#A Miracle for Network Marketer
evernest · 2 years
My mission is to train you on the mindset, skills, and systems to have lasting success in network marketing. I will focus on social media strategies, recruiting techniques, and duplication methods to help take your network marketing business to a new level. I was voted the #1 coach in all of the network marketing per Business for Home in 2017 and will share with you the NEWEST strategies to help you crush your business.
Rob Sperry has been recognized by top publication, Business For Home, as the #1 trainer for 2017 in the network marketing industry. In his first year in the industry, he reached the highest level in a multi-billion dollar company. Conquering new heights Sperry became the co-creator of a new brand.  This brand was a spin-off from a $3 billion dollar company (total sales) and launched with a million dollars in sales, in just the first month. After this success, Sperry was instrumental in bringing two top companies together, thus creating one of the largest mergers in the network marketing industry. Due to his expertise, he has been featured in national and international books, podcasts, blogs, articles, and magazines specific to finding success in network marketing. His podcast has now been downloaded by 83 countries.
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directsellingnow · 3 months
Direct Selling Trends: दीपक कुशवाह ने जीता Most Emerging Direct Selling Team Award
Direct Selling Trends: 5वें डायरेक्ट सेलिंग लीडरशिप एक्सीलेंस अवार्ड (DSLEA-2024) का भव्य समारोह महाराजा अग्रसेन इंटरनेशनल कॉलेज रायपुर छत्तीसगढ़ में संपन्न हुआ। कार्यक्रम में बतौर मुख्यातिथि शामिल फेडरेशन ऑफ़ डायरेक्ट सेलिंग एसोसिएशन के जनरल सेक्रेटरी श्री किशोर वर्मा के साथ-साथ डायरेक्ट सेलिंग नाउ के फाउंडर श्री राहुल शर्मा और को-फाउंडर श्रीमती यामिनी शर्मा खासतौर पर मौजूद रहीं। Direct Selling…
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shoyostar · 10 months
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internationally regional profiles.
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vacation bible school m.list. // hq. masterlist.
MISC. — (y/n) has known kuroo since childhood and kenma since middle school, but met bokuto and akaashi in uni.
second year systems biology student. has a philosophy of never chasing after men and instead letting them come to her. never fucks unless there’s something in it for her. has a part time job at a cafe on campus. she shares an apartment with kenma that neighbours bokuto and akaashi’s. got into utokyo on a scholarship and is really serious about her studies despite her lax attitude. has a lot of acquaintances on campus who she hangs out with sometimes but not people who she considers ‘friends’. doesn’t like getting into relationships (the emotional stuff makes her feel icky) and is pretty closed off to people except close friends.
second year programming student. has an “alter-ego” (as he likes to call it) of being the increasingly famous faceless streamer kodzuken. a lot of rumours float around campus that he and y/n are dating (it lowkey repulses them, but it’s fun to fool people). has a horrible sleep schedule and always looks like he needs an energy drink. goes to class like once a week but is still passing with ease. took programming because of video games but is considering becoming a professional streamer or indie developer instead of going into an industry job. writes absolutely scathing, career ending game reviews on steam in his free time.
second year comparative literature and japanese literature student who actually needs an energy drink. rues the day he decided to be ambitious and do a double major. chronically stressed and bokuto never shuts up about it. is around 580k yen in debt so he takes his academics extremely seriously. sometimes called a prude because he gets snarky when sex is brought up. has lost around three pairs of glasses and still doesn’t know where any of them are. has a little side groupchat with kenma and y/n where they hold study sessions and do late night snack runs together. plays solitaire with kenma at two am and their games get a little too heated for what should be considered normal.
third year sports science major who really shouldn’t be in university to begin with. considered going pro after highschool but thought the transition would be easier if he played in uni instead of making the huge jump immediately. doesn’t really know what he’s doing in his classes so it’s a miracle he’s still in the program and is banking on his future pro career so he can slack off on his studies. works out with kuroo who keeps trying to lure him into a pyramid scheme. on the utokyo volleyball team and still gets lost around campus despite being in his third year. a loveable guy all around who has absolutely zero enemies. what he lacks in academics he makes up for in emotional wisdom.
third year marketing major who debates if he should’ve just taken chemistry instead because it was easier. the only one of the group who lives off campus and commutes to school (he’s always simultaneously out of the loop and in it all at once because of this). is really well known because he loves networking and is the most socially active by choice. keeps trying to get kenma into stock trading (it’s working to some degree). works out regularly with bokuto. does really sketchy shit for connections and is probably in some kind of ponzi scheme. doesn’t really stress over school because he passes with minimal studying and likes to gloat about it to akaashi who wants to strangle him at times.
