coinatory · 3 days
Arbitrum Fees Surge by 97% Amid Spike in Daily Transactions
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Arbitrum, the leading Layer-2 (L2) blockchain by total value locked (TVL), has experienced a significant rise in average transaction fees alongside a surge in daily on-chain activities. According to Dune Analytics, Arbitrum’s daily average transaction fees escalated by 97.8%, reaching $0.015 earlier today, before stabilizing at $0.007. This increase in fees aligns with a substantial growth in daily transactions on the network, which rose from 1.7 million to 2.3 million on June 11. As of now, Arbitrum maintains its position as the largest L2 network with a TVL of $2.97 billion. Despite the surge in fees, it remains competitive among L2 solutions. For comparison, the Zora Network boasts the lowest average transaction fee at $0.0029, while Scroll Network ranks as the most expensive, averaging $0.108 per transaction. The native t
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ecoinimist · 4 days
Arbiscan: Your Go-To Explorer for Arbitrum Blockchain
Arbiscan stands as a crucial tool for anyone engaging with the Arbitrum blockchain, a layer-2 scaling solution for Ethereum. It enables users to explore and query blockchain data, providing insights into the latest blocks, transactions, token prices, and more. This platform offers an indispensable resource for developers and blockchain enthusiasts seeking detailed analytics of the Arbitrum…
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tradermade · 10 days
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Ethereum dominates Layer 1 with 81.13% dominance and $66.798B TVL, while Arbitrum One leads Layer 2 with 29.50% dominance and $3.136B TVL. https://markets.tradermade.com/cryptocurrency/blockchain-monthly-report-for-may-2024. Notably, Core and Linea show significant growth, up +285.4% and +125.6% in the last 30 days.
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kriptoradar · 2 months
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teknolojihaber · 3 months
Google Kripto cüzdan bakiyelerini gösterecek
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Global teknoloji devi Google artık kullanıcılara Bitcoin, Arbitrum, Avalanche, Optimism, Polygon ve Fantom blok zincirlerinde bulunan cüzdan bakiyesini gösterecek. Cüzdan adreslerini yazarken, arama sonuçlarda  bakiye ve son güncellenme zamanını gösterecek. Bu eklemeler, Google’ın geçen yıl Mayıs ayından bu yana Ethereum cüzdan bakiyesi aramalarına yönelik ilk desteğinin ardından geldi. Google daha önce 2018'de Bitcoin ile ilgili reklamları yasaklamıştı, ancak son zamanlarda izin verilen Bitcoin ETF reklamları , daha olumlu bir duruşa işaret ediyor. Google’ın Bitcoin verilerinin arama sonuçlarına entegrasyonu, büyük günlük arama hacminden yararlanarak zincirdeki etkinliğe kullanıcı erişimini artıracak. Kullanıcılar, geçerli bakiyeleri ve son işlem güncellemelerini görmek için üç Bitcoin adres biçiminide – P2PKH, P2SH ve Bech32 – arayabilir. Gizlilik tartışmalarına rağmen, birçok kişi Google’ın zincir üzerindeki okuryazarlığı geliştirme hamlesini övüyor. Read the full article
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christophbergmann · 3 months
Ethereums Layer-2 ist nicht so sicher, wie viele denken
Ethereums Layer-2 ist nicht so sicher, wie viele denken Ethereum skaliert durch sogenannte "Rollups" - an sich äußerst erfolgreich. Doch Rollups haben ein offenes, dunkles Geheimnis: Eine kleine Gruppe von Personen kann alle Werte, die in ihnen liegen, stehlen. In Zukunft soll sich dies ändern.
