emmaameliamiaava · 4 months
JAGSoM - Business School - MBA, BBA And PGDM - Think Global
Experience world-class business education at JAGSoM. Offering MBA, BBA, and PGDM courses with a global perspective, we prepare students for international careers. Explore our curriculum designed for aspiring business leaders who think globally. Join us to advance your career with a comprehensive business degree. Apply now- https://jagsom.edu.in/admissions-process/  https://jagsom.edu.in/?utm_source=Google&utm_medium=off-page&utm_campaign=social-bookmarking  
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jagsom2021 · 11 months
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sir-crocodile-slut · 2 years
Two schools I simply cannot decide between 😭😭😭
School A: about $20k, staff has good communication, workload is easier, relaxed due dates, 24/7 course load access, 15 months to complete. Regional/prestigious accreditation (NECHE & ACBSP)
School B: about $15k, staff is rigid and hard to talk with, workload is more difficult, stricter due dates, approx 12 months to complete, National accreditation (AACSB)
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arya-college-jaipur · 20 hours
The Top MBA Programs for Your Career Goals
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Pursuing an MBA can be a transformative experience, opening doors to new career opportunities and propelling you towards your professional aspirations. However, with the vast array of MBA programs available, it can be a daunting task to identify the one that aligns best with your career goals. In this blog post, we will explore the top MBA programs that can help you achieve your career objectives, with a focus on the top MBA college in Jaipur.
Assessing Your Career Goals
Before embarking on your MBA journey, it's crucial to have a clear understanding of your career goals. Ask yourself questions such as:
What industry or sector do you want to work in?
What type of role or position do you aspire to attain?
What skills and knowledge do you need to develop to reach your desired career path?
By answering these questions, you can better identify the MBA programs that will provide the necessary education, training, and networking opportunities to help you achieve your career objectives.
Factors to Consider When Choosing an MBA Program
When selecting the top MBA program for your career goals, there are several key factors to consider:
Program Specialization: Look for MBA programs that offer specializations or concentrations aligned with your career interests, such as finance, marketing, entrepreneurship, or international business.
Faculty Expertise: Examine the qualifications and industry experience of the faculty members, as they play a crucial role in shaping the curriculum and providing valuable insights.
Reputation and Accreditation: Choose a program with a strong reputation and accreditation from recognized bodies, such as the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB).
Career Placement and Alumni Network: Investigate the program's career placement rates, as well as the strength and engagement of its alumni network, as these can significantly impact your post-graduation job prospects.
Campus Environment and Resources: Consider the campus facilities, extracurricular activities, and support services available, as they can contribute to a well-rounded MBA experience.
Flexibility and Delivery Format: Determine whether the program offers the flexibility you need, such as part-time, online, or executive MBA options, to accommodate your personal and professional commitments.
The Top MBA College 
Jaipur, the vibrant capital of Rajasthan, is home to several renowned MBA colleges that have consistently ranked among the top programs in the country. The top MBA college in Jaipur is known for its exceptional faculty, industry-relevant curriculum, and strong alumni network, making it an attractive choice for aspiring business leaders.
The top MBA college in Jaipur offers a range of specializations, including finance, marketing, operations, and entrepreneurship, allowing students to tailor their education to their specific career goals. Additionally, the college's focus on practical learning, through case studies, simulations, and industry collaborations, ensures that students are well-equipped to navigate the dynamic business landscape.
The Arya College
The Arya College is another prominent institution in Jaipur that offers a highly regarded MBA program. With a strong emphasis on developing well-rounded business professionals, the Arya College MBA program provides a comprehensive curriculum that covers various aspects of management, including strategy, finance, marketing, and organizational behavior.
One of the key strengths of the Arya College MBA program is its focus on fostering an entrepreneurial mindset. The college's incubation center and startup accelerator programs offer students the opportunity to develop their own business ideas and receive mentorship from industry experts.
Aligning Your Career Goals with the Top MBA Programs
When selecting the top MBA program for your career goals, it's essential to carefully evaluate the program's offerings and how they align with your aspirations. Consider the following steps:
Identify Your Career Objectives: Clearly define your short-term and long-term career goals, and determine the skills and knowledge you need to achieve them.
Research and Evaluate MBA Programs: Explore the curriculum, faculty, and career placement records of the top MBA college in Jaipur, the Arya College, and other reputable programs to find the best fit.
Assess the Program's Specializations: Ensure that the program offers the specialization or concentration that aligns with your career goals, whether it's finance, marketing, entrepreneurship, or another area of interest.
Evaluate the Program's Reputation and Accreditation: Look for programs with a strong reputation and accreditation from recognized bodies, as these factors can significantly impact your post-graduation job prospects.
Consider the Campus Environment and Resources: Evaluate the campus facilities, extracurricular activities, and support services available to ensure a well-rounded MBA experience.
By following these steps, you can make an informed decision and choose the top MBA program that will propel you towards your desired career goals.
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industryhub · 8 days
9 Essential Factors to Evaluate When Selecting the Ideal MBA Program in 2024 
Selecting the right MBA program is a pivotal decision that can shape your career trajectory and future success. With the business landscape evolving rapidly, especially post-pandemic, MBA programs have adapted to meet new demands and challenges. As you embark on this journey in 2024, here are nine crucial factors to evaluate to ensure you choose the ideal MBA program. 
1. Accreditation and Rankings 
Why It Matters: Accreditation ensures that the MBA program meets rigorous academic standards and is recognized globally. Rankings provide insights into a program’s reputation, quality, and outcomes. 
What to Look for: 
Accreditation: Check for accreditations from respected bodies like AACSB, AMBA, or EQUIS. These accreditations confirm that the program adheres to high educational standards. 
Rankings: Consider rankings from trusted sources such as the Financial Times, The Economist, and U.S. News & World Report. Understand their methodologies, focusing on factors that matter most to you, such as employability, alumni satisfaction, and academic quality. 
Example: A program with AACSB accreditation and consistently high rankings is a strong indicator of quality and global recognition. 
Key Questions: 
Is the program accredited by reputable organizations? 
