#Aaaaa I'm kind of nervous posting this for some reason ;_;
s1llyfreakx3 · 5 months
TW: manipulation, abusive relationship, grooming in the manipulation way
(also I think this counts as romanticising them, but still portrayed as negative just in the unreliable narrator way)
Self indulgent transgroomed scenario that AAAAAAAA /pos ;w;
I want to talk to someone friendly and nice. But then they would slowly start toeing boundaries. I might notice and ask them to stop, and they would apologise, maybe draw back a bit, but return to their previous behaviour within a few days. They'd keep gradually going further and further, but it's normal to often be uncomfortable in relationships, right? We'd be talking about something I like, I'd be stimming with happiness but then they'd suddenly say something uncomfortable, that'd make me fall silent. My hand would start shaking in that awkward, nervous way, and I wouldn't know what to say or how to react. So I'd just laugh nervously, or try and do whatever I thought they wanted me to do. It's my fault for not being good enough at socialising, that's the only reason why I'm feeling so uncomfortable and why there's so many ups and downs in how I feel around them. Whenever I did something wrong, made a mistake in how I should act around people, they'd point it out. I mean that's good, it's fair if some of my behaviours are weird or are making them feel uncomfortable. They'd point out stuff I knew were problems, like forgetting to answer messages or rambling about a boring topic for too long. But they'd also tell me stuff I didn't realise were so weird and uncomfortable for others. And soon I'd realise that it's normal to do whatever they want, and that I'm a bad person if I try making a scene about something. I've always had problems with being too dramatic, and I can't let this happen here. I'd just go along with whatever they said, even if it would have been unthinkable to me just a couple months ago.
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highdwightofmylife · 5 years
jdjsjfjeedndnddk I read your Claudette marriage post and OMG jdjsnfsjd I /have/ to request a marriage scenario for Yui, Dwight, and Jake fnsnfnendndmddk I would die so happily at that spot if I saw any of those three in any kind of formal wear aaaaa 💕☀️ as always I love your content and I'm here for it !!!! 💜💜💜 Have a wonderful day!! 🌻
man i’d marry all three of them in a heartbeat...
Marriage Headcanons
Dwight Fairfield
Dwight is the one that asks you to marry him. He tries his best to make something cute for you to remember -- but it’s mostly because he fears that if his ask isn’t good enough, you’ll say no. He’s terrified of being turned down. 
He spends weeks with Claudette (even Max at times), learning how to make decorations out of flowers. It’s one of the few things he has an abundance of in the fog. He’s clumsy and finds working with such small, fragile little flowers very difficult. But he tries his best. 
The day of the proposal comes. He takes you into the woods, holding your hand. Going for a walk, as... Usual. Right? Nothing different about this, no. Except that he has a few random petals stuck to his shirt and he looks extremely frazzled. You pretend you don’t notice.
He’s decked out a small area with absolutely adorable decorations. Trees are covered with flowers and vines. You see a small Dwight-shaped dent on the floor where he’s obviously fell from a tree. He looks incredibly nervous as he asks if you like it. You’re distracted as you look around, but that’s fine. He knew you would be. You wander over to a tree, where something has been carved into the bark. It’s his initials with yours. Your heart flutters. You turn around to say something, but find him on the floor. Down on one knee. His face is bright red and he’s trying very hard to look you in the eye. He asks you to marry him, his voice quaking.
Obviously you accept, don’t even fight me. He’s a cutie.
Wedding day comes. You make do with what you can in the fog. The Doctor hears about your wedding and insists on being your officiator, but you somehow manage to worm your way out of it. Ash ends up doing it. He cracks jokes the entire time, but he’s smiling and you can see he’s genuinely really happy for you two. Also? Bill walks you down the make-shift aisle. 
Dwight’s wearing black trousers, a grey waistcoat, and a white shirt. There’s a pink flower tucked into the pocket of the coat, and it suits the blush on his face. 
He’s so nervous that when he tries to say his vows to you (that he wrote himself!), he stutters and and chokes. He says sorry, but a patient smile from you spurs him on. 
If you don’t think he cries at his own wedding, then you’re wrong. 
