#Ad for selling my car in newspaper
boldlyvoid · 2 years
Princess Hellfire | Part 2
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Part Two | Masterlist
Summary: Senior Year is a weird one...
Warnings: set season 1, canon-typical violence, eddies dad worked at Hawkins lab in 79, parental death, mourning, crying, coming out, making out, love confessions, bullying, fighting, homophobia, internalized homophobia, angst, underage drug use (weed) (let me know if i missed anything)
Word Count: 7k
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“Can I have five bucks?” Eddie asks Wayne, first thing on his first day of senior year. 
He nods, handing him a fiver and returning to his newspaper and coffee, “whatcha need it for?” 
“Schools doing hotdogs and drinks for the first day,” he waves it off, placing two waffles in the toaster and waiting impatiently beside it. 
“I think I’m going to ask Y/N to be my girlfriend, today,” he announces, nervous, but needing an outlet to get his confidence back. 
“Really?” Wayne’s so excited for him, “it’s about time. You’ve been seeing her, for what? 4 months?” 
“We’ve been a bit more than friends since May…” 
So much has happened since then. The whole summer happened and they were both so incredibly busy. They barely saw each other during the day, which meant that after work they got to hang out together… and they did everything they could when they were free. 
Y/N worked at Benny’s Burgers, she was the best waitress the town has had in years. They could never ever keep a girl there, people always said it was cause benny was too pushy, he was a hard person to work for, but Y/N found it quite the opposite. She said working for him was easy if you listened to the rules on the first day. She memorized the table numbers, she knew the menu like the back of her hand, she cleaned everything to a level greater than what was expected, and benny loved having her there. 
Eddie on the other hand, he worked at the auto shop downtown, he used all the things he learned when his parents were stealing cars and applied it to fixing trucks for the redneck assholes he went to school with… for guys who think they’re tough, they always pay with daddy’s credit cards… They were also so rude to him when he did it, he was a grease monkey to them, he was the scum of the earth and people hated when he was the only one available to change their oil or put air in their tires. 
On nights when he went to her work to have dinner on Wednesday nights and take her home after her shift, he watched the town gawk over her. All the old ladies told her she was beautiful, the old men tipped her and all the kids having dinner with their families were enamoured by her. 
She was so attentive, she was kind and outgoing and wonderful. 
Sometimes it really made him wonder what she saw in him… more importantly, he wondered if she saw anything good in him at all because he wasn’t the greatest influence on her as of late. 
This summer they went bridge jumping together in an illegal spot by the quarry. They smoked weed together for the first time out by lovers lake. She snuck out a few times to go to parties with him at Reefer Ricks, only to take care of him when he got drunk, she got him home to Wayne and then walked to her own in the middle of the night… all alone… not his proudest moment.
The proudest would probably be when he brought her to a Corroded Coffin rehearsal and made Gareth teach her how to play the drums. Gareth wasn’t too happy about it after the fact, because even on her first try she was better than him. She loved it, she went so far as to even audition for the school band so that she could spend more time with Eddie after class when the semester started again.
This year he was starting the first semester with home economics, wood shop, English and Art. It wasn’t too hard to pass, but the added help from Y/N was definitely going to make it easier. 
“How are you gonna ask her?” Wayne pried. 
“They’re selling drinks, right, so I’m going to get her an orange crush and say like it’s been obvious I have a crush on you, would you like to be my girlfriend instead… or whatever, I don’t know yet,” He gets all embarrassed, turning pink and keeping his head down. 
“I’m sure she’ll say yes, I have a feeling she’s very smitten for you, Eds,” he takes a pack of cigarettes out of his pocket, taps it on the table and flips the carton open. “Want one?” 
“Seriously?” He panics a bit, he knew that Wayne knew he smoked, he just never thought he’d be so open about it. 
He nods “thanks.” 
“No problem,” Wayne hands him one before placing another between his own lips. Eddie uses a lighter from within his jacket pocket to light his, he grabs his waffles and waves Wayne a goodbye and hits the road. 
He hops in his van, overjoyed to have a vehicle of his own now. It was a really interesting story about how he got it… he didn’t have to pay a single penny for it, he simply went to Y/N’s house one day after school and learned that her uncle passed away and left everything to his brother, Y/N’s dad. 
That included a beat-up old van, it was dark green with a white stripe.  The seats were cloth, they carried the smell of cigarettes and wet dog, it was nothing a thorough cleaning couldn’t fix. 
“It’ll probably sell for around $1300, I could put some signs up at the plant,” Mr. Y/L/N explained to his wife as Eddie and Y/N walked into the kitchen. 
“What’s going on?” 
“Sweetie, it’s not a good time,” her mother tried to rush her out of the room, not wanting her to be upset. 
“No, no, she’s old enough to stay,” her dad counters. “Remember how your uncle Norman passed away a few months ago and left me his van well… you know what, I know what we can do with it now, honey.”
“What?” Both Y/N and her mom look at him confused but he stares right at Eddie. 
“Do you have your licence, son?” 
Eddie nods, “yes sir, I do…”
“Would you like a free van?” 
“Are you kidding me?” Eddies jaw dropped to the floor. “Free?” 
He nods, “I have no use to it, I don’t need to profit off my brother's passing, and at least this way it basically stays in the family if you’re going to be driving my daughter around all the time.” 
“Oh, absolutely,” he had no doubt about that. 
“Good, I have to pick it up in Illinois on Monday, you can drive it home.” 
The bond he had with Y/N’s family only got stronger after that. 
Every day Y/N brought him a sandwich and gave it to him before he dropped her off, she even wrote Eddie on the paper bag with a heart over the dot in the i. 
He was allowed to have dinner with them most nights, except the first Wednesday of each month because her dad was hosting his book club which included Bob from Radio Shack and the middle school science teacher…
Her dad was a strange man, but then again, Eddie felt very strange himself, so it was a no-brainer that they’d get along so well.��
He made a deal to pick Y/N up every morning for school in exchange for the van, and of course, he was already running late on their first day. He turns off Kerley onto Cornwallace. He’s careful around all the stop signs and school zones, he waits behind a few busses on Elm, but he finally pulls up to Y/N’s house with 10 minutes to spare. 
She’s waiting on the sidewalk with her arms crossed, “I thought I told you that every time you light one of those you lose 7 years off your life.” 
“And I told you I’m here for a good time, not a long time, princess,” he teases as she walks around the van and opens the passenger door herself. 
She tosses her books in, puts her backpack on the floor and then jumps into her seat. It was so funny watching her try and get in without flashing him and the whole neighbourhood. “seatbelt.” 
“You first,” she protests. Waiting for him to put it on before she pulls at her own and clips it into place. 
“You’re in a mood today…” 
“I still have a big decision to make,” she sighs, leaning back against the headrest. 
“Cheerleading or Sr. Editor at the paper… decisions, decisions,” he mocks her. “How will you ever pick?” 
She shoves him and he pretends to swerve, making her grip his leather jacket, “Eddie!” 
“Don’t hit me then!” 
“Ugh!” She gets even more frustrated. “Why can’t you take this seriously? I know you don’t give a rat's ass about graduating this year, but I need at least 1 stellar extra credit activity to put on my college applications and being the drummer for the school band won’t cut it alone.” 
“How are you seriously going to drum, cheer and report the pep rally’s all at the same time?” He laughs at first but then he realizes just how serious she is. 
“Don’t you want to be a journalist? Are you seriously thinking that cheerleading is going to wow the old men reading those applications over the amazing work you do as an editor? No. Not unless you hem the skirt up 3 more inches and give them a special performance…”
“Ew,” she knows he’s right though. “What if everyone hates me for jumping right to the senior editor when I just got here last year?” 
“Then fuck ‘em!” He attempts to inspire her. “Seriously, babe, there’s a reason why Mrs. Ford picked you, and if she likes you and she’s grading your work and she's writing your letter of recommendation, then it doesn’t matter what the kids have to say about it.” 
His lips curl into a smile, “did you just call me babe?” 
He goes white as a ghost, keeping his eyes on the road but they grow impossibly wide. “Did I? Huh… I guess I did.” 
She stares at him quietly as he continues their drive to school, it’s such a short trip but that didn’t stop either of them from wanting more time together.
When he pulls into his regular spot and throws the car in park, he turns to her, finally. “What?” 
“Am I going to have to be the one to ask it, seriously,” she whispers.
“Ask what?” He doesn’t know where she’s going even though it was blatantly obvious. 
“Ask me out.” 
“Oh! Oh, y-yeah, I mean no?” he thinks about it. “No you don’t have to ask, yes I’m going to do it, I have a plan…” 
“You have a plan?” She teases him. 
He nods, “at yearbook distribution, I have something for you.” 
She smiles, wide and toothy, “okay, alright, well… I guess I’ll see you then?” 
“You don’t want me to walk you to class?” He gets all pouty. 