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rjzimmerman · 2 months
Food as You Know It Is About to Change. (New York Times Op-Ed)
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From the vantage of the American supermarket aisle, the modern food system looks like a kind of miracle. Everything has been carefully cultivated for taste and convenience — even those foods billed as organic or heirloom — and produce regarded as exotic luxuries just a few generations ago now seems more like staples, available on demand: avocados, mangoes, out-of-season blueberries imported from Uruguay.
But the supermarket is also increasingly a diorama of the fragility of a system — disrupted in recent years by the pandemic, conflict and, increasingly, climate change. What comes next? Almost certainly, more disruptions and more hazards, enough to remake the whole future of food.
The world as a whole is already facing what the Cornell agricultural economist Chris Barrett calls a “food polycrisis.” Over the past decade, he says, what had long been reliable global patterns of year-on-year improvements in hunger first stalled and then reversed. Rates of undernourishment have grown 21 percent since 2017. Agricultural yields are still growing, but not as quickly as they used to and not as quickly as demand is booming. Obesity has continued to rise, and the average micronutrient content of dozens of popular vegetables has continued to fall. The food system is contributing to the growing burden of diabetes and heart disease and to new spillovers of infectious diseases from animals to humans as well.
And then there are prices. Worldwide, wholesale food prices, adjusted for inflation, have grown about 50 percent since 1999, and those prices have also grown considerably more volatile, making not just markets but the whole agricultural Rube Goldberg network less reliable. Overall, American grocery prices have grown by almost 21 percent since President Biden took office, a phenomenon central to the widespread perception that the cost of living has exploded on his watch. Between 2020 and 2023, the wholesale price of olive oil tripled; the price of cocoa delivered to American ports jumped by even more in less than two years. The economist Isabella Weber has proposed maintaining the food equivalent of a strategic petroleum reserve, to buffer against shortages and ease inevitable bursts of market chaos.
Price spikes are like seismographs for the food system, registering much larger drama elsewhere — and sometimes suggesting more tectonic changes underway as well. More than three-quarters of the population of Africa, which has already surpassed one billion, cannot today afford a healthy diet; this is where most of our global population growth is expected to happen this century, and there has been little agricultural productivity growth there for 20 years. Over the same time period, there hasn’t been much growth in the United States either.
Though American agriculture as a whole produces massive profits, Mr. Barrett says, most of the country’s farms actually lose money, and around the world, food scarcity is driving record levels of human displacement and migration. According to the World Food Program, 282 million people in 59 countries went hungry last year, 24 million more than the previous year. And already, Mr. Barrett says, building from research by his Cornell colleague Ariel Ortiz-Bobea, the effects of climate change have reduced the growth of overall global agricultural productivity by between 30 and 35 percent. The climate threats to come loom even larger.
It can be tempting, in an age of apocalyptic imagination, to picture the most dire future climate scenarios: not just yield declines but mass crop failures, not just price spikes but food shortages, not just worsening hunger but mass famine. In a much hotter world, those will indeed become likelier, particularly if agricultural innovation fails to keep pace with climate change; over a 30-year time horizon, the insurer Lloyd’s recently estimated a 50 percent chance of what it called a “major” global food shock.
But disruption is only half the story and perhaps much less than that. Adaptation and innovation will transform the global food supply, too. At least to some degree, crops such as avocados or cocoa, which now regularly appear on lists of climate-endangered foodstuffs, will be replaced or redesigned. Diets will shift, and with them the farmland currently producing staple crops — corn, wheat, soy, rice. The pressure on the present food system is not a sign that it will necessarily fail, only that it must change. Even if that progress does come to pass, securing a stable and bountiful future for food on a much warmer planet, what will it all actually look like?
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ginjointsintheworld · 2 years
i’m so fucking sick of streaming services/platforms and netflix in particular. unless it’s a show with a Star Name attached they provide little to no effort marketing it and the only way to get a chance at renewal is if somehow the show becomes a mega hit that breaks streaming numbers in an absurdly short time period with absolutely no support from the platform. they make renewal/cancellation calls after 1-2 MONTHS. it’s a miracle for a netflix original content to get past season 1 now and virtually unheard of to survive past season 2. as a result we have this graveyard collection of content that writers, directors, actors, everyone puts their heart and soul into that will never see the light of day again. despite being objectively GOOD content. at least with traditional tv networks shows that get canceled they have a chance at being picked up somewhere else as we’ve seen with brooklyn 99, manifest, supergirl. but with these fucking platforms like netflix they own total rights over the content and would rather burn their own money than sell a show.
if netflix just wants to produce movies, limited series and documentaries then go right fucking ahead. but these streaming services can’t continue getting away with taking all these shows and churning them out just to slaughter it especially when it’s content that upholds POC, LGBT and other diverse groups that get so little made for them in the first place.
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A Whovian Watches Star Trek for the First Time: Part 075 - Saving the Earth
Star Trek: Enterprise - Season 3 Episode 24 - Zero Hour
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Time to wrap up Season 3, and the chase to reach the weapon, before it reaches earth is on!