How does it rank in areas important to me (e.g., salary increase, career progression)? 
2. Curriculum and Learning Opportunities 
Why It Matters: A robust curriculum that aligns with current industry trends and offers hands-on learning can significantly enhance your skills and employability. 
What to Look for: 
Core Courses and Electives: Ensure the program offers a balance between foundational business knowledge and specialized courses that align with your career interests. 
Experiential Learning: Look for opportunities such as internships, consulting projects, simulations, and case studies that provide practical experience. 
Innovation: Programs that incorporate emerging fields like AI, digital transformation, and sustainability can offer a competitive edge. 
Example: An MBA program that offers electives in data analytics and block chain technology can prepare you for the future demands of the business world. 
Key Questions: 
Does the curriculum cover essential business disciplines and offer relevant electives? 
Are there opportunities for real-world application of skills? 
3. Flexibility and Format 
Why It Matters: Different MBA formats cater to varying needs, from career progression to personal commitments. Choosing the right format ensures you can balance your studies with other responsibilities. 
What to Look for: 
Formats Available: Evaluate full-time, part-time, online, and hybrid options. Full-time programs offer immersive experiences, while part-time and online formats provide flexibility for working professionals. 
Flexibility: Consider how well the program accommodates your schedule, including course delivery methods (e.g., evening classes, weekend sessions, asynchronous online learning). 
Example: An online MBA with a flexible schedule might be ideal for a working professional who cannot afford to take time off work. 
Key Questions: 
Which format aligns best with my professional and personal life? 
Does the program offer the flexibility I need to succeed? 
4. Global Perspective and Opportunities 
Why It Matters: In an increasingly interconnected world, global exposure can enhance your understanding of diverse markets and improve your cultural competence. 
What to Look for: 
International Study: Programs that offer international exchange opportunities, global immersion trips, or partnerships with foreign universities can provide valuable cross-cultural experiences. 
Diverse Cohort: A student body with varied backgrounds and international students can enrich classroom discussions and networking. 
Example: A program offering a semester abroad or a study tour in emerging markets can provide insights into global business practices. 
Key Questions: 
Are there opportunities for international exposure and learning? 
How diverse is the student cohort in terms of nationality and professional backgrounds? 
5. Networking and Alumni Connections 
Why It Matters: A strong network can open doors to job opportunities, mentorship, and industry insights. An engaged alumni network is a valuable resource throughout your career. 
What to Look for: 
Networking Events: Check for events like industry conferences, guest lectures, and alumni meet-ups that facilitate networking. 
Alumni Network: Assess the strength and reach of the alumni network, including how actively alumni engage with the program and current students. 
Example: An MBA program with a robust alumni network in your industry of interest can provide mentorship and job leads. 
Key Questions: 
What networking opportunities does the program offer? 
How active and supportive is the alumni network? 
6. Faculty Expertise and Resources 
Why It Matters: Faculty expertise influences the quality of education and provides access to cutting-edge research and industry knowledge. 
What to Look for: 
Faculty Credentials: Investigate the qualifications and professional experience of the faculty. Faculty who are industry practitioners or renowned researchers can offer valuable insights. 
Resources: Evaluate the availability of resources such as research centers, labs, and libraries that support learning and innovation. 
Example: A program with faculty members who have significant industry experience and publications in top journals can enhance your learning experience. 
Key Questions: 
What are the credentials and professional backgrounds of the faculty? 
Are there sufficient resources to support my learning and research needs? 
7. Financial Considerations and ROI 
Why It Matters: Understanding the financial implications and potential return on investment (ROI) ensures you make a cost-effective decision that aligns with your career goals. 
What to Look for: 
Tuition and Fees: Compare tuition costs, keeping in mind additional fees for books, materials, and other expenses. 
Financial Aid: Investigate scholarships, grants, assistantships, and loan options. Some programs offer financial support based on merit or need. 
ROI: Assess the expected salary increase, job placement rates, and career advancement opportunities. Use tools like ROI calculators to estimate the financial benefits of the MBA. 
Example: An MBA program with a high placement rate and strong salary outcomes in your target industry can offer a good ROI. 
Key Questions: 
What are the total costs of the program? 
What financial aid options are available, and how can I maximize them? 
What is the potential ROI based on career outcomes? 
8. Admission Requirements and Application Process 
Why It Matters: Understanding the admissions process helps you prepare a compelling application and increase your chances of acceptance. 
What to Look for: 
Prerequisites: Check requirements such as undergraduate degree, work experience, GMAT/GRE scores, and language proficiency. 
Application Components: Prepare for essays, recommendation letters, and interviews. Ensure you understand the deadlines and required documents. 
Selection Criteria: Understand what the program values in applicants, such as leadership potential, academic excellence, or unique experiences. 
Example: Programs with a holistic admissions approach may value diverse backgrounds and experiences, providing opportunities even if your test scores are average. 
Key Questions: 
What are the admission requirements for the program? 
How can I best prepare my application to align with the program’s selection criteria? 
9. Campus Culture and Fit 
Why It Matters: A program that aligns with your values, learning style, and career aspirations will enhance your overall experience and satisfaction. 
What to Look for: 
Culture: Investigate the program’s culture, including student life, support services, and extracurricular activities. Consider how well it aligns with your personal and professional values. 
Fit: Evaluate the learning environment, teaching methods, and class sizes. Visit campuses if possible, attend information sessions, or speak with current students and alumni to get a sense of the program’s atmosphere. 
Example: A collaborative and supportive campus culture may be more beneficial if you thrive in team-based environments. 
Key Questions: 
Does the program’s culture align with my values and learning style? 
How do current students and alumni describe their experience? 
Choosing the right MBA program in 2024 involves a comprehensive evaluation of various factors that align with your career goals, personal preferences, and financial considerations. Accreditation and rankings assure quality; a relevant and flexible curriculum prepares you for future challenges; and global exposure, networking opportunities, and faculty expertise enhance your learning experience. Financial considerations and a clear understanding of the admissions process help you make informed decisions, while evaluating campus culture ensures the program fits your personal and professional aspirations. 
