfortability.
Neither moved.
It was Johnny that broke first, smiling at him, yet again tracing all of the scars he could see. It was his new favorite hobby, especially when Simon would blush making the scars on his face all the more visible.
He took one more second to sleepily appreciate the man before him, then went back to using him as a pillow. His hands went back to where they were before, one under Simon’s back and one playing with his hair. His head, however, did not fall back to his chest, instead resting in the crook of his neck and shoulder.
Simon’s hand returned to running through his hair, his other now coming up to rest on his back, rubbing up and down a few times before the sleepiness from earlier fully returned with his hand stopping somewhere around the small of his back.
Johnny leaned up slightly and gave a chaste kiss to the part of his neck that he could reach, then settled back to where he was. The hand in his hair paused.
“Thank you, Simon.”
A second of delay, and then the hand continued.
“You’re welcome, Johnny.”
Simon shuffled slightly, getting comfy before—
A kiss, on his forehead.
He couldn’t stop the blush and smile if he wanted to. He snuggled closer before drifting off to sleep.
When he woke, he was in his bed, practically tucked in. His window had been opened slightly, blackout curtains that had been drawn closed now swaying slightly with the breeze. When he focused, he realized he could smell petrichor and hear heavy rainfall outside with the occasional grumble of thunder.
There was a note on his nightstand. As he expected, it was Simon’s handwriting, apologizing for not waking him up before he left. It said that he had made breakfast for him (pancakes, with enough for when his sister would inevitably try to steal them), that he made sure to lock the front door, and left the window cracked.
He giggled sleepily at the last line. Regardless of the context, it always made Simon anxious to have the curtains open, much less to leave a window open. But, he also must've known how much Johnny loved the rain and set his worries aside, just this once, so he could wake up to the rain.
He set the note down and flopped back onto his pillows, his hand felt something cold and he remembered.
The dog tags.
John MacTavish is no stranger to crushes and heartbreaks.
He's had high school sweethearts, been in and out of love, he knows his way around the world of dating. Which is why he most certainly does not squeal and kick his legs while holding the tags like some kid with their first crush.
He did it like a grown man, thank you very much.
He grabbed his phone and sent Simon the worst pun he could think of; it was tradition at this point to send him some god-awful joke before his flight.
Simon has probably already forgotten about the whole exchange. He probably woke up and assumed he threw them away when he noticed he wasn't wearing them. It was probably stupid, an insignificant gesture with no meaning. But to Johnny, it felt like everything.
He sighed dreamily at the ceiling and felt the cool metal once more. Thunder roared outside. He thought about how he had felt in the man's arms. Thought about how much he wanted that again.
His phone dinged and he immediately reached over to grab it.
I'm fucked, aren't I?
Elsewhere, Ghost was in an airport terminal, having far too much time to think.
Over the weekend, it was almost impressive how many times Ghost had talked himself into and back out of giving Soap his dog tags. He really hoped he hadn't made a mistake.
Simon felt the spot that Johnny had kissed and wondered if he remembered it. Wondered if he had meant it.
Simon thought about how Johnny had looked cradled in his arms when he carried him to his room, the way he had reached out for him when he laid him in bed. The way he had grabbed his wrist and clung to it, grumbling when Simon tried to pull it back.
If asked, he'd say that he had woken up late and that's why he was so far behind schedule. He'd keep the part where he sat there, kneeled in front of Johnny's bed, waiting for him to fall back into a deep enough sleep to pull his arm away all to himself. After all, it would have been rude to wake him up, no?
He had made sure to plug up his phone and, upon seeing the forecasted weather, hesitated before opening the window. It was only barely cracked, just enough for the sounds of the outside world to shamble in, but not so wide as to worry about water damage. He stared at it, convincing himself not to worry and that Johnny would like waking up to the fresh air.
He turned back to make sure the man was still asleep, still comfy, but stopped for a moment. He approached the bed and hesitated before running his fingers through his stupid haircut, almost wishing the man would grab his arm and give him an excuse to stay.
He didn't. Simon did, however, lean in to give him one last kiss on the forehead as some stupidly sappy goodbye, before his brain turned back on and he ripped himself away.
What the fuck is wrong with you? What? He grabs your arm in your sleep so you feel entitled to be able to kiss him?
Simon backed away, staring at the hand that had just been in his hair. He felt dirty.
For fuck’s sake, relax. It's not that big of a deal, you did it earlier; the man fell asleep in your arms, a forehead kiss isn't too much of a stretch.
He went to the kitchen and scrubbed his hands for a while, only stopping when he thought about how much water he was wasting. He still felt dirty.
Not a stretch? You don't get to decide that. How would you feel if someone tried to kiss you while you were unconscious? If they said that they felt they should be allowed to do so because you fell asleep?
He had started making pancakes. Something quick, easy, and reheatable for when Soap woke up. Like making him breakfast would make up for trying to kiss him in his sleep.
Why can't you just be normal?
Eventually, and after a run-in with Soap’s hell-spawn of a twin, he had to leave. The time on his phone showed that he should probably already be halfway to the airport by now but he has always been a selfish man.
He had snagged some paper and left Soap a quick note, hoping the apology would make him feel better about worse sins than not waking him up. It didn't.
He stared at the man for a second, admiring him, before he reminded himself that he was a fucking creep and left.
The storm left the flight delayed by 1.5 hours. Ghost had sat waiting, wireless headphones on and connected, but not playing anything. He had far too much time to think.
Simon thought about how Johnny had looked, his dog tags around his neck, silhouetted by the fading light, the sun behind his head as if even the stars knew they could never compare to him.
He stood and started pacing. Amongst the screaming children, feuding families, and people who think they're entitled to listen to their music without headphones, one middle-aged man having an existential crisis didn't stick out.
He thought about how he had never understood weighted blankets so well until Johnny had thrown himself on top of him. It should've hurt. He should've been annoyed. Instead, Simon selfishly hoped he would never get up.
It took him a while to put his finger on what he had been feeling exactly. Finally, he realized.
There, in that moment, he had never been so happy to be alive. It was a startling emotion to discern amongst the swath of negativity he normally felt. It startled him so much, he had snapped out of his reverie and stopped short in his pacing. When he checked the time, he saw he had one missed text from Johnny.
Soap (art streamer): i was trying to think of an airplane joke but none of them landed
Simon chuckled and sat down; he almost forgot about their dumb little tradition.