Seeing Hoshi in this state of self guilt and not sure who she's talking to hurts, I don't like that archer is pushing her like this. She needs time to recover, especially in regards to him wanting to bring her onto the sphere with the strike team.
After that discussion, Archer gets time jumped into the future by Daniels, again. This time 7 years into Archer's personal future, to the founding of the Federation that Daniels keeps drip feeding us about. However, Daniels is unable to convince archer to change his mind about anything.
Hoshi, even in her current state, has made good progress, but unfortunately the reptilian ship has drifted from the Weapon. The reptilian ship attacks and destroys one of Earth's research satellites, with around 40 civilian targets on board. I get that that's tragic and all, but Archer literally did something similar to a Xindi research station less than 5 ago, he has very little room to be sad about this.
The reptilians prepare to open fire on Degra's ship, but thankfully the Andorians arrive in the nick of time to take care of things. My man, Shran is the MVP, Archer owes him indeed. Shran's appearance gives the crew a chance to get onto the weapon and start disabling it. The final fistfight between Archer and Dolim was also amazingly brutal. Archer, however doesn't make it out.
Meanwhile, Enterprise is going down into a spacial anomaly to attack one of the key spheres and knock out the Sphere network. The anomoly is wrecking the same cellular decay on the crew that the test subject was undergoing. Then, the Sphere builders board Enterprise and start tearing it apart. Luckily they take down the sphere and all the others with it.
After the fighting, while Enterprise awaits to rendezvous with the other team, we get just a little bit of flirting between T'Pol and Trip, which was nice to see.
We only really get to see T'Pol and Phlox's reactions to loosing archer, not even the team who he was with on Degra's ship. Everyone's reactions to seeing Earth again was beautiful, however everything is short lived, because no broadcasts have been coming from Earth or the Moon. Something is wrong. When a shuttle touches down, weapons start opening fire, and they're not from Enterprise's era. We've gone back in time to World War Two, Archer has been left in Nazi hands, and there's an alien commanding these Nazis, and that's the cliffhanger we're left on. Bit of a bombshell to end the season on.
The action in this episode was excellent, both the battle on the weapon and the battle on Enterprise. This Season finale was really good, but I'm happy we're finished with this whole Xindi arc. As much as I've loved the side episodes here, this seasons arc has not been it for me. I'm really interested to see where the series goes now that Archer and Enterprise are Stranded in World War 2. Also seeing Shran again was a highlight.
Comparing my Enjoyment of this Episode with a Doctor Who Universe Story of the Same Title
Torchwood: Aliens Among Us - Episode 7 - Zero Hour
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Yep, Spin Off of a Spin Off. In 2017 Big Finish used it's licence to make Doctor Who Universe Radio Drama to start Torchwood: Aliens Among Us, a continuation. They had already done a few audio dramas set after Torchwood: Miracle Day, but Aliens Among Us was marketed as a true Season 5 of Torchwood, despite the change of Media and replacing the various members of the cast that died throughout the show.
On the whole, I do like the Torchwood Continued saga, it does fall into a lot of the same pitfalls as the actual Torchwood series does, but that's definitely by design in recapturing the show's vibes, and the series is genuinely well written. Aliens Among Us is wonderful. It's cast is in some ways even better than the Original Torchwood team.
But this segment is about it's 7th Episode, Zero Hour. Zero Hour is focus story for Tyler Steele, one of the new additions to the cast that Aliens Among Us throws in. The episode also takes on a sort of allegory for how companies such as Deliveroo and Uber exploit their workers, and does it wonderfully. The Suspense behind exactly what Deliverables is, is built wonderfully. Hasan as a guest character is so well written, and the budding relationship between him and Tyler was really good. It's a shame the faceless corporate entity incinerated, fired in the most literal sense, him the moment he "qualified for basic workers rights".
I enjoyed both Zero Hours, but Torchwood's Zero Hour won out for me. As good as the Action in Enterprise's Zero Hour was, Torchwood's felt like it actually had something to say. Sci-Fi always works best when it's allegorical for real world issues, and Torchwood Zero Hour was an amazing example for that.
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Talk about a 21st-century miracle. The faith-based series has converted a mass of impassioned viewers to rival any Yellowstone or The Walking Dead fanbase — without marquee stars or aggressive marketing. We’re of course talking about The Chosen, the first multi-season series to depict the life and ministry of Jesus of Nazareth (played by Jonathan Roumie) and his most fervent followers. The show’s first three seasons have been available for free via theChosen app and the Angel Studios website, as well as on streamers like Netflix and Prime Video, but you can now watch the series’ broadcast debut on The CW as it airs 24 divine weekly episodes from Sunday, July 16, through Christmas Eve.
