raisans-art · 2 years
Hiii what's your favorite au you've worked on? In any fandom?
i love you but why
why would you do this.
Fuckin. Read under the cut if you want the absolute nightmare of a post this is.
So to the rest of you who did not get the displeasure of having to sit in call with me for an hour as I agonized o-so painfully over having to choose between children, I will explain that THIS WAS SO HARD.
H U R T.
This is gonna be a long post.
So I narrowed my AUs down to 7, which I will list now:
I Was Looking for Someone, One Mountain of a Molehill, Test Tube Zedaph AU, The Human Illusion AU, Softwreck Series, Veernumbra AU, and Excavated God AU.
I was able to narrow further to AUs that I adore with my entire being and I will tell you WHY I love these AUs with my entire being. In no particular order because I physically cannot pick favourites.
I Was Looking For Someone: I love this au. I love this fic. I love it so much it is my child. I will finish it one day. I swear to god. I love writing the language barrier and having Ghost learn who and what he is and where his place is and just loving Someone so much that he remembers them post-mortem and searches so hard to find them. The consequences of being a zombie. The truth that no matter how you've changed and how the world has changed and what you've had to do to survive you will always find your home again and home will always find you under the callouses you've developed. I want to finish that. I love that. I love I Was Looking for Someone. And from how many comments and kudos and hits it has, you all do too.
Test Tube Zedaph AU: Yeah, it got really stressful. Especially at the end. The scheduling I did caused interest to dip significantly in between weeks and that was also discouraging. But I got stressed because I loved working on it and I loved the interaction. It was, for as much as I liked working on Fairly Odd Phil, so much better than it because I just had an all-around better experience crafting TTZAU and seeing people get happy and excited over it. I loved watching in real time as I make a post and people instantly come into the ask box asking follow-up questions. I love my funky little science experiment and his two dads. I love the issues and trauma that arise from that living condition and getting out and learning to be okay and being happy outside of those conditions. The wonders of learning about the world for the first time. The wonder of holding dirt in your hands as you stare at a sunset.
The Human Illusion AU: While you are my newborn, the youngest of the family I still love you all the same. I love the story I have planned. I love all the ways I'm telling that story. It's the first story that I'm posting publicly that I actually have a concept of shot comp and leading the eye and all these filming and animation-making techniques that I'm applying to these comics to make them easier to read and follow. I love the practice. And I love the story. You don't know the story and I love that too. I love showing you this story. I love posting chapter by interlude by chapter. I love my silly little train men. I love my bear cub story. I love making the hisuian language and adding language barriers after language barriers to put you guys in Ingo and Emmet's shoes so you just understand what they understand which is nothing. And I love trying to teach you all hisuian, one word a day.
Veernumbra AU: So, Veernumbra AU in this is special, as some might have a concept of. Veernumbra isn't one specific au, it's a personalized stock au. The rest of the world has its "Florest and Tattoo Artist" and "Coffee Shop" and "Royalty" aus. I have Veernumbra. Nearly every fandom I've been in since its conception has had a Veernumbra AU. I've had Veernumbra AU for what has to have been over 5 years. It'll be 6 years old this year. I have developed this world and concept so much over the years. It means so much to me. It's entirely my own. Which like kinda makes it hard to introduce as an au to a new audience because there's no basis for anyone to go off of. But I also kinda don't care. I love it. It's my baby. It's my oldest, my wisest, my sweetheart to the ends of the earth. I will never not love the time and care I've put into Veernumbra.
Excavated God AU: Dude I loved this story so much I made it an original story that I'm making a youtube series for.
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blackmaylovesfries · 5 years
"My instinct is to hug" - Taking him in
Asked: No
Words: 1203
Sinopse: Seventeen Hybrid AU - Choi Seungcheol is an Brown bear hybrid that wants to take care of someone. So he was really surprised when she decided to take care of him instead.
Notices: guns (not fired) and mention to violence (not consummated). The italic is ‘you’ telling a story.
URGENT - BIRTHDAY POLL - Wonho’s B-Day is getting closer, help me!
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The Strike team was taking too long to find you. You were worried sick seeing the days passing by and not a sign of your teammates. Sure, you were being spoiled by S. Coups but you couldn’t rest your mind… After all, they never took a week to find you before, let alone almost 10 days.
During that time, your injuries started to get better with Seungcheol’s cares. He was actually really good! He explained to you that he had to take care of himself after he arrived at the florest, he had to fight for territory and tender his own injuries. Your heart hurted listening to his story.
To distract him, you lost yourself on stories of your job, how your team saved hybrids and all the scumbags you encountered. Seungcheol listened to all with great interest and sometimes would do his own inputs and say his opinions. You were doing a great job distracting both of your minds.