By considering these nine essential factors, you can navigate the selection process with confidence and choose an MBA program that not only enhances your skills and knowledge but also propels your career to new heights. 
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onlineeducation1 · 22 days
The Ultimate Guide to Choosing an Online MBA Course
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A career in today's fast-paced, constantly changing corporate environment could be completely transformed by obtaining an MBA. Gaining the abilities, information, and connections necessary to succeed in a variety of business positions, from management to entrepreneurship, is possible with an MBA (Master of Business Administration). However, with the rise of digital education, the traditional classroom setting is no longer the only option. Online MBA courses have become increasingly popular, offering flexibility and accessibility to professionals worldwide. This ultimate guide will help you navigate the process of choosing the right online MBA course for your career goals and personal needs.
1. Understand Your Career Goals
Before diving into the sea of online MBA programs, it's crucial to understand your career goals. What do you hope to achieve with an MBA? Are you looking to climb the corporate ladder, switch industries, start your own business, or gain specialized knowledge in a particular field? Your career objectives will significantly influence the type of MBA program that suits you best.
Key Considerations:
Specializations: Look for programs that offer concentrations in areas such as finance, marketing, entrepreneurship, or technology.
Career Services: Ensure the program provides robust career support, including networking opportunities, mentorship, and job placement assistance.
2. Accreditation Matters
Accreditation is a key factor in determining the quality and credibility of an MBA program. Accredited programs meet high standards of education and are recognized by employers and other institutions. There are several reputable accrediting bodies, such as the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP), and the International Accreditation Council for Business Education (IACBE).
Key Considerations:
Reputation: Accredited programs are generally more respected and valued.
Transferability: Credits from accredited programs are more likely to be transferable if you decide to continue your education.
3. Evaluate the Curriculum
The curriculum of an online MBA program should align with your career goals and interests. Look for a comprehensive curriculum that covers core business principles as well as offering electives or specializations that match your career aspirations.
Key Considerations:
Core Courses: Ensure the program covers essential topics like accounting, finance, marketing, operations, and management.
Electives: Look for courses that allow you to delve deeper into areas of interest or emerging fields.
Capstone Projects: Programs that offer practical projects or real-world case studies can provide valuable hands-on experience.
4. Consider the Learning Format
Online MBA programs come in various formats, including synchronous (live, scheduled classes), asynchronous (pre-recorded lectures that you can watch at any time), or a blend of both. Your learning style and schedule will determine which format is most suitable for you.
Key Considerations:
Flexibility: If you have a busy schedule or are balancing work and study, asynchronous courses may offer the flexibility you need.
Interaction: Synchronous courses can provide more opportunities for live interaction with professors and peers.
5. Investigate Faculty Expertise
The quality of the faculty can greatly influence your learning experience. Look for programs where the faculty members have strong academic credentials, industry experience, and a track record of research and publication in their fields.
Key Considerations:
Experience: Faculty with real-world business experience can provide practical insights and knowledge.
Accessibility: Consider how accessible the faculty are for mentoring and support.
6. Assess Technological Resources
A robust online platform is essential for a smooth and effective learning experience. Evaluate the technological resources and support services offered by the program.
Key Considerations:
User-Friendly Platform: The online learning platform should be easy to navigate and use.
Technical Support: Reliable technical support is crucial to address any issues that may arise.
7. Financial Considerations
Cost is a significant factor when choosing an online MBA program. Tuition fees can vary widely, so it's important to consider your budget and the return on investment.
Key Considerations:
Tuition Fees: Compare the costs of different programs, keeping in mind that higher fees do not always equate to higher quality.
Financial Aid: Look for scholarships, grants, and loan options that can help reduce the financial burden.
8. Alumni Network and Community
A strong alumni network can provide valuable connections and support throughout your career. Investigate the program's alumni network and community engagement.
Key Considerations:
Networking Opportunities: Programs with active alumni networks offer better networking opportunities.
Community Support: Engaged alumni communities can provide mentorship and career advice.
In Conclusion
Choosing the right online MBA course is a significant decision that can impact your career trajectory. By carefully considering your career goals, program accreditation, curriculum, learning format, faculty expertise, technological resources, financial aspects, and the strength of the alumni network, you can make an informed choice that aligns with your professional and personal needs. Take the time to research and compare programs, and don't hesitate to reach out to admissions offices for more information. With the right online MBA program, you'll be well on your way to achieving your career aspirations and unlocking new opportunities.
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bimtech · 28 days
Connect with BIMTECH: Your Gateway to a Premier Management Education
At BIMTECH, we are dedicated to assisting you on your journey to excellence in management education. Located at Plot No. 5, Knowledge Park II, Greater Noida (NCR), our corporate and registered office stands as a testament to our commitment to building the future through collective envisioning. Whether you have queries about our programs, admissions, or simply want to learn more about what makes BIMTECH a premier AACSB-accredited institution, our team is here to help. Reach out to us via phone at +91-120-6843000-10 or toll-free at 1800 5723 999, or send us an email at [email protected]. We invite you to visit us for a coffee and a conversation—let’s meet and explore how BIMTECH can be the catalyst for your professional growth.
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sgbsgreaternoida · 30 days
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Sparsh Global Business School is proud to announce yet another Global Partnership with a prestigious triple crowned Global B-School, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark. 🌍 🏅 As one of Europe's largest business schools and a cornerstone of Denmark's academic landscape, CBS stands as a beacon of innovation and scholarship. Renowned for its excellence, CBS is triple-crown accredited, an acknowledgement only shared by around 100 business schools worldwide (EQUIS, AMBA, and AACSB). 🌐 Ranked 5th in the QS-Business Masters Rankings, 13th in the CEMS Master in International Management, and 30th among European Business Schools, CBS sets the standard for excellence in business education. 🎓 This partnership opens doors to unparalleled opportunities for our students! 20–25 of our most outstanding scholars will embark on a transformative journey, participating in a specially tailored 70-hour (7 credits) programme at Copenhagen Business School. Join us as we embark on this remarkable journey with yet another global partnership to shape the leaders of tomorrow. https://www.sparshgbs.in/ Call: 7669933416 #SparshGlobalBusinessSchool #PGDM #BusinessSchool #FutureLeaders #AdmissionsOpen #GlobalLearning #businessschool #sparshpgdm #PGDMAdmissions #SparshCBSCollab #GlobalEducation #LeadershipJourney
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collegedunias · 1 month
Unlocking Potential: The MBA Journey in India
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An MBA (Ace of Trade Organization) in India may be a profoundly sought-after degree that opens entryways to different career openings. It prepares students with the aptitudes required for administration parts in a competitive worldwide trade environment. With a bunch of specializations, top-notch education, and a thorough admission preparation, pursuing an MBA in India can be a transformative involvement. This web journal dives into the complexities of getting an MBA in India, from the noteworthiness and benefits to the best teacher and the admission process.