“Over 100 million people have seen at least one episode,” creator Dallas Jenkins tells us after a busy day shooting a Season 4 episode in Goshen, Utah. (The series also films outside Dallas.) But he’s grateful for the boost of being on network television, noting that it helps the show “cross the chasm into audiences that have heard about it but haven’t known where to watch it.”
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Elizabeth Tabish in The Chosen
The tale of how The Chosen came into existence is nearly as compelling as the greatest story ever told. “It was born out of failure,” Jenkins says with a laugh. After a feature film he directed didn’t do well, he dusted off a short film script about Christ’s birth from the perspective of the shepherds. The video went viral and, though Jenkins didn’t love the idea of crowdfunding to make a series, he had nothing to lose. At the end of the video, he gave viewers the opportunity to invest (not donate, he specifies), “and over 16,000 people around the world invested over $10 million for [what became] Season 1.” From there, he adds, “the word of mouth went crazy.”
The Chosen begins in 1st century Galilee with adult Jesus and introduces familiar Bible figures like the compassionate Mary Magdalene (Elizabeth Tabish), unsure tax collector Matthew (Paras Patel) and bold fishermen brothers Simon Peter (Shahar Isaac) and Andrew (Noah James), depicting how they become the Son of God’s loyal followers. In the first episode, for example, a distraught Mary Magdelene, using the name Lilith, fights personal demons and contemplates ending her life until she meets Jesus, who somehow knows her real name. “I was one way and now I am completely different,” she calmly tells curious religious leader Nicodemus (Erick Avari) in the second episode (July 23). “And the thing that happened in between was Him.”
In adapting stories like that, Jenkins knew merely retelling Scripture wouldn’t give it the “uniquely timely” perspective he was hoping to achieve so that it “doesn’t feel like a stiff melodrama. It feels like actual humanity.” He found inspiration not in other religious productions, but in long-running contemporary dramas that created an intimacy between characters and viewers over many episodes. (Seven seasons are planned for The Chosen.) “I’m not only a lover of the Bible, but I’m also a lover of television,” Jenkins notes. “I’m watching Succession at the same time that I’m writing the show. I’m watching Friday Night Lights, This Is Us. You look at these shows and you realize the time they take to build these characterizations, that’s their secret sauce. They don’t rush it.”
Filling the pivotal role of Jesus was thankfully not a problem — Roumie had worked with Jenkins before in shorts done for his church. But strapping on the sandals is a big responsibility. “I’m still trying to wrap my head around playing Jesus,” the actor admits. “There’s so much depth and layers and mystery to him.” But Jenkins has faith, noting that “casting Jonathan was the easiest decision in the world.”
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welcometomy20s · 1 year
April 8, 2023
About a year and a half ago, I and others started noticing there were five agencies which were growing steadily and had plenty of collaboration with each other. I decided to dub them Five English Sisters, emphasizing the sisterhood of the five agencies - PRISM Project, Tsunderia, Project Kawaii, Phase Connect, and CyberLive.
CyberLive was the first to go, but I was not surprised. They were only really included because of the close connection with the other four, and their troubles were easily visible right from the start, or at least that was what I sensed. Even now, long after the demise, the tension has continued, after one of the two talents who moved to Phase Connect, did a bad joke.
Tsunderia had a quiet death, not quite getting the push and pull, first failing to capture the success of Kamiko Kana, although she had other issues, and then success of Miori Celesta. Ultimately they failed at actual support and quietly were disbanded.
Project Kawaii had a ‘miracle’ gen and relatively good models, which led them to great success, and 2nd Gen had a lesser but still remarkable success as well. Things were riding high with the 3D campaign, but cracks were beginning to show with Neena’s departure, which was unfortunate, but then just as things were looking better with the 3rd Gen, Oceane incident was revealed and some time after, whole of 3rd Gen was unceremoniously dropped, which is astounding considering the success of people like Aletta, whose shorts got her to 100K. 
PRISM Project held steady with their four generations and their inclusion to the SONY family cut them off from large success, due to the poor networking skills of the company and the general distrust after the Kaguya Luna debacle, but they have secured security in a way.
Which leaves Phase Connect as the biggest success of the group, which I would have never guessed… I wrote off Phase Connect when Sakana was posting on Reddit about him starting an agency - agency from a reddit user felt like an instant disaster, and the fact that their biggest talent was playing ropes with an even dangerous group signaled me the seal of doom.
But Pippa was one of the sly cookies in the business and the darker tone made the agency stand out, and they managed to successfully float 6 talents in their second gen, which is astounding, considering many agencies fail to float 4 or even 3 talents after their first go. Phase Connect managed to thread the line between the gremlin nature of Nijisanji EN and the outrageous and boastful nature of VShojo, as the alternative of EN Agencies.