If you take his last name, he is so happy. Literally overjoyed. Sometimes he gets all giddy and giggly and holds your hands and grins as he’s like, “Mrs/Mr Fairfield, I love you : )”
Jake Park
Much more chill about it. There’s not so much planning, but that’s fine. That’s not who he is. He gets you alone, both of you just lying next to a makeshift fire he’s made away from the main camp. He’s running his fingers through your hair, watching the light of the flames dance across your cheeks. He softly calls your name, and you look up at him. He smiles. It’s so nice to see his calm moments where he doesn’t have to worry about anything else. 
“What would you say,” he starts, mouth pulled into a lopsided grin. “If a certain someone was to ask you to marry him?”
You blink at him, confused. It takes you a few seconds to get what he’s hinting. You giggle nervously and ball his shirt into your fists. “Don’t know,” you glance at him. “Depends who it is.” “Tall. Scruffy hair, dark eyes. People think he’s pretty weird, you wouldn’t know him. Think he’s called Jake.”You play along, your cheeks going red. He’s grinning at you with a goofy smile. “Jake... Jake... It’s ringing a bell. I don’t think he’s so bad. I might say yes.” He nods, pretending to think it over. And then he meets your eyes, and casually just, “hey, I’m Jake. Will you marry me?” You snort and nod, and he pulls you deeper into his arms. He’s so dumb, but you love him for it. 
Wedding is a small thing. He didn’t even want everyone to come, but you put a stop to that. All the survivors are invited. Some of the killers are even there. You’re pretty sure that you saw the Demogorgon stuffing his entire face into a bouquet that Claudette gave you. Whatever. As long as no one’s getting hurt. 
Jake’s somehow managed to scrounge up something decent to wear. You see Dwight fixing Jake’s tie for him like a mother hen while Jake complains. It’s cute. Dwight’s his best man and he takes that job seriously. 
For some reason, Ace is the one that officiates. He practically demands the job. He’s surprisingly very good at it. Could he have dabbled in it back in Vegas? Who knows. 
He tries to wear his scarf for the wedding but Dwight practically wrestles him down for you to take it away. 
It’s a fun time all around honestly. He pretends like he’s bothered by so many little things, but he loves the day so so much. You look perfect. He’s glad his friends are there. 
The night does end with dancing. Jake refused to dance, so Ace grabs your hand and moves to take the dance for him, but... Jake quickly pushes in and steals your hand back to dance : )
Yui Kimura
Yui didn’t think she’d ever be married. It just wasn’t something that ever crossed her mind. But then you came along. She asks you to marry her in the heat of the moment during a trial. 
She’d been forced to watch you dance around, avoiding the killer’s attacks. She was on a hook, she couldn’t help! When you’d been hit the first time, she’d decided enough was enough. Yui yeeted herself straight off the hook. It caused enough surprise to throw the killer off, and she grabbed your hand and made a break for it. Both of you were injured, but she managed to get you out of harms way. 
Now, picture you both collapsing against a wall, wheezing tiredly. Yui shifts around to your front and grabs your face in her hands. “Don’t do that!” She hisses. You can see the fear in her eyes. The fear of losing you.
She goes silent for a few moments, thinking. And then she blurts it out.
“Marry me.” 
It’s more of a command than a question. You can’t refuse. Please attack her with happy kisses.
Yui struggled with the wedding. She wasn’t sure whether she wanted to wear a suit or a dress. You tell her she could wear literal leaves and still be the prettiest woman on earth. The thought makes her giggle. 
She ends up wearing a dress. She looks fucking fantastic. You cannot pry the goggles from her, however. She gets married in those. She also wears biker boots underneath a knee-length white dress. She’s so fucking cool.
If you’re a girl/on the more feminine side, she’s the one that waits at the alter. And that’s fine! She just really wanted to see you walking over to her. Bill ends up officiating this time -- mostly because Yui wasn’t entirely sure she could trust anyone else with an important job like that. Ash walks you down the aisle, cracking jokes the entire time. If you’d prefer to be the one at the alter, that’s fine too! It’s the same setup, just you’ve switched places.
If her bike is somehow in the fog, you can bet your ass that someone has taken it upon themselves to put “Just Married” on the back, followed with clanking empty cans. 
Should you be the smaller of the couple, Yui can and will swipe you off your feet the moment you’re told to kiss.
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