footballfinns · 7 years
Friends or Foes
Summary: Finn and Rachel go to dinner with Puck, but things don’t pan out perfectly.
Finn was glad that Rachel agreed to go to dinner with Puck. The relationship between his wife and best friend was strenuous lately and Finn wanted nothing more than for the three of them to be able to hang out happily again. He was getting off of work a little earlier than usual that night, so dinner wouldn't be extremely late. When he entered the apartment, he walked through to the bedroom so he could get to Rachel and change his clothes. “Hey baby.” He gave her a kiss.
Rachel stood in front of the bathroom mirror, pulling all of her hair up into a bun. She’d never imagined feeling so anxious about a dinner with her husband and her childhood friend. But she chewed on her bottom lip as she fussed with her updo and her outfit, wondering how badly things could go and how that would affect Finn. As much as Noah’s rebuffs hurt her, what hurt her more was knowing that any strain in her relationship with him caused the same in Finn’s relationship with his best friend. Sighing, she finally gave up on her appearance - it wouldn’t affect the evening’s outcome - she shuffled into the bedroom where she was met with a kiss from her husband. “Hey you.” She wrapped both arms around his neck, glad he was home. “How was your day?”
“It was good. Nothing special happened. I'm glad to be with you now.” He smiled down at her. “You look beautiful.” He pressed a kiss to her forehead.
Hearing her favorite ‘b’ word made Rachel’s resolve to go through with this dinner waver. All she really wanted to do was snuggle up in bed with him but she didn’t want to be a stick in the mud. Especially when he’d given her that option and she’d passed it by. “Thank you. I try sometimes.”
“You are beautiful every day.” He chuckled as he let her go. “Okay, I'm just gonna change and then we can go. Puck and I decided on this pizza place that we went to when he first moved here. They have really good hot wings and stuff. And there is an air hockey table. I might need a teammate.”  He said playfully as he stripped his clothes off and searched through his clothes to find a plaid button up and some jeans.
Rachel sat on the edge of the bed, waiting while Finn changed. “That sounds like fun. You know I'm always game when carbs are on the menu. As for air hockey, I make no promises. I doubt I'm any better at tabletop sports than traditional ones.”
“You’ll do fine.” He shrugged as he finished buttoning his shirt. “I just gotta find my coat and we can go.” He said and moved to grab his coat and pull it on. “Ready?”
Rachel recalled them playing once or twice before on a date, and her finger ending up bruised in the process. But she wasn't going to fret over it. Especially when there were other things taking hold in her mind. “Ready.” Keys in one hand, Finn's hand in the other, she locked up behind them. “Can we walk there or do we need a cab?”
“Walking sounds nice. It's not too far. Plus, I haven't seen you all day, I could use some Rachel time.” He squeezed her hand.
Rachel couldn’t object to the proposition of alone time with him. Especially when her leggings were fleece lined and the wind wasn’t blowing to hard. “I always enjoy a walk with my husband.”
“I love walking with you too.” He gave her a smile. “So… have you talked to Puck recently? You two are cool again, right? “
Rachel hadn't spoken to Noah since he'd last been in their apartment, partly out of self-preservation. Mostly, she just hadn't wanted to stir the pot and make drama that would put Finn in a difficult spot. “We haven't but I'm sure everything is fine. As we well know, moving to a new place can be hectic so I'm sure he's been busy adjusting.”
‘Yeah, for sure.” He nodded his head, wondering if he should have let Puck know that Rachel was joining them tonight. He was pretty sure that Puck knew they were a package deal at this point though. “So what do you think you wanna do after we eat?”
“Maybe walk some more. You said something about looking at holiday stuff in Times Square. We can do that if you want. We'll just catch a cab after we eat. I'm pretty open to anything.” Reaching up, she kissed his cheek. “I have the most handsome man in New York on my arm so I am open to all possibilities.”
“Remember the first time we were ever in New York and we went and looked at that huge Christmas tree?” He asked her, giving her a little grin. “We could do that.”
Rachel always melted a little when Finn remembered their dates or the things they'd done together. Visiting the tree, and revisiting a happy place for them, was a given. “I do remember and I would love to do that. That whole trip was magic. No one had ever done anything so special for me.”
“Then we can relive that little date later.” He said with a nod as they approached the restaurant. He opened the door for Rachel and walked in after her, getting them a table because Puck hadn't arrived yet.
Rachel slid her arm through his, feeling happy as they approached the restaurant. She spotted a nice both toward the back that would accommodate them easily and politely asked to be seated there. Noah wasn't there so she asked the waitress for a water and a few minutes to wait for him.