“I don’t have class this today,” she smirks and opens her door, she hops out and gathers her things. “Yearbook kids get the morning off to hand out class schedules and make sure the new kids are where they need to be and as a reward, we get the afternoon off.” 
“Boring,” Eddie adds quickly. 
“Better than home ec,” she slams his door and he immediately gets out and follows her into the school. 
“Is it though? Because when I finish sewing buttons onto all the pillows I have to make, you’re going to be so jealous I didn’t make it for you.”
She laughs, filling him with pride as he follows her through the hallway and towards her locker. Everyone watches them together, the Freak and the Geek. He felt bad that she got that nickname simply for being near him and good at science, it made him want to beat people up when he heard it, but she wouldn’t let him. 
He leans against her locker, glancing down the hallway at Steve Harrington doing the exact same thing to Nancy Wheeler. He points over in their direction, “can you believe they’re together…” 
“No, it’s weird,” she whispers. “He’s in our grade, she’s a sophomore. Just cause he’s taken almost everyone's v card in our year doesn’t mean he can go through all the other grades now.” 
“I don’t know, I think he might actually like her,” he shrugs. “They’re so cuddly together.” 
“So are we?” she doesn’t see anything wrong with that.
“Yeah, but we’re also basically dating,” he says it before his brain can catch up. “I mean— come on you know we’re more than friends.” 
“We are,” she smiles up at him and grabs the collar of his jacket, pulling him in closer until their noses touch. “And yet you still haven’t kissed me on the lips.” 
He shakes his head and pulls back, “uh-uh.”
She pouts, “fine. But if you don’t ask, I’m going to become a cheerleader and end up dating someone like Jeremy Carver…” 
Just the thought of her dating anyone in the Carver family made his blood boil. They were the basketball family that was apparently going to bring the championship back to Hawkins with their new generation of strong blonde boys… it made him think they came from Nazi Germany to Hawkins after the war. 
Jeremy was in their grade, Jason was a sophomore with Nancy Wheeler, and there was another Carver in middle school, probably raising hell there too.
“Oh god, no, ew, please don’t,” he can’t even fathom that, it makes his stomach turn, “do you want to be my girlfriend? Quick, yes or no?” 
She laughs, looping her arms around his neck and looking into his eyes, “yeah, Edward, I guess I’ll be your girlfriend.” 
He can’t control his smile, eyes flicking to her own, he places a hand on her cheek and guides her in for the first kiss of many. Their lips touch ever so gently smiles still formed on their face, unable to relax now that they’ve found true happiness. 
“Excuse me,” he whispers against her lips and steps away so he can make a scene, “excuse me! Attention everyone!” 
Of course, has to make a scene. 
He locks eyes with Harrington and shoots him a wink. 
“I just want to make it clear, to everyone here at Hawkins Hell Hole, that, Y/N Y/L/N is my fair lady and I will not hesitate to duel anyone who attempts to take her from me!” 
“Eddie!” She scolds him, 
 “No one wants her!” Someone yells from the back of the crowd now assembling. 
“Who said that?” Eddie follows the voice, walking chaotically towards it and kids scramble, displaying the one, the only, Jason Carver at the back. “Wanna try saying that again, hot shot? What, do you think cause you can throw a ball in a basket, what? like 23% of the time, that you’re the be all end all of the school?”
He gets flustered, unable to ever fight back when Eddie looked him square in the face. 
“That’s what I thought,” Eddie laughs in his face. “You throw balls because you don’t have any of your own…” 
Jason throws the first punch and Eddie catches it in his big hand, squeezing as tight as he can, Jason throws his other fist. Eddie holds them both in front of him, squeezing so tight that he can’t hold his arms up anymore, Jason’s face trembles, he wants to cry out in pain but he’s embarrassed. 
Eddie ‘The Freak’ Munson was embarrassing him in front of everyone. 
“Break it up, break it up,” Mrs. Ford comes pushing through and makes the boys part from one another. “What’s going on here?” 
“Jason was bullying the geek and then threw a punch at the freak,” a geeky little nerd from the crowd explains, pushing his glasses up.
“Do you want to get hit next?” Eddie turns to them. “Stop fucking calling her that! She’s smarter than all you fuckers, she’s going to go to Notre Dame and she’s going to get her journalism degree and you fuck heads are going to have to see her on CNN every night at 6pm for the rest of your lonely lives saying ‘I wish I had been nicer to the geek’ well Fuck That! Be nice to her now! She’s the best fucking person to go to this school, but no one would know that because you saw her with me and immediately thought something was wrong with her! It's you!!! Something is wrong with all of you!!” 
“Mr. Munson!” The principal caught the end of his grand speech. “While your statement is profound, that is not the language we use in this school.” 
“Oh but the years of every kid in here calling me a queer was fine to you? I say fuck and I’m the bad guy?” 
“Mr. Munson that’s enough!” He raises his voice louder. “Follow me.” 
“You’re going to suspend me on my first day for standing up for my girlfriend getting bullied?” He laughs, following anyway. “Sick… just fucking sick.” 
Eddie was given an in-school suspension, kicked out of the marching band and told if he misbehaves again they might make him retake the whole year just to teach him a lesson… it made her wonder what other colourful words he chose to use in the principal's office. 
She went to the yearbook classroom for orientation, being senior editor she was in charge of delegating responsibilities, leaving just her and Nancy Wheeler alone in the classroom. 
Nancy Wheeler sat quietly in the back corner near the large paper slicer, organizing newsletters about yearbook sales. But she kept glancing over at Y/N every few minutes. 
She could feel Nancy’s eyes burning a hole in the back of her head like she was trying to read her thoughts or something. She turned to Wheeler, watching her look away and pretend it was nothing, more than once, and then she finally went over. 
“Huh?” Nancy looked up at her with faux innocence. 
“You’re staring. What’s up?” She repeats. 
“Oh,” she brushes her hair behind her ear and gets nervous. “I just… I wanted to know if you’ve picked a junior editor yet, you know, 'cause you’re going to need to do that soon for Mrs. Ford.” 
“I thought you were going to ask about Eddie,” she shakes her head with a sigh and takes a seat beside Nancy. “People always think I’m crazy for being his best friend… well, girlfriend now, I guess.” 
“I’m just surprised… that’s all.” 
“Why?” Y/N genuinely wanted to know. 
“You’re like me, you care about your grades and going to college and Eddie’s… colourful?” Thats the nicest way she could’ve put it. “And plus, there was a rumour going around that you two fucked in his van in the back parking lot this summer, I heard that from Tommy…” 
“What?” She looks horrified. “Oh my god, no, no, we haven’t,” she shakes her head horrified that people would even say that. “I haven’t… ever…”
“Me either,” Nancy lets out a shaky breath. “I think Steve wants to though…” 
“He’s a boy,” she gives her a knowing look. “If you don't want to, don’t. If you feel like he’s making you, kick his ass.” 
She nods, “I wouldn’t let him… I’m pretty strong when I need to be.” 
“Me too,” she smiles, feeling Nancy’s vibe and warming up to her quite easily. She reminds her a lot of herself when she sat down in science last year, so she takes a chance on her “you can be my junior editor, I feel like if you’re in Steves circle and I’m in Eddie’s, we can learn everything in this school… and this way I can still be in the band for the pep rally’s and you can do the physical reporting for me?” 
Nancy smiles back, putting her hand in the middle of them for a shake, “you’ve got a deal.” 
There’s a new girl in band, she comes prepared with a trumpet and a smile and keeps glancing over at Y/N. And she’s very cute. 
It makes her panic, Eddies only in the stands watching on as they practice since he can’t join them… Her mind wandered all over the place, she was anxious that he’d notice the glances and the smiles and the fact that every time they rearrange to find the best flow for everyone to perform at their best, they keep getting closer and closer to each other. 
“Hi,” she leans over and whispers near her ear, “I’m Robin.” 
“Y/N,” she smiles back. “Are you new?” 
She shakes her head, “to Hawkins, no, but to this band, yes. I’m a sophomore, I haven’t been here that long and I was tired of hiding cause I didn’t have friends so I just joined on a whim… sorry, I didn’t know what you meant so I kinda just said both answers anyway and then that happened…” 
“That’s okay,” she stifles a laugh, trying to stay quiet while the teacher tries to talk them through the new choreography for the football games. “It was cute.” 
It was only the first week of school, and their teacher couldn’t expect a group of teenagers to listen to her after 2 months away from school. 
Robin blushes and looks away, bringing her trumpet back to her lips and pretending to play along as her lips wouldn’t cooperate to actually play. Meanwhile, Y/N carried on with her snare drum. The cheerleaders did flips in the background,  balls are thrown and “hut hut!” Is yelled repeatedly, there’s so much going on in their small field for an early September afternoon. 
The turnout for tryouts was wild, ’83 was their year. 
After practice, she waves to Robin and heads over to Eddie on the bleachers. “Hey, princess,” he kisses the side of her head as he wraps his arm around her. “Who’s that?” He gestures towards them with the lift of his chin in her direction. 
