kizudnyy Β· 4 months
Don't make promises you can't keep, Hawks.
γ€Š π™π™€π˜Όπ˜Ώπ™€π™ 𝙭 π™ƒπ˜Όπ™’π™†π™Ž/π™†π™€π™„π™‚π™Š π™π˜Όπ™†π˜Όπ™ˆπ™„ 》
"I understand that. I really do. But I can't keep feeling like I'm second place. Like I don't matter as much as your job."
"You do matter. More than anything. And I promiseβ€”"
"Don't make promises you can't keep. "
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The sun had just begun to set over Musutafu, casting a warm glow over the skylines. I glanced around as i nervously fiddled with my white uniform. Tonight was supposed to be specialβ€”one of the most important nights of my life. My graduation before I become a fully-fledged nurse and become someone that can help another person even without a quirk, to be called useful for once.
Everything I struggled for ages– the culmination of my years of hard work and dedication.. And Hawks, my boyfriend, who promised to be there.
The soft ping of my phone pulled me from my anxious thoughts. I quickly picked it up, my heart sinking as I saw Hawks' name flash across the screen.
"Sorry, babybird." My heart sanked as I blinked a couple of times, hoping it wouldn't be another case of his 'hero duty'β€” Yet..
"Got called away on urgent hero duty last second. I'll make it up to you tommorow."
I stared at the message, a mix of disappointment and frustration bubbling up inside me. I knew being a hero was important, that he was out there saving lives. But, that of course, wasn't the first time he'd had to break a promise because of his job.
The place was already bustling when I arrived. Friends, family, and strangers alike wandered the space, admiring everything and cheering for the sea of proud graduates, their crisp white nurse uniform adorning their frames as they celebrated with everyone.
I forced a smile, greeting those who congratulated me, but my heart wasn't in it. Every time the names were called, I looked behind me, hoping to see Hawks' familiar figure at the entrance, his wings tucked behind him, his smile that always made me feel like everything was going to be okay.
But he never came.
Hours passed, and as the evening drew to a close, the seays began to empty ss each graduates immediately ran to those who they seeked warmth. I stood by one of my friends as my mind began to wander.
Will he always do this?
Maybe he's already on his way..Would his work always come first? Even in my most... important events in my life?..
Lost in the bittersweet memoriesof our shared past, my reverie is abruptly shattered by the sound of my name being called. Instinctively, I turn towards the entrance, longing for his familiar presence. But once again, he's nowhere to be found.
The excitement of the night had long since faded, replaced by a hollow ache. With a heavy sigh, I stood up from my seat and made my way to the platform to receive my diploma. As I gaze at the crowd, my eyes searched for familiar faces before smiling upon seeing my circle fo friends along with my family.
My eyes felt hesitant as I slowly descended the platform, lost in contemplation before a soft voice interrupted my thoughts.
"Hey," I turned to see Aiko, one of my closest friends, standing beside me. "You did an amazing job tonight. You finally got your dream job, huh?"
"Thanks," I mumbled, eyes averting her as I stare at my diploma with a heavy heart. "But not really. I still need to find... a job. Im just a certified nurse now." I said, forcing another smile.
She nodded before frowned, looking at me with concern. "He didn't make it, did he?"
I shook my head, swallowing the lump in my throat. "Hero duty."
Aiko sighed, pulling me into a hug. "I'm sorry. I know how much you wanted him to be here."
We stood like that for a moment, her presence a small comfort in the midst of my disappointment. Eventually, she pulled back, giving me an encouraging smile.
"He's missing out, you know. You're amazing, and if he can't see that... well, then he’s the one who’s losing." She said softly.
I nodded, appreciating her words, but it didn't make the hurt go away. After saying our goodbyes, I gathered my things and left the stadium after a few hours of speeches, the night air cool against my skin. I walked slowly, letting the sounds of the city wash over me, trying to clear my mind.
When I finally reached my apartment, I found Hawks waiting outside, his wings drooping and a guilty look on his face.