Ethereum skaliert durch sogenannte “Rollups” – an sich äußerst erfolgreich. Doch Rollups haben ein offenes, dunkles Geheimnis: Eine kleine Gruppe von Personen kann alle Werte, die in ihnen liegen, stehlen. In Zukunft soll sich dies ändern. Continue reading Ethereums Layer-2 ist nicht so sicher, wie viele denken
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coinatory · 3 months
Arbitrum Announces Major Fee Cuts Following Implementation of Dencun
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The team behind Arbitrum is poised to revolutionize layer-2 transaction fees, promising a dramatic tenfold decrease effective March 18. This milestone achievement comes courtesy of Offchain Labs, who have successfully rolled out an enhancement to ArbOS, affectionately dubbed Atlas. This update ushers in support for blob transactions, a strategic move aimed at slashing the expenses associated with data transfers from Layer 2 back to the Ethereum main network. Earning widespread acclaim from the Arbitrum community, the Atlas initiative signifies a major leap forward, with many of the upgrade's components activated just a day prior. Offchain Labs anticipates this will lead to a staggering drop in the base fee rate, from 0.1 Gwei down to 0.01 Gwei, translating into a reduction in costs for users from around $0.5 to a mere $0.05 for the
Read more on Arbitrum Announces Major Fee Cuts Following Implementation of Dencun
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dencyemily · 3 months
March Unlocks: $2.9B in Tokens, with Arbitrum Taking the Lead with 1.11 Billion ARB Release
The cryptocurrency market is gearing up for a monumental event in March 2024, with a massive token unlock poised to inject over $2.9 billion worth of digital assets into the ecosystem. Leading the charge in this unlocking extravaganza is Arbitrum's ARB token, which is set to release a staggering 1.11 billion tokens, accounting for an impressive 87.20% of its total circulating supply. This event, scheduled for March 15, has captured the attention of the crypto community, as it has the potential to reshape market dynamics.
Arbitrum's ARB token, valued at $2.2 billion, is a focal point of OxScope's insights, a leading AI data layer for Web3 AI applications. The detailed analysis provides a comprehensive overview of the impending unlock, offering a glimpse into the distribution strategy. Notably, 673.50 million ARB tokens are allocated for the team, while 438.28 million are earmarked for investors. The unlock event raises questions about the potential impact on ARB's price, as such a significant release of tokens could influence market sentiments.
Adding to the unlocking spectacle are Aptos (APT) and Immutable (IMX), two prominent tokens set to unleash their potential in March. Aptos, with a current price of $11.81, is gearing up to release 24.84 million APT tokens on March 13, constituting 6.76% of its total supply. This event, valued at $290 million, further contributes to the anticipation surrounding March's token unlocks.
Immutable's IMX, valued at $3.22, is not far behind in the unlocking frenzy. Scheduled for March 12, IMX will release 34.19 million tokens, representing 2.46% of its total supply and amounting to $110 million. The detailed breakdown of allocations for private sales, ecosystem development, and project initiatives underscores the meticulous planning behind these unlocking events.
As the crypto community braces for these substantial token unlocks, the insights provided by OxScope become invaluable for investors, traders, and enthusiasts alike. Understanding the dynamics of such events is crucial for navigating the volatile cryptocurrency market and making informed decisions.
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kryptomunze · 4 months
Enthüllung der Zukunft: Preisvorhersagen für führende Kryptowährungen 2024-2033 🚀
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Enthüllung der Zukunft
Diese Zusammenfassung bietet Preisprognosen für führende Kryptowährungen von 2024 bis 2033. Binance Coin (BNB) wird auf 511,62 USD bis 2033 steigen. WazirX (WRX) wird bis 2033 voraussichtlich 7,76 USD erreichen. Dogecoin (DOGE) könnte bis 2033 auf 3,77 USD steigen. Weitere Prognosen sind: Ordinals (ORDI) auf 550,00 USD, Algorand (ALGO) auf 7,54 USD, Steem (STEEM) auf 12,35 USD, Arbitrum (ARB) auf 103,75 USD, Pepe Coin (PEPE) auf 0,000064 USD und Cardano (ADA) auf 22,66 USD. - Solidity - Krypto Newsletter - Technische Analyse - Twitter - LinkedIN - Akademie für Kryptoanalyse Read the full article
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cryptonewsupdate · 5 months
Institutional Deals Ahead? Arbitrum Foundation Moves Millions, Price Jumps 10%
Arbitrum's Mysterious Move: OTC or Strategic Play?
