#3.5k words - longest oneshot i've ever written
cloudytamaki · 3 years
so, this is how the summer ends • k.denki
⤷ genre: fluff, angst - quirkless au, everyone’s 21, set in LA
⤷ warnings: mentions of sex/implied sex, mildly suggestive, alcohol
⤷ summary: a casual drunk hookup between two young strangers became something ... more than sex.
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a warm breeze blows a curl of hair from your forehead and you exhale, corners of your lips lifting into a small smile. it’s almost the end of august; the leaves on the trees are becoming orange and the warm summer winds are cooling down.
the end of an era, and the start of another.
you subconsciously turn your head and look beside you, almost wishing for someone to be there. he isn’t – the cushion of the porch swing is empty. the small smile slips off your lips and your brows furrow; you close your eyes as if the sight’s painful, turning back to watch the trees and sun.
you can’t help the tingling heat that begins to spread through your nose; the promise of tears yet to come.
your mind drifts back to the start of your summer – june 14.
the neighborhood nightclub music is loud, likely booming throughout the area and annoying the neighbors.
but the old neighbors don’t seem to matter as much as the glass of alcohol in your hands and the prickling heat in the back of your skull. there’s a lazy smile sitting upon your lips as you survey the club, taking sips of your drink every few seconds.
ah — there’s your friend, out twerking on the dance floor, getting cheered on by men who are whooping and waving their fists in the air. you cross your legs, the thought of shaking your ass in front of many men seeming unappealing to you.
“hey! can i get another, please?” a golden blonde stranger is suddenly beside you, left arm on the bar counter, a wide grin on his face as sweat runs down his temples.
the bartender sighs, slides him a filled cup, then goes back to cleaning the other glasses with a towel. the energetic looking guy plops down onto a stool beside you, nice white teeth catching the light.
“hey, why aren’t you out dancing?”
your lips flatten into a thin line as you turn to him, “don’t feel like it. it’s nice sitting over here and watching, though.”
“i guess.” he furrows his eyebrows in thought, lips scrunching a bit, “you come here alone?”
“nope.” you sigh, taking a bigger sip this time. “i had a friend come with me, we’d had a few drinks before she’d gone off to the dance floor.” you tiredly gesture towards the crowd, “so yeah. what about you, where’s your friends? you look like you should be over there partying rather than talking to me.”
“they’re all over the club.” he scratches the back of his neck sheepishly, “some of them didn’t come, others’re just.. around.”
“that makes sense.” another sip and you turn away from the blinding lights, “parties are fun for me, just not when i’m the center of attention.”
“i get that,” he chuckles, takes a sip of his own drink, “i know a guy exactly like that. 8:30 pm bedtime, 6:30 wake up.”
“are you serious? 8:30? i go to bed around 12.”
“yeah, i know right? he’s super strict on it too, we all make fun of him.”
“damn, that sounds fun.” you exhale before taking a bigger sip, the burn of the alcohol stinging a trail down your throat. “you have a name?”
he laughs at that, running a hand through his golden tufts, “denki kaminari, pleased to meet you, madam.” he jokingly places a kiss against your fingers and you let out a squeal of surprise, laughing as you pull your hands away from him.
“(y/n) (l/n), pleased to meet you too, denki kaminari.” you nod at him, drinking the last of your empty glass.
you both ask the bartender for more, and when you both stumble on your words in fear of interrupting each other, you decide to go against each other in a drinking challenge – five shot glasses filled with the second strongest liquor on the shelf.
you manage to down four glasses, determination the only thing keeping you going at this point; your cheeks are hot from the alcohol, brain fuzzy, surroundings beginning to blur every few seconds.
“y-you good?” denki doesn’t look all that good either. shit, he looks terrible – happy, but terrible nonetheless. five empty glasses are at his side and his golden eyes are focused on you.
“yeah, i’m fine.. round two?” you give him a challenging smile and he pouts, pushing out his lower lip as he asks the clearly tired bartender for more, once again.
you crack your knuckles and take a deep breath, picking up the first shot glass as you look at denki, nodding at the same time. you bring it to your lips and suck all the liquid down, almost feeling its burn in your spine when it goes down your throat.
another shot glass, then another – before you know it, you’re swaying on your feet like an idiot, brain spinning, muscles loose. you glance towards denki and you wonder why you’d let yourselves get so inebriated.