"Hey," he said softly, stepping forward. "I'm so sorry I couldn't make it. Things got really intense out there, andβ€”"
"It's always something, isn't it?" I cut him off, my voice sharper than I intended. "Every time you promise you'll be there, something comes up. I get that your job is important, but... I needed you tonight, Keigo. And you weren't there."
He looked down, his expression pained. "I know. And I hate that I keep letting you down. But being a hero... it's not something I can just walk away from."
I took a deep breath, trying to hold back the tears that threatened to spill. "I understand that. I really do. But I can't keep feeling like I'm second place. Like I don't matter as much as your job."
He reached out, gently taking my hands in his. "You do matter. More than anything. And I promiseβ€”"
"Don't," I interrupted, pulling my hands away. "Don't make promises you can't keep." Silence hung between us, heavy and suffocating.
Finally, he sighed, his shoulders slumping. "I don't know how to make this right. But I love you, and I want to find a way to make this work. Please, just give me a chance.. Y/N please.."
I looked at him, seeing the sincerity and regret in his eyes. Despite everythingβ€” I loved him too.. Too much, Infact.
But I also knew I couldn't keep living like this, constantly wondering if he'd be there when I needed him.
"Okay," I said softly. "But things have to change, Keigo. We need to find a balance, or this isn't going to work."
He nodded, a flicker of home glimmered in his eyes as he hugged me tightly.
"I proβ€”"
"Please. Just say your gonna change without the word 'promise'."
The weeks that followed were filled with tension and uncertainty. Hawks tried to make it up to me, showering me with gifts and affection, but it felt like a band-aid over a gaping wound.
No matter how hard we tried, we couldn't seem to find that balance we so desperately needed. His hero duties only seemed to intensify, each mission more dangerous than the last.
There were even nights when I would lie awake, listening to the sound of his wings as he took off into the darkness, wondering if he would always do this.
Yet, another incident cameβ€” I had agreed to give hawks another chance to redeem himself after missing out one of my most important days, hoping agasint hope that things would be different this time. But as my birthday approached, a familiar sense of dread settled in the pit of my stomach.
I tried to push aside the memories of his broken promises from the past and especially the night before my graduation, telling myself that this time would be different. He had assured me that he would be there, that he wouldn't let anything get in the way of celebrating with me.
But as the hours ticked by and the sun dipped below the horizon, I found myself standing alone in our apartment, the silence deafening.
My phone remained stubbornly silent, no messages or calls from Hawks to explain his absence. I paced the living room, my frustration growing with each passing minute.
How could he do this to me again? After everything we had been throughβ€”after all the talks we had about communication and trust, he had still managed to let me down...
Tears pricked at the corners of my eyes as I sank onto the couch, the weight of disappointment crushing me. I had hoped this birthday would be different, that maybe, just maybe, Hawks would prove me wrong.
But once again, his hero work had taken precedence over our relationship, leaving me feeling abandoned and alone.
As the night wore on, I eventually drifted off to sleep, the ache in my heart weighing heavily on my dreams.
When I woke the next morning, Hawks was nowhere to be found. And deep down, I knew that he never would be.
Don't make promises your cant keep, Hawks.
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kizudnyy Β· 5 months
Letting you go for the brighter future (Maybe In another lifetime, right?)
γ€Š π™π™€π˜Όπ˜Ώπ™€π™ 𝙭 π™ƒπ˜Όπ™’π™†π™Ž/π™†π™€π™„π™‚π™Š π™π˜Όπ™†π˜Όπ™ˆπ™„ 》
"Loving someone is never a waste,"
"The love letter you left for me back then...."
" I still cherish it."
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Keigo Takami, known to the world as Hawks, stood in front of Y/N's grave, the weight of regret heavy on his shoulders.
As he looked down at the engraved letters spelling out her name, memories of their high school years flooded his mind like a relentless tide.
"Y/N," he began, his voice barely above a whisper, "I wish I could turn back time and undo the pain I caused you."