Ghost: Disliked.
Soap (art streamer): everyone is so mean 2 me 💔
Ghost: It is not my fault your pun was so Boeing.
Soap (art streamer): well i thought i could wing it
Ghost: Did you look up what giving do-
Ghost: About the tags, you
Ghost: I think you make me want to live
Ghost sighed and fell back further into his seat, coming to a conclusion that his subconscious had long ago discovered.
I'm in love, aren't I?
Soap (art streamer): speechless huh? finally, the Wright reaction to my comedic genius
Ghost: Absolutely awful, Mactavish.
Soap (art streamer): :D
Took you long enough, dumbass.
Soap’s twin spent a good bit of time staring at her brother's new accessory.
“Is something wrong?” he challenged, hoping she wasn't in a bothersome mood.
She failed miserably at hiding her shit-eating grin but didn't care.
“Nope!” she replied.
She had run into Ghost early that morning before he left.
She was pretty sure he never even learned her name, just jumped straight into calling her detergent.
"Ghoul," she greeted, glaring at the man.
Being required by law to not trust him, she checked on her brother as he was still gathering his things and noticed the necklace.
“You gave him your dog tags,” she accused, like she was framing him for murder.
“Yes, I did,” he replied casually, as per usual robbing her of the fight she so desperately wanted to pick.
“Did you tell him what it means?”
“...What does it mean?”
Damn, he was good. If she wasn't convinced that he was the devil incarnate, she might have fallen for his feigned ignorance.
“100 bucks and you buy my silence.”
“I don't know what you mean.”
“200 then.”
“It doesn't even mean anything.”
“Hmm. Well, I suppose you might be right… JOHN!” their neighbors were probably going to complain.
“What the fuck are you doing?” ooh he was getting panicked now.
“If it doesn't matter then you won't mind me telling him to look it up,” she started walking to his room, “JOHNSON!”
“Fucking Christ, woman! Just— Fucking— Here.”
He pulled out his wallet and started counting bills. Damn, that was easier than she thought.
“What did you say? 100?”
“Nope! That was before inflation. Now it’s 300.”
“What the hell is wrong with you? You said 200!”
“So you admit you tried to scam me?”
“Just take the 100 and g-”
She didn't even get to yell, he reached for more before she could finish taking a deep breath in.
“Just shut the fuck up! Here! Three fucking hundred!”
She was tempted to raise her price further, but she was no gambler, she was a strategist. She knew a defeated man when she saw one. If she played this right, she could extort money out of him for a long time to come.
Something, something, vampires not fully killing their victims and all that.
She took the money, counted it, and then held out her hand to shake.
“It was a pleasure doing business with you, Mr. Wraith!”
He didn't shake her hand.
“Christ, both of you are awful.”
He packed his stuff and left, broke, broken, and defeated.
She ate as many pancakes as she could, rich and victorious.
She thought about how much power, how much blackmail she had in this moment.
“I’m fantastic actually,” she walked to her room.
I am going to be so fucking rich by the time they get their shit together.
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wannab-urs · 2 months
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Pedro Pascal Character Fic Recs | Vol 37
AO3 | Kofi | Main Masterlist | The Spreadsheet Masterlist
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Howdy folks!
Welcome to my bi-weekly fic rec list! This is everything I read in the last two weeks. It's... a lot. I did March Fic Madness and also just was generally in a reading mood so there's like 40 fics here. They're in alphabetical order by boy.
All info provided by the author unless it was blank, in which case I filled it in.
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Constellations in his eyes
Dave York one shot by @janaispunk
Your fiancé stands you up on your birthday. Dave doesn’t.
infidelity, shitty boyfriend, angst, fluff, kissing, able-bodied reader, reader has hair, no use of y/n
What Love Means
Dave York one shot by @ravensmadreads
Dave has a panic attack and you help him through it
So David is probably ooc (but this version of him is my comfort character sorry), description of a panic attack, mentions of canon violence, and like the barest hint at smut.
The Mess of Us
Dave York one shot by @ravensmadreads
I gave david york my heart and then proceeded to bash it with a sledgehammer - forgive me :p this is the same universe as What Love Means
vague smut, lots of angst (i mean i tried), almost entirely canon compliant, vague-ish attempt at smut, mild cursing, insane use of italics.
The One
Dieter one shot by @schnarfer
If one thing had been different, would everything be different today?
Bit of emotional torment, drink and drugs references, Dieter POV, happy ending? Always Fleabag coded.
Purple Haze
Dieter one shot by @schnarfer
that boy put a spell on you
1960’s London Dieter Bravo AU, heavy on the British slang, explicit alcohol and drug references, reader is a model but no physical descriptions, outfit descriptions, swearing, sort of enemies to lovers if you squint, smut; protected PIV, light bondage, reader is in control and Dieter is a subby puddle, pet names (angel, doll, darling), light dirty talk, playful slaps. Just a note we’re always very Fleabag coded here.
House Arrest
Dieter one shot by @rulexofxnines
Dieter stays over at your place out of desperation. Things get out of hand so you take control of the situation.
forced proximity, only one bed, a goat
The Howler Monkey
Dieter one shot by @covetyou
You got him here, he was safely tucked away upstairs and everything was going, mostly, according to plan. So, who the fuck is screaming?
no smut but some nudity, implied drug use/addiction, little bit silly, mildly angsty, performance anxiety, screaming, Dieter Bravo's soft cock. basically mild hurt/comfort/fluff with my usual bit of silliness.
Dieter one shot by @chronically-ghosted
Interview with a vampire, gatsby style
flirting, a bit of blood, maybe dubcon due to The Thrall but i think it's safe to say we all want It from vampire!dieter, unbeta-ed because i needed to write something or someone was going to die
Brick House
Dieter one shot by @nerdieforpedro
Dieter buys a house for you and the baby
mention of past drug use, fertility issues, mention of sperm donation and clinics, false pretenses, Dieter might be a bit obsessed or a lot
Stay sexy and don't get murdered
Dieter one shot by @chronically-ghosted
Trapped behind a secret wall to hide from a murderer, the close proximity forces you and Dieter to confront feelings you rather bury underneath your case to prove your favorite neighbor didn’t commit suicide.
brief moments of tv-appropiate terror, arguing, mentions of suicide, mentions of death/murder, but more importantly: smut (like half of this is smut), oral (f!receiving), dieter’s bare ass nearly catching on fire, too many feelings for something that started as a crack fic idea
Fare Well
Dieter one shot by @nerdieforpedro
Dieter has been working so hard. He still has an issue that might be because of his mind. What can he do about it? Do anything else.
unhealthy coping, sexual dysfunction, sex work, teasing, pet names, sexual activity (actual and implied I think? I should know. 🙃)
A poor plan to confess
Dieter one shot by @nerdieforpedro
Dieter is doing his best to stay sober. You have a large part in his plans. They aren’t well thought out.