“damn, that was fun!” he’s slurring on his words and you bring a hand to your head, sighing.
“jesus christ, i need to sit down.” you both stagger towards a staircase, not caring about how idiotic you look while doing so.
you’re about to pop the dreaded question—how’re we getting home?—when he speaks instead, tilting his head back with a yawn-sigh.
“i’m horny.”
and that’s when you really notice something about him; his jawline is sharp and young, his lips pink and parted, his skin flushed from the drinks, his golden eyes piercing.
you find yourself saying something you’d never imagined would leave your lips, “i can help with that.”
“really? you?” he turns his head towards you and points to you almost accusingly.
you shrug, “i think it was the drinks, but yeah, me. don’t wanna pass up a good offer.”
he seems to think about it while you take a quick look at your phone. “11:48 pm – you stay horny or not, your choice.”
“okay.” denki does some jazz hands and you roll your eyes, “sure. i think there’s some upstairs rooms over here.” you both stand and turn, ascending up the stairs, deciding to walk into a decent looking room.
“so ...” you stand there awkwardly, surroundings spinning but you manage to look over to denki, who’s equally confused. “you said you were horny.”
“and you said you could fix that.” the both of you are standing there, looking at each other, not fully knowing what to do, so you decide to get the ball rolling.
walking over to him, you begin to plant kisses along his jaw and down his neck. he lets out a small whine when you pull away, but you’re feeling more confident when you look at him again.
“kiss me.”
you almost laugh at your confidence that night; you started off sitting alone with a cup of alcohol, not even planning to get drunk – where the fuck did that even come from?
a cooler breeze hits your skin this time, carrying the scent of nearby cooking. smells like some sort of pie, you guess, rubbing your hands over your thighs in remembrance of that drunken hookup. deciding to go inside, you slide off the porch swing, walking over to the back door, twisting the knob and heading inside.
the elevator comes surprisingly fast when you push the button; stepping in, you punch in the number five and wait as you’re lifted above all the other floors.
you take out your keys and step out of the elevator when it dings, walking down the hall to your door, inserting the keys and walking inside.
it’s cold, as expected.
sighing, you toss your keys onto the counter and open the cabinets, rooting around for some food. you come out with a packaged ramen cup; you open it and fill it up with water, then pop it into the microwave.
you lean against the stove as you wait; two minutes and the microwave beeps, you take out your hot food and grab a spoon, walking over to the kitchen table, switching on a light.
you eat alone, in silence.
“oh shit!” you practically throw yourself out of the twin-sized bed; your bare ass is on the cold floor and you’re frantically gathering as much of the sheet as possible, pulling it against your naked chest.
from the other side of the mattress, there’s a girlish scream and a head of golden blonde hair pops up, amber eyes wide with surprise and panic.
“who are you?” your hand comes up to your forehead to ease the pounding in the back of your head. “wait.” something clicks and some tension leaves your shoulders as you point at him, “aren’t you that kid from last night?”
“i’m 21, thank you very much.” he scoffs in disbelief, “how do you not remember me? you were literally moaning my—”
“okay!” you cut him off quickly, cheeks warming up in embarrassment as your brows furrow, “i ... drank too much.”
“same here.” he stands up, unintentionally putting himself on display, “where are we? i can’t remember going—”
“denki!” you practically scream, shielding your eyes, “please put some damn pants on!”
“sorry.” you hear some movement and rustling before the sound of a zipper, “there. what about you? you’re naked too.”
“i know, give me a minute...” you look around and locate your underwear and jeans. you slip them on, clasping your bra and throwing on your shirt.
you stand up, face to face with denki; his neck is spotted with love bites, his hair tousled, cheeks a light pink. “we.. should probably get going.” you grab your dying phone and check the time, “oh my god, it’s 10:15, i’m late for work.”
“you work on saturdays?” your relax at the question, exhaling in relief.
“no, not on saturdays. i thought it was friday or something.” you laugh but a stab of pain shoots from your head all the way through your body.
“how much did we drink last night?” you turn to the golden blonde, who sighs as he opens the door.
“i have no idea, i was gonna ask you. but we drank something strong.”
“i’m surprised we didn’t puke.” you both walk down the staircase, surprised to find that the club’s empty; pretty sunrays peek through the windows and dust floats in the air around you.
