#Aabria I love you and I think you're so cool <3
fireproofheart · 6 months
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I'll tell you where the real road lies Between your ears, behind your eyes That is the path to Paradise Likewise, the road to ruin
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nimblelizard · 2 years
I genuinely enjoyed seeing everyone's reactions. Imma say a few words below the cut!
Starting off hot with Fuego, omg is she one of my favorites to watch when things go down. Even though she is about the same age as Rey and Serif she seems so much more interested in all the possibilities she has as a kindred. Everyday she is learning something new she can do or how she can use her power and Aabria does a phenomenal job with showing and not telling. Her body language is *chefs kiss* I could go on forever about how talented Aabria is but I alas that's not why you're here. Not only that but the realization with Rey and how she wants to tame that type of feral power was so eye opening to knowing now what Fuego is looking for as a kindred. It's a great way to see that she is still a ventrue at heart even if she disagrees with a lot of people in power.
Now Isaac, let me just said ALEX WARD YOU ARE DOING SO GOOD. I love love love the attitude that this character has towards the party. He has been around long enough to not allow them to try and push him around when they are in the wrong. But he is also very good at not coddling them like in labn the coterie had to do with Annabelle. He wants them to learn the hard way essentially and it's such a good perspective to see. It is hard to not step in as a player when you think something could go poorly for another pc but seeing him just sit there and watch things transpire takes a lot of willpower that I admire quite a bit! Not only that but Alex has been coming in with some great lines so far this season! I can not wait for him to unravel a bit more, it's so entertaining to see a kindred lose their cool.
Oh Rey. I love you and your poor choices <3 BUT IM SO HAPPY HE WENT INTO THE PIT OKAY? I absolutely love to see the more physical struggle that he has with his Beast compared to Fuego and her mental struggle. Every ep he has to fight it back and I love that he is still trying to figure it out. It was a one time deal of "oh it will never happen again I will control myself" no! He. Is. Struggling. And that's so important for pc development! You can't always win! I'm so glad Joey is playing Rey this way. It gives the character so much more dimension. Plus who doesn't love an impulsive character? They are usually the ones who help push the plot forward. Can't always talk pretty and get things moving. (But also that frenzy was hella hot I won't lie)
Now Serif is the one I am honestly most interested about when it comes to her home life and sire. She obviously has a lot of issues with free will (especially since her mom seems to be a ghoul) and it comes across so well in Mayanna's acting. Not only that but removing herself from situations that she dislikes or upset her is so good! It's nice to see a character who knows that making a big deal about you being upset in the heat of the moment won't fix the problem. She needs to blow off steam and redirect her feelings until she can talk about it more freely. I need need need a one on one conversation with her and Isaac. I think they have more in common than they realize and could probably benefit from just talking to each other about what has happened so far. Anyways, I am so excited to see where she goes, because as of right now I love her! (Not only that she seems to be the one making connections more on a lower level than the others which is such a plus. Get those thin bloods on your side girl!)
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nochi-quinn · 1 year
campaign 3 episode 53: what a load. what a load of. a load of b
we never should have given sam the power of pre-recording
matt said if they're gonna make me do a movie ad I'm doing it in the goofiest way possible
I apparently need to watch that 4sd, shortonegaming keeps streaming on tuesdays so I missed it
laura squinting at the prompter
well-oiled machine
I need someone to report on the texture of that blanket
I do NOT have the money for it but god do I want it
aabria has claimed the blanket
"oh shit I bited the robit"
"no wait I'm mad at you"
I am fully walking around looking for my crochet hook during this lsdkjfls
half fucked-up, half fuckable
oh, having to make sure an area is safe for "our kind" is. hmm.
dial it back, is what I'm getting at
starlight express
just tendiiiing
(tiktok references nobody but me understands)
(found my crochet hook)
mental whisper gossip network
"can I have advantage?" "just 'cause?"
