#21.) rapunzel / is it somethin' i did
tcrturedpcet · 4 months
❝ i’ll go with you, if you don’t want to be alone. ❞ (bex to anyone)
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"You're the best!" Rapunzel smiled, as she linked their arms together, before pulling the other blonde towards the bar. "Having some company while opening would be fun, and you can now get drinks on the house." She mentioned while pulling open the door to the Snuggly Duckling, and leading the way inside. "Also, do you think this flyer might get people to work here?" Rapunzel questioned as she handed over the flyer to Bex.
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emma-overland · 7 years
Kintsugi 12
So this installment is semi-inspired by / dedicated to @animeotaku-bookworm and I say semi because they had requested a sick thing with Jack being ill however Hiccup has done tons of stuff for Jack so now it’s time to pay it back…again…And this is going to be a two parter…depends on how I feel with the ending.
Also I apologize for being so…gone but hopefully I’ll start updating regularly again…or as regularly as I had been doing and I’m totally bummed that I missed Hijack March Madness this year :c
Jack glanced up as the front door closed heavily and he glanced toward the clock. Seemed the shindig had run late this evening. He stayed leaning against the counter, where he’d been going over things on his laptop, listening to the familiar sounds of shoes being kicked off and then the entry closet opening and closing shortly after, followed by the very distinct sound of small zombie shuffles through the living room. The small zombie was dragging something, probably the dreaded school bag. Emma came into view as she moved through the home.
“Hey kiddo.” Jack greeted with a small smile. “You guys were later than usual?”
Emma nodded and rubbed her head with a small yawn. “Yeah Miss Merida was really tired so she was slow today.” The brunette climbed up onto one of the stools at the breakfast counter and set her bag on the one next to her.
The blue-eyed man frowned slightly. “Why was she so tired?”
“Um,” Emma dug through her bag for a moment with a frown on her face before pulling out her science folder. “Hiccy is sick and she was trying to help him…I think.”
“Hiccup’s sick?” Jack repeated in surprise.
Emma nodded absently. “Yeah, cold or something?” She laid the folder out and started to go through the pages slowly. “Miss Merida says he’s really stubborn and won’t go see a doctor or nothing.”
“Or anything.” Jack corrected absently with a frown. “You…do your homework and I’m gonna…make a phone call.”
Emma seemed to have stopped listening as she dug around in her pack for a pencil to write with, they were covering the solar system and Emma found it funny that her brother thought Pluto was a planet. He watched her for a moment before grabbing his phone and stepping onto the back porch. He hesitated for a long moment before tapping the icon and bringing the phone up to his ear.
“Sorry about gettin’ her back late.” Merida said immediately.
“What? Oh, no that’s not why I’m calling.” Jack responded with a frown.
Merida was quiet for a moment before letting out a small sigh. “Sorry about that Jackie-boy, been a bit behind. Wut can I do far ya?”
Jack hesitated for a moment. Was it too rude to ask about what was going on? But wasn’t that what people did in a small town? Care about each other? He made a small sound of contemplation as Merida waited patiently on the other end. “Emma said something about you were sick?”
“Oh, nah Hiccup went an’ got ‘imself sick.” Merida answered with a small laugh. “Told tha fool not tae be muckin’ about in tha rain fixin’ fences. But he’s stubborn as can be.” She hummed in amusement. “Gits it frum his dad.”
“Yeah, that sounds like him. How sick are we talking about? Just a small head cold or maybe something a little more?” Jack prompted.
Merida made a thoughtful noise and Jack heard the sound of a door opening and then keys rattling. She must have just gotten home. There were a few more doors before a quiet conversation was heard and a rather nasty cough down the line. “Wull, he’s not eaten anythin’ and he’s got fever, sniffles, and probably stomach things. Real nasty piece of work.”
“He needs to eat something.” Jack said after a moment of thought. “What’s he tried?”
“Canned soup broth stuff.” Merida answered automatically and grinned at Jack’s indignant, and possibly offended, snort. “Well wee’re not all Betty Crocker yanno.”
“You’re going to starve him to death or make him dehydrated. Something…I don’t know.” Jack muttered angrily. “I’ll be over in thirty minutes and make sure that kitchen is clean enough for me to use it.”
Merida laughed and bid Jack a farewell before the two hung up. He stood for a moment and tapped his toes against the cool wood of the deck in thought. He could take Emma with him and keep her and Merida confined in the living room…but that put the kid at a high risk of getting it. He’d been warned that while she was still recovering from the car accident there was a high chance of her being more susceptible to catching colds. Finally, he came back into the house and glanced toward his sister before tilting his head in thought. Maybe, Rapunzel would be willing to look after her for the night…
Jack frowned and shook his head. He’d have to take Emma with him. It wouldn’t be fair to drop her on his neighbor so suddenly. Open door policy or not. With his decision made he turned and started to grab things from the cabinets and put them into one of his many transport totes. The movements made Emma stop what she was doing and she watched him curiously.
“What are you doing Jack?” she asked as he dug through various things in the crisper drawer.
“We’re going over to Merida’s and Hiccup’s place. They can’t cook and Merida is giving him canned soup.” Jack answered as if it were a personal outrage.