Dieter being a bit rude, porn use, mention of masturbation, teasing, improper toy use?, very bad communication, some mentions of sexual activities and acts, Nerdie is unsure of what she wrote
Conversation Pit
Dieter one shot @thosewickedlovelies
You’re viewing a mansion with Dieter, and it has a conversation pit. Does he have the discipline to keep his hands to himself?
friends with benefits, SMUT: Dieter’s favorite dom appears 👀 could it be someone we know?; mmf threesome, piv sex, semipublic sex but don’t worry, edging (m receiving), references to sex work
Din one shot by @the-scandalorian
Mando makes regular visits to the healing baths.
touch-starved Din; reader is blindfolded; smut
Immortal By Design
Din one shot by @beskarandblasters
Din Djarin picks up a mysterious job at the Bounty Hunter’s Guild from a high paying client that specifically requested him. Once he tracks down the bounty, he discovers two things— you tracking the bounty for different reasons entirely and a lot more than he bargained for.
reader is able-bodied, canon divergent (long live the Razor Crest), no Grogu in this universe, possession, cursed object, dark!Din, monsterfucking (I think), Din has heightened capabilities, dub con/noncon, restraints, reader gets captured, oral sex (M and F receiving), rough oral sex, fingering, vaginal sex, unprotected sex, creampie, mir’sheb = smart ass, character death, no use of y/n
Enchanted to Meet You
Din one shot by @beskarandblasters
You’re a senator for the New Republic and tonight you’re forced to attend the New Republic Gala. Senator Xiono won’t leave you alone but that in turn leads you to meet Mando, a security guard at the event. And that leaves you wonderstruck.
Reader is able-bodied, canon divergent, reader has consumed alcohol, creepy guy at the gala, fingering, semi public sex, vaginal sex, pull out method, pet names (cyar’ika, mesh’la), no use of y/n
I don't mind bleeding
Din one shot by @quicksilvermad
You and the Mandalorian have a mutually beneficial relationship—he pays your rent and you feed him when he needs fresh blood.
vampire!Din, blood, PIV sex, biting, sex work, second person POV, AFAB Reader, one instance of "good girl", aftercare
Din one shot by @frannyzooey
It’s your thighs he’s bound this time — not your hands for a change.
smut, bondage, AU
Hello to the Green
Ezra one shot by @the-blind-assassin-12
Down a ship, a crew, and a working air filter, and suffering from a rapidly worsening infection, Ezra makes one last ditch effort to get home. And he hopes it’s enough.
language, angst, injury and illness, death
Paint With Me
Frankie one shot by @bitchesuntitled
You have a crush on the dad of your daughter’s best friend.
Sexual innuendos and cursing
Right on Cue
Frankie one shot by @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin
The quiet bartender lends you a hand after you've closed up for the night.
reader is able-bodied but otherwise undescribed. Oral sex f receiving, protected PIV, that's pretty much it. this is just PWP
Door Number Three
Javi G drabble by @morallyinept
Javi shows you what he keeps behind that mirrored door
Character talk alludes to sexy things.
Javi P one shot by @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin
You want more. Javi wants to give it to you. You just have to give him something first.
mutual masturbation, vaginal fingering, aftercare. reader is able-bodied but otherwise undescribed.
Dress Up Joel
Joel series @covetyou
when a mysterious stranger breaks into your house, and keeps breaking into your house, he gives you the fright, and the ride, of your life. Welcome to your seasonal encounters with one Mr. Joel Miller.
sex toys, dress up, festive/seasonal shenanigans, no use of Y/N, see individual fics for additional warnings
He Knows
Joel/Tommy one shot by @psychedelic-ink
Joel knows you have a little thing for his younger brother so decides to indulge you for your birthday.
gonna state this very clearly: joel gets cucked by tommy and watches, everyone is consenting and it's discussed beforehand, piv, dirty talk, possessive!joel, daddy kink, size kink, established relationship between joel and reader, jealousy, some brotherly rivalry, facial, mild degradation kink, creampie
Does Your Mother Know
Joel one shot by @beskarandblasters
Joel finds a pretty young thing on the beach to spend some time with on his vacation.
reader is able-bodied, reader wears a bikini & a dress, no outbreak AU, ambiguous beach location, both reader and Joel consume alcohol, age gap (20 years), oral sex (F and M receiving), semi public sex, vaginal sex, unprotected sex, creampie, reader is on birth control, pet names (sweetheart, baby), no use of y/n
Tear You Apart
Joel one shot by @mermaidgirl30
Joel comes for you late at night. He always does. Always stalks, chases, and prowls after you like a starving wolf. And when he catches you, he devours you, feeds on you like the animal he is. Will you run and hide or will you give into the temptation that calls you in the forest?
Dark themes, Little red riding hood references, dark! Joel, Joel is a menace, oral, fingering, choking, unprotected P in V, cream pie, filthy smut, degrading actions, not really violent but lots of dark themes, manipulation, rough sex, dirty talk, Joel calls reader little lamb, possessive Joel, feral! Joel, post outbreak! Joel, controlling Joel, dom! Joel, submissive reader, Joel x fem! reader, Joel is in his late 40’s and reader is in her late 20’s
inhale, exhale
Joel one shot by @sp00kymulderr
This world is not made for intimacy and both of you know it.
Fingering, mentions of sex, smoking (both reader and Joel), canon typical violence mentions, needy!Joel, fear of intimacy. Barely edited as usual.