While two of the five sisters have fully perished, idol Corp managed to nab the two empty thrones, with the surgical precision of debuting E-sekai in November, during the huge lull in both HoloEN and NijiEN, and focusing on the oft-neglected EU market. Penrose Rin was the snarky British Agency VTuber we expected to see long time ago, and her shorts, reminiscent of Pippa’s short with American autistic anger replaced by British anxiety snark, had garner enormous amount of attention vaulting her to over 250K subscribers in a month or so of the boom, with her fellow quietly but surely tracking to that 100K mark, and most already well over 50K.
But will there be that fifth member? Many had tried, like Amber Glow and AkiroAIR, but they had failed to create a good foundation for a robust fandom. The latest attempt is from Project EIEN, who had a rather nice growth, but no one from the group is a stand-out for the moment.
P.S. - Matori Kakeru’s departure continues to be a major surprise. I wonder if Kakeru is about to upgrade to a better position, because she was having relative success. Considering the Linglan Lily trade, the Taiwan scene has been quite tumultuous so anything is possible.
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The Hollows lore dump
So lore and storytelling would be a mix of characters talking but also finding items with unique descriptions, as well as tomes that are mostly faded out which means that are incomplete for ancient civilization lore
Church of Radiance: The Church of Radiance is the youngest of the large religions across the continent, where they worship The Radiance, a being of holy light, a singular all powerful yet distant entity that watches from afar and acts in small miracles. The Church is against magic as they view it as a perversion of the world, that only the church can provide miracle and acts of greatness with its prays and crusaders. It is led by a holy leader picked through prayer called a Lumni. In the various countries of the south the real power isn’t the kings, it’s the Church, who make sure the kingdoms stay in line, else they face their divine wrath.
Rodoria: The largest nation outside of The Church of Radiance’s control, it’s the oldest nation of the continent and has a long history of spreading its boarders in order to “bring order” across various lands they view as uncivilized. In Rodoria everything is tripled checked, everything is organized, and everything is analyzed for a glorious future. The under Rodoria there place best for everyone, under its chosen Emperor it is a place without slavery, suffering, and homelessness, the empire always has a job ready for the directionless.
Gwaindell: Called the trading capital of the continent, Gwaindell is publicly by the royal family, realistically the merchant’s guild and various black market traders run the country after the near economic collapse almost destroyed their nation.
The Hollows: A large network of underground cities and roads, The Hollows span across most of the continent and are so deep down that no other exist besides the one created by the southern realms seem to exist. Once they housed a people, now it is a horrific prison where many are sent to die by other criminals or the monsters that dwell there. Atop the mountain and deep below the mountain are odd ruins that belonged to the Zanadaf civilization, a ancient and now dead people, they were once the power house of the world, and one day they all vanished, no one knows why only that their capital was the last place they were scene before dying out.
Kaldan: The Queendom of Kaldan is ran by its current founder Queen Tallis, who was once a slave, freed by a harsh rebellion with the help of Rodoria, it is new a free nation allied with the northern realms.
Collages of Arcane: While the south and east banish the use of magic, the northern realms and now Kaldan are very proud of their magical studies and knowledge, they are prestigious academies that only the truly talented warlocks ever manage to enter, thousands of years of magical studies have allowed them to come to understand many mysterious of this world and the mysteries in between.
Arkian Crystals: All magic is preformed and connected to Arkian crystals a mysterious resource that appeared when a large meteor made of it crashed into the continent. It crashed across the southern realms but large pockets of debris ended up in the northern realms.
I love this world you created, because this is amazing.
