#A jacket like that wasn't. Worn? The closest thing was the Sassanid riding coat (which looks quite different)
bijoumikhawal · 4 months
I get a specific type of Egyptian fashion recommendations on pinterest which are untrustworthy but funny in a slightly depressing way
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For the unfamilar "Egyptian history defender" is basically a dogwhistle as far as I'm concerned, whoever made this shit is 95% likely to be racist and freakishly preoccupied with hating Black Africans
Youre an Egypt defender and you chose photos of two women in what I'd identify as Moroccan dress? (I could just be unfamiliar but these designs look VERY Moroccan and I don't know of Egyptian designers making soutached caftans like these)
Youre a history defender and you don't know the second woman here isn't wearing a dress with a caftan on top? She's wearing a tunic with wide clavi (patterned stripes)- it's one garment and has no resemblance to the modern image used as comparison
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