#AND HALSIN DOESN'T WANT TO EITHER? REALLY??? I mean I wasn't going to anyway but REALLY?
meezer · 7 months
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YEAH YOU'D THINK SO HALSIN BUT APPARENTLY THERE AREN'T. there AREN'T many grateful people here who want to spend time with me. every person is just saying that but nobody actually wants to vibe. I'm just getting passed along >_>
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littlegalerion · 2 years
Ten Characters, Ten Fandoms, Ten Tags
I was tagged by @sheirukitriesfandom ! Thanks!
1.) Vanus Galerion (Elder Scrolls Online)
Picking just one character from that game is so hard. Abnur Tharn was an extremely close second, but Vanus took the cake. I don't really know how to explain why he is always top dog without getting too personal, but he made a really difficult time in my life bearable, which means a lot when you're only half alive.
2.) Varric Tethras (Dragon Age 2)
Yeah, everybody loves Varric. I mean how can't you? He is either that supportive best friend you always wanted or he is the reminder of who you always strive to be. Plus this poor child... If you've never taken the chance to properly look up his past, sit down and have a read. He deserves all the happiness in the world.
3.) Wrex (Mass Effect)
I love him. I just absolutely adore him. Everyone says Garrus is the ultimate best friend or romantic option to Shepherd- no, it's Wrex. I will die on that hill.
4.) Abel Nightroad (Trinity Blood)
Abel...did the same for me as Vanus did, and the entire series as a whole is just fantastic. Sadly its a very broken series. The anime is only ok, the manga was never finished in English officially (to my knowledge anyway), but the Light Novels are the BEST way to go, yet they are very underrated and unknown to most.
5.) Dionysus or Mr. D (Percy Jackson)
Honestly wasn't sure if I should include him but then remembered my own wedding invitations featured me holding a staff with a flaming pinecone on top because of him. My Olympian parent in the PJO universe, I ended up reading the series as an adult and around the time my therapy sessions and medicine started to sink in- Mr. D's handle on mental illness just really spoke to me. Plus he's hilarious. If you work in any sort of educational program with kids, you'll understand.
6.) Makos (Neverwinter MMO)
I just think he's neat. Can't wait to see what the future has in store for him, no matter how badly it rips apart my or my cleric's hearts.
7.) Halsin (Baldurs Gate 3)
This man doesn't even have a fully developed story yet, we only know scraps about his past from datamined audio which could be cut and scrapped anyway, and I haven't even played the game. But you ever watch gameplay, see a character, and instantly it just clicked with them? That's Halsin for me.
8.) Crookedstar (Warrior Cats Saga)
Get ready to get punched in the gut by pre-teen years lived in 2010 era! Loved this series as a kid and still do- not the current version, but the original four arcs are still perfection. Crookedstar has always been my favorite. His Special Edition novel is a great read! Don't want to say too much and spoil it.
9.) Starscream (Transformers IDW Comics)
Maturing is growing up and reading the Transformers Comics, after years of the great cartoons. Always loved Starscream for just how terrible he was, but then you read the comics and see just what drove him there and the constant mental hell he lives in now... I'll always love you, Scream.
10.) Aslan (Chronicles of Narnia)
I don't understand why I'd need to explain this. It's Jesus' fursona- why wouldn't I love Him. Plus the books....oh the books are so good.
Well that was fun!
I tag @foxyhearts @godlessbroadcast and anybody else who wants to do this! (I don't have enough for ten tags...)
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