The Significance of an MBA in India
An MBA in India is more than a fair degree; it's a pathway to accelerated career development. Here are a number of reasons why an MBA holds such importance:
Enhanced Career Prospects: An MBA essentially boosts your career direction, frequently driving to senior management and official positions.
Expertise Improvement: The educational programs are outlined to create basic aptitudes such as authority, key considering, and decision-making.
Organizing Openings: Trade schools give get to an arrangement of peers, graduated class, and industry pioneers, cultivating important associations.
Entrepreneurial Wanders: The information and abilities picked up from an MBA program can be urgent for those looking to begin their claim commerce.
Higher Profit: MBA graduates ordinarily command higher pay rates compared to their non-MBA partners.
Best MBA Educate in India
India is home to a few prestigious educators that offer world-class MBA programs. A few of the foremost famous incorporate:
Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs): Spread over the nation, IIMs are synonymous with greatness in administration instruction. Striking IIMs incorporate IIM Ahmedabad, IIM Bangalore, and IIM Calcutta.
XLRI - Xavier School of Administration, Jamshedpur: Known for its human asset administration program, XLRI is one of the most seasoned commerce schools in India.
SP Jain Founded of Administration and Research (SPJIMR), Mumbai: SPJIMR is known for its innovative educating strategies and solid industry associations.
Workforce of Administration Thinks about (FMS), Delhi: FMS offers an amazing ROI due to its moderately moo expenses and tall arrangement bundles.
Indian School of Trade (ISB), Hyderabad and Mohali: ISB is recognized for its worldwide educational modules and one-year MBA program.
The Changing Elements of MBA Education in India
The scene of MBA education in India has advanced altogether over the past few decades. At first, it was a modest bunch of teachers just like the IIMs ruled the scene. In any case, the expanding request for administration instruction has driven to the foundation of various commerce schools over the nation. This development has brought differences in terms of specializations, teaching techniques, and industry organizations.
Growth of Online and Executive MBA Programs
The rise of computerized innovation has too impacted MBA instruction, driving to the development of online and official MBA programs. These programs cater to working experts who look to improve their abilities without taking a career break. Driving schools like ISB and IIMs offer official MBA programs that mix online coursework with intermittent on-campus sessions. This adaptable learning demonstrates permits experts to adjust work, ponder, and individual commitments viably.
The Part of Accreditation and Rankings
Accreditation and rankings play a significant part in keeping up the quality and validity of MBA programs. Institutions accredited by bodies just like the All India Chamber for Specialized Education (AICTE) and the Association to Progress Collegiate Schools of Commerce (AACSB) are recognized for their high guidelines of education. Rankings published by organizations just like the Monetary Times, NIRF (National Organization Positioning System), and QS World College Rankings give important experiences into the execution and reputation of business schools.
An MBA in India is a portal to a world of openings, giving the knowledge, skills, and arrangement required to exceed expectations within the commerce world. Whereas the journey is requesting, the rewards in terms of career development, individual improvement, and money related returns make it a beneficial speculation. Imminent students ought to carefully research and select the proper program that adjusts with their career goals and individual circumstances. With the correct approach, an MBA can be a transformative step toward a successful and fulfilling career.
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theiibms · 1 month
The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Right Executive Masters Program in Business Administration
An Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA) is a strategic investment in your career. Designed for busy professionals, EMBAs offer a powerful combination of advanced business knowledge, leadership development, and a chance to build a valuable network. But with so many programs available, choosing the right one can feel overwhelming.
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In today's fast-paced business world, an Executive Master's Program in Business Administration (EMBA) can be a game-changer for seasoned professionals seeking to elevate their careers. However, with countless EMBA programs available, choosing the right one can be daunting. This ultimate guide will help you navigate the process, ensuring you select a program that aligns with your career goals, personal commitments, and professional aspirations.
1] Assess Your Career Goals and Objectives: Before diving into program details, take a step back to evaluate your career aspirations. What do you hope to achieve with an EMBA? Are you looking to switch industries, climb the corporate ladder, or start your own business? Understanding your goals will help you identify programs that align with your career path.
2] Evaluate Program Reputation and Accreditation: A program's reputation and accreditation are critical indicators of its quality. Look for programs accredited by recognized bodies such as AACSB, AMBA, or EQUIS. These accreditations ensure the program meets high academic standards and is respected in the business community. Additionally, research the program's rankings in reputable publications like the Financial Times, The Economist, or Businessweek. While rankings shouldn't be the sole deciding factor, they can provide valuable insights into the program's strengths and weaknesses.
3] Consider the Program Format and Schedule: EMBA programs are designed for working professionals, but the format and schedule can vary significantly. Consider the following options:
Weekend Programs: Classes typically held on weekends, allowing you to balance work and study.
Modular Programs: Intensive sessions held over several days or weeks, with gaps in between for self-study.
Online/Hybrid Programs: A mix of online coursework and in-person residencies, offering flexibility for those with demanding schedules. Choose a format that aligns with your professional and personal commitments, ensuring you can maintain a healthy work-life balance.
4] Review Curriculum and Specializations: The curriculum is the heart of any EMBA program. Review the courses offered, focusing on core subjects and elective options. Look for programs that offer specializations or concentrations that match your career interests, such as:
Leadership and Strategy
Global Business A well-rounded curriculum with opportunities for specialization will equip you with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in your chosen field.