Finn ordered a coke and then wrapped his arm around Rachel. He her a kiss on the cheek, pausing when he heard “you two better not make out all night while I'm trying to eat.” And looked up to find Puck slinking into the booth. “Hey dude!” He greeted his friend and picked the menu up, though he already knew what he was getting.”
Rachel was about to turn and kiss Finn when the harsh reproach of Noah made her feel scolded. And embarrassed. The fact that he had that power frustrated her. “Hello.” Rachel slid her menu across the table so her friend could look.
Finn held his menu where Rachel could see. “Breadsticks and a personal pizza for you?” he asked.
Rachel subtly brushed her arm against Finn's, her appreciation hopefully apparent. “That does sound good. Extra cheese with mushroom would hit the spot.”
“That sounds really good. Do you want a personal or do you want to get like a medium so you have leftovers?”
“Or we could get a large for everyone to share?” Rachel snuck a glance in Noah’s direction, hoping he would feel included even if he didn't want to share pizza with her.
“That might work since we're getting wings.” He also looked to Puck, who nodded. After ordering their food, Finn and Puck started talking about their jobs and Puck about the girls he had been meeting. Finn held Rachel's hand under the table, not wanting to make his friend uncomfortable by being affectionate with her.
Rachel smiled a little when Noah agreed to share the pizza. After that, she settled into a comfortable silence and enjoyed listening to the boys chat while she munched on bread. Finn’s hand warm in hers under the table made her feel like they were dating again and being sneaky about it. She'd have giggled if it wouldn't arise questions.
When their food was set in front of them, Finn ate like he hadn't eaten in a few days and Puck wasn't far behind him. As he finished, he put his arm around Rachel. “How is your side?” He asked her.
Rachel was no match for the boys when it came to eating so she took the two pieces she knew she'd barely finish and let them enjoy. “It's good. I see neither of you is going to starve tonight so I guess you feel the same.” She leaned into him a little after sipping her water.
“I was hungry.” He chuckled. “Air hockey? “ Finn asked with a grin and Puck shook his head. “Nah man, I've got shit to do tonight. I didn't know I was crashing date night.” Finn scrunched his nose and looked down. “It's not date night, we are all friends.” He brought his hand to his side.
Rachel felt the heat crawling up her neck as Noah rebuked Finn’s offer, then insinuated… what? She wasn’t entirely sure but she knew she didn’t like the way it made her feel. Like she was intruding on their boys club. “You have things to do even though you made plans with Finn? That’s incredibly rude. At the very least you should have let Finn know that you’d made other plans instead of blowing him off this way.” Her eyes flashed, what little gumption existed in her body surfaced rapidly. “I don’t know what’s going on with you but you need to stop acting like a spoiled child about Finn and I. You were so supportive the day we got married and now you act like the fact that we’re together is some inconvenience to you. And I’m tired of feeling bad for loving my husband too much for you. Like Finn said, we’re all friends and it’s nice that we can get together this way. It’d be nice if you could appreciate that we have each other but if you can’t, then I don’t really know what to say otherwise.” Rachel stood, her hand sliding across Finn’s shoulders as she moved around his chair. “I’m going to the restroom. I’ll be right back.”
Finn’s eyes got big as Rachel started in on Puck. He knew it was only a matter of time of Puck making comments before it happened though. As Rachel left, Finn sighed. “I just want us to all hang out again, dude. Rachel and I both work and go to school, we don't get too many nights where we can both go out like this so I'm sorry but it will always be the two of us. You're hurting her feelings, which is really not cool.” Puck nodded his head “I don't want to have some kind of chick flick moment, but it feels like I most my two best friends. Everything with you is about Rachel. The only time you'll go out and do something cool is if you two are fighting. You both pushed me out and it fucking sucked. I'll go apologize to Rachel or whatever though.” Puck got up to follow after Rachel.
Rachel was glad the bathroom was empty. She rested both hands on the ledge of the sink and took several deep breaths. She didn’t think she’d been unnecessarily harsh to Noah - she hadn’t wanted to hurt him, after all - but she hadn’t really expected to lecture him either. It left her feeling a little unbalanced and she had needed this moment to compose herself before going back out. Puck was standing outside the door, making her jump a little as she hadn’t expected him. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to go off on you but it’s been difficult lately with you. I want you to be part of our lives. Not just both of us but as individuals. We’ve always been family, you and I, even before Finn. I don’t want that to change. Just like I don’t want you to think Finn isn’t your family too. I understand if you’re not okay with that but… you’ll always be family to me. No matter what.”
