#AFTER the cyclone. like this event isn't special
rowenabean · 1 year
today at church I was chatting to one of our new pastors (been in town since Easter) and she said "this rain is something else, I've been praying about it because I've never felt any rain like it maybe there's something spiritual at work" and like. this is my problem with very pentecostal pentes. because I feel like this is a Prime Case of attributing things to spiritual forces without sufficient information
I fully believe it may be the most rain she's ever felt. It was a lot of rain. But for us? Those of us who've lived here a while? This is the 5th? 6th? very heavy rain event in the last 18 months, not even particularly bad in terms of rainfall, if you want someone to blame it's definitely climate change (and also possibly la nina)(although I was hoping that we would have a dry patch with the switch to el nino and unfortunately, the rain)
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