5] Investigate Faculty Expertise: The quality of the faculty can significantly impact your learning experience. Research the faculty's credentials, industry experience, and areas of expertise. Look for programs with faculty members who are thought leaders in their fields, bringing a blend of academic rigor and real-world insights to the classroom.
6] Explore Networking Opportunities: One of the key benefits of an EMBA program is the opportunity to build a powerful professional network. Investigate the program's networking opportunities, such as:
Alumni networks
Industry events and conferences
International study trips
Group projects and team-building activities A robust network can provide valuable career support, mentorship, and business opportunities long after graduation.
7] Assess Return on Investment (ROI): Pursuing an EMBA is a significant financial investment. Assess the program's ROI by considering factors such as:
Tuition and fees
Potential salary increase post-graduation
Career advancement opportunities
Alumni success stories Many programs offer scholarships, grants, and financial aid options. Additionally, check if your employer offers tuition reimbursement or sponsorship programs.
8] Seek Student and Alumni Feedback: Hearing directly from current students and alumni can provide valuable insights into the program's strengths and challenges. Reach out to alumni networks, attend information sessions, or join online forums to gather feedback on their experiences. Ask about:
The program's impact on their careers
Work-life balance while studying
Quality of the curriculum and faculty
Networking opportunities and support services
9] Consider Location and International Exposure: The program's location can impact your learning experience and networking opportunities. Consider whether you prefer a local program or one that offers international exposure. Some programs include international study trips, allowing you to gain a global perspective on business practices and build an international network.
10] Admission Requirements and Application Process: Finally, review the admission requirements and application process. Common requirements include:
Work Experience: Most programs require a minimum number of years of professional experience.
Academic Qualifications: A bachelor's degree is typically required. Entrance Exams: Some programs may require GMAT or GRE scores.
Interviews and Essays: Prepare for potential interviews and essays that assess your fit for the program.
Choosing the right Executive Masters Program in Business Administration is a crucial decision that can shape your professional future. By assessing your career goals, evaluating program reputation, considering the format and schedule, reviewing the curriculum, investigating faculty expertise, exploring networking opportunities, assessing ROI, seeking feedback, and reflecting on personal fit, you can make an informed choice that aligns with your aspirations. With the right EMBA program, you'll be well-equipped to achieve your career goals and make a significant impact in the business world.
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omagazineparis · 1 month
"Business School : Suivez le guide !" : tout savoir sur les business schools avec Sylvie Jean
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Vous êtes un étudiant de classe prépa et songez intégrer une grande école de commerce ? Vous êtes parents et souhaitez mieux connaître cet univers particulier, car vos enfants souhaitent s'engager dans cette voie ? Business School : Suivez le guide ! est alors fait pour vous. Dans l'entretien qu'elle nous accorde pour présenter son livre sorti en mars 2021, Sylvie Jean partage son expérience du monde des business schools. Elle détaille notamment les avantages qu'elles offrent aux étudiants intéressés par la gestion, le management ou encore la stratégie d'entreprise. Sylvie Jean a récemment fêté ses 25 ans de carrière dans l'enseignement supérieur, dont 20 ans en écoles de commerce (EDHEC, NEOMA, EM Lyon) et dix ans de visites régulièrement rendues aux étudiants des classes préparatoires dans le cadre du Programme Grande École, qu'elle dirige. "C'est une de mes missions préférées", confie-t-elle. "J'aime beaucoup me rendre dans les prépas. Je parcours la France depuis dix ans pour aller à la rencontre de ces étudiants et leur expliquer ce qu'est une école de commerce." Au cours de ces échanges, Sylvie a réalisé que les écoles avaient tendance à utiliser un jargon d'anglicismes et d'acronymes incompréhensibles vis-à-vis du monde extérieur. "J'ai donc eu envie de m'associer à des homologues et néanmoins amis afin d'aborder les sujets qui intéressaient le plus les étudiants de prépa : vie associative, entrepreneuriat, programmes d'échanges internationaux", nous a expliqué Sylvie. (c) Sylvie Jean. Chacun, dans son chapitre, a traité son thème en l'expliquant le plus simplement possible. Ce livre s'adresse tout aussi bien aux futurs étudiants des écoles de commerce qu'à leurs parents, de plus en plus impliqués dans les choix de formation de leurs enfants. Et pour cause : les frais de scolarité des meilleures écoles de commerce s'étagent de 40.000 à 50.000 euros pour les trois années que dure leur cursus. Écoles de commerce ou business schools ? Jusqu'au milieu des années 1990, on parlait encore d'écoles de commerce. Puis le terme d'écoles de management s'est imposé, car il correspondait mieux à l'ensemble des matières enseignées dans ces écoles. "Ce changement de vocable a permis de mettre le focus sur la direction des entreprises. En effet, les cadres et autres managers de haut niveau ont besoin de compétences en matière de stratégie tout autant que de gestion financière et commerciale. C'est ce que nous leur proposons d'acquérir", nous explique Sylvie. À partir des années 2000, on a assisté à la course à l'internationalisation des écoles. En effet, leur marché domestique a commencé à se restreindre. La concurrence est venue d'ailleurs. "Pour affronter la compétition avec les autres écoles de niveau international, les françaises se sont mises à rechercher des accréditations reconnues globalement (AACSB, EQUIS, etc.). Elles ont du même coup choisi d'adopter la nomenclature de leurs partenaires internationaux. D'où le terme de business school", nous dit Sylvie. À lire aussi : A la découverte de l’école de Mode et de Stylisme Mode Estah Les business schools répliquent le monde de l'entreprise Revenant sur son parcours personnel, Sylvie a rappellé qu'elle a créé le nouveau