Finn stayed back at the table as Rachel and Puck talked. He hoped that this all meant everything could be normal again and that Finn could stop feeling like he was walking in eggshells between the two of them. He couldn't help but wonder if some of this was stemming from jealousy. As the waitress came by, Finn paid for their dinner and scrolled through his phone.
Puck shrugged and repeated what he'd said to Finn, Rachel listening intently as he did. “No one's going to stop you from having bro nights, especially not me. I encourage them as long as they don't end in bail money. And if you want to come by the restaurant some time, you and I can have lunch or dinner.” Puck nodded in agreement then mumbled something about not this not being a chick flick when she hugged him. “Now, let's go back to the table.” She slid her arm through his and even though he rolled his eyes, he didn't pull away.
When his wife and Puck approached the table again, Finn looked up from his phone. “All good?” He asked hopefully. “I went ahead and paid so..”
“All is good.” Rachel let her arm slide away from Noah’s, catching the tiniest small creasing his lips. “Thank you for taking care of the bill.”
Finn nodded his head “Well, should we call it a night or…?” He wasn't sure how badly he wanted to continue their night after things had gone sour.
Rachel looked at Noah, concerned that if they left him now, any progress they'd made might be undone. “We were going to head downtown to look at the tree. You're welcome to come.”
He felt a little disappointed that Rachel was inviting Puck on something that was supposed to be a reminiscent moment with her, but he stood and led the way out so the three of then could get a cab.
Rachel was surprised when Noah agreed to go with them but she was happy for it. She gladly flagged down a cab and curled into Finn once they were settled in. “Thank you for being good about him coming. I know it was supposed to be us.” The words were barely a whisper but she wanted him to know it meant a great deal to her that things were going better.
Finn shrugged in response, his attention on watching outside the window. He had only wanted to take her to see the tree to try to be romantic, and that allure was killed with Puck alongside them. He had wanted the two of them to make up and hang out again, so decidedly he knew he couldn't follow behind them and be a bummer. He cleared his throat “I don't feel too great… Maybe something in the food at dinner. I think I'm just gonna take the cab home and you two can go look at everything.”
Rachel took Finn’s ambivalence harder than she expected. She'd done what she had so they could all be together, so that they'd all be friends again. So when he wanted to abandon their plans for the tree - an excuse she saw right through - a hard knot settled in her own stomach. “Are you sure? We can do this another time. I don't want to send you home alone if you don't feel well.”
“Yeah no, I'll just go home and shower and fall asleep. It will be fine.” He shrugged again.
Rachel wanted to say something but she didn't want to start a fight in front of Noah. She simply folded her arms and stayed quiet until the cab stopped.
Finn paid for their cab ride, knowing he was wasting what little he had left for extra money but he didn't care. He would get paid soon and it wasn't like he and Rachel went out that often. “Have fun.” he told them softly as he got comfortable on the seat.
Rachel climbed out of the cab without a word. She didn't want to be there without him but he'd decided not to be part of it. To say he feelings were hurt would've been an understatement. Still, she waited on Noah and walked alongside him until he got distracted by two girls who smiled at him.
Finn took the cab back go the apartment building, but decided to walk around and look at the stores nearby out of boredom. He knew if he sat at home, he would probably start getting mad so he decided to enjoy his night alone.
Rachel sat down on a curb, her elbow resting on her knee as Noah talked to the girls. If Finn had come, they'd be snuggled up together by the tree, kissing and exchanging ‘i love yous.’ Instead, she was sitting alone, her legs and feet becoming colder by the minute. She didn't know who she hated most - Noah, Finn, or herself.
Finn eventually got bored of walking around and headed home. After taking a shower, he lay down and decided that he should probably call and check on his wife. He dialed her number and lay down with his phone as he waited.
Rachel was getting ready to stand up and tell Noah she was going home when her phone began rattling around in her bag. “Feeling better?”
“A little bit, I guess. Are you two having fun?”
Rachel's face grew hot with anger but she kept the conversation casual. “Noah met some girls so I've been sitting on a curb for the last half hour. I'm patiently waiting for him to tell me he's leaving with them.”
“well that sucks. Thought he was going to actually hang out with you.”
“Noah is effectively a child and breasts are like shiny toys to him. I'm not entirely surprised.”
“Well.. Boobs are pretty cool.” He joked. “I don't think he'd care if you ditched him now.”
