#911 is carefully crafting something and idon't understand why you cn't see that - slow burns are just that - slow
stagefoureddiediaz · 1 year
with one hour to go I am keeping expectations firmly in checked a small part of me honestly thinks what we have seen from the sneak peak is the only eddie emotional moment we will get in the episode. IDK the lack of Eddie in stills is concerning.
I don't really know what to say to you - the lack of Eddie in the stills isn't concerning me one jot - we're either getting an Eddie who goes M.I.A because he can't deal with his emotions and so we won't see him much - in which case that is very loud about how its affecting him. sometimes the absence of something is louder than the presence of something
Or we're not getting any because any Eddie scenes are too revealing and the show is intentionally keeping them from us. I have no doubt that anything Eddie we get will be incredibly important and don't forget we haven't had any Hen stills either - and Buck and Hen have been shown as being close this season too.
Either way its a good thing and not a cause for concern. The show is about found family - its more than just buddie and we know that we're going to get good content about all the firefam and the intersectionality of their lives - how they are a more important family than Bucks blood family (Maddie excepting of course) . this whole thing is about Buck figuring out that he has family - a family who love him, who aren't connected to him by blood, who love him anyway. Eddie and Chris are a huge part of that - the show wouldn't have gone down the will route if that wasn't the case.
So by all means keep your expectations low - thats your prerogative, but i'm going to be over here living my best life about it all and enjoying more than just the Buddie of it all because while thats important to me - it is not the only thing thats important - I want to see my firefam being a family
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