format d'entretien de personnalité et de motivation pour l'admission à l'EDHEC. "Ce format a été lancé en 2017. Il est très original dans la mesure où les étudiants sont convoqués par petits groupes. On s'éloigne du format traditionnel de l'entretien individuel du candidat face à un jury. On demande alors aux étudiants de travailler en groupes sur des cas d'entreprises. C'est donc un processus d'admission collectif". L'importance que les écoles accordent à l'entretien montre le mimétisme  qu'elles pratiquent à l'égard des entreprises. Selon Sylvie, "l'entretien accompagne le processus de recrutement pour un poste en entreprise. Son but consiste à aborder les traits de caractère du candidat ainsi que les raisons qui l'ont conduit à postuler. Au sein des écoles, c'est la même chose : il s'agit de faire connaissance avec les candidats, tout en permettant également à ces derniers de mieux faire connaissance avec leur recruteur". Des programmes d'échanges internationaux parfaitement maîtrisés et sécurisés La crise liée à la pandémie actuelle a permis aux business schools de démontrer le sérieux et la solidité de leurs programmes d'échanges internationaux. Ces dernières ont proposé un accompagnement individualisé de chacun de leurs étudiants à l'étranger. De plus, elles ont géré la situation en liaison avec leur partenaire académique sur place. Les écoles ont ainsi pu s'adapter aux choix de leurs étudiants. "Quand ils le souhaitaient, ils sont restés sur place et ont suivi leurs cours normalement, pour peu que la situation sanitaire locale le permît. S'ils ont préféré rentrer, nous avons procédé à leur rapatriement vers la France", nous a expliqué Sylvie. Cf alchemy tuition Cf Alchemy À leurs étudiants internationaux restés bloqués dans leur pays d'origine, les business schools ont offert la possibilité de suivre leurs cours à distance via les schémas Hyflex, mêlant à la fois présentiel et distanciel. "À charge pour l'étudiant de gérer le décalage horaire, car les cours sont diffusés en direct", nous a précisé Sylvie. (c) Pixabay - Pexels. Des entrepreneurs surdiplômés... Concernant les programmes que les écoles consacrent aux entrepreneurs, Sylvie a posé le constat suivant : "Il y a plusieurs profils d'entrepreneurs. Certains ont démarré leurs études et ne sont pas allés jusqu'au bout : Steve Jobs, Bill Gates ou Xavier Niel. Il y a également les autodidactes purs et durs, qui se sont arrêtés après un BEP ou un baccalauréat, par exemple. Il y a enfin ceux qui sont bardés de diplômes et ils sont légion". Les écoles de commerce visent à former ce dernier type d'entrepreneurs. Le lien avec les entrepreneurs ne date pas d'hier. Sylvie rappelle que "certaines grandes écoles de commerce ont été créées par des entrepreneurs, à l'instar d'EM Lyon. Nous devons à l'économiste Jean-Baptiste Say la création du concept d'entrepreneur, mais aussi de l'École Spéciale de Commerce et d'Industrie de Paris qui deviendra par la suite l'ESCP Europe". Les écoles de commerce sont finalement le produit d'une alchimie entre un terreau d'entrepreneurs, d'une part, et d'économistes, d'autre part. … entre rupture et stabilité organisationnelle HEC et EM Lyon, pour ne citer que les plus connues, ont toujours cultivé une relation spéciale avec l'entrepreneuriat, bien avant la mode des start-ups. Ces deux écoles ont ainsi mis l'entrepreneuriat au cœur de leurs cursus académiques et de leurs dispositifs de recherches. "Depuis une dizaine d'années, l'entrepreneuriat est devenu une grande tendance de société", constate Sylvie. "Créer son entreprise aujourd'hui, c'est très branché, c'est très noble, dynamique, etc." Si bien que même les écoles les plus retardataires s'y sont mises à leur tour. "Elles ont non seulement créé des programmes dédiés, mais aussi des incubateurs, c'est-à-dire des structures dans lesquelles on accompagne les jeunes pousses, jusqu'à parfois leur faciliter la tâche avec les investisseurs. On les met ainsi au contact d'un réseau de business angels qui viennent dans les incubateurs pour écouter les projets, les évaluer et peut-être les financer". Au final, tous les profils d'entrepreneurs finissent par se compléter. "C'est très bien d'être rupturiste et de rejeter toutes les normes établies", remarque Sylvie. "Mais on a néanmoins besoin d'encadrants. Autrement dit, c'est bien d'avoir des idées, mais il est bon de pouvoir disposer de collaborateurs qui vont pouvoir les développer. Il faut donc trouver un équilibre entre rupture créative, d'une part, et management stabilisateur et organisationnel, d'autre part". Business Schools : Suivez le guide ! brosse une image vivante de la vie étudiante au sein de ces écoles. L'ouvrage revient ainsi sur les programmes d'échanges internationaux, en insistant sur la sécurisation du parcours de l'étudiant envoyé à l'étranger. Au final, qu'il se destine à une carrière de haut dirigeant ou d'entrepreneur décalé à la Steve Jobs, l'étudiant se retrouve mis au contact de la réalité du monde des entreprises… comme s'il y était ! Et vous, envisagez-vous d'intégrer une business school ? Faites-nous part de vos motivations et objectifs dans les commentaires ! Read the full article
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jagsom2021 · 1 year
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arya-college-jaipur · 29 days
Navigating the MBA Landscape: Choosing the Right Business School
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Pursuing an MBA is a significant investment in your future, both in terms of time and resources. With numerous MBA colleges vying for the attention of aspiring business leaders, navigating the landscape can be a daunting task. However, by carefully considering your goals, preferences, and the unique offerings of each institution, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your aspirations and sets you on the path to success. In this blog, we will guide you through the process of choosing the right business school for your MBA journey.choosing the right MBA colleges in Jaipur is a crucial step towards achieving your career aspirations and personal growth. 
Defining Your Goals
Before embarking on your MBA search, it is crucial to define your goals and aspirations. Ask yourself what you hope to achieve through an MBA program. Are you looking to advance in your current field, transition to a new industry, or start your own business? Understanding your objectives will help you narrow down your search and identify MBA colleges that offer programs tailored to your specific needs.