“He already ditched me for the most part so I doubt he'd miss me if I went to see the tree.”
“You guys still haven't even made it to the tree? Geez.”
“No, we haven't. Obviously.” Rachel looked around, noticing Noah looking her way. It was clear he wanted to go so Rachel gave him a wave of approval. “But he's off with his new friends so I'm heading that way.”
“Okay…” If Puck wasn't with her, he would rather she come home but he could tell she was mad at him. “When will you come home?”
Rachel toed the crumbly curb to distract herself from the lonely feeling creeping up her spine. “I won't be long.”
“Alright… l will see you later then. Be safe.”
Rachel nodded, then said the same back to him and hung up. She felt no inclination to go to the tree so she walked until she was tired then climbed in a cab. She thanked the driver as he pulled up in front of the apartment then stood as he pulled away. Not wanting to be home too soon, she walked around the block a time or two before taking the elevator home.
Finn tried to focus on the movie he was watching but he hadn't expected Rachel to stay out so long by herself. When he heard her walk in, he stayed in bed for a moment before walking out to meet her. “Have fun?” He asked her.
“Not really.” Rachel unwound her scarf and hung up her coat. “Are you feeling any better?”
“Yeah, I feel fine. I'm just ready to go to bed, I think.”
Rachel gave a noncommittal shake of her head. “I'm glad to hear you're better. It seems to have come and gone quickly.”
“I just didn't feel like doing the Christmas light thing.” He shrugged.
“You did what you needed to do. That's all you can do.” Rachel kissed his cheek as she moved passed him. “I am going to take a quick shower to warm up.”
He nodded his head and moved back to the bed to finish his movie. He was glad that a fight wasn't happening with the two of them and planned to keep it that way.
Rachel took her few minutes in the shower to cry a little and get the hurt she felt over Finn bailing on her then Noah abandoning her out of her system. Not that it worked entirely but enough that she might be able to sleep. Toweling off, Rachel pulled on her pajamas and slid into bed quietly so she didn't disturb his movie watching.
When Rachel got into the bed with him, Finn made a point to move closer to her. He was frustrated that most of his romantic endeavors with her tended to fall flat, but he didn't want to cause too mention over it.
Rachel turned toward Finn when she felt him move in close to her. Really, it was all she'd wanted all night - to be close to her husband. Even if the night hadn't been ideal she'd take what she could.
Finn put his arm around her and kissed her forehead. “I'm sorry I left. I love you.”
Rachel knew her lack of immunity to her husband's apologies could read as pathetic but she didn't care. She loved him and fighting over something he was saying sorry for was ridiculous. “I love you too. All I wanted was to see the tree with you.” She buried her face in his shoulder and held him close.
“That’s what I wanted too. I felt like maybe it wasn't special for you to see it with me and relive that memory though because you invited Puck…  I don't know, I'm stupid.”
Rachel looked up at him, her eyes big and slightly wet. “That trip was one of the most special times in my life. It means everything to me that you did that for me. And that you wanted to reminisce tonight. I just didn't want to leave him out after he'd admitted he felt that way lately.” Rachel stroked his cheek, her lips touching his. “But I should've made plans to do something, the three of us, some other night. Especially when this is our thing.”
He nodded his head “it was hard for us to communicate any of that without him hearing so I think we did it the right way, even if both of us felt a little butt hurt.” He ran his hand down her back. “At least we are both here right now and we can make plans to see the tree together another night.”
“I look forward to that. Because all that matters is that I'm with you. Honestly, I don't even care where. The tree is nice though. Almost as nice as here.”
“I feel the same way.” He gave her a kiss.
Rachel smiled into their kiss, genuinely happy things were back on track. “That being said, we are going to need to spend time with Noah, both together and apart. He said he feels quite left out.”
“Yeah, he told me the same thing. We were trying to hang out with him before though and he kept being stupid. He would always make jokes about how whipped I am and stuff.”
“Maybe a little boy time, just you two, would help at first. We'll ease him back into the three of us.”
“We will figure it out. I'd father just focus on you right now.”
Rachel didn't know how to make him less ambivalent about Puck without potentially making him feel like she wanted less time with him. So she dropped the issue. “I like the sound of that since focusing on you is pretty important to me too.”
“I just feel like… Our relationship has a lot going on so maybe we shouldn't focus on the other stuff. I know I started it, but..” He shrugged.
“No, it makes sense. We have so little time outside of work and school that focusing on us when we are isn't the worst idea.”