“well, i didn’t, but you did.” denki’s hand is at the back of his neck and he turns away from you in embarrassment, shuddering.
you cringe at what he’s insinuating, closing your eyes for a brief second. “um.. i’m sorry.”
“it’s fine,” he feels kind of weird asking, “where are you going?”
“well, i was planning on heading to my apartment, which you don’t typically do with a one-night stand, but i guess i can make an exception for you.”
“i’m getting special treatment? i’m flattered.”
you roll your eyes as you open the door, squinting when the sun hits your face, “it’s the least i can do in exchange for the fun last night.”
denki bursts out into laughter, wiping faux tears from his eyes while you stand there, watching him. when his laughs finally slow down and he’s standing upright again, you elbow him in the ribs.
“looks like we’re gonna be walking a few blocks. we’d better hurry before it gets hot.”
“you don’t have a car?”
a glare from you is enough of an answer for him.
you throw the empty cup into the garbage, the spoon into the sink. you walk into your bedroom and water your plants on the windowsill, wishing that night would come fast.
it’s only 6:52 pm, and the sun sets at 7:30. before, time never felt so slow – probably because you had someone to spend it with. 
your lips pull into a frown and you place the green watering can back on the windowsill, huffing out a sigh. when had you gotten so damn lonely?
the second week of knowing denki and you’re holding onto his hand tightly as you walk through the dark field, ignoring his protests of ‘it’s dark!’ and ‘what if there’s wolves out here?!’
“calm down already! look, we’re almost there!” you point ahead and he shrieks.
“but there’s no light! seriously, we’re gonna get eaten by wolves or maybe even hawks!”
“jesus christ, denki. there’s no wolves out here, and hawks can’t grab us.” you aren’t fully sure about the wolves, but it’s just a white lie.. that he doesn’t need to know.
“are you sure?”
you stop, turning to him, looking him directly in the eyes. “come on, have some faith in me.”
denki slowly nods, visibly relaxing. you keep walking; it’s silent for the next few minutes, and eventually you finally come to a stop in an area where you can perfectly see the moon.
“why’d we stop?”
he stands before you, watching curiously as you grab a branch and wink at him.
“just watch.”
slowly, you sweep the branch over the grass, and fireflies rise in the air around you. a faint buzz fills the air as they float around you both; you sit down beside him.
denki’s eyes are half-wide in appreciation, lips parted. he turns his head to you, voice much calmer than it was earlier. “it looks.. magical.”
he was right, it did look quite magical that night. you check the time on your phone, 7:05 pm – just a little longer, you can make it.
placing the phone on your chest, you sigh as you close your eyes, letting your mind wander again.
“uhh, i don’t know about this...” this time you’re the one who’s hesitant to do something with him, worry consuming your mind as you sit on the side wall of the apartment.
“come on, you can do it! just glide.” denki excitedly holds a hand out to you and you pull your bottom lip between your teeth in worry, but you reluctantly nod and grab it.
his hand’s warm and soft when he pulls you up onto your feet, flashing you his all too familiar grin. “you’ll be fine, i’ve got you.”
your skin warms at his words and you decide that rollerskating with him is worth the effort. “okay.. so you just go forwards and gently push off each time?”
“pretty much, look.” he demonstrates proudly, you give him some applause before copying his exact movements, and surprisingly, you don’t fall.
“there you go! okay, come on, i wanna show you somewhere cool i found earlier!” he grabs your hand and skates forward so quickly you panic, unable to do anything else but glide with him.
“oh my god, don’t go so fast! you’re gonna run into a streetpole!”
“no, i won’t, i’ll be fine! come on, i think you’ll like the boba place i found!”
you open your eyes, checking your phone again – 7:32, just in time for the sunset. you get off your bed and start to walk out of your room, but a red gleam catches your eye – you turn to see the red rollerskates you wore with denki.
ignoring the pang in your heart, you grab a jacket and head out of your apartment, locking the door behind you before heading into the elevator.
you’re heading to the highest floor; up there, you’ll be able to get to the roof.
after punching in number eight, you lean against the wall, looking at your hands. a ding alerts you that you’ve arrived; you step out of the elevator and open the door at the end of the hall, walking up the small metal staircase – finally, you’re here.
you don’t make any moves to sit; that’s something new. instead, you stand on the roof, hands in your pockets as you watch the swirling plethora of colors dissolve into darkness in front of you.