Because at the first nights you had had some nightmares, Coups made it a habit to sleep with you, hugging you so you could feel safe. You weren’t complaining but you could already hear hybrids voices screaming in agony just with the thought of someone they didn’t know hugging you.
“Y/n…?” In the 10th day, Seungcheol entered slowly into the cave. You smiled to him and waved. “Y/n, I was thinking… I can’t force you to tell me but I need to ask…”
“Go ahead” Your tone was sweet most of the time with him.
“What happened to you?”
S. Coups didn’t know if he had hit a nerve but he could see that after he asked the question that was eating him for days her eyes lost their focus. The bear hybrid waited patiently for some answer of the little human for few minutes. He was ready to tell her that she didn’t have to answer him when she smiled bitterly.
“It’s not a happy story, are you sure you want to hear it?” Seungcheol nodded. Although the girl seemed to think he was somewhat innocent, Seungcheol had already seen some quite grotestic things. She sighed.
“Well… Okay… So, I was at a mission with two of my teammates, JB and Mark, when…
We ran into a trap. Someone had heard about us and knew that we were coming for them. It was our neglect, since we didn’t even know that someone from the previous operation was alive and on the run.
They had prepared themselves to receive 8 of us, so when they saw that only 3 of us were there it was clear that they had already outnumbered us by a far margen. Actually there were 4 of us but I guess The8 don’t really counts since he was long gone when he noticed the ambush. He just took the time to warn us and fled.
It was not pretty at all. There were bullets and screams flying everywhere from every direction. Me and my team were cornered at something like a balcony. The boys jumped down and just as I was about to follow them, I was hitted by a bullet. By two actually, one on my arm and other on my ribs. Luckily they passed through but I don’t know what happened after that… I just woke up in the cave, already with you.”
“Oh… That’s why…” The hybrid could just imagine what was like for her to be in that situation. He noticed the way she talked about her teammates with such adoration and love that made him a little jealous. “You shouldn’t worry much… I mean… By what you told me, they are really good and they will be able to track your traces soon enough.”
The girl smiled, seeming tired. She and the boy had walked round his territory leaving marks and signs to her team find. Seungcheol couldn’t help much so he just comforted her. He wanted to do something more for the human but there was nothing much… After all, when the other humans arrive, she would leave him.
On the next morning, you woke up to a lot of noises. For a moment you forgot where you were but the instant you identified the noise as being the Strike team jeep you shot up and ran outside the cave. S. Coups was quick to follow you and grab your shoulders. You could tell that he was scared.
Just as you got out, you were welcomed by a dream vision. Jackson was driving to your direction, taking care to stay on the weak trail between the trees so he wouldn’t damage the forest too much. Mark and JB were on the back, with their guns, ready to react to the minimum sign of danger.
“MARK! JB! JIAER!” You couldn’t hold back. As soon as they heard your voice, they stopped the car. Also, hearing you calling the names, Seungcheol relaxed a bit, he was quite familiar with your team’s names.
“Y/N!” The 3 of them came running to you “For goodness sake, girl! Were you trying to kill us all?!” JB was faster than the others two, at least when it comes to you and your safety. He grabbed your shoulders that Coups had just released and… just nagged.
“Do you know how worried we were? How difficult was to find you? You freaking drift away more than 1000 miles and then you just leave pools of blood and disappear!”
“Now now… I also was worried. How did you guys scape? what took you all so long!?” JB just stared at you for a minute before hugging you. You smiled.
The other two also were quite worried and nagged at you, not as much as JB nor as much as Jinyoung was preparing for you when you go back. When they were done, you heard a little noise behind you.
“And who is this?” Although his voice wasn’t friendly, Mark didn’t had any intention of being rude.
“Ah, this is Seungcheol, he is the one who saved me and took care of my injuries.” You showed the boys where the bullets had entered. They looked at the hybrid again with some admiration on their eyes now.
“He did a good job.” Mark smiled. “We will still be checking with Namjoon and his team but he did a really good job.” You coaxed the hybrid to near your group.
“Thank you…” Seungcheol’s voice was low. Jackson smiled to him.
“Well, we won’t be perturbing your territory anymore.” He indicated the car with his head. The other humans understood and the boys started to walk in its direction. He turned back when he noticed that you weren’t following them. “Are he coming too?” After all, they all knew very well that look you had in your eyes.
“If he wants to…” You turned to Seungcheol and waited. The hybrid then understood what you were implying. With a huge smile, he nodded. So, you took his hand and both of you got in the car.
“So, to the center?” Jackson looked at you.
“No…” You looked to the hybrid besides you that were playing with his own furry clothes selfmade. “Let’s go home.”
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Tag: @hopsiclesposts​ ; @woohoney​ ; @warm-smiles-and-blue-skies ; @childfmoonn ; @moonmin-miya
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