“Robin, she’s new. To band, not Hawkins, she’s in Wheeler’s grade.” She keeps her head down and avoids eye contact with him, almost ashamed of her slight attraction to her. 
“What’s up?” He catches it. 
“Hm?” She finally looks up at him, guilty as all hell. “Nothing.” 
“Okay then,” he laughs it off and tugs her along for their walk back over to his van. 
She’s quiet most of the way home, well, back to eddies place. She mostly just lets him talk, explaining how hard it was to not snap at the principal. He had an in-school suspension for the rest of the week, he’d be doing all his school work in the office, alone, without even a break for lunch. 
“Well, I’m going to be bringing your lunch in every day and if they don’t let me sit with you there will be hell to pay,” she complains. “Because today I had lunch with Nancy Wheeler… and when I tell you it was weird, thats an understatement.” 
“Why?” He can’t believe what she said. 
“She’s going to be my junior editor, I figured I’d need someone to take game notes while I play and she should get a decent amount of gossip off Harrington and his weird-ass friends.” 
“That’s actually so smart,” he compliments with a beautiful smile, putting her back at ease. 
Feelings are weird, but she knows for sure she loves him more than anyone who could ever enter her life. 
It isn’t until he’s parking out front of his trailer that he talks to her again.  “Seriously? Is something going on?” 
She shakes her head, faking a smile. “I’m just tired. I’m not used to getting up this early anymore.” 
“Okay,” he tries to believe her, but he can’t. “You mind if I smoke? I don’t have to drive you home till later, anyway?” 
She nods, “yeah, I don’t mind, just, can I go lay down while you do it out here?” 
He nods and hands her the keys, “head on in.” 
And she does just that, watching him take his secret stash out from under the steps and head to the back f the trailer so no one would see him. 
She gets a few minutes alone in his room, and she goes right to tidying to ease her anxieties. She has cleaned his room with him before, she’s done his laundry in with her own after getting caught in the rain, and she’s even showered at his place before. She felt very safe and comfortable with him as if this was her home too. 
She goes to make his bed, she moves the pillow to fluff it and finds something she never expected. 
“Heavy Metal,” she reads the title of the magazine aloud as she picks it up, noticing the naked woman riding a Pegasus into battle with a large sword and huge tits. It’s exciting to her, it feels wrong to be able to see something so graphic just out in the open… she flips through the pages, breathing heavily, her heart almost beating out of her chest. 
She hears the screen door open and she throws the magazine back down onto the bed, covers it with a pillow and sits down before he gets into the room. 
He comes running in and jumps into the bed, tackling her down and tickling her stomach, she laughs, screeching for him to stop but he doesn’t, “my girl needs giggles! Doctors orders!” 
He stops and looks down at her with a sweet smile, “you know I’m always here if you want to talk?” 
She reaches under the pillow and pulls it out, handing it to him. “this…” 
“How did you know about this?” His face goes white as a ghost, and he sits on his knees with a look of shame.
“I don’t care that you have it… I care that I like it…” 
“Oh? oh!” He finally gets it and then his eyes narrow in on her, “oh…” 
“Eddie, I’m being serious, it’s weird, I feel like I’m cheating on you and all because I keep noticing women being pretty now that we’re together… why didn’t this happen before we got together?” 
“I find dudes hot,” he shrugs, admitting something just as scary to even the playing field. “Like today Harrington looked really nice, I even winked at him.” 
“You didn’t?” She smacks his arm. “Seriously?” 
“It’s the hair,” he shrugs. “What can I say, us men with good hair, we’re hot.” 
She laughs, “I think I just like nice people… like robin today, she was so smiley and she kept wanting to stand with me and it reminded me of you, honestly.” 
“Are you saying I’m cute and smiley?” He thinks about it, “no one has ever used those words to describe me.” 
She pulls him in for a hug and then a cuddle, he snuggles into her chest and wraps his arms around her middle. “I think it's normal to find people cute, it’s not wrong, it only becomes a problem if you hide it from me or it stops you from liking me anymore…” 
“That could never happen,” she assures him, smoothing her hand over his back, she presses a kiss to his head. “You’re my home, Eddie. No one can replace you.” 
“Good,” he smiles, she can feel his happy cheeks against her chest. “Cause you’re never getting rid of me.” 
“I wouldn’t have it any other way.” 
“Guess what I learned today?” She whispers.
“Tommy and his dips hit girlfriend are telling people we fucked in the van, parked at the school this summer.” 
He sits up and looks down at her, “are you serious?” 
She nods, “Nancy told me. I think she just wanted to talk about sex cause Steve might be pressuring her…” 
“I should give him a talk,” Eddie mumbles. “That’s not cool.” 
“I told her to kick his ass if he tries anything, I think she could,” she tries to make Eddie smile and gets a laugh instead. 
“We could team up and all kick his ass, too,” Eddie suggests. “I think it would be hot to see you kick someone's ass…” 
“Yeah?” She raises her brows, “how high are you right now?” 
“My usual amount, I’m just allowed to tell you my thoughts now… my girlfriend should know I think she’s the most beautiful person in the world.” 
Her heart swells, “and I can finally tell you that you’re hot… I’ve been telling you that you’re handsome, so I guess I need to kick it up a notch now.” 
“And I can do this now,” he places his hand on her cheek and leans in for a kiss. 
His lips are soft as he presses against hers, breathing in deeply through his nose and relaxing against her. She rests her hands on his hips and tries to spread her legs to let him settle between her as the kiss heats up. It was the first time she really kissed a boy… and it was everything she thought it would be. 
September 6th comes around again like it did every year, and every year it got a little bit easier… but losing his dad was never going to be okay. It was never going to be normal. 
After his mom left and stealing cars landed him in prison for a few years, his dad became a security guard for the Hawkins Lab. 
He died during a security breach at the Lab, Eddie will never know the specifics, but he knew it was horrific. His father wasn’t in any condition to be seen afterwards, the lab actually paid for his cremation and he now sits in a little urn on the table beside the tv. 
When no one was home, sometimes Eddie would walk over, press a kiss to his forefingers and gently press it to the top of the urn and tell him he missed him… sometimes he would even tell his dad whole stories about his day, sitting down on the carpeted floor of his uncle's trailer for hours just catching up with the jar of his ashes. 
Today, however, just pressing a kiss to the top of his eternal container wasn’t enough. He felt extra sad this year because so much was different. This year he has a girlfriend and this year he graduates… those are two very big things and he’s not going to be home for them.
He’s been home for a few hours, after dinner with Y/N she had family time and that meant he had to go. Sometimes she called him at night before bed, but most nights he just sat alone in his room while Wayne was at work.
Wayne always takes the 6th off, Eddie knew he’d be home, in the main room, and he knew he’d be willing to talk about it if Eddie opened up to him about his feelings… but when he walks out into the main room, Wayne is sound asleep with the urn tucked under one arm and a bottle of beer in the other hand. 
He just picks up his keys, slugs on his coat and quietly leaves the trailer. He doesn’t even know how late it is, it might not even be the 6th anymore, but he needs something… He needs someone. 
Someone very specific. 
He’s there before he even realizes where he’s going. Pulling into Y/N’s driveway, he notices her bedroom light is still on, and so is her father's study on the first floor. As he gets out and begins his walk towards the porch, the light comes on and her father is opening the door. 
“Hi, Mr. Y/L/N,” he carries a tune of sadness in his voice that anyone could pick up on. 
“Are you alright?” 
He nods, trying to stay calm as long as he could but begins to break down the longer he thinks about it. “No…” 
Without thinking, her father wraps his arms around him and pulls him into a hug. He rubs his back gently, “it’s okay, son… what’s going on?” 
He pulls back and wipes his tears, pulling himself together. “I’m sorry, really, I didn’t mean to come here this late, I just— it’s— my dad died 4 years ago today and in all honesty, I just came here for a hug from Y/N, so, thank you— for the hug, sir.” 
“You can head on up to her room,” he lets him in and points up the stairs, “Wayne know you’re here?” 
He shakes his head, “he’s not going to notice I’m gone, he’s having a rough night too… only he’s allowed to have booze.” 
“You’re welcome to stay here,” he looks him in the eye, acknowledging that he trusts him to stay the night in his home, specifically in his daughter's room. “No funny business, Kyle’s room is also free if you want to sleep there.” 
“Thank you, sir,” he pats his shoulder, “I promise, I’d never do anything to ruin the relationship I have with your family. It means a lot to me.” 
“Anytime, son.” 
With a heavy heart, he kicks off his shoes and heads up the stairs to Y/N’s room. The door is closed, like normal, so he gives it a quiet knock. 
“Come in?” 
He opens it slowly, “hey, princess.” 
She flings the covers off her bed and runs to him, “Eddie? Oh my god?” 
He sneaks in and closes the door behind himself just in time to open his arms and catch her. She holds him tightly, it’s everything he wanted and then some. “Hi, my love.” 