Assessing Accreditation and Rankings
Accreditation and rankings are important factors to consider when selecting an MBA college. Look for institutions that are accredited by reputable bodies such as the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) or the Association of MBAs (AMBA). These accreditations ensure that the college meets high standards of quality in terms of curriculum, faculty, and resources. Additionally, consider the college's rankings in national and international surveys, as they can provide valuable insights into the institution's reputation and the quality of its MBA program.
Evaluating Program Offerings
MBA colleges offer a wide range of specializations and concentrations to cater to diverse interests and career aspirations. Carefully review the program offerings of each college to ensure that they align with your goals. Some popular specializations include finance, marketing, entrepreneurship, operations management, and international business. Additionally, consider the flexibility of the program, such as the availability of part-time, online, or executive MBA options, if they suit your needs.
Assessing Faculty and Resources
The quality of the faculty and the resources available to students are crucial factors in determining the success of an MBA program. Look for colleges that employ experienced and accomplished faculty members who are actively engaged in research and industry partnerships. Additionally, consider the college's facilities, such as state-of-the-art classrooms, well-equipped libraries, and cutting-edge technology, as they can enhance your learning experience.
Exploring Career Services and Alumni Network
The career services and alumni network of an MBA college can significantly impact your post-graduation prospects. Look for colleges that offer comprehensive career development programs, including resume workshops, mock interviews, and job fairs. Additionally, consider the strength and reach of the college's alumni network, as it can provide valuable connections and mentorship opportunities throughout your career.
Considering Location and Campus Life
The location and campus life of an MBA college can also influence your overall experience. Consider factors such as the cost of living, accessibility to internships and job opportunities, and the overall quality of life in the college's location. Additionally, explore the campus life, including extracurricular activities, student organizations, and social events, as they can contribute to a well-rounded MBA experience.
In addition to academic excellence, Arya College also boasts a strong alumni network that provides valuable mentorship, networking opportunities, and career guidance to its students. This network serves as a valuable resource for aspiring business leaders, helping them navigate the challenges of the corporate world and achieve their professional goals.
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online-amrita-ahead · 2 months
Fast Forward Your Future: Exploring Online BBA Admission
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The Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) degree equips you with the foundational knowledge and skills to navigate the dynamic world of business. Traditionally, a BBA program meant enrolling in a brick-and-mortar institution. But for those juggling work, family, or other commitments, the traditional route may not be feasible. Thankfully, the educational landscape has evolved, and online BBA admission is now a viable option for ambitious individuals.
Unlocking Flexibility: Advantages of Online BBA Programs
The defining perk of online BBA programs is their flexibility. They cater to individuals with busy schedules, allowing you to learn at your own pace. Coursework can be completed around existing commitments, eliminating the need to quit your job, relocate, or disrupt your lifestyle. This makes a BBA education more accessible than ever before.
Structure and Support in a Virtual Space
Don't be misled by the online format. Reputable online BBA programs provide a structured learning environment. Courses typically include video lectures, interactive modules, case studies, and online discussions. You'll interact with professors and classmates through forums, video conferencing, and collaborative projects, fostering a supportive learning community.
Quality Education, Recognized Credentials
A common concern regarding online education is maintaining academic rigor. However, prestigious universities and business schools now offer accredited online BBA programs. These programs deliver the same high-quality curriculum and learning outcomes as their on-campus counterparts. Upon graduation, you'll receive a recognized degree that holds value with potential employers.
Navigating Online BBA Admission: Key Considerations
With a growing number of online BBA programs available, choosing the right one requires careful thought. Here are some crucial factors to weigh when considering online BBA admission:
Accreditation: Seek programs accredited by a reputable body like the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) or the Business Accreditation Council (BAC). Accreditation ensures the program meets rigorous academic standards and your degree is recognized by employers.
Program Focus: Do you seek a general BBA or a program with a specific specialization, such as accounting, marketing, or human resources? Choosing a program aligned with your career goals is crucial.
Faculty Credentials: Research the program's faculty. Are they experienced professionals with a strong academic background and industry knowledge? Reputable programs boast faculty who can provide practical insights and real-world experience.
Technical Infrastructure: Investigate the learning platform used by the program. Is it user-friendly, accessible on multiple devices, and offers features such as online discussions and collaborative tools?
Cost and Value: Compare tuition fees across programs and consider the long-term value proposition. Factor in the potential salary increase a BBA might bring after graduation.
Beyond the Curriculum: Advantages of Online BBAs
The benefits of online BBA programs extend beyond the flexibility and convenience they offer. Here are some additional advantages to consider:
Global Exposure: Online programs often attract students from diverse backgrounds and locations. This creates a rich learning environment where you can gain insights into different business practices and perspectives.
Developing Essential Skills: Online BBA programs emphasize the development of in-demand skills like critical thinking, problem-solving, communication, and teamwork. These skills are highly valuable in today's competitive job market.
Cost-Effectiveness: While program costs vary, online BBAs can be a more economical option compared to traditional programs. You avoid expenses like relocation, on-campus housing, and additional course materials.
Is Online BBA Admission Right for You?
An online BBA program can be a powerful springboard to launch your business career. If you're a self-motivated individual who thrives in a flexible learning environment, consider online BBA admission. By carefully evaluating your needs, researching programs thoroughly, and taking advantage of the many benefits they offer, you can pave the way for a successful future in the business world. Remember, an online BBA is an investment in yourself, opening doors to exciting professional opportunities.
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spogwam · 2 months
Professional Development 3 - Further Master's Research
I am continuing my research into Master’s course at other universities, and based on current rankings, am looking at degrees at Strathclyde University. Strathclyde offer the highest ranked Business and Management Master’s course at their prestigious Business school in Glasgow. This course is another one-year postgraduate course for uptake in September, and they welcome applicants from any previous BA (Hons) course at a minimum of a 2:1. Unlike other universities, this course is designed for students without business degrees already, which is ideal for me. The course is accredited by the Association of MBAs (AMBA) as a Pre-Experience Masters in Management. It has the benefit of only requiring a degree for entry, not practical experience as a manager, which is what Pre-Experience means. The business school is triple accredited, also accredited by EQUIS and AACSB.