“how long have you been living here?” denki shakes his head, droplets of water hitting your skin and you release a small laugh, stepping away from him.
“about four years or so.. it’s nice, isn’t it?”
“yeah, it is. it’s.. always awake, you know?”
“oh yeah,” you chuckle, understanding what he means about the city, “always. there’re cars going at 3 in the morning all the time. so many places are open to eat, it’s nice they cater to people’s late night cravings.”
“true.” he looks up at the leafy branches in thought, “i like citylife. it’s kinda boring if everything’s slow paced and sleepy.”
the rippling lake water catches the sunlight, glittering in the late afternoon sun. the field’s light green and grassy, all flat except for the few lone apple trees that dot its surface.
“sometimes you have to step away from the city to really enjoy nature.” you stand up and grab a red apple off a lower branch, taking a bite and offering it to him.
“they’re sweet, y’know.”
denki gives a huff, “i know what apples taste like.” he bites into the fruit, humming at its taste. he hands it back to you and you take another bite, savoring the fresh, crisp taste.
you sit down beside him, tilting your head back to look up at the different branches above you. your hair’s still damp from the swimming, your skin dewy with droplets of water.
“should we go back in?” you question, looking out towards the lake.
“only if we’re skinny dipping.”
“it’s.. light out. you’re supposed to go in the dark.”
“so?” denki grabs your hand and brings you up, “come on, it’ll be fun!”
you lay back with a sigh, arms crossed behind your head as you stare up at the cloudy night sky, unable to see any constellations due to the clouds and city light.
the moon peeks out from behind the clouds, almost shy to reveal its full light.
a rush of sadness fills your chest and you move your feet, not wanting to remember the particularly painful memory made right here.
“you’ve been silent all night, denki. what’s up with you?” his hand finds yours and gives it a squeeze.
“i’m sorry.”
“for what?”
“for not telling you something i should’ve told you sooner.. i’m heading back to japan tomorrow.”
you don’t respond but your heartbeat quickens as you look up at the sky. “why are you going to japan, denki?”
“because.. i live there. i come here every summer from the beginning of june to the end of july with some friends.”
“so you won’t be able to...” your voice fades in realization.
“we can call and text! we both have phones, right?” he’s trying to be cheery.
“it’s not the same,” you say, voice suddenly strained, “you’re.. what, sixteen hours ahead of me? it wouldn’t work, it’d be inconvenient for both of us.”
“here, i have an idea. give me your phone.” he hands you his, which is open to the ‘create a new contact’ page; you do the same, now sitting up.
you type in your phone number and a small note, then hand it back to him.
denki seems quite invested in his typing; it takes him a few good minutes before he’s finished. “don’t open the note ‘til i’m gone, okay?”
it seems you’d never opened it. why not? you take out your phone to open it, reliving your last memory.
“call me, okay?” denki’s grinning again, giving you a tight hug before getting on the plane. you’re wondering why he’s so happy – it’s a facade, of course. smiling always fends off the tears, right?
when he’s about to pull away, he realizes how you’re not letting go, head buried in his neck. “denki, be safe. don’t forget anything on the plane, okay?” your voice is light and you’re trying to joke with him, but he can sense that unsteadiness.
he hugs you tighter, tears forming in his eyes. “i love you.”
a weak sob escapes your lips and the tears start rushing out of your eyes. “i love you too, please be careful.”
you hadn’t spoken to him since that morning – three weeks ago. why hadn’t you stayed in touch?
the note opens and you immediately read it, tears welling up in your eyes.
‘to y/n, the most amazing girl i’ve ever met.. i’ve enjoyed it all, from the most awkward morning of my life to the first time i’ve ever gone up on a roof with someone. it’s been really fun, i’m going to miss this. i get it if you don’t wanna stay in touch; it’s too painful sometimes, you know? but aside from our adventures, i’ve really enjoyed bonding with you as a person. you’re funny, sarcastic, and all around amazing. i love you - see you next summer.’
he was right in his message; it is too painful to stay in touch sometimes. you exit the contacts list, wiping at your eyes and smearing your makeup as you open the messaging app, beginning to type out a message,
hey, i miss you.
taglist // @sobaluvr​ @bbytamaki​ 
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