She pulls back and looks up at him, wiping the residual tears off his cheeks carefully, she’s so concerned, “what’s wrong?”
“Um, let’s go sit down…” he isn’t ready to say it again yet. 
She nods, “Yeah, okay.” She takes his hand and drags him over to the bed and that’s when he notices she’s only in a long T-shirt as a nightgown. 
“um… your dad said I can stay here, I promised to behave, but um, can I borrow some PJs or would you be okay with me in my underwear and shirt?” 
She laughs, “take ‘em off, I’m only in underwear and a shirt, see?” she pulls up the nightgown and flashes a pair of bright yellow granny panties. “It’s not a big deal, it’s the same as a swimsuit.” 
She’s not wrong there. He strips down, he gets comfortable and joins her in her big comfy bed. She has so many pillows and the softest blanket, she lays back and lets him cuddle right into her, cheek on her boobs, hand on her tummy, he was in heaven. 
“You know how my dad died…” 
“I’m still so sorry for your loss, honey, I know it’s not fair,” she pets his ever-growing hair lovingly and then presses a kiss to the top of his head. 
“It’s 4 years today.” 
“God, I’m sorry, baby,” she says with her lips still touching his head, and then she places a few more kisses and holds him tighter. “I can’t even begin to imagine what you’re going through.” 
“I’m just glad I have you this year,” he admits, tearing up again. “And your dad… he gave me a hug too.” 
“Really?” She sounds so happy to hear that. 
He nods, “you’re my family, Y/N… I— I love you.” 
He’s called her ‘my love’ a million times, they both say nothing of it, they don’t take it seriously, but in all seriousness— Eddie was only saying it to test the waters before he told her that he loved her. 
They’ve been dating for a week. 
A Week. 
Sure, they’ve been friends for almost a year and sharing cuddles and secrets and cheek kisses for months now… it still felt weird to admit to her that he was in love with her. 
Like enough to make him go insane— levels of in love with her. The kind of love that made him want to be a good person and get good grades to get a good job and be a good husband and one day— god willing— a good father to her kids… their kids. 
He’s thought about it so much it seems a bit excessive, but when his head hits the pillow at home, all he can think about is spending the rest of his life with her. 
“You love me?” 
He pulls back and props himself up on his arm so he can look at her, “Is that okay?” 
With both hands she cups his face, “oh, Eddie, I love you too.” 
They haven’t kissed on the lips much, but pressing them together feels like coming home. He’s safe in her arms, cocooned in her warm embrace, he melts into the kiss and prolongs the kiss with his tongue. 
Making out was new for them but they both found it relatively easy over the last week and very beneficial for their mutual touch-starved hearts. He didn’t mean to grope her, but he rests his free hand on her boob and squeezes gently, invoking a moan from her that threatens the promise he made to her dad. 
He pulls back to apologize and she immediately starts apologizing instead, “seriously, I didn’t mean to! It’s just—“
He places his finger over her lips and shushes her with a smile, “if I plan on staying in your dad's good books, I can’t get turned on and do something we both regret later…”
“Okay,” she understands and lets him pull away more, he settles into the pillow beside hers and looks over at her, sweetly.
But sweet is the last thing on her mind. 
“Can I ask you something?” 
He nods, “always, princess?” 
“Do you think I’m hot? Like I know you love me, and so you must like more than just the fact we’re best friends and we have a bond… cause I find you really handsome and dare I say, sexy, even. But— what I’m trying to say is, would you ever want to get physical one day? With me?” 
He laughs, which is the exact opposite of what she needed to hear. It makes her brows furrow and he starts backtracking immediately. “Oh my god, no, I didn’t laugh cause I think it’s silly, I laughed cause you really have no idea what you do to me, so you?” 
She shakes her head and moves in closer, settling next to him, their faces only inches apart. “So tell me?”
He laughs again and pulls at the neck of his shirt so that it’s not choking him. “Well, for starters, and this is probably going to sound shallow, I only sat down beside you in science ‘cause you were hot and I hadn’t seen you before and I thought maybe if I talked to you first, then you wouldn’t believe anyone else that I was a freak.” 
“I’ll personally assassinate everyone who’s called you that,” she jokes, only that’s what he thinks. She feels completely serious about wanting revenge on the fuckers that made her man feel like this. 
“I think being in love with you makes me find you more attractive than I ever did when I first saw you.”
“How?” She seems a little confused. 
“I think it’s beautiful that you saw me without a lunch and started bringing one for me. I think it’s hot that you get so angry when I talk down about myself. And I think it’s sexy as fuck that you’re here in your underwear making out with me under your daddy’s roof, pretty girl… you’re tempting, but I always keep a promise.” 
She basically purrs with excitement, “you’re so hot when you notice the things I do for you and let me keep doing them… cause like, I know you hate when I put hearts on your sandwich bags cause the dudes at work think it’s girly, but you let me do it because it showed you how much I loved you even before I could say it out loud.” 
“We’re really dumb,” he laughs, “you know that, right?”  
“We have basically been dating since we danced in your trailer and you kissed my forehead,” she teases him. “I think that’s when I fell in love with you for real.” 
“When you pinned the ribbon to my jacket,” he admits the moment that got him. “Being granted a lady’s token is not something a knight forgets.” 
“Come here,” she pulls him back onto her chest and back to the way they were before. She kisses the top of his head a few times, “I’m so glad you said it, cause going to bed tonight without saying I love you first would be so weird.”
He smirks, “you’re welcome, my love.” 
She reaches over to her night table and turns off her light. She settles back in with him and runs her fingers through his hair, “sweet dreams, my Eddie.”
“I love you,” he whispers against her chest. 
“I love you, more.” 
He lets her think that, but she’ll never know the leaps and bounds he’d go to to prove that to her. He’d go all the way to the ends of the earth for her, all she need do is ask. 
They both fall asleep soon after that, peacefully unaware of her dad opening the door before he also heads to bed, carefully he peeks in to see them cuddled together under the blankets, his jeans laying at the foot of her bed, he fit into her life like he was always there. And a part of him hoped he always would be. 
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eddie munson taglist (ask to be added)
@fightingdragonswithwho @allybatch @mrs-dr-reid @reidselle @kyomito
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karin-gespenst · 4 months
Season 13 episode 2 & 3 combined rewatch
Phyllis teaching the student midwives about the privilege of attending to mothers during a home birth is a powerful scene. Joyce asks about the safety of hospital births and BOY has this question made people feel emotions ever since hospitals were an option for giving birth. of course, the options for giving birth vary a lot from country to country and region to region. Having choice is so important and infrastructure for emergencies is equally vital. But I'm sure what nobody really wants is families having no safe option at all. Sadly that's what I see happening in too many regions. The hospital where my kid was born is no longer a hospital but a hospice. The town where she was born will no longer have a hospital with a maternity unit in the near future. The next hospital with one will be 20 minutes drive away. And while that is not too bad in comparison to other regions, it would have been too far for me back then. Nobody wants BBA situations in cars or on parking lots, and not everybody can stay home safely. Also, there are not enough midwives who attend home births because they would have to pay a fortune for insurance and they don't get paid enough to do so. Midwifery being a calling does not justify the low pay. With the high responsibility and skill level and especially working conditions they should all be paid much more.
Joyce shows how quickly she learns when attending to Edna. Giving her encouragement and valuing her work makes such a difference. Shelagh is adding her own experience with the repeated suggestion of financial aid. I remember the episode with young mother Marion who did not want help around the house, and then a fellow mother gave her the right nudge with the simple words "You're entitled."
The driving "lesson" with Matthew is supposed to be comic relief, but all it does is give mood whiplash after the heartbreaking scene with Edna feeding her son.
Is learning to drive harder when you're learning in a van? Fred's van seems a little more three-dimensional than the tiny green thing Trixie drove before.
Nancy and Joyce talking about their mould-experiences and how hospital is lovely and clean - germs resistant to antibiotics were not as common back then. it's a shame they became so widespread. Maybe Timothy's generation of doctors will learn to not give everyone precautionary antibiotics just because they can.
I'm growing more and more fond of Sister Veronica. She has the bite that Sister Evangelina brought to the table, and her knowledge of the different possibilities for help makes her highly valuable for Nonnatus House. Her "embellishments" are sometimes just the thing that is needed to bring the right people in or move an obstacle and that is a chaotic-good character trait with a lot of potential for entertainment.
effin ineffable? Colette dearest, that's another show.
social worker training in only 6 weeks? They must have needed them very badly. Today it's three years study at least where I live.
What I love about the newspaper shop as a location is that we're getting to see a lot more newspapers and magazines. The prop department can show off their skills, likewise with the sewing shop, but the paper shop sells an even wider range of wares and that means they can use almost everything in there.
The way that other candidate says the word "mayor" it sounds like "Mäher" in German and that's exactly the kind of gardening device that Fred injured himself on.