One Day at a Time
Joel series by @sixhours
Joel becomes a dad. Again
soft!Joel, no really super soft!Joel, Joel is bad at feelings and relationships, Joel is a sap, mostly follows canon, SMUT, gratuitous smut, dubious consent (drunk sex), unplanned pregnancy, fluff, references to past miscarriages, angst, hurt/comfort, romance, age gap (~21 years), childbirth, fluffy baby stuff
Joel one shot by @gasolinerainbowpuddles
You encounter a frightening beast in the forest after getting separated from your group. Instead of killing you, he spares your life - the first of many surprises from this mysterious creature.
it's Joel Miller as a humanoid monster beast creature with a massive cock idk what you want me to say, creative liberties with anatomy and bodily fluids, they're soulmates because I wrote this so of course they are, monster!Joel can talk a little but it wouldn't kill him to watch a few episodes of Reading Rainbow or do some alphabet flash cards tbh, one curious use of an aquifer as a metaphor
Only Heaven I'll Be Sent To
Joel one shot by @freelancearsonist
Joel finds a familiar face while out on a smuggling run.
Rated PG for pure angst, one single kiss, and references to Joel's self-inflicted gun wound/self harm
Ahórcame, Papí
Joel/Frankie/Ezra one shot by @marisferasiop
After he gives a recovering addict a job (and subsequently falls head over heels for him), Joel and Frankie have a sweet, fulfilling relationship as Daddy and little exploring their kinks. Then, they meet Ezra at a leather club, another damaged vet with his own issues and kinks. They take him home, and he never really leaves.
Daddy Kink, Daddy/littles, pup kink, Breathplay (hands on throats), Orgasm Denial, Orgasm Delay, Orgasm Control "Training", Light BDSM, Aftercare, Soft Dom Joel, vers Ezra, Bottom Frankie Morales, Oral Sex, Cockwarming, AnalSex, Anal Play, Anal Plug, Breeding Kink, Heat/rut kink, PTSD mention (vets), gags, fingering, choking, cum eating, prostate milking, fucking machine mention, the elusive "sissygasm"
On the Verge of a Usual Mistake
Lucien/Dieter two shot by @gasolinerainbowpuddles
You've been avoiding your exes Dieter Bravo and Lucien Flores all night at this event, but you're forced to come to terms with how things ended in both relationships when they seek to right their wrongs.
this is truly just porn with minimal plot (I'm so proud of myself lol), Dieter and Lucien are messy exes, threesome activities, Twister but with genitalia, Daddy and Papi kinks
In shades of gray and candlelight
Marcus P one shot by @freelancearsonist
Nothing good starts in a getaway car, but you sure do have fun delaying the inevitable.
artist!reader my beloved (reader is able-bodied, basic female anatomy and feminine pronouns used, reader is described as having hair that is long enough to be put up but otherwise she’s a blank slate), unprotected p in v sex, cum swallowing, creampie, semi-public sex acts, oral (r + m receiving), handjobs, fingering, very light switchy dom/sub dynamics, a couple spanks, pet names (sweetheart, pretty girl, baby, honey), heavy praise kink, light size kink, consent king!marcus, just like the song it does not end happily
Marcus P series by @secretelephanttattoo
You're a photographer and you get a job working for the FBI, taking corporate headshots. On your first day, you run into a handsome Special Agent. The series follows their relationship.
Fluff. Smut. PIV. Romance. Flirting. So much kissing. Non-stop nuzzling. Tiny bit of angst. Marcus in his plaid shirts. Marcus on a motorbike. Skiing. A cameo. Sex talker Marcus.
The Infinity Cube
Marcus P/Various series by @littlemisspascal
When you play with a strange cube, you’re transported out of your current reality with your boyfriend Marcus into brand new ones starring alternate versions of your boyfriend who look and act entirely different every time. With each encounter, you start to wonder if you’ll ever make it back to your real universe?
language, fluff, angst
12:32 PM
Marcus M one shot by @dancingtotuyo
Marcus likes to think he's moved on with life.
Grief, loss of a spouse (Wife), fluff
Given a name
Oberyn/Ellaria one shot by @missredherring
"This would be your greatest indulgence?" He asks, the edges of his beautiful mouth curling into a pleased grin. / How like a man to inflate his importance. It’s a pity that he isn’t wrong. / This will be my greatest selfishness.
Angst. Mentions of canon character deaths. Allusions to Greek mythology cos I'm a nerd. Reader chooses a name for herself.
Innocence need not tremble
Pero one shot by @brandyllyn
"I told you I don’t know how to fuck a maiden."
smut. PiV. starts rough. but gets better.
Cherry Wine
Whiskey one shot by @julesonrecord
Your marriage to your high school sweetheart has been hell for a long time, but when Jack discovers your awful secret, it all comes pouring out like a wine stain on the carpet. What do you find in the dregs?
MDNI; DDDNE; hurt people hurting people, domestic violence (verbal, physical, off stage neglect), there's a mention of human urine omg I'm truly horrified that survived the editing process, off stage drug use as a coping mechanism, alcoholism, infidelity, grief due to miscarriage/child loss, oblique suicidal ideations ("you should have killed me"); explicit smut; dirty talk; piv; fingering; possessive!Jack; emotional resolution?
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jamie-007 · 4 months
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«Beaucoup sont décédés, ceux et celles qui sont toujours là sont appelé(e)s «les personnes âgées».
Nous sommes né(e)s dans les années 40-50-60.
Nous avons grandi dans les années 50-60-70.
Nous avons étudié dans les années 60-70-80.
Nous étions ensemble dans les années 70-80-90.
Nous nous sommes mariés, ou pas, et avons découvert le monde dans les années 70-80-90.
On s'aventure dans les années 80-90.
On se stabilise dans les années 2000.
Nous sommes devenus plus sages dans les années 2010.
Et nous allons fermement jusqu'en 2020 et au-delà.
Il s'avère que nous avons traversé HUIT décennies différentes...
DEUX siècles différents...
DEUX millénaires différents...
Nous sommes passés du téléphone avec un opérateur pour les appels longue distance, des cabines téléphoniques, aux appels vidéo partout dans le monde.
Nous sommes passés des diapositives à YouTube, des disques vinyles à la musique en ligne, des lettres manuscrites aux e-mails et Whats App.
Des matchs en direct à la radio, à la télévision en noir et blanc, à la télévision couleur, puis à la télévision HD 3D.
Nous sommes allés au magasin de vidéos et maintenant nous regardons Netflix.
Nous avons connu les premiers ordinateurs, les cartes perforées, les disquettes et maintenant nous avons des gigaoctets et des mégaoctets sur nos smartphones.
Nous avons porté des shorts tout au long de notre enfance, puis des pantalons longs , des pats d'eph ou des mini-jupes, des Oxfords, des Clarks, des foulards palestiniens, des combinaisons, et des jeans bleus.