He paused, closing his eyes as the image of Y/N's smiling face filled his mind. The warmth of her laughter echoed in his ears, a bittersweet reminder of what could have been.
"High school was supposed to be a time of laughter and friendship, but for us, it was marred by my foolishness," he continued, his voice cracking with emotion. "I thought teasing you was harmless fun, but I failed to see the hurt it caused."
"The love letter," he choked out, his voice trembling with guilt. "I found it too late, buried beneath layers of my own insecurities."
Tears welled up in his eyes as he spoke, the weight of his words threatening to crush him.
"Before I could confess my own feelings, fate intervened," he said, his voice barely audible over the rustle of leaves in the wind. "I was summoned to the principal's office, only to find your parents there, they were... fucking..Β  balling their eyes out. I- I was confused and asked themβ€” why we're they there,"
He took a deep breath, steeling himself for what was to come out of his mouth.
"They told me you were gone, taken from this world by your own hand," he said, each word heavy with sorrow.
In that moment, the enormity of his loss hit him like a sledgehammer, leaving him gasping for air.
"Y/N, I'm so sorry," he whispered, his voice barely a breath. "I should have been there for you. I should have protected you. Im r-really.. fucking sorry... I shouldn't haveβ€” I–.."
But it was too late.
No matter how desperate Hawkβ€” Keigo, Keigo Takami was.
Nothing would change.
Years passed, and Keigo rose to become a hero, admired by many for his bravery and strength.
Yet, deep down, he carried the weight of Y/N's confession like a burden too heavy to bear.
And so, he stood before her grave, tears streaming down his cheeks, as he made a solemn vow.
"In the loving memory of Y/N," he said, his voice ringing out in the quiet cemetery. His eyes averted beneath the text, as he continued to read with sorrowful eyes.
"A loving daughter, sister, friend.. forever laid beneath the surface, dreams ... crushed and shall rest in peace."
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kizudnyy Β· 4 months
Sincerely, your most dedicated fan.
γ€Š π™π™€π˜Όπ˜Ώπ™€π™ 𝙭 π™ƒπ˜Όπ™’π™†π™Ž/π™†π™€π™„π™‚π™Š π™π˜Όπ™†π˜Όπ™ˆπ™„ 》
They were soulmates- bounded by an invisible red string as fate would always bring them together. Yet, They were just… a civilian admiring from afar, someone who held no such importance to the world,
He was hero soaring above high above, always looking out to those who are in need.
It was just too impossible. Even if they we're meant for each other- Such a cruel world indeed.
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Y/N has always admired the Pro Hero Hawks from afar ever since the beginning.
They were inspired by his bravery, the wits, the way he effortlessly moved through the sky and captured everyone's hearts– almost everything they would appreciate.
And as a dedicated fan, Y/N would always attend every public event where Hawks would make an appearance, but they could never muster up the courage to speak to him– even though they had multiple chances to do so.
One fateful evening, during a city-wide celebration of the heroes, The Heroes Gala, Y/N was able to finally find themselves in close proximity to Hawks. Despite the thousands of things they wish they could say, their voice fails them, and they can only manage a nervous smile.
Hawks– always so perceptive, notices Y/N’s gaze lingering a bit longer than most fans. He approaches with his usual charming grin, making a lighthearted comment about how he appreciates his most dedicated fans, especially towards the one infront of him.
Y/N stumbles through a few words of admiration before a few paparazz's crowded around them, prompting Y/N to step back as they were engulfed and pushed away.
Hawks looked at her in amusement and concern as the paparazzi closed in, their cameras flashed in his eyes and questions flew in immiedtly, making him forget about the little interaction and switch his attention to the crowd.
When days turned into weeks, Y/N continued on with their life, they would always look up at the sky, always hoping to catch a glimpse of those familiar wings.
Little do they know, Hawks had taken a special notice of their quiet admiration. Intrigued by Y/N’s sincerity and dedicated, he keeps an eye out for them whenever he's patrolling the cityβ€” whenever catching a glimpse of Y/N's blurry figure in the sky, he would always give a small smile and give a wave proudly.
