#AND yknow what. bdubs and tango need more love too. they both also have so much fun together I love it
captainschaos ยท 29 days
hello hello tis I the person who made the hermit relationships post and I would like to say yes you absolutely should make a post with your thoughts I wanna see ๐Ÿ‘€
EEEEE yknow what this is exactly the enabling I needed to finally make this post!!! primarily, I have a very queerplatonic, very aro, very difficult to label polycule that I loveeee to think about, and have a lot of headcanons surrounding them <3 I definitely have more reaching outside this group, but for the moment I just wanna talk about them!!
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here's my veryvery rough hewn (and slightly outdated) map of it <3 but I'm gonna put detailed descriptions below the cut for anyone (particularly other aros) who might be interested in queer/platonic relationships that are very much not sibling-like, so step right up!!! I'd love to share <3
[I also have this fic that gets into some of the relationships below!]
overall qppolycule name btw: SHALESTEP >> (lizzie ld)shadow(lady) + zombie(cleo, rot related) + (etho)slab = some kind of dark, crumbling stone: SHALE >> tango(tek) + (joel) small(ishbeans) + (b)double(o100) = a little, repetitive part of dance: STEP
>> bdubs + cleo: queerplatonic marriage I mean just go watch third life. they're married <3 queerplatonically <3 yay!!
>> cleo + etho: queerplatonic partners they are a very subtle and slow kind of partnership, but consider each other partners, even if they aren't very vocal about it!
>> etho + bdubs: queerplatonic dating/partners ethubs will never be normal about each other yeah they're absolutely queerplatonic
>> joel + lizzie: married, joel is aro but the relationship is romantic I headcanon joel as aro, but lizzie allo, and think joel is very romance positive in terms of enjoying doing things that he knows lizzie likes, like giving kisses and dates and stuff ! even if he gets happiness from those through more of a giving satisfaction than anything romantic
>> lizzie + cleo: mutually crushing shadowrot pining is real, and I think they both vaguely know, but I kinda headcanon cleo as maybe greyromantic or lithromantic so I don't think they have any desire to go further than glancing at each other and blushing <3
>> joel + etho: queerplatonic behavior but no label the fucking freaks. I actually really think about their relationship in unique ways because I think dl soulbound would have given them both an ""excuse"" to be casually intimate with someone in a way they both struggle with walls around, and so they keep it up
>> etho + tango: unlabeled and weird about each other tangtho I will forever see as a pair of bros who will be going about their business, have an outrageously gay queerplatonic homoerotic moment, and then go back to acting like nothing happened while everyone else is ?????? and they will continue to happily never talk about it!!! ^_^
>> tango + cleo: platonic dating they're solidly, securely friends, but will go on dates, get each other gifts, hold hands, lots of dating type activities! and they've been jokingly called girlfriends enough times that they use the term in a platonic sense
>> lizzie + bdubs: casual romance my beloved rarepair shadubs. ily. I do headcanon bdubs as transfem so they're very much yuri YAYY but I just think they'd have a lot of fun with fluffy romantic feelings, and they have their own marriages so they feel no pressure to go deeper than that!! and they have fun kissing in the garden and having tea parties and pretty stuff <3
>> bdubs + tango: metamours they love to yell at each other and can't seem to get away from each other (just watch early trafficlife stuff these two in 3l/ll rule my fucking brain) but are tied together by mutual partnerships and actually understand each other incredibly well through it
>> joel + bdubs: metamours they're just too similar. like wayyyy too similar. they get in fights that seem like a mirror getting mad and have fun about ganging up on etho <3
>> lizzie + etho: metamours I just think they're niceeee and would do nice stuff togetherrr :] they have really interesting passing interactions canonically and I think when put in the same household, they'd get along really well
(the below are relationships in this grouping I hadn't really thought about in depth before, but this is a good opportunity to write a bit about em! they're all ofc technically metamours but I just think might not interact as much as those listed above)
>> lizzie + tango to be Quite honest I think this pairing is maybe the most dangerous out of any of them. something is going to explode and it's absolutely not going to be what they were trying to blow up it's probably the kitchen
>> tango + joel they Think they're the most dangerous pairing but they are cartoon characters. incredibly entertaining for the rest of the house tho <3
>> joel + cleo oh they'd have funnnn tbh I think they'd actually be reallyreally chill together, they'd probably do crafts in mutually happy silence (armor stands prolly)
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