Nous avons évité la paralysie infantile, la méningite, la poliomyélite, la tuberculose, la grippe porcine et maintenant le COVID-19.
Nous avons fait du patin à roulettes, du roller, du skate, du tricycle, du vélo, du cyclomoteur, de l'essence ou du diesel et maintenant nous conduisons des hybrides ou des électriques.
Nous avons joué aux petits
chevaux et aux dames, aux osselets et aux billes, au 1000 bornes et au monopoly, maintenant il y a candy crush sur nos smartphones
Et nous lisions...beaucoup
Et la religion de nos camarades d'école n'était pas un sujet...
Nous buvions l'eau du robinet et la limonade dans des bouteilles en verre, et les légumes dans notre assiette étaient toujours frais, aujourd'hui on se fait livrer les repas
Oui, nous avons traversé beaucoup de choses, mais quelle belle vie nous avons eu !
Ils pourraient nous décrire comme des «exannuels» ; des gens qui sont nés dans ce monde des années 50, qui ont eu une enfance analogique et une vie adulte numérique.
Il faudrait y ajouter la révolution Biologique à laquelle nous avons assisté. En 1960, la Biologie était très descriptive. On a assisté à l'avènement de la Biologie Moléculaire : les molécules de la Vie ont été decouvertes: ADN, ARN etc. Quand on voit tout ce qui en a découlé : thérapie génique, empreintes genetiques, et autres les progrès sont considérables.
Nous avons en quelque sorte «tout vu» !
Notre génération a littéralement vécu et témoigné plus que toute autre dans toutes les dimensions de la vie.
C'est notre génération qui s'est littéralement adaptée au «CHANGEMENT».
Un grand bravo à tous les membres d'une génération très spéciale, qui sera UNIQUE..»
Photo Woodstock 1969
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sariels-world-ella · 10 days
So originally I was just going to make the full body design drawing since this artwork I made here isn't full body, here's that drawing in case you're curious:
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So, I made a full body one and then got carried away and made Grillby and Fuku too, I still don't know how the arms work AT ALL but ehh... Whatever
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I don't have too much info on Grillby and Fuku as AU Characters but I do have a bit on Muffet so here's that below the cut:
Full Name: Little Miss Muffet
Alias: Muffet, Muffy, Miss Muffet
Biological Sex: None
Gender: Feminine
Age: mid to late 50s
Romantic preference: any
Status: alive
Birth year: early 1960s to late 1950s
Species: Monster
Type: Anthropomorphic
Race: Arachnid
Occupation: Baker
Known Family: Little Miss Patience (Grandmother) Little Miss Mactan (Mother), The Small Spiders (Adoptive Children)
Strongest Attacks:
Venom Bite - Inject your enemy with lethal Venom
Lynch - hang your enemy with a noose of webs
She graduated from a high school in snowdin and went to Hotland’s culinary school for her higher education, as soon as she graduated she took out a business loan and opened her bakery parlor.
Not much of Muffet’s early life is known, but we do know she lived with her grandmother, Little Miss Patience though it's unknown if her parent(s) were still in the picture, though we do know her mother's name is Little Miss Mactan, as in Latrodectus mactans (Black Widow), implying that if Muffet had another parent that Mactan probably ate them and the reason she isn't in the picture anymore is that she is serving jail time.
Muffet did meet Papyrus when she was 7 and he was in his 30s-40s at that time when he was working part-time as a babysitter, and at some point Muffet met Grillby but it's unknown exactly when.
During the Underground Civil War, her Parlor was temporarily closed down and she made food and supplies for the war effort.
Muffet is extremely skilled in martial arts and likes to use a fighting technique that incorporates elements of dance.
Before the barrier went up, Muffet’s Family originated from, what is now, the human country of France. We know that Muffet has a lot of tiny spiders that aren’t the same race nor monster type as her being from the Creature Type, but she does consider them her children, and no, they are not the ones she serves to others to eat, those are actual, real, living, exoskeleton and blood spiders not monsters who look and act like spiders, we know this because if they were monster spiders, she won’t be able to cook or bake them into anything as they’ll just turn into dust and dust doesn’t taste good.
We also know Muffet came from a longline of tailors and seamstresses, but Muffet chose to pursue baking and went to culinary school, however Muffet is still a natural tailor and is very good at making clothing, even making clothes to support the war effort during the Underground civil war.
We don’t know what Muffet’s pet is, we do know it’s not a species part of the Supernatural Order, so it’s likely just a familiar, though if it is, it's unknown if she is the one who conjured it or it was just passed down through generations.
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softsan · 6 days
・⊹ 🎐 ˙ ̟!! NCT 127 HYBRID AU
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key: fluff 🤍 , angst 🖇️ , suggestive 🍶 , smut 🥛 , adult themes 🍚 , coming soon 📨 , in progress 🎧 , completed 📑 , requests 📁 .
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˚ 🫧 ⊹ faded to beige. — taeyong 10k+ ; 🤍 , 🖇️ , 🍚 , 📨 , 1960's setting, hybrid au synopsis - . - read here
˚ 🫧 ⊹ brazen and bruised. — taeil 10k+ ; 🤍 , 🖇️ , 🍚 , 📨 , 1960's setting, hybrid au synopsis - . - read here
˚ 🫧 ⊹ softer than snow. — johnny 10k+ ; 🤍 , 🖇️ , 🍚 , 📨 , 1960's setting, hybrid au synopsis - . - read here
˚ 🫧 ⊹ rage and rust. — yuta 10k+ ; 🤍 , 🖇️ , 🍚 , 📨 , 1960's setting, hybrid au synopsis - . - read here
˚ 🫧 ⊹ toothsome as toffee. — doyoung 10k+ ; 🤍 , 🖇️ , 🍚 , 📨 , 1960's setting, hybrid au synopsis - . - read here
˚ 🫧 ⊹ enchanting the evergreen. — jaehyun 10k+ ; 🤍 , 🖇️ , 🍚 , 📨 , 1960's setting, hybrid au synopsis - . - read here
˚ 🫧 ⊹ bountiful like bronze. — mark 10k+ ; 🤍 , 🖇️ , 🍚 , 📨 , 1960's setting, hybrid au synopsis - . - read here
˚ 🫧 ⊹ glittering as peridot. — jungwoo 10k+ ; 🤍 , 🖇️ , 🍚 , 📨 , 1960's setting, hybrid au synopsis - . - read here
˚ 🫧 ⊹ vibrant as vermilion. — haechan 10k+ ; 🤍 , 🖇️ , 🍚 , 📨 , 1960's setting, hybrid au synopsis - . - read here
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© softsan - all rights reserved. please do not repost on any social media sites, translate, or modify any of my works.