However, it was no surprise that the nature of the Pro Hero’s lire is unpredictable and quite dangerous. Despite his fleeting curiosity, his duties would always be his first regards.
Y/N, unaware of the brief interest they sparked in their hero, moves on after accepting the harsh reality though, would always cherish that memory of that moment they shared.
Unrequited? Sure.. but not unappreciated. They each had a silent admiration from afar, small but precious part of both of their lives, yet they stood two worlds apart..
They were a civilian admiring from afar.
He was hero soaring above high above, always looking out to those who are in need.
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kizudnyy Β· 5 months
Thank you for everything.
γ€Š π™π™€π˜Όπ˜Ώπ™€π™ 𝙭 π™ƒπ˜Όπ™’π™†π™Ž/π™†π™€π™„π™‚π™Š π™π˜Όπ™†π˜Όπ™ˆπ™„ 》
"Would you rather let the world burn if it meant saving me?"
"Yes i wouldβ€” wait what? .. uh- where'd you get that idea.?."
"Oh nothing. Its just a nice thought, don't you think?"
"But seriously, I rather let it burn if it meant saving you."
"Yes. I fucking love you so much. You mean more than the whole world for me."
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Silence envelops me as I stare at the blank ivory walls, each moment echoing with memories of our time together. In the solitude of my cell, the trust between a retred villain and hero forever broken.
He was meant to be my savior, my reason for everything. The reason i quit to reach for a better future.
Yet, in the end, I was the one deceived, my sacrifices rendered meaningless. Looking back at the heartwarming memories gave me a sense of gratitude.
I dont know why but it just feels right. I wanted to hate him after everything, yet i couldn't bring myself to do so
The blaring sirens pierced through the chaos, echoing in my ears as I stood frozen in shock, my wide eyes fixed on the figure before me.
My former lover, now transformed into something unrecognizable, showed no hesitation as he advanced, the weapon formed of his crimson wings inching dangerously close to my throat, drawing blood that stained my shirt.
Panic surged through me as i struggled to comprehend everything. My eyes widening and faltering as i slowly registered the things all around me.
Was this really happening?
I searched desperately, hoping that this would be likeβ€”like a joke. A prank of some sort but...Nothing.
"Keiβ€”" I whispered softly, my voice as sweet as beforeβ€”genuine and kind just like the old times.
"You have no right to call me that."
"H-hawks... whats the meaning of this?.. youβ€”"
"Y/N. Don't try to make things harder. If you use your quirk, i will not hesitate to kill you."
..So this is it huh?
As I lowered my head in resignation, a bittersweet smile tugged at the corners of my lips, a stark contrast to the turmoil raging within me.
Raising both arms in a gesture of surrender, I accepted the inevitable, the weight of my mistakes heavy upon my shoulders.
"Out of all the mistakes I've made, Hawks," I began, my voice barely above a whisper. "You were the best one. My best decision in this fucked up life."
As the flashing lights drew nearer, heralding the arrival of law enforcement, I couldn't help but feel a pang of regret for the path we had chosen.
As the officers closed in around us, the tension in the air palpable, Hawks lowered his weapon, his gaze never leaving mine as he slowly backed away.
I watched him go, a tumult of conflicting emotions swirling within me, until he turned to speak with another officer, his back now facing me.
"Hawks," I called out in a monotone, my voice barely above a whisper, yet somehow carrying the weight of all the unspoken words between us.
His furrowed brow betrayed his confusion as he glanced back at me, uncertain of what to expect.
With a heavy heart, I mouthed the words "thank you for everything," my lips forming the silent sentiment.
Hawks' eyes widened in comprehension, a flicker of recognition crossing his features before the officers finally turned me around and led me away, the moment slipping away like a fleeting dream.
As I was seated and handcuffed, the echoes of our final exchange lingered in the recesses of my mind, a bittersweet reminder of the times we spent.