Emma wrinkled her nose. “Ew, can soup is yucky.”
“Very yucky.” Jack agreed before making a circular motion with his hand toward his sister. “Put your things back into your bag. You can do your homework over there.”
Emma grinned and hastily put her things away before shoving them into her back with her textbooks and workbooks. Quickly she hurried to get her shoes on so they’d be faster at leaving.
 Jack stood in a kitchen that was slowly becoming very familiar to him. Emma and Merida were seated at the dining room table each of them with school related things in front of them while Hiccup had been all but swaddled into blankets and forced onto the couch. Sure, Jack would have preferred that Hiccup stay in bed but the taller male was being surprisingly childish. At least he was no longer contagious. He was being rather quiet and seemed to mostly be dozing now that a cool washcloth was on his forehead.
Blue eyes darted over to the pot on the stove to check the progress of the chicken and he nodded, absently pleased. The chicken, onions and crushed garlic cloves were cooking nicely in the oil and Jack absently figured he had enough time to finish the rest of the vegetables. He’d already peeled and sliced the carrots, now he was working on dicing his just peeled kohlrabi, then he’d have to move quickly to dice the celery. Once done he turned back to the pot and nodded absently before adding water then white wine and finally lemon juice to the mixture.
“You aren’t allergic to anything, are you?” Jack asked, glancing toward Merida.
The redhead looked thoughtful for a moment before shaking her head. “Nah, nothin’ I saw in yer box anyway.”
Jack nodded and turned back to soup where he added more ingredients including ginger, bay leaves and a few other things before bringing it to simmer. Once it was satisfactory he dropped the temperature down to the mid-range and moved to check on Hiccup.
“Hey, how are you feeling?” Jack asked as he reached out to check on the fever. He also gave Toothless a soft pat on the head as the large dog laid with his head in his human’s lap to try and comfort him.
“Your hands are cold.” Hiccup murmured tiredly. “Feels nice.”
Jack grinned. “I get that a lot.” He pressed one hand against Hiccup’s forehead while he dipped the washcloth back into the bowl of ice water to refresh it. “But that didn’t answer my question. Does your throat still hurt?”
Hiccup made a sound of disagreement as he leaned heavily into Jack’s touch. “’m good.” Slowly hazy green eyes opened to peer up at Jack fuzzily. “Hungry…I think.”
“You probably are with the water crap Merida’s been giving you.” Jack teased.
“Oi!” Merida protested from her seat. “Not a cooker Jackie-boy!”
Emma tried to cover her giggles and failed spectacularly at it earning her a ball of paper thrown at her. She squawked and threw the ball back at her teacher and Jack ignored the small war that broke out between the two girls. Jack lingered for a few minutes longer by Hiccup’s side before moving away to stop the war and check on Emma’s progress with her homework. Luckily she had one of her teachers just across the table so she was doing rather well with it and Jack smiled before ruffling her hair. Emma made an offended noise and tried to push her brother away but only really succeeded in pushing her own chair back an inch or so.
“So wut are ya makin’?” Merida asked after a moment or two.
Jack glanced up. “Nothing fancy really.”
The redhead gave him a flat look. “Ya say nothin’ fancy but ya brought…wut 20 somethin’ ingredients? Not tae mention all tha herbs and such.”
“It’s just a ginger chicken noodle soup.” Jack protested with a small frown. “And it’s 22 ingredients…21 if you don’t count the two different ways I use the garlic.”
Merida laughed a bit and shook her head. “Yer a special case o’ crazy Jackie-boy.”
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tcrturedpcet · 5 months
❛ i thought you’d like some company. ❜  -vax to anyone @hxlcycnx
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"Thank you. You can stay, as long as I'm not keeping you from anything else?" Rapunzel questioned, feeling slightly bad for potentially keeping Vax away from other duties he might have, but also being glad to have a friend like him. "Do you want a drink or anything? I'm doing paperwork, but at least it won't be boring now."
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tcrturedpcet · 5 months
Tag Drop 3.
16.) Hephaestus / Years Of Labor 16.) Interactions / I Did My Time 16.) Mirror / Get The Matches
17.) Icarus / I Was Heavenstruck 17.) Interactions / Now I'm Down Bad 17.) Mirror / I Knew Cosmic Love
Jennifer Jareau
18.) Jennifer Jareau / Guilty As Sin 18.) Interactions / Only Your Actions Talk 18.) Mirror / Am I Bad or Mad or Wise
Matthias Helvar
19.) Matthias Helvar / I'm Coming Back 19.) Interactions / I'm Making A Comeback 19.) Mirror / Get The Crown
Percy Jackson
20.) Percy Jackson / Change The Prophecy 20.) Interactions / I Sealed My Fate 20.) Mirror / Redo The Prophecy
21.) Rapunzel / Is It Somethin' I Did 21.) Interactions / Was She Lying 21.) Mirror / Promises Oceans Deep
22.) Prince Zuko / A Halo To The Highest Degree 22.) Interactions / Maybe I Can't 22.) Mirror / A Dangerous Man
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