A $27.5 million mystery is swirling around the Arbitrum Foundation, after a massive transfer of 15 million ARB tokens to Coinbase followed by their swift withdrawal to six new wallets. This unprecedented move has ignited speculation about the Foundation's motives, with whispers of over-the-counter (OTC) deals and strategic maneuvers with institutional investors.
The timing of this transaction is particularly intriguing. Arbitrum has been on a tear lately, experiencing a 25% monthly gain and a stable trading pattern with bullish momentum. Could this be the Foundation preparing for a larger play, potentially securing funding from institutional giants through OTC deals to fuel further growth?
While the exact intentions remain shrouded in mystery, the benefits of OTC trades for large transactions are undeniable. Bypassing traditional exchanges minimizes market impact and maintains price stability, ideal for sizable deals. Additionally, engaging with institutional investors could unlock new avenues for adoption and development within the Arbitrum ecosystem.
However, alternative explanations also exist. The Foundation could simply be managing its holdings or engaging in internal token swaps. Regardless of the purpose, the transparency and communication surrounding such large transactions would be highly appreciated by the crypto community, putting an end to the current speculation and potentially boosting investor confidence.
One thing is certain: the Arbitrum Foundation's move has sent shockwaves through the crypto world, leaving everyone eager to unravel the mystery behind the $27.5 million transfer. Only time will tell whether this is a strategic masterstroke or simply a routine maneuver, but one thing is for sure: Arbitrum remains a force to be reckoned with in the ever-evolving blockchain landscape.
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jackiepham84 · 5 months
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🚀 Exciting Announcement! 🚀 #PXR has officially launched on @Arbitrum, propelling us towards becoming a key player in the thriving Orbit Chain ecosystem.
🌐 Why Arbitrum?
✅ Great Inclusivity: Smart contracts in Rust, C, and C++, ensuring compatibility with the entire EVM spectrum.
✅ Ultra-Low Transaction Costs: Experience transactions under a cent, striking a perfect balance between cost-efficiency and robust security.
🔗 Dive into the future with the PXR network:
💼 Contract: 0x76054459ec337aB00058B3df21361aC9df3D307D
🔢 Decimals: 18
🚀 Total Supply: 78,000,000 PXR
Join us as we shape the landscape of decentralized possibilities! 🌍✨ 🚀
🚀 The invitation code is [dbdd1]
Download For Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.pxr.pxrnetwork
iOS: Coming soon ...
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dencyemily · 4 months
Revolutionizing the ETH Ecosystem: Ethereum's 'Dencun' Upgrade on the Horizon
The Ethereum network is gearing up for a transformative moment with the impending 'Dencun' upgrade scheduled for March 13. Crypto analyst Miles Deutscher underscores the significant opportunities for altcoins to flourish in the wake of this upgrade, particularly with key enhancements like Proto-Danksharding and EIP-4844. These improvements are set to revolutionize Ethereum's scalability, security, and usability, with a particular focus on reducing transaction costs and increasing throughput on Layer-2 solutions.
The introduction of Proto-Danksharding, driven by EIP-4844, brings 'blob-carrying transactions,' offering a substantial reduction in gas fees. This enhancement is expected to make Ethereum's Layer-2 solutions more financially viable for developers and users, creating a favorable environment for altcoins to thrive.
The anticipated reduction in gas fees is not only a boon for developers and users but is also expected to stimulate activity across the ETH/L2 ecosystem. This surge in activity is likely to have a positive impact on various sectors, including decentralized finance (DeFi), gaming, and on-chain trading.
While all Ethereum Layer-2 solutions are set to benefit from the Dencun upgrade, specific platforms stand out with unique catalysts alongside the anticipated benefits of EIP-4844. Platforms like MATIC (soon to be rebranded as POL) are poised for potential growth with significant investments in ZK technology implementation. Leading Layer-2 solutions Arbitrum and Optimism maintain strong positions, with robust metrics and consistent transaction volumes. COTI's announcement of V2, a privacy-centric ETH Layer-2 solution, featuring 'Garbled Circuits,' adds a groundbreaking advancement in blockchain privacy to the mix.