Rosalind with the nursing book and ideas for postnatal classes: of course new fathers also need a bit of looking after, but it's not the new mother who should have to do that. It should be friends and relatives and neighbours and I think especially other fathers. The only instance I can remember of fathers looking out for each other is the Fleming family when Derek goes for a pint with his national service friend after Christopher has died. Or maybe way back Tony Amos and his father-in-law.
Gillian's husband looks very much younger than her.
Trixie does use a particular voice on the phone with the shop. The theatricals of being a Lady are like a role that she steps into. Her actual self is showing clearly when she's comforting Violet and preparing her to see Fred in the hospital.
How did you choose your couch? I got mine because I liked the outrageous color. Should I get a new one, it'll have to be one that can open up into a guest bed.
I had a look into how hip problems in newborns are treated today and the kind of hip problem Stephanie has is found in 2-3 newborns. The devices to treat the condition look a good deal more comfortable than the one we saw on the show. Some baby carriers can also help in keeping baby in the right position, with the legs and bottom in kind of an M shape.
they fooled me the first time I watched the episode when the doctors rushed to help the man in the bed beside Fred, and again when I rewatched the scene. Sister Monica Joan sunk into deepest prayer reminded me of how many decades of her life she must have spent praying. Would heaven hear her prayers all the more loudly because of it? Kind of like when Trixie called the shop as Lady Aylward to make them open up late. "This is the most senior nun of the entire order of midwives, don't you dare take our friend from this earth before his time!"
Mrs. Wallace is growing on me. We might not agree on religion, but I respect her sense of community and her attitude towards helping anyone who comes her way. I feel like she is the Miss Higgins of her church, keeping everyone in order.
Miss Higgins! her contribution this week will flow into a different post.
Reggie's idea with bringing Italian food to the hospital is fabulous!
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wytfut · 11 months
“Have you read the news today? Oh boy!” ... Beatles
I know I’m set in my ways ... and this makes me appear as an old curmudgeon.
But by golly, I enjoy a good news paper (actual paper), sitting down with breakfast or coffee and catching up on the world. 
WWW it appears has ruined all of this. Lots of folks believe everything they read... and www is most likely the worst place to do this. 
Unreliable sources... that mimmick “old school” news. I think I found a source on www, .... ABC.news .... not sure. It wasn’t really ABC. Because they added the “.”, they got away from the copyright issues. And that news was horrible at best.  Something to the tune of the rags they used to sell at the grocery store cash registers, ie, National Enquirer. It wasn’t ABC, it was some other company who loop holed the copy right by adding a “.”???  Well it wasn’t ABC. 
Paper newspaper got too expensive for us..... $68/month. And we went “e”. The journal start “e” is now jumping to almost $30/month. Several pages of this is from the day before reprinted. WHAT?? Why at $30/month do I want to reread part of yesterday’s news? Most of the time, its rewrite, of some article that doesn’t pertain to nothing,.... more of a self help article...    
With no sources of news being completely reliable, it makes a guy gun shy about coughing up any money. From where I sit, does anyone back up what they are reporting anymore? 
long side story:
I was a paper boy. I hand delivered papers daily on my sting ray schwinn. Foul weather and all. In the beginning it was $1.10/month (not sunday). From there it went to $2.20 including sunday. And about the time I done with my career, it had jumped to $4.40. Folks thought that was outrageous. 
Sunday and Wednesday papers were ass kickers .... sometimes 2 loads to deliver, as I couldn’t get them all in my “paper bags”.  Sunday was delivered in the morning before sun up. And the rest before 5:30 pm. I subbed before all of this the Lincoln Star (before journal star became one), which was a morning paper, for about a year. . (humor sidenote, both printed same building, just different names, representing different time delivered). . 
I remember some of my customers being total jerks about paying for the paper... and would go months without paying. Those days the paperboy would have to go to their home to collect the monthly payments. One customer owed me 4 months (getting close to $10...). Pop decided to help out, and tagged along in Uniform. 
They leaped out of their comfy chair and immediately paid. I still chuckle with that memory. 
I’d pick up my papers at the S W corner of Cotner and Adams. One sunday morning before sun up, a car come flying down Cotner, and couldn’t make the curve (too fast). The Cekja house was right there at the apex of the curve. The car lost it, and rolled a couple of times and crashed into a huge old Elm tree on the Cekja property. 
Me being pretty young was totally terrified.... grabbed my bundle of papers and hi tailed it home. Scared shitless no less.
I heard as soon as the car had quit moving, the driver try and start it back up. Got it started, and moved on down Cotner.  
About the same time I got into the house, I saw the car coming down 68th. I was positive the driver was looking for me (get rid of the witnesses). So I turned off all the lites in the house, and hid on the floor. Sure as shit the car came around to our side of the “ditch” heading right for our home. 
Car was running horribly, flat tire or 2, steel grinding some wheres..... and putted on by our house, and stopped at the neighbors. 
Turned out, it was the neighbor. All drunked up, missed the turn on Adams. But got his car home and stumbled into the house. ... 
We are going to give up on the journal star.... and I’m looking around for a good news source that is within my budget....
Cuz Jorika suggests NPR and/or Nebraska Public Media “app”. Alexa has failed me miserably, as well as Amazon. 
I listen to a lot of podcasts.... mostly when I’m pedaling “no where”. Really like “democracy now” but no local news. 
Thanx Jo.... I’ll give your idea a go. 
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markmonlux · 6 months
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Weekly Dose of Mark
Sunday, December 17, 2023
Monday was a crazy, long day of social activities I can break down into three parts.
Part One: On Monday, we had a white elephant gift exchange during Freelance Fandango at the Red Elm Café. In attendance were Anique, Penny, Stan, Keith, Haley, Nori and myself. Some gifts were crayons, paints, colored pencils, sketchbooks, stickers, cards, prints, canvases, and books. There was a lot of thievery, bartering, and trading going on. It was a hilarious time. I brought full-sized Churro-flavored KitKats to share with the group. 
Part Two: Doug Makey showed up during Freelance Fandango. He interviewed me for an upcoming issue of the Volcano. The Volcano used to be a free weekly newspaper, but it’s currently a monthly newspaper. Angelina Jossy is managing to keep it running. It’s proving to be quite the challenge for her. As with any newspaper, her main concern is getting ad revenue to pay for everything. Doug is an old friend, and I was very comfortable being interviewed by him.
Part Three: It was Christmas Dinner at the Pythian Temple. It was a small crowd of about twenty. This time, it was the men’s turn to bring the main course and set things up. Krista baked some cranberry cake for me to take. The roast Godo prepared was delicious, with every scrap of it being eaten. There were also lots of sides. I had to control my portions. I did end up taking home some buffalo hot legs. I would have them for lunch during the rest of the week. Allen and my mutual friend Kat were there; she brought a side dish. We grouched about Allen not coming like he promised when we were out watching Frankenhooker the month before. Apparently, he was at the gym rather than feasting with us. 
I went to a couple of medical appointments during the week. One on Tuesday and one on Wednesday. It was all routine stuff. An echo of my heart and a device check. Everything looks great. The exercise and light dieting has really paid off. I’m keeping off all the weight I lost, and I’m averaging 2-3 miles a day of walking. I feel great.
Friday night, I had fun going to the Blue Mouse Theater to watch “Krampus.” I had a chance to talk with some of my friends. Travis and his wife were there. She was selling gingerbread men, snickerdoodles, and Lemon Cake. James Stowe was there with his son Barret. Stowe created the artwork for the poster. He was selling it along with all of his other prints, including the work he’d done for the Weird Elephant series. I enjoy being in a theater with a crowd that’s there to laugh and enjoy a favorite movie. I took a slice of Lemon Cake home for Krista and Stowe’s poster for myself. 
Alley News
The work on the corner continues. The day before they poured the main sidewalks, a car accident occurred on the corner. Part of the curb was damaged. Krista and I investigated when we went for a walk and examined the repair work. Now that the first corner has been repaired and the sidewalk has been poured, the crew has moved across the street to the second corner. Krista is thrilled. The work crew drastically cut back the overgrowth from a poorly maintained yard. The result is increased visibility when driving or walking across the street.
I remembered a few of my dreams from this week:
Dec 10th #IDreamt I was a cop sitting with three others at a pancake restaurant. A call for assistance came in. Did we A: Leave, or B: Order chocolate pancakes.
Dec 11th #IDreamt, an older, pudgy actor with thin hair, received a request from his agents to grow his hair longer so that he’d look more manly. As he did so, he talked to several other actors about this advice.
Dec 12th #Idreamt I was an anthropomorphic car on a kid's television show. The director was attempting to fire me through his direction. But I reminded him my contract stipulated I wasn’t to perform such an unapproved scene.
Dec 13th #IDreamt I saw a black lizard with red markings in my friend’s yard and avoided stepping on it. Then, a black fish with red markings swam through the air around me. That seemed odd, so I took hold of it. A hatch opened on its back, revealing it was…
Dec 14th #IDreamt, a classroom of design students, began working around the clock when it was announced the curriculum had changed. Grades would now be based on quantity as well as quality.