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ejesgistnews · 13 days
By Gbenga Agunbiade, Lagos     In a bid to raise a new generation of leaders who are committed to serving God and humanity, the founder of Jesus Cares Crusader Ministries International (JCCMI), Bishop Joesph Ademola Afolabi, will be collaborating with CAN & PFN to host a Christian Leadership Conference in Kaduna. The conference, which promises to be a life-changing event, will bring together leaders from different denominations and backgrounds to share knowledge, experiences, and best practices in leadership. In this exclusive interview, Bishop Joseph Ademola Afolabi, the founder of JCCMI, shares his vision for the conference and what attendees can expect.   Read Also : Any Unverified Miracle Is Public Stunt, Image Laundering, Marketing Strategy, Ego Ride: Catholic Priest Fada Oluoma   Q: What inspired you to host the Christian Leadership Conference in Kaduna, and what do you hope to achieve with this event? A:This year will be the third edition of the Kaduna leadership conference. Last year, we were blessed to have over 650 leaders from diverse churches in attendance. We have continued to host Leadership conferences because as a ministry we understand the importance of strong leadership in our communities. The pressing issue facing both the church and the nation at large is the increasing void in leadership in our current era. We want to equip leaders with the skills and spiritual guidance to make a positive impact. Our goal is to raise a new generation of leaders who are committed to serving God and humanity.   Q: What are the key themes and topics that will be addressed during the conference, and how will they be presented?   A: " Our focus points will be on leadership principles, casting vision, building teams, the role of leaders in nation-building, lifestyle of a leader and teaching leaders how to give back to their communities, all with a biblical perspective. Each day, the leaders will sit down together to discuss ways to support our leaders and enhance our nation as a whole.   Q: Who is the target audience for this conference, and why is it important for them to attend?   A: This conference is crucial for pastors, church leaders, entrepreneurs, politicians, and anyone in a leadership position or striving to lead. With a pressing leadership gap in the church and nation, strong leadership is urgently needed. It is easy to place blame on the government for our country's challenges, but we must remember that they are our results - a product of our choices made decades ago. We must confront the truth and return to it. The conference offers a distinct chance for spiritual growth, networking, and honing skills. We aim to empower leaders to be more efficient in their roles and make a meaningful difference in their communities.   Q: What sets this conference apart from others, and what can attendees expect to gain from it?   A:What makes this conference stand out is our mission to produce not just excellent leaders, but also transformational and functional leaders in both the church and the nation. Our focus on spiritual growth and practical leadership skills is what makes this conference truly unique. Attendees can anticipate gaining a renewed sense of purpose, practical leadership skills, and a deeper connection with God. They will also have the chance to network with other leaders and form relationships that can benefit them personally and professionally.   Q: Can you tell us more about the speakers and facilitators who will be leading the conference?   A: As the speaker, I will have the assistance of other leaders who are involved in CAN and PFN. They will be sharing their knowledge and experience to help attendees grow in their leadership and faith. We’re excited to have them on board and are confident that they will have a significant impact on our attendees.   Q: How does this conference align with the mission and vision of Jesus Cares Crusader Ministries International (JCCMI)?   A:Throughout
my 49 years as a pastor, one of the greatest gifts bestowed upon me by God has been the ability to train leaders. With His abundant grace, I have successfully prepared numerous leaders from our church and our educational institution known as ITA (Independent Theological Academy). I am extremely grateful that many of these individuals are using their leadership abilities to make a significant impact in both ministry and business, as the success or failure of any group or organisation is greatly influenced by its leadership. As our ultimate goal is to spread the Gospel and make disciples in all nations, this conference perfectly aligns with our mission by providing leaders with the necessary skills and spiritual guidance to positively influence their communities.   Q: What role does prayer and spiritual growth play in the conference?   A:Although it has become a controversial topic in recent times, prayer remains the master key. In these end times, prayer warriors are crucial. I have written two books on prayer: "Prayer: The Master Key" and "The Battles of Life." If we recognise that we have battles to fight, it drives us to pray. The truth is, we cannot win any battle in life unless we first win the battle on our knees. Both the church and the nation are in desperate need of prayer. The Bible instructs us to pray for those in positions of authority. Prayer is our way of tapping into the life, power, and fire of God, just as Elijah did. This is what the church truly needs. We need intercessors who can identify the needs of the church and nation and passionately seek to bring about change through prayer. We'll have dedicated times of prayer and worship throughout the conference to help attendees connect with God and seek His guidance."   Q: How will the conference address the specific challenges facing leaders in Nigeria and beyond?   A: The difficulties we are currently encountering are not unique, as these challenges exist globally. We as a society have caused these issues, but we have the ability to find a solution. All we need are leaders who are capable of making positive transformations. However, we cannot expect these issues to be resolved in a day. Unfortunately, Nigerians are the enemy of Nigeria. It is crucial that we address problems within organisations such as the police, road safety, customs, and immigration. While I do appreciate these organisations, it is the few bad eggs who have been able to gain entry through crafty means that are causing insecurity in the nation. In the past, we had effective highway patrols that instilled fear in drivers, but nowadays, they know that a mere one hundred Naira can resolve any issues. This concludes that Nigerians are ultimately the ones creating problems for Nigeria.   To address these challenges, we will be conducting sessions and workshops specifically designed for leaders in Nigeria and beyond. These sessions will focus on addressing issues like corruption, insecurity, and economic uncertainty. Our speakers will provide practical strategies and real-life examples to guide leaders in navigating these challenges and creating a positive impact.   Q: What opportunities will there be for networking and building relationships during the conference?   A: We have specific time slots planned for networking and establishing relationships, such as a networking lunch and coffee breaks. Attendees will also be able to engage with our speakers and facilitators during Q&A sessions and workshops.   Q: How can attendees apply what they learn at the conference to their everyday lives and leadership roles?   A:We will offer attendees practical tools and resources to apply their newfound knowledge. Additionally, we will host follow-up sessions and provide coaching to ensure attendees stay on track and continue to develop in their leadership skills and faith journey."   Conclusion: This life-changing event will equip you with the skills and spiritual guidance needed to make a positive impact in your communities.