Among the rapidly expanding Layer-2 solutions, Mantle is highlighted as one of the fastest-growing platforms, boasting over $1.5 billion worth of ETH staked as mETH (Mantle Staked ETH). Additionally, Mantle offers enticing airdrop incentives, ensuring ongoing engagement and growth within its ecosystem.
As the Dencun upgrade approaches, Ethereum's community is eagerly anticipating its implementation, scheduled for March 13. Analysts advise strategic positioning within the ETH ecosystem to leverage potential gains, emphasizing the importance of allocating a significant portion of portfolios toward ETH and its associated ecosystem. Despite Ethereum's history of upgrade delays, the impending rollout signals a pivotal moment for investors and developers alike, presenting a unique window of opportunity for altcoins in the evolving cryptocurrency landscape.
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blockchainnewsme · 5 months
Arbitrum One Achieves Milestone: First Ethereum Layer 2 Network to Surpass $10 Billion Total Value Locked (TVL)
In the last weeks, Arbitrum One’s Total Value Locked (TVL) has increased by an astounding 15.9%, making it the first Layer 2 (L2) network to cross the $10 billion TVL threshold. This accomplishment comes after an event on December 15, when a spike in Bitcoin Ordinals-inspired inscriptions caused a sequencer stop, resulting in a two-hour partial outage on Arbitrum One. Arbitrum One Emerges as…
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basechop · 5 months
Decentralized Finance Landscape in Web3: A Comprehensive Analysis by CryptoDiffe
Researchers at CryptoDiffer have released a report on Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) in the Web3 sector. They highlighted that there are 19,863 institutions accounting for $35.1 billion. Of this, $30.4 billion represents liquid assets, with an additional $4.7 billion being vested. Over the last month, the total treasury volume of the DAO sector increased by $8.8 billion, marking a 25.1% growth. The most common treasury stablecoins are USDT, USDC, and DAI. Industry researchers also presented a list of organizations with the most significant lifelong participants, including Stargate Finance, Magic Square, Arbitrum, PancakeSwap, Decentraland, and StakeDAO. Additionally, experts published a table highlighting the largest treasuries in the sector. Optimism (OP) emerged as the leader, accounting for $8.3 billion, followed closely by Arbitrum (ARB) with a value of $7.9 billion. Mantle (MNT) secured the honorable third position with $3.1 billion. Uniswap (UNI) and Gnosis Chain (GNO) also made it to the top 5 with $2.7 billion and $1.6 billion, respectively. Ethereum (ETH) claimed the 7th position with $812 million. DAO, which stands for Decentralized Autonomous Organization, is an organization built on the blockchain. Typically, it operates autonomously without centralized control. DAOs function as a collective community of participants making decisions based on pre-established rules and protocols recorded in smart contracts. Read the full article
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kriptoradar · 6 months
Diriliş Ethereum
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Diriliş Ethereum
Ethereum, Bitcoin'a karşı düşüş yaşadığı bir dönemden sonra güçlü bir toparlanma gösteriyor. Layer 2 çözümleri olan Arbitrum ve Optimism'in artan ilgisi, Ethereum'un ölçeklenebilirlik ve işlem ücreti sorunlarına çözüm sunarak çekiciliğini artırıyor. Solana ise yatırımcı ilgisinde azalma yaşarken, Ethereum'un fiyatı 2.320 dolar direncini aşarak olumlu bir seyir izliyor. Teknik göstergelere göre, Ethereum'un 2.440 dolar direncini aşması durumunda 2.500 dolar seviyelerine doğru bir ralli başlayabilir. Ancak, potansiyel zorluklar ve aşağı yönlü riskler de göz önünde bulundurulmalı. Ethereum'un Layer 2 çözümleriyle entegrasyonu, uzun vadeli başarısı için kritik öneme sahiptir. #Ethereum #Cryptocurrency #Layer2 #Arbitrum #Optimism #Solana #Blockchain #SmartContracts #CryptoMarket #Investing #TechnicalAnalysis #BitcoinAlternatives Read the full article
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