#9 mins...american exceptionalism wins again
President Trump makes an announcement on immigration alongside Senator Cotton and Senator Perdue.  [Peoples Reaction on Facebook]
Kathleen Murphy · 9:05 my great grandparents from Italy came with nothing and built a business and lives for their families like millions of other immigrants. This president is a complete idiot-just listen to him!Like · Reply · 18 · 7 
minsManageBen Wolf · 5:57 Talking about how we don't get the highest quality immigrants because we allow low skill immigrants into the country, but then we just slashed H1B visas by thousandsLike · Reply · 5 · 10 minsManage1 
ReplyHerlinda Heras · 7:59 Then how about learning Navajo, Apache, Inuit, The native language of the America's! English was brought here by immigrant pilgrims!Like · Reply · 8 · 7 minsManageKelly Libby · 5:48 Immigrants make America GREAT!!!! Immigrants literally built America!!!!Like · Reply · 15 · 10 
minsManageStian Sætermo · 9:34 Its like saying: We only want the rich refugees... USA is the laughing stock of the world.. Everybody think your a bunch of clowns! Your country is becomming a realityshow. And a bad one to!Like · Reply · 1 
· 6 minsManageKathleen Murphy · 6:44 Apparently no one has told the WH & gop senators the temp worker visa have caused huge issues with farmers, wineries, shrimpers et al can't find American able or willing do do the work.Like · Reply · 3 
· 9 minsManageHerlinda Heras · 9:20 Stock up on wine, food, can produce as those prices will all go up! Who do you think will go work in the stockyards for your over cooked steak, Mr President? White people?! No.Like · Reply · 6 minsManageKristi Marie ·
  9:27 ...they just built a Chinese steel plant near me followed by a housing complex for the hundreds of employees they're bringing over to work it.... It's all legalLike · Reply · 1 · 6 minsManageJD Blaha · 4:26 eliminating low skill immigrants will NOT create jobs for Americans, this has already been tried in europe and it failed. American Exceptionalism like this will hurt the US economyLike · Reply ·
  6 · 11 minsManageLobo Ed · 4:33 Welfare means ! For the good of the people. It has nothing to do with free stuff or food stamps. 90% of welfare is paid to the military.Like · Reply · 5 
· 8 minsManageJohn McElroy · 9:13 What did the Right say when they thought Hillary was going to win?....oh yeah, no one under federal investigation should be allowed to govern...I agree with that.Like · Reply · 1 · 6 minsManageAnna Kania · 3:27 I hate to say it but I agree with some of this. In Austria, you have to prove that you know the german language before you're allowed to work there as an immigrant.Like 
· Reply · 2 · 12 minsManageJoseph Martinez · 5:34 I wasn't aware English was the official language of the U.S.Like · Reply · 8 · 10 minsManageAlexa Garpo · 8:21 lol does that means Americans will make immigrants cheap payed jobs but better payed... I bet all those employers are gonna be super happy 😂Like · Reply ·
  7 minsManageKristi Marie · 6:40 Did someone in here just seriously say plenty of KIDS would love to work on farms if there were fewer immigrants working them?!Like · Reply · 3 
· 9 minsManageIsaiah Stebbins · 4:07 AND I PROMISE IT WILL NOT GIVE ANYONE A PAY RAISE! When a company has a chance to make savings, those savings NEVER make it to the baseline worker. God, this guy...Like · Reply · 1 
· 11 minsManageLarry Young · 5:51 I can't believe how uninformed all these angry faces are about economics. Global trade good. National work force good. 1 plus 1 equals 2Like · Reply · 3 ·
  9 minsManageLorraine Alexander · 8:04 Well done from Scotland and I hope we do the same. Immigration systems are so out of date and the abuse of our systems has gone on for too long. Again well doneLike · Reply · 2 · 7 minsManageAnahita Av 
· 9:14 We have an immigration law firm and only two of our clients ever took anything from welfareLike · 
Reply · 6 minsManageعبدالفتاح الأصبحي · 2:58 So what are we going to do about your wife she didn't speak EnglishLike · Reply · 7 · 12 minsRemoveDianne Barron Scruggs · 9:54 
Oh, I see 'my fine senator from Ga' standing there! So I guess he's gonna send his family into the peach and pecan orchards to do the work! So many people have made their fortunes on the backs of those whom they see as lesser.Like · Reply · 4 
· 5 minsManageP. Griffin Baron · 4:01 Look at how miserable he is up there. Just pack up. Just go home. You know you're in over your head. You don't want to be there. Admit it.Like · Reply 
· 4 · 11 minsManageHolly Eden · 8:42 corporate profits are flying so high...while most american's are suffering.Like · Reply · 5 
· 7 minsManageCarolyn Taylor · 7:06 "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!" or not....Like · Reply · 6 
· 8 minsManageNaresh Chauhan · 9:34 Lies, they are only interested in cutting taxes for the rich and making the rich richer at the expense of the middle class and divide the people by talking about immigrants being a problem, have the taken all the money?
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