Don't miss the opportunity to grow in your leadership and faith at the Christian Leadership Conference! You can expect expert speakers and facilitators, interactive sessions and workshops, as well as networking and relationship-building opportunities. By attending, you will gain a renewed sense of purpose, practical leadership skills, and a stronger connection with God. Register now and join us for this transformative experience.   Note: By the grace of God, in 2025, we will hold the conference in both Abuja and Ibadan.
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Elan Miracle, Sector 84, Gurgaon: Your Gateway to Prime Commercial Real Estate
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Welcome to Elan Miracle, a standout commercial development located in Sector 84, Gurgaon. Whether you're seeking a prime location for your business or a lucrative investment opportunity, Elan Miracle offers a blend of modern design, strategic location, and exceptional amenities. Here’s why Elan Miracle should be your top choice for commercial space.
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directsellingnow · 3 months
Direct Selling Awards-2024: नैन्सी साहू ने जीता Most Emerging Direct Selling Team अवार्ड
Direct Selling Awards-2024: 5वें डायरेक्ट सेलिंग लीडरशिप एक्सीलेंस अवार्ड (DSLEA-2024) का भव्य समारोह महाराजा अग्रसेन इंटरनेशनल कॉलेज रायपुर छत्तीसगढ़ में संपन्न हुआ। कार्यक्रम में बतौर मुख्यातिथि शामिल फेडरेशन ऑफ़ डायरेक्ट सेलिंग एसोसिएशन के जनरल सेक्रेटरी श्री किशोर वर्मा के साथ-साथ डायरेक्ट सेलिंग नाउ के फाउंडर श्री राहुल शर्मा और को-फाउंडर श्रीमती यामिनी शर्मा खासतौर पर मौजूद रहीं। Direct…
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gregg-reuben · 30 days
The sad compromise of sponsored results
The sad compromise of “sponsored results” https://seths.blog/2024/08/the-sad-compromise-of-sponsored-results/ Google made a fortune and honed sponsored search results into an art form. The theory is that people who want the traffic the most will pay for the clicks, and of course, if the advertisers don’t have something you ultimately want, they’ll just waste their money. Let the market work it out–the dollars become a self-fueling sort of search algorithm. Google was a miracle, and it also offered smart organic results and clearly labeled ads, so most of us accepted this. Now, though, hotel listings don’t even bother to pretend they’re sorted in any order but “what makes us the most money.” Yelp requires us to wade through fast food franchises and other lazy advertisers to get where we’re going. And recently, Amazon has jumped the shark by selling out their customers to the highest bidder. Add smartphones to the mix, with their tiny screens and low impulse control, and the ads stop looking like ads. Not only are the ads a worse experience for the user, they are also creating a tax on all the advertisers, and thus, on us. If the only way to get Amazon traffic is to buy the ads, then the only way to pay for the ads is to charge more… We’ve been hooked on free media for a century. But newspapers and network TV evolved to be ever more clear about what’s content and what’s an ad. The internet, as in all things it does, hypercompetes for the last penny, costing all of us time, trust and money. The oxymoron of “sponsored results” is that if they’re sponsored, they’re not results.
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greatphilosopheredz · 1 month
Career - Income - Outcome
Way back upon having my first job I look forward to having an investment / financial portfolio I graduated Computer Network Technology in college but job experiences related to my course are mostly in a call center environment.
I have accounts on two of the flirting websites but instead of flirting with someone there and possible meet ups I chose to delight myself on playing millionaires to those sites.
I started Peso Money Market Fund and before it was Total Return Peso Bonds Fund now it is Medium Term Peso Bonds Fund with one of a well known financial firm which signed partnership agreement with one of the electronic wallet in the Philippines
When I had a job in a law firm I had the opportunity to top up my units every after payday / after receiving my salary as finance admin assistant
On the last day of August I have decided to join a financial literacy campaign of a well known international finance company It was the hardest decision I think I ever made because on the very birthday of Mama Mary I was told that it's my last day in a law firm
I'm praying right now for a miracle to happen I may not be a graduate of financial management studies but simply by playing millionaires on two of the flirting websites of my account I could say I have learned there
Why is it so hard to look for a job while having a passive income like having a financial portfolios for emergency case
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ebelal56-blog · 1 month
Japan's Astonishing Post War Boom: The Economic Miracle
Japan's post-World War II economic transformation is indeed remarkable and often referred to as the "Japanese Economic Miracle" or the "Japanese Miracle." After the devastation of World War II, Japan's economy faced enormous challenges, but through strategic planning, investment in infrastructure, technological innovation, and an emphasis on export-led growth, Japan managed to achieve extraordinary economic growth. The period from 1950 to 1973, often termed the "High-Growth Era," saw Japan's economy grow at an unprecedented rate, averaging around 10% per year. This rapid growth propelled Japan into becoming the world's second-largest economy by the end of the Cold War, a status it maintained for several decades. Several factors contributed to Japan's economic success during this period. Key among them were: Export-led Growth: Japan focused on exporting manufactured goods, particularly electronics, automobiles, and machinery, to global markets. This strategy helped Japan earn foreign exchange and drive economic growth. Investment in Human Capital: Japan prioritized education and skill development, creating a highly educated and skilled workforce that could drive innovation and productivity. Government Policies: The Japanese government played a significant role in guiding economic development through policies that supported industries, provided infrastructure, and promoted technological innovation. Close Collaboration between Government and Industry: The Japanese government worked closely with private industry, fostering partnerships and providing support for research and development, which contributed to technological advancement and competitiveness. Infrastructure Development: Investments in infrastructure, such as transportation networks, power generation, and telecommunications, provided a solid foundation for economic growth. The term "Phoenix Miracle" symbolizes Japan's ability to rise from the ashes of war to become an economic powerhouse. However, Japan faced challenges in sustaining its high growth rates in later years, particularly during the economic stagnation of the 1990s and early 2000s, commonly referred to as the "Lost Decade." Despite these challenges, Japan remains one of the world's leading economies, known for its technological innovation, advanced manufacturing, and strong industrial base.