“Exactly.” He pressed another kiss to her lips. “Besides, I miss you all day every day that we aren't together.” he peppered kisses to her neck. “Every night we can be together before we sleep is important.”
Rachel sighed as he kissed her neck. “I miss you too. So I look forward to our evenings together.”
“I love you, baby.” He whispered against her skin.
Rachel could feel all the tension of the evening melting away. “I love you. More than anything.”
He pressed another kiss to her neck before resting his head on the pillow again. “You tired?” He asked softly.
Rachel was sleepy but she wanted to stay up as long as he was. “I'm still trying to get warm from being outside so I can’t sleep just yet.”
“I can warm you up.” He said playfully. “Do you want me to grab another blanket?”
Rachel nudged him lightly before snuggling up closer to him. “No, thank you. You're arms will do just fine.”
He cuddled her, pressing another kiss to her cheek. “So let's plan our date to see the tree. Where do you want to eat first?”
“Hmmm… a place that has really good eggplant parmesan. It's been awhile since I've had it and I've been craving it lately.”
“You're gonna make me take you to an Italian restaurant? Dang, I thought I'd get away with cheap.” He joked. “I'll find you the best eggplant parm in New York. What else do you want to do?”
“It doesn’t have to be any place fancy. I am amenable to a smaller, more reasonable place. Even if it isn’t Italian, but still has what I want.” Rachel let her fingers slide through his, curling lazily once their palms were settled together. “I don’t have any outrageous demands. I just want to see the tree. Maybe we can get some hot chocolate, find a nice bench around there and watch the ice skaters too.”
“We went ice skating last time… I don't think you liked it all that much. “ he chuckled. “That sounds good to me. Now we just gotta figure out a night we both have off.”
“I have Thursday night off this week. Tuesday and Wednesday next. Any of those work for you?”
“Um…” he looked up as he tried to think of when he had to work. “Let's do next week…  get paid on Friday and I kind of used the last of my extra money tonight.”
Rachel felt bad that he’d used up what little extra he got but she didn’t dare suggest she take some of her tip money to pay. He’d always been sensitive about those sorts of things and it was yet another argument that wasn’t worth having. “That sound like a good plan. I think going on a weeknight will be good. It won’t be as crowded at the tree or the restaurant.”
“Yeah, that's true. We won't be able to stay out as late but that's okay. We've been going to bed kind of early anyways… probably the cold.” He said with a small laugh.
“Or the tiredness of it all. I’m more than ready for the school semester to be over after this week. The break will be nice.”
“Me too.. We should have planned something for winter break but I think just hanging out is what we need anyways.”
“Hanging out sounds good for our budget too since I did my holiday shopping and barely kept it under the amount I set for myself.” Rachel sighed. “I hate money sometimes.”
“I do too. I wish we were rich. Then we could just work for fun.”
”If we were rich, we'd probably have sex all the time and work one day a week so it wouldn't cut into all the lust.”
“We could have like a sex room with a huge bed and… not like weird 50 Shades stuff but…” he laughed. “No one would ever see us.”
Rachel's nose crinkled slightly at the idea of a sex room, then smirked when he amended the idea. “I wouldn't mind a bigger bed. But what would be the point of a special sex room? Knowing us, we'd do it everywhere. With all that space, we'd never have time for anything else.”
“I dunno, just to say we have one.” He joked. “That's true… Man, one of us need to win the lottery!”
“So we have more sex space?” Rachel pecked his lips and gave his side a gentle poke.
“Exactly.” He grinned. “And we could go on cool vacations.”
Rachel's eyes closed for a moment, visions of warm, white sand beaches flooding her thoughts. They weren't poor or broke by any means and they were lucky to have a nice place in a decent neighborhood. Still, she understood wanting more. “A vacation or two would be nice. Nothing too fancy. Just somewhere with sunshine and clear water.”
“Someday I'm gonna take you on a really good vacation.” He pressed a kiss to her cheek. “I wish I could give you all that now.”
“I know you do and will.” Turning her head, she caught his lips in a gentle kiss. “And it will be wonderful. But I didn’t marry you for the trips. Truth be told, it was the arms. They sold me.”
He chuckled, tightening his arms around her. “Good thing i like to hold you so much.”
Rachel smiled. “It truly is. Especially on the days I need it more than anything.”
“Well you know I'll do it any time you want me to.”
“Exactly, because you spoil me like a good husband does.” Her fingers traced the curve of his cheek, then the slight hitch in his lip that pulled his smile slightly crooked at times. “That’s why I love you so. Well, that and a million other reasons.”