Dec 15th #IDreamt I was leaving a large room on the top floor of an old rotting house. A hole in the center of the room began to expand as the floor crumbled away. Boxes and things fell through as it rapidly grew.
I logged a few movies this week:
112. Dec 12th Ghosts of the Ozarks (2021) Rating: 4
I'm always intrigued by Western horror movies. I watched this on Tubi. While intrigued by the premise, I found the movie's texture could have been more gritty than I hoped. So, my suspension of disbelief carried less than I'd expected. 
113. Dec 14th Air Doll (2016) Rating: 7
The meaning of awakening to an existence is a world filled with humans, and confronting their foibles is explored in this film. I watched this movie on Tubi.
114. Dec 15th Krampus (2016) Rating: 7
I watched this movie at Friday Night Frights, held the third Friday of the month at the Blue Mouse Theater in Tacoma. My friend James Stowe was selling movie posters he created for the event. The Krampus design has an interesting take. The story itself has you wondering where it's going. It was a crowd-pleaser for the audience of cheesy horror fans. It gets an extra point for having a dog with a name in it.
115. Dec 16th Barbie (2023) Rating: 8
I watched this on Max with my wife. My wife's comment was, "Meh." I personally loved all the social commentary the film was having fun with. It was very clever. I certainly enjoyed it. I gave it an extra point for having a dog with a name in it, even if that dog was plastic and ate and shat brown plastic blobs.
More next week,
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caithyrose · 6 months
Auto Classified Script: Benefits And Growth Factors 
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The digital classified ads business has declined physical newspapers, simplifying the buy/sell of merchandised things. Classified business has filled the room with innovation. 
Lately, it has transformed into a classified business focused on specific niches.
The auto classified script has attracted a large audience worldwide. The vast number of car users speaks for itself, given the significant presence of the automobile industry in the market.
I have come up with the easiest solution for your automobile business to take to your automotive enthusiast. 
Let's find out about how the auto-classified script assists you!
Interesting Stats About Auto Classified Script
The global auto classified business is worth US$9,843 million in 2023, increasing at a CAGR of 11.4%. 
 A source has predicted that the users' spending in the auto classified will be US$1.1 in 2023. 
Let’s see the growth factor behind it to leverage the stats number! 
Growth Factors Of Auto-Classified Script
The digital auto-classified business is new to the market and you need to understand it before getting into it. Let’s find the things to consider in the auto-classified script!
The first thing that you should prioritize is the platform’s interface. To say in another way, it is like a magnet, drawing in a wider audience. You don’t have to go full in the design. Simple and intuitive are like the spotlight, increasing the user’s interest. A user-friendly design is the gateway to widening your classified platform’s appeal. 
You have unique requirements and objectives for your business. With the advanced technology, you can achieve your business goals. To develop a platform with all your requirements, you need to choose a platform that has high customization. 
The platform’s success is based on the capacity of customization, allowing it to align with all technical progress and dynamic shifts. 
Revenue Model
You can go further in your business only if you have the high-revenue yielding model. It is important to know how the revenue model in auto-classified script works. By figuring out a new revenue mode, you are not only strengthening the platform but also exhibiting your unique way of earning money. 
Platform Security
Security is essential to an online platform’s success. Users share their data like credit card information and mobile numbers, so it is the platform's responsibility to secure their details. It is important to integrate the right and robust security guidance, which will increase your business’ reputation. 
Benefits Of Auto-Classified Script
Let’s find what benefits you will get from developing the auto-classified script.
Cost-Effective Solution 
Building an auto-classified script is more affordable than scratch development. You can customize your platform, including the required features, functionalities, and designs within your budget. You have thousands of scripts in the market; choose the script that meets your expectations. 
Enlarge Your Customer Base
The world has been shortened by the internet. Connecting your business with your audience has become easy with websites, social media platforms, and more. Users can find out about your whole platform on your site. 
Easy To Manage 
In conventional times, managing classified ads business is complex work as it depends on the paper. Auto classified script facilitates you to manage the entire platform’s activity from managing users, and listings, to site settings. 
Bottom Line,
In the evolving automobile classifieds script, you have the right opportunities to step your business into the market. Hope! The blog is insightful in understanding the future growth and benefits of the auto-classified business. 
Exploring the spectrum of the auto-classified script can not be covered in a single article. If you want to know more about it, check out my other articles related to it. 
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bodeganyc · 7 months
Some thoughts on rockist attempts to 'adapt' Joyce's Ulysses:
The first day I sat down w/ Ulysses (2009) I was jolted coming across 'He is the boy who can enjoy invisibility' in one of the early Stephen chapters -> that lyric was so familiar to me from Sonic Youth's EVOL cut 'Secret Girl.' Since it's near the beginning of the book I imagined Kim started and put down the pages after getting some great lines for a new track (I didn't make it all the way to the end on my first try). Unfortunately Kim doesn't mention the story behind this song in her book or anywhere else (to my knowledge). The track's lyrical commentary on advertising ties in w/ Bloom's profession (he sells copy space for a Dublin newspaper) so she probably did get further than me first try on the odyssey.
Mike Watt claims his Double Nickels tracks were Ulysses-inspired although the only direct allusion on the album is the title of the instrumental track 'June 16th' (the day the book is set, Bloomsday) on the 'Chaff' D side . Regardless these Watt songs (and Minutemen arrangements in general) evoke the feeling of reading Joyce and thinking-in-real-time so incredibly well. 'One Reporters Opinion' is an especially lovely/fun attempt at a Dedalus style self-portrait. I also love that the lines 'He's a chalk / He's a dartboard / His sex is disease / He's a stop sign' end the A side of the record. Stop sign reached.
Fontaines D.C. have a 'heart like a James Joyce novel' on their first LP and have a newish enigmatic vibey track called 'Bloomsday' that seems inspired by the Irish identity politics woven into the book. U2 also rep Bloomsday on their 'Breathe' (not a Floyd cover unfortunately).
Kate Bush prob has the show-stopping 'The Sensual World' which is a sonic staging of the book's erotic Molly finale (when Molly finally enjoys infinity). Bush recently re-did the track as 'Flower of the Moon' only including text directly from Joyce but I still prefer the vocal take of the original. I wonder if this was an inspiration for Bjork's incredible ecstatic sensual 'Cocoon'? (The most romantic track I know).
I recently was hipped to J Airplane's 'Rejoyce' which does directly allude to Bloom, Stepen, Molly, and her lover Blazes Boylan while also cleverly commenting on the state of corporation USA ('Sell your mother for a Hershey bar / Grow up looking like a car').
I dove into Ulysses on our 2019 tours (w/ the aid of an audio) and wrote lyric fragments in the style of the Proteus ('Thrown') and Nestor ('Top Hat No Rabbit') Stephen chapters in our van. I was also re-reading Shakespeare and Aristotle (Stephen's obsessions) which made the Proteus chapter in particular feel thrillingly alive -> it is still my favorite part of the book and takes me far inside each time I revisit. In 2020 I revised the 'Thrown' text in an attempt at self-portrait (similar to Mike Watt) adding more allusions but keeping Prince Hamlet and Dedalus.
I think Joyce (and Godard) are often taught (or thought) incorrectly, as if their reference-based works are merely academic exercises in meta-textuality. I think of their dense signifying styles as diaristic expressways to the skull --> to paint a portrait of a cultural consumer you must include that which is consumed.
--> 'I find in the world without actuality'.
0 notes
itswreckery · 7 months
The Benefits of Selling Your Car to Wreckery in Brisbane
Are you looking to sell your car in Brisbane? Whether you're in need of extra cash, upgrading to a new vehicle, or simply want to get rid of an old or unwanted car, the process of selling a car can be quite daunting. However, with the right approach, you can make this process smooth, efficient, and even profitable. In this article, we'll explore the essential steps and tips for selling your car in Brisbane.
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Prepare Your Car for Sale
Before you list your car for sale, it's essential to make sure it's in the best possible condition. Here are some key steps:
Clean and Detail: Give your car a thorough cleaning, both inside and out. A clean and well-maintained car is more attractive to potential buyers.
Repair Minor Issues: If your car has minor issues like dents, scratches, or broken lights, consider getting them fixed. It can increase the perceived value.
Gather Maintenance Records: Collect and organize all your vehicle's maintenance and service records. Buyers often want to see a well-documented history.
Check Fluids and Tires: Ensure that all fluids (oil, coolant, brake fluid, etc.) are at the appropriate levels, and the tires are properly inflated.
Determine the Value of Your Car
To set a reasonable asking price, research the market value of your car. You can use various resources, such as online classifieds, car valuation tools, and dealership websites, to get a sense of what similar cars are selling for in Brisbane.
Create an Attractive Listing
When you're ready to list your car, create a compelling and informative advertisement. Include high-quality photos that showcase the car's exterior and interior. Write a detailed description that highlights its features, condition, and any recent maintenance or repairs. Be honest about the car's history and any known issues.
