arlathen · 1 year
hiiii carly if it’s not weird to come in here, I would LOVE any extra details on marian you haven’t talked about (her Lore or history or her relationship with gale or whatever comes to mind) because she’s so NEAT. blorbo from your brain on my dash to me ❤️💕❤️
she is my wettest, most pathetic little girlie. she is SOOO unused to communicating. like at all. it isn't like she's being secretive -- it just never occurs to her to tell people things. (also she has crazy high charisma bc teehee but really that's just -- like she's so bad at expressing her emotions that she's hard to read. is she lying? you don't know!). anyway really the only way the party -- gale and others -- learn a SCRAP of information about her is when she like has a panic attack and the wormies so kindly feed them scraps of whatever it is that's upsetting her. whole party sitting around after she's gone to bed trying to piece together the latest scrap of Marian Lore from what they can remember.
kind of related but gale goes out of his way to take such good care of her. like it's a point of pride for him. his wife is a shaky little abused chihuahua but he treats her so well that she would never growl at you <3 and it especially starts with feeding her, like early act 1. she's soso skinny, she doesn't have an ounce of fat on her. she looks like she'd die if she missed a single meal. and he doesn't even think about it that hard, he just takes note of what she eats a lot of and makes extra, makes it more often, gives her extra in her bowl. and by act 3 she's nice n soft n healthy and there's color in her cheeks. she had one set of robes for her entire life and had to maintain them magically or wear dirty, torn, too-small clothing? hmmmm well. now she gets anything she so much as looks at too long in a shop window. and she doesn't expect this, of course. oh my god, she'd never consider asking for anything, ever. needing help is a failure state, don't you know? but only for her. it's okay if other people need help. but not her. but we know mister grand gestures over here is DOTING on her.
aaaaaaand her older sister is a self-taught bard and taught marian some music when she was, like, a very young child. and it's something that she'd completely forgotten about until gale died (lol) and she had to use that stupid flute to resurrect him. like, that night in camp she noodles around with the flute and manages to work out some old folk song, and she has no idea where it's from, but it makes her feel some type of way and makes her remember a feeling she can't even remember having felt before.
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