"Hey angel freak." The officer's gruff voice snapped me out of my reverie, and I blinked, momentarily disoriented as I registered his words.
"Someone's looking for ya'," he said, his tone rough and impatient. "Get ready, you have 5 minutes."
My heart leaped in my chest at the unexpected news, a flicker of hope igniting within me amidst the darkness of my circumstances.
Who could be looking for me in a place like this?
......And more importantly, why?..
With a sense of urgency, my hands moved swiftly as I arranged my hair and dusted off the dirt from my pajamas, hoping to present myself as best as possible given the circumstances.
With each brush of my hands, I tried to banish the evidence of my surroundings, hoping the dirt and grime wouldn't be visible to whoever was waiting for me.
"Im done!" I called out, my voice echoing slightly in the confined space.
The officer guided me to one of the meeting rooms, its confines familiar yet somehow foreboding as I stepped inside.
Thick glass separated us, a barrier that seemed to amplify the tension crackling in the air.
As I took my seat, my heart raced with anticipation, my eyes scanning the room for any sign of the one who had requested to meet me.
And then, as if materializing out of thin air, he was there. Hawks stood on the other side of the glass, his expression tense and guarded as he met my gaze.
The awkwardness between us was palpable, each word hanging heavy in the air as we struggled to find common ground.
"Y-y/n.. Youβ€”" Hawks began, his voice faltering as he searched for the right words.
"How are you, Hawks?" I interjected, my tone casual yet tinged with a hint of apprehension.
His breath caught in his throat, his eyes betraying a whirlwind of emotions as he attempted to compose himself.
"I.. Y/N.. I'm sβ€”"
"How is your day going? Did you take the prescribed sleeping medication i gave you? Its not empty, right... anyways, How's life? It's been months..." I rattled off, cutting him off before he could continue.
His breathing hitched, his frustration evident as he struggled to regain control of the conversation. "Y/N, please," he pleaded, his voice tinged with desperation.
"I'm fine, Hawks," I insisted, my tone laced with forced cheerfulness. "If that's what you're worrying about. I knowβ€”the life of being a hero and all... but... I highly doubt you think of my well-being over here... haha..."
"Y/n, please. Just hear me out. I'm soβ€”" Hawks pleaded once more, his voice tinged with a mixture of remorse and longing.
"I swear! They are treating me okay," I continued, steamrolling over his words. "I know I look like shit butβ€”"
"Y/N!" Hawks' voice rose, a note of frustration creeping into his tone.
Silence fell between us, heavy and suffocating, as the weight of our unspoken truths hung in the air.
And then, with a frustrated curse, Hawks broke the silence once more. "Fuck... damn it, Y/N..." he muttered, his voice thick with emotion.
As the tension lingered between us, Hawks took a deep breath, his gaze softening with a mixture of regret and longing.
"Y/N," he began, his voice gentle yet weighted with the gravity of his words. "I need you to know... I'm sorry."
His apology hung in the air, a fragile bridge spanning the chasm of hurt and misunderstanding that had grown between us. For a moment, the weight of his sincerity washed over me, stirring something deep within my heart.
"I'm sorry for everything," Hawks continued, his voice tinged with raw emotion. "For the pain I've caused you, for the choices I've made... I never meant to hurt you. You mean more to me than you'll ever know. You knowβ€” like before!"
"There was never a 'before', hawks." I corrected, my voice laced in venom.
"Im serious, Y/N..."
"I know, and i dont forgive you."
Hawks flinched at my words, his expression faltering for a moment before he regained his composure.
"Please dont call me Y/N anymore, hawks."
"But thank you for everything, I don't regret you. Just know that."
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kizudnyy Β· 4 months
Dreamscape Lovers (2023)
γ€Š π™π™€π˜Όπ˜Ώπ™€π™ 𝙭 π™ƒπ˜Όπ™’π™†π™Ž/π™†π™€π™„π™‚π™Š π™π˜Όπ™†π˜Όπ™ˆπ™„γ€‹
"Do you ever wonder,"
"if any of this is real? If we are real to each other?"