“I love you for a million reasons too. Best wife ever.” He smiled.
“I had better be for as much as I sleep naked.” Rachel left a soft kiss on his shoulder, then his neck. “I’m like you, though. I just love seeing you happy. If I can help facilitate that, I do.”
“I do get naked cuddles a lot..” He smirked. “I know you do. That's what makes you a good wife.” He gave her a kiss.
“You get a lot of naked everything.” But Rachel didn’t mind, since she enjoyed that closeness with him. And the fact that he always kissed her like he was at the moment. No one would ever hear her complain about feeling like he didn’t dote upon her enough. “Because you’re a good husband.”
“Good motivation to be good.” He teased.
Rachel rolled her eyes without ever losing her smile. “So you wouldn't be good if I wore clothes. Naughty, naughty.”
He laughed “It’s hard to say… I would probably love you the same but knowing I get to see you naked gets me through the day.” He joked.
Rachel turned her head, playing at irritation. “Mean. I may never get naked again because of it.”
“You love being naked as much I do.” He scoffed.
“Literally no one on the planet loves being naked as much as you do. And that is a fact.”
He laughed “I'm sure there is someone!”
Rachel moved her face so close that his breath tickled her lips. “Not even Noah does. And that is saying something.”
“You don't know that for a fact. Maybe he spends all of his free time naked too. I'm wearing clothes now, aren't I?”
Rachel had to concede the point, inclining her head slightly. “You are. Are you sure you are feeling okay?”
“I decided to give you a break tonight.” He said playfully.
“How charitable if you? But what happens if I get used to it?”
“If you're concerned, I can fix this.” He shrugged.
Rachel's fingers traced a path along his forearm. “Maybe not tonight. I am enjoying just being comfy with you right now. And teasing with you makes everything in life feel a little lighter.”
Finn sighed dramatically “oh fine.” He teased. “I'm enjoying just laying with you too. We don't get to often.”
“Just think of when we were first dating, this is what we did. I mean, we were laying together the first time you told me you loved me.”
“We were. I remember thinking how easy it was to tell you that. I thought it was supposed to be scary but it felt so right.”
Rachel couldn't help but kiss him, the sweetness behind such simple - and obvious - words inspiring that in her. “Loving you really was the easiest thing in the world. It still is.”
“It is for me too. Even when we are driving each other crazy. “ he teased lightly.
“Oh, I don't drive you crazy. I am always perfectly pleasant and adorable.” Rachel grinned.
“Yes you are.” He chuckled. “You never get on my nerves at all ever. I'm sure I don't for you either.”
“Nope. Not ever. You're are the embodiment of only positive male traits.”
He shrugged “what can I say.” He gave her a smile, his eyes staying on her for a long moment. “Do you work tomorrow?”
“I have a lunch shift after my final presentation in my last class. I should be home around five or so.”
“Oh, I was gonna tell you I'd make you dinner but I think you will be home before me.”
“You can still make me dinner!” Rachel knew she sounded over eager but she wanted to be swept off her feet a little and having him make her dinner would do the trip. “I'll come home and take a nap so it'll be like I'm not even here.”
He laughed softly “Okay, I’ll make you dinner baby. What do you want?”
“Surprise me?” Even against her growing fatigue, Rachel couldn't hide her excitement. “I know whatever you male will be good.”
Finn thought about it for a moment before nodding his head “I'll come up with something. I'll blow your freaking mind.”
“That sounds promising. Maybe if you do.” She nipped at his neck teasingly. “I’ll have to return the favor afterwards.”
He smirked “Well that will definitely make me work harder to make dinner amazing.”
“It was going to be amazing regardless, just like you were probably going to get your favorite kind of treatment too.”
He gave her a kiss “Maybe true. Maybe I was planning Mac and cheese before you said that.”
“You know I love it when you talk dirty.” Rachel's lips curled into a smile as they kissed. “I almost wish I had the energy to give you an advance on the spoils of your labor.”
“Well now I'm wishing that too.” He nudged her playfully. “I guess I'll have to wait until tomorrow.”
“I think you'll survive it. You have in the past.” Rachel snuggled against him in a losing battle with sleep. “I'm really excited about tomorrow now.”
“Then go to sleep baby so I can spoil you tomorrow.” He kissed her forehead.
“I just might have to.” She yawned a little. “I love you.”
“I love you too. Goodnight.” He cuddled in and closed his eyes.
Rachel murmured a response then fell asleep almost immediately.
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