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ladamedusoif · 7 months
An Inspecteur Calls
A Visiting Pedrotober One-Shot - Day 20, Merge Mansion
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Pairing: Professor!Ben (College AU) x OFC Lydia/fem!Reader (reader POV/2nd POV)
Summary: Lyd is stressed and frustrated, and hit with a bad dose of Parisian nostalgia. Thankfully, Ben knows of a detective - sorry, inspecteur - Roquefort, who is free to investigate the cause of her woes, shoulder holsters included.
Word Count: 2.3k
Rating: Explicit (MDNI; 18+)
Content (series/one-shot specific): Visiting fic one-shot; Professor Ben College AU; Ben and Lydia are contemporaries; canon is not a thing here; smut; fingering; oral sex (f receiving); safe PiV sex; enthusiastic consent; strong language; praise kink; references to stress; bad French; terrible French accents; role playing; these two are fucking dorks; extreme silliness
A/N: This is @jack-whiskey-daniels' fault. I wrote up this smutty little vignette, heavily inspired by the photo of Tim Rockford above, last night. Today, Luce informs me that it's Merge Mansion day for Pedrotober and I should post this. Well, who am I to say no?
With apologies for Ben's deliberately terrible attempts at role-playing a cliched French detective (inspecteur is the more common title). No apologies for me using Lydia to work through my love of Tim "Shoulder Holsters Tight Shirt Undervest" Rockford.
(And, seeing as it's his birthday and these two are film nerds, I had to throw in a reference to a film by the French director Jean-Pierre Melville, creator of several exceptional French crime dramas in the 1960s and 1970s. Le Cercle rouge is one of his finest, but they're all brilliant and highly recommended.)
Read the main story on the series Masterlist.
Usual Visiting taglist: @jack-whiskey-daniels , @julesonrecord , @tessa-quayle , @vermillionwinter , @iamskyereads , @tieronecrush , @perennialdoll247 , @love-the-abyss , @imaswellkid , @intheorangebedroom , @javierisms , @fuckyeahdindjarin , @littlemisspascal , @khindahra , @pedrostories , @readingiskeepingmegoing , @rhoorl , @red-red-rogue , @princessanglophile, @katareyoudrilling @survivingandenduring, @trulybetty @fictionismyreality @sunnywithachanceofjavi, @joeldjarin , @lahoozaherr, @s-u-t, @its-nebuleuse, @lizzie-cakes
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His warm, broad hand rests lightly on your shoulder as he passes you at the dining table. You turn to look up at him, handsome face full of concern.
“You’re not yourself. What’s up?”
You sigh and stare into your coffee. “It’s dumb.”
He pulls out a chair and sits down, quirking an eyebrow. “If it’s bothering you, I doubt it’s dumb. What’s wrong, love?”
“It’s this stupid essay I’m trying to get finished. I’m missing some of the stuff that would be really useful for it, and I should have gone to see it last time I was in Paris, and I’m frustrated with myself.”
“That’s not dumb, darling. Even if you are being too hard on yourself, as usual.”
You slump forward on the table, mumbling against the wooden surface. “And then I thought about how easy it used to be to just…pop over to Paris, whenever I could, and then I started thinking about it and how much I love it.”
He pats your arm affectionately. “Still not dumb.”
“And then we watched Le Cercle rouge last night and even all those dodgy cops and inspecteurs in their trenchcoats and hats and crime were making me miss Paris. See? Dumb.”
Ben shakes his head and smiles softly. “Not dumb at all. It’s a part of you, of who you are.” He traces a circle on the back of your hand. “And anyway, didn’t you once tell me you had a thing for dodgy cops with moustaches?” He looks at you mischievously and you grin.
“You, Benjamin, are a very tolerant man.” You reach out and trace your fingers over the coarse hair on one side of his face, and he closes his eyes and hums happily.
“I love you, Lyddie. It’ll be okay.” He pushes himself away from the table and heads towards the hallway. “I gotta go for my early seminar, but keep Hemingway in mind.”
You laugh and roll your eyes affectionately. “Of course, the answer is in literature.” He pauses at the door, waiting for you to acknowledge the quotation. “‘Wherever you go for the rest of your life, it stays with you, for Paris is a moveable feast.’”
He does that half-smile that never fails to make you melt, blows you a kiss, and heads off to work.
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You meet him later for lunch, having worked at home for most of the morning. In between bites of his sandwich, he excitedly talks about the graduate seminar he’d taught, and you discuss your plans for your workshop on gender and visual culture that afternoon while Ben listens attentively.
“You feeling any better?” he asks, as you brush a stray couple of crumbs from his moustache. 
“A bit. I’m sorry, I just spiralled. Probably mostly stress and frustration at my own shitty work ethic and crap ideas.”
He kisses the tips of your fingers swiftly and discreetly, and you giggle. “You have to be kinder to yourself. You’re working too hard, thinking about it too much.”
You clear your table and bring your trays to the designated area, hands brushing lightly against each other as you stroll out of the cafeteria and back towards your building and your offices. You smile to yourself at how, even now, the slightest touch from him sends a current of electricity sparking through your body.
Ben opens his office door and pulls you in for a quick kiss before you have to go and teach. He pulls away reluctantly as you whine softly. 
“Please be kinder to yourself, Lyd.” He wiggles his eyebrows suggestively as you move into the hallway. “I’m happy to help distract you, you know.”
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“I’m home, love!” 
You drop your bag beside the hall table and hang your coat up on the rack before kicking off your shoes and stretching upwards as you walk towards the kitchen, where you expect to find him. On days when you have a later teaching schedule, Ben likes to get home earlier, finish his work in his attic study, and then get dinner started for both of you.
Something delicious is cooking away in the CrockPot, but there’s no sign of your boyfriend. You pass into the dining room, noticing the light from the living room coming through the glass-panelled doors. 
Ben is sitting on the sofa, wearing his glasses - nothing out of the ordinary there. But he’s also clad in the trenchcoat he wore for his Dave Toschi costume on Halloween, which is decidedly weird. 