"I dont know.. But you feel real to me even if this is just a dream.
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Y/N had always loved dreams. They were the one place where anything could happen. But meeting Keigo, was the most incredible dream of all.
Each night, they found themselves in a vivid dreamscape, a surreal world where reality and fantasy blurred. They would talk for hours, sharing their hopes and dreams as if they had known each other for years.
From the very beginning, Keigo would talk about his ambition to become a hero. Y/N, despite being quirkless and living in America, always supported him wholeheartedly.
"I know you'll be a great hero, Keigo," Y/N would say, their eyes shining with conviction. "You've got the heart for it!"
Years passed in this dream world, and one night, Keigo appeared in a brand new hero costume. His feathers gleamed under the dreamscape's surreal light, and his eyes sparkled with pride.
"Look at me, Y/N! I made it. I'm a hero now." Keigo exclaimed, spinning around to show off his outfit.
Y/N cheered, celebrating his debut. But as the initial excitement faded, a shadow of doubt crept into Keigo's eyes. He looked at Y/N with a mixture of confusion and sorrow.
"Do you ever wonder," he began, voice trembling, "if any of this is real? If we are real to each other?"
Y/N's heart ached at the sight of his uncertainty. They wrapped their arms around him, offering a comforting hug. "Keigo, even if this is just a dream, what we have here is real to me. Our memories....our friendship... they mean everything."
As they embraced, the dreamscape around them seemed to blur and shift, reflecting their shared emotions. They held onto each other tightly, grounding themselves in their connection, even if it was just in dreams.
In the waking world, Y/N was an artist. They often found themselves drawing illustrations inspired by their dreamscape adventures.
Their sketchbook was filled with drawings of Keigo in his hero costume, and they would often scribble little jokes only they and Keigo would understand.
One day, Y/N's friend picked up the sketchbook, flipping through the pages.
"Are you a fan of this Hawks guy?" they asked, curious.
Y/N shook their head, "Hawks?" They asked in confusion before smiling softly. "No, he's just a friend from my dreams."
Their friend laughed, thinking it was a joke, and left it at that.
A few weeks later, Y/N and their friend decided to take a vacation to Japan. While exploring the bustling streets, they stumbled upon a hero convention. Excited, they decided to check it out.
The convention was packed with people, all eager to meet their favorite heroes. As they wandered through the booths, Y/N's heart skipped a beat when they spotted a familiar figure.
Their eyes locked across the crowd, and for a moment, time seemed to stand still. Y/N approached the booth, nerves tingling.
"Hi, I'm Y/N," they introduced themselves, a flicker of recognition passing between them.
Keigo's eyes widened, and a slow smile spread across his face. "Y/N...?" he murmured.
Y/N's eyes lit up as they nodded. "Yep! My name's Y/N. You're Hawks, right?"
Keigo leaned in slightly, a playful glint in his eye. "Hey, you just don't happen to be the person from my dreams who always tells terrible jokes about heroes, do you?"
Y/N's eyes sparkled with recognition and they grinned. "Only if you're the guy who always brags about his feathers," they replied, continuing the old joke seamlessly.
Before they could say more, Y/N's friend intercepted them, looking between the two with confusion. "Y/N, you sure you aren't a fan of him??"
"Oh, don't be silly!" Y/N laughed.
Keigo raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "You aren't a fan of me?" he asked, amusement in his voice.
Y/N shook their head, smiling. "No, I'm not just a fan. You're much more than that to me."
Keigo's smile grew wider, filled with wonder and delight. "I can't believe this. You're real," he whispered, awe in his voice.
But as they realized they were holding up the line, Y/N and their friend quickly moved along, collecting autographs from other heroes. But before they left Hawks' booth, Y/N turned back to him one last time.
With a mischievous smirk, they took his left hand and scribbled something underneath. "Call me?" Y/N said, winking before pulling away.
Keigo glanced down at the number written on his hand, a slow smile spreading across his face.
"You can count on it."
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