deanna can only be heard by dogs
"I fall asleep" mood
I am begging matt to just say "houses"
"how long have you lived here?" "what a fun question"
"roll vibe check"
department store junes showed up here last december and proceeded to devour all our economic slack
"there's too much stuff in my brain, sometimes it just jumps out!" mood
imogen :(
travis: sheepishly nothing motherfucker 🔪🔪🔪
oh my god you can't just ask people why they're fauns
"alimony payment"
tilda swinton
I typed it as they were saying it lkadjfls
(fun story, my partner had uvulitus, but when I texted his wife about it she immediately sent back "UWUITIS?" so that was my twitter name for a while)
surely it's common knowledge that he's been under investigation
"we don't just have a druid part of the city!" why not, vasselheim does
"I don't know to be offended by that phrase"
oh. oh shit. hm. don't love that.
"I found a bag of skittles in a desk drawer and I've done nothing but eat the whole bag"
oh shit does trent's collar still work?? like I know that's small potatoes comparatively but
chetney looting like in tlou
mines? mines collapsing? ungood?
"you just hate gluten as a person?"
hmmm. unlike.
from within the palace?
"you're light an orym!"
okay I now actively dislike fcg
or at least the way sam is playing him currently
maybe I just have religious trauma idk
statue?? cursed statue???
all I'm picturing is a silver lynel
rogues are whatever
wait like zerxus' griffon?
I actually looked it up lmao, it's what the Savalirwood used to be called
she's not gonna heal you bro
oh that's a cool mini, I hate it
your badge, show him your fuckin badge!
are they within ten feet of me
"did you just roll a bunch of dice?" "no, I'm looking for more d10s" "MORE d10s?!"
[travis voice] there's too many diCE TO ROLL, MARISHA
oh wow, she showed him her fuckin badge
okay somebody draw the wall street bull
"and because you're fearne"
"I think frida's falling in love with fearne" "who doesn't?"
I love when travis' internal notes kick in
I think I might love umudara
a good boy!
"you made me sit between my exes and my dice are nervous!"
extra calming of extra emotions
cast valium
when you hide for three hours after going on a rampage in skyrim
I love her
"you passed everything"
can I just state how extremely HERE I am for the concept of all the old creatures and myths and mystical beasts coming back
The Magic Comes Back my beloved
"it might not be there anymore but we don't know that"
…what if what fucked up the savalirwood gets unfucked too
everything's on the table! total setting shift!
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summerdutkowsky · 2 years
hi there! I keep seeing things about KOLLOK, but I can't quite figure out what it is or where one could watch it. it sounds really good, any chance you could point me in the right direction? thank you!
oh my wonderful anon you have come to the right place! i only recently found the show myself but i have watched the whole thing twice through and pretty much live, sleep, and think only about this show. kollok is love kollok is life
it's an interactive ttrpg show, which is a bunch of people sitting around a table role playing and sometimes rolling dice, and the audience gets to interact with the show and affect the story. i will give you a slight warning: it's a kids on bike liveplay which if you're familiar with that system you know it can get eerie and dark but if you're a fan of welcome to nightvale i highly recommend kollok. kids have sick fucking powers, a lot of them are queer, they're all badass, and there's a talking squirrel
the cast is probably my favorite in ttrpgs. they're a bunch of streamers i was already a fan of so it's great to discover they are on a show like this was super cool (if you like aabria iyengar, mika midgett, ethan, and danielle radford you're going to love kollok) they have amazing chemistry and they're very interactive with the fans and it's just all around a great vibe
there are two seasons already and the third is currently airing (fearhq twitch every monday and uploaded later on youtube). they're not super long seasons which is nice and the story is so good and really makes it all so easy to watch because it's so engrossing
kollok 1991 (season 1) - HERE kollok bleach (season 2) - HERE kollok (season 3) - HERE
if you do end up watching please please come and talk to me about it, i love getting messages and i love talking about kollok and if you want to know anything more before you start please ask because again, i love getting messages and i love talking about kollok. i will literally take any opportunity to talk about it please and thank you
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