Strathclyde is a great Uni, my brother and pals have studied there, and it seems very good, having won The Awards for UK University of the year in 2019 (for the second time). The most problematic aspect of this course the cost, which is high at £16650. I do believe that this cost is justified given the accreditation of the course, but presents some problems with feasibility. Given the high cost of this course, I would have to apply for support from SAAS, likely to cover both tuition fees and living costs. I have done my due diligence in researching this possibility, and SAAS would be able to cover the costs for a postgraduate diploma that takes up to one year to complete.
This seems promising, but I am not counting my chickens yet. The maximum amount coverable by SAAS for postgraduate single year tuition fees is £7000, meaning I would still need to find a way to cover the remaining £9650 with other funding and likely, partly cover it myself. This is not impossible, but I’d almost certainly require funding from somewhere to be successful in applying. I’ve asked my brother, who studies a postgraduate Master’s at Strathclyde, where he received funding from. He told me his course cost much less than the business one, and so he didn’t require any additional funding. I’ve also reached out to Strathclyde to ask them if they know of any bursaries or loans that could potentially help me with this option. I’ll relay any updates here on my blog with this option.
Moving on to the National Film and Television School, I attended the NFTS Screenwriting course online open day on the 23rd of March this year. This course looks truly amazing, and has a long history of producing outstanding writers for film, television, animation and games. The course also allows students to see their writing adapted in production. The writer of Sex Education, The Woman In The Wall, The Good Nurse, Grace, Redemption, Casualty and Noughts and Crosses all studied this course, making it a clear stepping stone into industry writing. The course leader Brian Ward has many years’ experience as a screenwriter in Film and TV. Course leader and visiting tutor Tammy Riley-Smith and Angeli Macfarlane are also experienced writes with many credits to their names.
I’ve viewed the student showcase for this course and they look exceptional and professional, including lots of animated films as well as live action. I think my favourite I’ve seen is the trailer for City of Lost Children, a near future thriller set in a refugee camp for kids in the UK. The course is for entry in January of next year, with an application deadline on the 9th of May 2024. This is a nearby deadline, and I intend to start working on my application as soon as possible. The UK tuition fees for this course are £14800 per year, but they have much funding available. The NFTS are proud to award more scholarships and bursaries to British students relative to size than almost any other educational institution in the UK, with approximately £1.5M awarded in grants in total. If a student is successful in applying for this course, you will be contacted by a funding team with details on how to apply for one of these scholarships. They have a comprehensive funding guide, including details of potential scholarships ranging from £1000 to £12000.
The course is 2 years long and study will take place in Beaconsfield, London. This would definitely be a welcome change of pace for me, but appears to be the best possible option for a Master’s degree. I hope that Napier and NFTS’s shared connection to Screenskills would bolster an application to study here. According to the website, this course covers all aspects of screenwriting across film, television, games and animation, in different forms and genres, from the development of ideas, treatments and bibles, through the drafting of scripts, into production and post, and you’ll receive comprehensive preparation for the professional world of the screenwriter.
Written work will be workshopped by professional directors and actors, and samples of work will be read by literary agents, broadcasters, commissioners and film and television production companies, in advance of a round of industry meetings in your final term where you can pitch your ideas directly to the industry. In terms of industry access, this seems to be the most strong course for entry into a competitive field. Entry requirements for this course are surprisingly open ended, with a strong portfolio, alternative qualifications, or a creative track record the equivalent of a degree from a British university. I feel I cover many of these bases, as I feel my creative portfolio is strong, and I have multiple qualifications in both filmmaking and screenwriting outside of this course. However, this means that a degree is not prioritised by this university for entry, giving an admissions team much more flexibility in terms of accepting applicants. This could either be a detriment or a strength; as more of an all-rounder, I may not have a body of written work as comprehensive as other applicants, as I’ve had to adapt to role requirements throughout the duration of the BA Film course.
Accompanying an application here should be an original screenplay of 12 pages in length. For this requirement, I would confidently attach my latest draft of my Graduate film script (which sadly was not adapted this year), entitled In the Breeks. This is my strongest and most personal script to date, following problems faced by youth in a drug afflicted rural town in the Highlands of Scotland. I would also need to attach a one page synopsis, which I already have drafted for a previous pitch, so this is achievable. I’m excited to apply for this course and compile this application, and will include a drafted application in my completed portfolio.
Another course of interest to me at NFTS is the Creative Business Masters course, another two year programme offered by this university. The name alone signifies exactly what I am looking for in terms of blending my creative and business skills as a career. This course claims that you will learn from players across the creative industries and build a lifelong network of contacts to help grow your business. The course covers the business and creative dynamics of seven areas – film, TV, games, theatre, publishing, digital content and music. You’ll learn about market analysis, negotiation skills, and learn how to make a business plan, with the personal and professional tools needed to set up and run your own business in the entertainment industry.
Completing this course would put me in good steading were I to return to Edinburgh to start a production company, as I’d leave with a fully worked-through business proposal or plan that has been taken to investors, partners and has been mentored by a dynamic business leader in the field. The caveats for this option pose a bigger challenge, as the requirements for entry include entrepreneurship, or current involvement in the development of an existing business. This is something I am currently lacking, but could potentially demonstrate by the time it comes to the application deadline on the 4th of July this year. This grants me a more relaxed window to craft a strong application. I would say I am better qualified for the Screenwriting Masters, but having recently produced the graduate project Under the Gorse, I would still have plenty of work to support my application. On this film project, we shot using 16mm film and worked with child actors, presenting a unique set of challenges to overcome and constant pragmatism in problem solving, much of which would be useful to discuss in my application.
My current work in marketing the Crowdfunder for Under the Gorse could also prove useful in bolstering my application for this course. Graduates form this course have seen much success, producing films like Jojo Rabbit, producing the Cannes selected film La Chimera, and working on promotional material for large companies like Little Moons, Garnier, HOMETHINGS, and Zapp.
I will continue my research into these degrees and draft applications/cover pages for each of these applications. In my next blog post, I will delve specifically into career options in the Gaelic and wider UK film industry.
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sgbsgreaternoida · 2 months
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