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sa7abnews · 2 months
Drainage Problems Present Existential Threat to Northern Ireland PLC…
New Post has been published on https://sa7ab.info/2024/08/06/drainage-problems-present-existential-threat-to-northern-ireland-plc/
Drainage Problems Present Existential Threat to Northern Ireland PLC…
It is no exaggeration to state that NI Water’s planned funding arrangements for the next three years will present an existential threat to our local construction and house building industry – and eventually to Northern Ireland Plc itself. This week, at a meeting with senior managers at NI Water, I was told that the company, which delivers all our water supply and waste water infrastructure, will experience a funding gap of £145m over the next three years. This represents a deficit of £40m this year alone and will decimate their list of planned capital works projects with barely enough money left to maintain their existing assets. This will have a devastating impact, not just on the construction industry, but also on the ordinary people hoping to buy a new home or move into social housing over the next few years. It could also prevent the expansion of local businesses or the building of a new school, hospital extension or other essential services. Every year the situation will get worse unless there is more investment in our critical drainage infrastructure. It’s not that we haven’t been warned. Back in 2018 NI Water advised that the lack of funding was curbing development but, over the years, successive Executives have done nothing to address this problem. In the short term, 19,000 homes in the planning pipeline will be without a drainage connection. NI Water say that 34 foul network UIDs, which are unsatisfactory intermittent discharges, across 23 towns in Northern Ireland are high polluting and will be closed for new drainage connections. We can all sympathise that NI Water faces severe environmental penalties if they permit new connections in these problematic areas, especially for green-field site developments, but that doesn’t solve the problem. And what sort of message does this send to potential foreign investors hoping to build a new factory and create new jobs here? It effectively means that many places across Northern Ireland will be closed for new business. This is neither sustainable, nor tolerable. Other than a funding miracle arriving from the new Chancellor, Rachel Reeves, the options are fairly grim. For instance, no one seriously believes that funding will be diverted from our struggling health service to fund the public drainage network. It is a sad fact that NI Water’s funding model is now broken. After years of inaction by the NI Executive it has failed spectacularly. So, what are the options for those responsible like the Minister for Infrastructure, John O’Dowd? Other than imposing hugely unpopular water charges, or raiding other Executive budgets, one of the few options available to Ministers in the short term is to reform the Water Industry’s legislation to allow Developers to group together to fund the upgrade of public drainage infrastructure. This change is required as, at present, there is no legislative mechanism for private companies to fund NI Water to complete essential upgrades. It should be noted that at the recent debate in the NI Assembly I don’t believe there was any mention of new water legislation being required which is very unusual but please correct me if I am wrong. Also, as the former Large Scale Renewable Generation Delivery Manager for Northern Ireland I know there is a precedent for private companies funding public infrastructure upgrades in the form of expanding the electricity network (although there were significant incentives in the renewables market at that time) and, therefore, this could easily be replicated in the water industry with new legislation. But, having said that, the housebuilding industry also needs encouragement to help address the current housing crisis. Secondly, the Northern Ireland Environment Agency (part of DAERA) and NI Water should amend their policy of discouraging Developers from constructing temporary (private) waste water treatment plants on their development sites where no public drainage connection is available. This would enable NI Water to avoid the additional costs of maintaining these public, or adoptable, treatment works whilst allowing the developer to build out the initial phases of their scheme. But, let’s be honest, these solutions will not be popular with Developers as they are already struggling with high costs and will only pass any additional charges onto their customers but at least it would keep things moving and prevent Northern Ireland Plc from grinding to a halt.
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