Advertise Your Car
There are several ways to advertise your car in Brisbane:
Online Listings: Websites like Gumtree, Carsales, and Facebook Marketplace are popular platforms for selling cars. Be sure to use the most relevant keywords, such as "sell my car Brisbane," in your listings to increase visibility.
Social Media: Share your listing on your social media accounts, local buy-and-sell groups, and automotive enthusiast forums.
Newspaper Classifieds: Some people still rely on newspaper classified ads for buying cars.
Be Responsive to Inquiries
Once your car is listed, be prepared to respond promptly to inquiries. Potential buyers may have questions about the car's history, condition, or price. Provide accurate and honest information to build trust with buyers.
Show Your Car to Prospective Buyers
Arrange viewings and test drives with interested buyers. Choose a safe and public location for meetings, and consider having a friend or family member with you for added security. Be prepared to answer questions and let the buyer inspect the car thoroughly.
Negotiate the Sale Price
When negotiating the price, be flexible but also firm. Know your car's value and set a minimum price that you're willing to accept. Be open to reasonable offers, but avoid giving in to lowball offers.
Complete the Sale
Once you've agreed on a price, you'll need to complete the sale. Follow these steps:
Create a Bill of Sale: Prepare a bill of sale that includes the sale price, the date of the sale, and both your and the buyer's contact information. Make two copies and sign both.
Transfer Ownership: In Queensland, you'll need to transfer the vehicle's ownership through the Queensland Government website. Ensure you have a safety certificate (if required), and complete the necessary paperwork.
Receive Payment: Request payment in a secure and traceable way, such as a bank transfer or a bank check. Do not release the car until you've received full payment.
Cancel Insurance and Registration: Notify your insurance provider and the Department of Transport and Main Roads about the sale to cancel your vehicle's registration and insurance.
Read Also: How Auto Removals Are Revolutionizing the Automotive Landscape
Dispose of Your Old Car Responsibly
If your car is no longer roadworthy or beyond repair, consider selling it to a reputable wrecker like Wreckery. They can ensure that your car is disposed of in an environmentally responsible way, and you might even get some cash for it.
Stay Safe Throughout the Process
Lastly, prioritize your safety throughout the selling process. Meet buyers in public, well-lit locations during daylight hours. If you're concerned about your safety, bring a friend along, and let someone know where you'll be and when you expect to return.
Selling your car in Brisbane can be a straightforward and rewarding process if you approach it with a well-prepared and informed mindset. By following these steps and tips, you can maximize the chances of getting a fair price for your vehicle while ensuring a safe and smooth transaction.
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cardealersbrisbane · 8 months
How to Advertise and Sell Your Car Faster
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Have you found yourself in the position of needing to part ways with your beloved vehicle? Whether it's for a lifestyle change, an upgrade, or simply to make some extra cash, selling your car can be a smooth process with the right approach. In this guide, we'll walk you through the art of Selling My Car Brisbane successfully, with insights gathered from my own experiences of selling my car three times. Read on to discover the top strategies that will have potential buyers knocking on your door in no time!
Prep Your Car to Impress
Before snapping photos and listing your car online, it's crucial to give it a little TLC. Start with a thorough cleaning, inside and out. Consider a professional detailing if your budget allows. Fix minor dings and scratches and ensure all essential components are in working order. Remember, a well-maintained car not only looks appealing but also instills confidence in potential buyers.
A clean and well-maintained car gives off the impression that it has been cared for, which can significantly influence a buyer's decision. If they see that you've taken good care of your vehicle, they'll be more likely to believe that it will serve them well, too.
Capture Stunning Photos
You know what they say - a picture is worth a thousand words. When Selling my Car Brisbane, I've always found that high-quality photos significantly speed up the selling process. Choose a well-lit location and take shots from various angles, showcasing both the exterior and interior. Don't forget to highlight any special features or upgrades that make your car stand out from the rest.
Clear, high-resolution images provide potential buyers with a detailed look at what your car has to offer. They can visualize themselves in the driver's seat, which is a powerful step towards making the sale.
Craft a Compelling Listing
Now that you have eye-catching photos, it's time to write an enticing description. Be honest about your car's condition and history, but emphasize its strengths. Mention any recent maintenance or upgrades. Provide details about mileage, fuel efficiency, and any noteworthy features. A well-written listing will attract serious buyers and save you time in the long run.
A detailed listing not only helps potential buyers make an informed decision but also filters out those who might not be genuinely interested. By being transparent about your car's history and condition, you establish trust right from the start.
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Set the Right Price
Determine a fair and competitive price for your car by researching similar models in your area. Websites can be valuable resources. While it's tempting to aim high, be realistic to attract genuine buyers. Remember, a well-priced car is more likely to sell quickly.
Pricing your car appropriately is a crucial step. If you set it too high, you may scare off potential buyers. On the other hand, pricing it too low may raise suspicions. Research thoroughly and find that sweet spot that reflects your car's value accurately.
Leverage Multiple Platforms
When it comes to selling my car, I've found that casting a wide net is key. Utilize online platforms like Craigslist, Facebook Marketplace, and dedicated car-selling websites. Each platform has its own audience, so by using multiple, you increase your chances of reaching potential buyers. Additionally, consider advertising in local newspapers or community bulletin boards for added exposure.
Don't limit yourself to just one platform. Different buyers frequent different websites, so by listing your car across various platforms, you increase your chances of connecting with the right buyer.
Be Prompt and Professional
Once inquiries start rolling in, it's important to respond promptly and professionally. Answer questions honestly and provide additional information if needed. Offer to schedule viewings at convenient times for potential buyers. Being courteous and accommodating will not only build trust but also increase the likelihood of a successful sale.
Prompt and courteous communication reflects positively on you and your car. It shows that you value the potential buyer's time and are serious about making a fair deal. This can be the final push that convinces a buyer to choose your car over others.
In conclusion, if you want to sell your car faster and get the best possible price, it's essential to implement effective advertising strategies and present your car in the best light. Start by thoroughly preparing your car, ensuring it's clean, well-maintained, and all necessary documents are in order. Take high-quality photos from different angles and create a compelling description that highlights the unique features and benefits of your car.
Next, leverage online platforms and social media to reach a wider audience. Utilise popular online marketplaces, such as Craigslist or Autotrader, and be sure to include relevant keywords, such as "selling my car Brisbane," in your listings to maximize visibility. 
Share your listing on social media platforms, like Facebook and Instagram, and ask friends and family to spread the word.
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jcpcarparts · 10 months
Need To Dispose Off Your Unwanted Vehicle? Check Out How?
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In case a decrepit vehicle is occupying space in your yard or storage, pondering over its fate is only natural.
Selling your old car may seem like quite the challenge, however, there exist several options to accomplish the task. An oft-favoured method is disposing of the vehicle in exchange for cash.
West Auckland is the exact location where you can find out the best possible tactics for ending up with cash in exchange for your old vehicle. Our blog aims to assist you in this regard.
A viable option is to sell it to a car removals service provider
If you’re looking to say goodbye to your old car in exchange for cash, car removals services make it simple and efficient. They’ll arrive at your doorstep, evaluate your vehicle’s worth, and propose a reasonable sum.
They will pay you cash on the spot and tow the car away if you agree with their offer.
Whether or not your car is running, a major advantage of utilising a car removals service is their ability to accept vehicles of any condition.
If your car is no longer operational, don’t worry, sell your old car as there are ways you can earn cash from it. One suggestion I have for you is JCP Car Parts, who offer cash for cars West Auckland, and they are a top-rated car removals service to trust. It’s crucial to pick a reputable company, ensuring you receive a fair price for your vehicle. In my experience, JCP Car Parts is one of the most well-known and reputable companies out there, making them the perfect choice for selling your old car.
Having ample experience in this field, JCP Car Parts certainly provides top-notch services. Speaking from personal experience, I was beyond pleased with their services. When it comes to identifying the ultimate company for obtaining cash for cars West Auckland, JCP Car Parts gets my vote.
Sell your old car to a junkyard.
Junkyard will buy your car for its metal value, which is determined by its weight and the current market price for the metal.
While you probably won’t make as much money as a car dismantling or removal service, selling it to the junkyard is a good option to try if your car is scrapped and you don’t have repairable parts, but I Advice to you if you want to get the best price, don’t sell it to the dump sell your old car and get the best price from car removals company.
Sell to a private buyer
Selling your car to a private buyer is a feasible choice if it’s in decent shape and you’re ready to put forth some extra effort.
Your options for selling your car online range from listing on popular online marketplaces like Facebook Marketplace and TradeMe to traditional classified ads published in your community’s local newspaper.
This way, you can set a price and potentially earn more money on your car than you would at a car removals service or junkyard. In Fact if you sell your old car to a private buyer you might get a nice price.
You have to advertise your car, arrange tours and negotiate with potential buyers.