“Uh, baby? You okay?”
He turns to face you, arching an eyebrow and running his eyes up and down your body as if he’s appraising you. 
“Bonsoir, mademoiselle.”
You scrunch your face up in absolute confusion, and wonder if you should call Jen. Maybe some kind of accident happened at work? Did he take a knock to the head?
“Ben, I’m…what the fuck is happening?”
He holds a hand up to one side of his face and does a sort of stage whisper. “Go with it, Lyd! Just an attempt at cheering you up. You want to stop, just say the word.”
You burst out laughing and shake your head. “No, I’m… I’ll see where this leads, monsieur.”
He grins in satisfaction and stands up. “Je suis Inspecteur Timothée Roquefort, and…uh, I mean, et je suis un…Parisian police homme.”
“Baby, I know your French is better than this.”
Ben holds up a hand and continues speaking in what can only be described as one of the worst comedy French accents you have ever heard. “Mademoiselle! Do not interrupt moi.”
You bite your lip, body shaking with laughter. “D’accord, monsieur.”
“I received une message at the commissariat de police that une jolie femme was…” He looks away as he thinks. “Triste parce que she is not in Pareeeeee.”
“D’accord, mais je ne sais pas pourquoi les flics doivent intervenir dans une question personnelle, en fait, et alors -” [Okay, but I don’t know why cops have to intervene in a personal matter, really, and anyway -]
Ben looks panicked, and starts to rub at one side of his moustache with his pointer finger.
That does it. You collapse against him in a fit of laughter, eyes creased and tears rolling down your cheeks. He holds you close against him as you look up at his open, handsome face. 
“You are a very goofy man, Benjamin Morales, and I love you for it. Though I don’t really understand how I want to fuck you this badly even with that accent.”
He grins. “You want to fuck moi because je suis a sexy Parisian police homme, non?” 
He plants a kiss to your forehead as he hugs you tightly. “L’Inspecteur did have une question de plus, Lyddie.”
“Eh bien?”
You can see him struggling not to laugh as he makes a cheesy, cliched “sexy” face at you. 
“La question, s’il vous plait.”
“Well, mademoiselle…” Ben shrugs off the trenchcoat to reveal the shoulder holsters he’d worn at Halloween. The ones that had helped show you just how beautifully broad he was. The ones you’d held onto as the two of you sat as close as it was possible for two friends to sit, both taking any opportunity to make contact with the other’s body. 
The ones you’d asked him, a while back, if he’d kept. “Just because,” you’d explained. “They were kinda hot.”
You reach out and trace your fingers over the leather of the straps, biting your lip and feeling the flame of your desire building steadily into an inferno.
“La question, monsieur l’Inspecteur.”
He arches his brow and gives you his most seductive smile. “Voulez-vous coucher avec moi ce soir?”
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You make it to the bedroom in record time, laughing as you race up the stairs and sit down on the bed as he stands in front of you. 
“Where do you want me for the, uh, investigation, monsieur l’Inspecteur?”
Ben grins delightedly and leans forward, encouraging you to lie back on the mattress as he shifts his broad form over you, arms caging your body as you run your hands over his warm, solid chest and that tummy that makes you absolutely feral. His white shirt is perfectly snug, sleeves rolled up to expose his forearms, and your hips are already shifting upwards to meet his crotch, desperate for him.
You grip the shoulder holsters as Ben chuckles, bringing his head lower and whispering in your ear. “Je think that les clues are hidden dans your body.”
You both burst out laughing, but your eyes stay trained on each other, never breaking the intense intimacy and erotic power of the shared gaze. 
“You should probably do some searching, then, Inspecteur.”
Ben kisses you deeply as he moves you towards the middle of the bed and loosens his tie before unbuttoning your blouse, bringing his mouth to every new area of skin exposed. “Might be here?” he murmurs, lips brushing off the velvety flesh of your breasts before sucking on your nipples through the pink lace of your bra. 
Your back arches as you gasp. “No, don’t think so…sir.”
You feel his cock twitch in his pants at that and you smile wickedly. “Liked that, did we? Sir?”
Ben hides his face against your tummy and laughs. “Maybe.” His broad hands roam up to your shoulders as he helps you out of your blouse, before tracing the outline of your waist and the curves of your hips and ass as he unbuttons your dark green pants and slips his fingers into your panties. 
“Fuck, Ben, fuck, that’s -”
“Maybe the clues are here? What do you think, mademoiselle?”
He shifts his body down the bed and looks up at you lasciviously, eyes burning black with lust as he pulls your pants down and discards them. He eases your legs apart and you react with a gasp and a giggle as he works his way up your thighs. 
“Looking for treasure, sir?”
He laughs, low and warm, and brings his face to your core. “Found it, mademoiselle.” The heat of his mouth hits your pussy through the fabric of your panties, and you moan loudly. He hums happily as he kisses your soaking cunt, pulling the fabric aside to grant him more access before he drags them off you completely and buries his mouth between your legs. His tongue moves between your folds, flicking your clit every now and again before diving into the warm wetness of your entrance while the strong line of his nose keeps the pressure on the sensitive nub. 
The first orgasm hits you hard, and your hips bear down on Ben’s face as he groans with pleasure. He slips two fingers inside you to sustain the climax a little longer, and with the other hand unbuckles his belt and undoes his zipper, slipping off his pants and boxer briefs while he continues to massage the spot inside you that he knows, having had you so many times, will deepen the orgasm and build to an even stronger one next time.
“Need you, baby,” you whine, eyes drifting to his hard cock, tip glistening with pre-come. “Need you so badly.”
You reach up as he shifts his weight over you, unbuttoning his shirt to reveal his white undervest, clinging perfectly to his gorgeous, solid form. He makes as if to take off the holsters. 
“Don’t you fucking dare take those off. They’re staying on, sir.”
He raises his eyebrows and laughs. “Oh, mademoiselle likes them, does she?”
You giggle, feeling his warm breath against your lips, and slip your fingers under the straps around his shoulders. “She really likes them, monsieur. Liked them from the first time she saw them on you.”
He kisses you hard, one hand groping your tits while the other gives his cock a few strokes as he shifts into position. “Sometimes I wish you’d told me back then, that night,” he murmurs, sucking lightly on your neck and making you cry out.
“Think we made up for lost time, though,” you gasp, tilting your head to look at his hard length notching at the wet folds of your cunt. “Please fuck me, baby.”
He slides into you in a fluid motion, moaning long and slow as he bottoms out and the tightness of your pussy takes hold around his cock. He drags back out of you slowly, luxuriantly, savouring every bump and ridge inside you and trying to restrain himself from driving back into you too quickly.
“Jesus, baby, your pussy is fucking incredible. So warm and tight for me.”
He starts to fuck you, picking up pace quickly as you keep hold of the shoulder holsters.
“Tell me, darling.”
He closes his eyes, face a perfect expression of ecstasy. “It’s just fucking perfect. Like you’re made for me, made for my cock. Made for each other.”
You tilt your pelvis slightly so that he’s grinding a little more on your clit as he moves in and out of you, and before long the friction has you coming again. Ben groans at the sensation as your pussy clenches around him and you ride out your orgasm on his cock. 
“Fuck, Lyd, I - oh, fuck.” He seems surprised at how quickly his own release comes, spilling into you while he buries his face against your neck, muttering a litany of curses and praise. 
“Oh fuck fuck fuck baby, that’s fucking it, that’s - my good fucking girl, fuck.”
When he lifts his head again, his face and upper body are drenched in sweat, dripping onto your neck and chest. He kisses you slowly, deeply, before he pulls out. You whine with pleasure at the taste of yourself, of your cunt, on his lips.
He flops back onto the bed, turning to kiss you again and stroke your cheek as he whispers his love for you, over and over.
You return the gesture, nuzzling against him, sated and feeling completely loved, completely adored, completely safe. 
The sight of the shoulder holster makes you giggle affectionately. This beautiful, goofy, sexy man, who would come up with something so silly and so sweet and so insanely hot, just to make you feel better.
“Can the inspecteur come by another time, baby? I think there might be more cases to solve.”
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(tape warning by @cafekitsune; star dividers by @saradika)
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desire-mona · 2 months
dps boys (and keating's) favourite songs (aka me projecting because i love music) (also modern au because you cannot limit me to music before 1960 you just cant)
i made a playlist of all these songs in case you wanna give em a listen, you can find it here. if you totally disagree with me or wanna add more then absolutely let me know!
neil: talia - ride the cyclone (the musical)
yes i KNOW it's obvious to choose a song from a musical BUT. ride the cyclone is special, i think he'd really like the lack of an ensemble and enjoy the dark premise despite the comedic nature of a vast majority of the show. also i totally think his favourite performance would be by gus halper bc of the use of the projector. mischa or noel is definitely a dream role of his.
todd: vincent - james blake ('s cover, og by don mclean)
don mcleans lyricism is like catnip to poets and it has gone unacknowledged for far too long. a lyrically gorgeous, vaguely queer sounding song about a tortured artist, covered by someone with an ANGELIC voice. can you name anything more todd? not to mention the piano is so far beyond moving, nothing short of a masterpiece.
charlie: dear prudence - siouxsie and the banshees (again - a cover, og by the beatles)
firm believer that charlie was an avid beatles hater for a WHILE until eleanor rigby grew on him, much to his dismay. is now a casual beatles enjoyer, only due to the fact that their vocals annoy him. so a cover by siouxsie sioux (whom he most definitely has a crush on) is basically a blessing in disguise. loves the instrumentals, loves the vocals, loves all of it. insists that its better than the original and will ultimately die (correct) on that hill.
meeks: love on the line (call now) - her's
as much as i love and adore meeks, i have been loyal to my headcanon that he is an annoying music snob since day one. of course, this culminates in his favourite song being by THE indie pop/rock band that pretentious people love to bring up the death of. he is no exception, any time the band is mentioned he will without fail go "did you know that they died in a car crash?" either way, id be lying if i said this was a bad pick. the upbeat vibe mixed with the actual meaning of the song being about a guy wasting all his money on a sex hotline? it makes the whole song so fun, and thats right up his alley! super danceable too, which plays a huge part.
pitts: bad fruit - jean dawson
will mona ever shut up about jean dawson? signs point to no. anywho, if you've followed along with my pittsie musings then you KNOW that i consider pitts to be the most well versed music guy to ever step on welton academy campus. realistically, im sure his favourite song changes on a day to day basis, but he always comes back to this. jean dawson makes art that ive seen few do similarly, everything he brings to the table i find so incredibly unique and well crafted. definitely pitts' biggest music crush.
cameron: '39 - queen
absolutely, 100%, without a doubt, an extremely guilty pleasure. i take his parents as the type to ban queen in their household (for reasons that im sure youre able to pick up on) but i ALSO take cameron as a sucker for classic rock, match made in hell. of course, since brian may does the vocals on this song instead of freddie, he can listen on the dl and be fine. also, the concept of time travel in music is SO!!! INTERESTING!! would absolutely go on a 10 minute long tangent about the story and meaning of the song, which only mittsie would actually listen to.
knox: lavender buds - MF DOOM
fine, FINE. i'll give knox a proper headcanon, but i wont be happy about it. i think i would listen to MF DOOM a lot more if i was a former bully, but thats not actually based off anything so dont take that as an insult, avid listeners. honestly i dont really have an in depth explanation for this one, just look at the lyrics and youll understand.
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(this repeats 3 times)
i also take him to be a big r&b/ blues enjoyer, also based off nothing at all, so the sample probably appeals to some sense of nostalgia.
keating: clair de lune - claude debussy
yes, even modern keating's fav song would be classical, you can rip that from my cold, dead hands. this song was based off the poem by the same title by paul verlaine, which i'll include because it is just so damn beautiful.
Your soul is a select landscape
Where charming masqueraders and bergamaskers go
Playing the lute and dancing and almost
Sad beneath their fantastic disguises.
All sing in a minor key
Of victorious love and the opportune life,
They do not seem to believe in their happiness
And their song mingles with the moonlight,
With the still moonlight, sad and beautiful,
That sets the birds dreaming in the trees
And the fountains sobbing in ecstasy,
The tall slender fountains among marble statues.
Paul Verlaine, 1869 (originally written in french, so this is a rough english translation)
now the song itself does SUCH a good job at capturing the beauty and moving parts of this poem, and it fits perfectly with a plethora of different emotions. i know without a shadow of a doubt that its his kryptonite. is that me projecting because i love this song and i love keating? absolutely, but i still think its true either way.
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