You also need to be prepared that your car may not sell or you will have to deal with buyers who try to negotiate for less than you are willing to accept but if you don’t have enough time to do it yourself or waste money on ad, then you should consider an auto dismantling service provider, I have already recommended you the best one  and that is JCP Car Parts.
Trade-in at the dealership
Selling your old car to a dealer might make sense if you’re looking to buy a new one. For your previous vehicle, dealers frequently provide a trade-in value that may be applied to the cost of your new wheels.
Selling your car for cash may not bring in a fortune, but if you trade it, purchasing a new vehicle becomes a hassle-free process.
To be mindful, profit is always the goal for car dealerships. Before diving into a car deal, it’s important to consider that a dealer’s trade-in value might leave you short changed if you could’ve made more cash selling it directly. Researching the car’s value beforehand is key to ensuring you’re being offered fair trade-in value.
For those seeking to exchange their old cars and want cash for cars West Auckland, then JCP Car Parts is the best option as it provides a plethora of options to choose from. There you have it, the end of this blog.
It’s essential to research the available options and choose the one that fits best with your desires, whether that involves towing your car, trading in at a dealership, selling privately, or selling to a junkyard.
Extra cash can be made while lightening your load by selling your car.
If you don’t want to waste time hunting between buyers, calling them again and again, doing all the paperwork yourself and screwing up the legal process, then you should try a car removals service and you’ll end up seeing all of your Needs get completed  which are related to your scrap, old, accident or wrecked vehicle.
They do the whole process for you without even leaving your home. They can also help you buy your used car at the best price from the comfort of your own home and get the best price for cash for cars West Auckland.
Source Link: — https://animemuzz.com/need-to-dispose-off-your-unwanted-vehicle-check-out-how/
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vatt-world · 1 year
taste high ceilings houses in desert art collections desert art u have to talent right brain left brain hidden connection between unconnected things tender merceis u look for events .. and character makes choices expressses insight character life changes positive or negative scene is a action in one place .. argument - kitchen - garage - highway - its over teasing insults - calm down - begging/leave slaps /physical fight turning point - change sequence - three scene - quit job in midwest .. job scouts -mother call
new york city story of morality / corruption
Day 2 story and meaning realization life is suffering
story and setting Time and place my dinner of andre story is set in forces of nature -- mother earth social conflicit - govt personal conflicit
inner conflicit
setup in los angeles - no gala be specfic about setting
world of the story in specific detail then u can avoid cliches
create a world that is knowable
four kinds of research -- research of memory/personal experiences -- locked in closet -- imagination -- bits of pieces of life and put hidden connection see in newspaper.. what happened in 5 yr old at 25 yr old
how do lovers meet she has broken car she is drunk and helps her meet cute scenes principle genres
die hard - ending scene out smarts him
acts of god bolt of lightining kid
MENU MOVIE chef is killer emily is killer
ear to the wall of the society
Day 3 four levels of character character - car .dress what does he do etc
day 12 stories work step outline - negative turning point scenes ..inciting incidents subtext until u can write it down write down text and subtext outwardly what they r doing inwardly they r feeling color choices for characters groundhod day
through a glass darkly bergman
politcal drama vs rom com in casablanca
jack warner - producer casablanca resolution scene - uses line 7 sub plots humanity plot redemption plot give character entrances-- setup in casablanca cuts to grasp cup angle changed shots collide long close shots image system .. characters are in prison characters must escape character is running towards wall
day 13 tilt hat -- im incharge compositional intrepret subtext is it to shoot compositional expression of the subtext is to intrepret what the characters are feeling inwardly in the subtext see how the shot is composed-- expression of the power struggle in favor of major in subtext they have contempt airport ritual he is acting in french in casablanca movie judy wilson will sell tickets casablance black man / white man as friends star lighting on the star three dimensional
u are man of honor .. i trust you rick rick likes ugadi he hides letters he lets him sit from his choices ,, u can see he trusts him
mcguffin a thing that gives the power.. and that everybody wants north by northwest rick has the letters--letters of transit passports of freedom cannt be canceled
its all nonsense
who should sign this letters hitler? logic vs feeling
there are holes in the story
knock on the wood song
linking dialogue they use someone else words to say ur thing.. to create connection cynism of society
rick is america
why dont u return back to america? rick its a combination of all three
inciting incident of the subplots german take the best table climax of ugadi subplot.. he is arrested rick wont help him
day 14
star lighting.. shadows on the back
lasso is seprated from actress with a light
they invite the camera inside them
there is 30's sec hold on character
inciting incident of lovers
once u say it … it feels like fate
……. humanity plot --rick throws a paper bad guy to good guy
rick is the weaker one
get into middle range// head resonance keep text is far
adding harmonies lyrics to existing melody what happens next to the song all the lovely people pyscho ..bowings from this twlight soundtrack bernard Twilight Zone-Bernard Herrmann's wrecking crew -- good vibrations
i miss you i miss you on this side
Don't wanna let you out my head Don't wanna let you out my head
Just like the time that I met you I thought it would last Said that you love me now it will never last Just like the time that I met you I thought it would last Said that you love me now it will never last forever
It's cold outside u were the best thing in my life Why you walk out my life?
I get like this every time On those times when it felt like just you and me just you and me.. 'Cause I remember every time On those times that felt like you and me you and me … Do you ever think of me?
I still have my hopes up I still have the messages you read, mmm
Don't wanna let you out my head Don't wanna let you out my head
Just like the time that I met you I thought it would last Said that you love me now it will never last Just like the time that I met you I thought it would last Said that you love me now it will never last forever
Why you walk out my life? (My life)
I get like this every time On those times when it felt like just you and me just you and me.. 'Cause I remember every time On those times that felt like you and me you and me … Do you ever think of me?
road not taken robert frost road not taken robert frost
Two (round lipS) (pause) roads diverjed in a yellowWOOD ( w connect shorter), And SOrry I COuld(front) not TRavel(v) BOTH (front) And be ONE(round/froward) TRaveler, LOng I STOOD(r/f) And LUoked daown ONE(roundlips) as FAr as I KOULD(R/F) To WHEre it BENT in the undrGROWTH; no glottal/round for o
Then TOok the OTher, as JUst (s sound) as FAir (open/front), And HAving(open/front) perHAps the BEtter claim, BEKAuse it was GRassy and wanted WEr; Though as for that the PAAassing there Had WORn(open) them REally abOUT the SAme,
And BOth(open/front) that MOrning EQually LAy In LEaves no(roundlips) step had TRodden black(h). Oh, AI kept the fihrst foranother(rsound) DAY(dipthong)! Yet knowing(no ing) how waay leads on to waay, I doubted if I should ever come back. no questioning
I SHAll be TElling this with a SIgh SomWEhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverjed in a wood, and I— I took the one less traveled by, And THAT has madeall the difference.
any new openings,please let me know.
C It's been so hard since you quit my love E7 Unanswered questions left to solve C Don't wanna let you out my head F Dm7 Don't wanna let you out my head c
Just like that time that i met you I thought it would last forever E7 you said you love me Put no one else above me Said you trust me Looked me in my eyes said that you wILL always love me but it faded like the sunset the pain is real now i wish we never met
F It's cold outside E Dm u were the best thing in my life C E7 I feel like this every time C E7 'Cause I remember every second with you i cant stop thinking of you thinking of you Dm7 Cmaj7 Did you really forget all we had? bittersweet melody
C I still have my hopes up E7 a girl like you comes once in a lifetime C E7 once in a lifetime
c It's been so hard since you quit my love E7 Unanswered questions left to solve C Don't wanna let you out my head F Dm7 Don't wanna let you out my headc
Just like that time that i met you I thought it would last forever E7 you said you love me Put no one else above me Said you trust me Looked me in my eyes said that you wILL always love me but it faded like the sunset the pain was real now i wish we never met
F It's cold outside E Dm u were the best thing in my life C E7 I feel like this every time C E7 'Cause I remember every second with you i cant stop thinking of you thinking of you Dm7 Cmaj7 Did you really forget all we had? bittersweet melody
From the day I met you I knew I won't forget you Saved me from a nightmare You made my dreams come true We went well together I thought that we would last forever Thought that you would break my heart nah nah nah never From the day I met you Put no one else above me Said you trust me Looked me in my eyes said that you wILL always love me Now our loves burning away like cigerttes Watching our love fade away like the sunset
plugg mic dont need i neel more pharsing it out enhance it
anatomy ah over keyboard lift left arm put hand in back of neck turn around tap diaphragm roll front look up into sky hands across
stretch to side wuliby wuliby fill air.. stomach
hold chin ..move head back tongue in back teeth
wo way forehead massage with fingers
shimmy bounce //// pillow pelvis roll to side fours roll to ball side stretch neck massage massage layrnx laughter
// laptop repair
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llinguet · 1 year
Tips for Selling Your Car Wash Business Successfully
Are you ready to embark on the journey of selling your car wash business? Selling a business can be a complex and challenging process, but with the right strategies and preparation, you can navigate it successfully. In this guide, we will provide you with essential tips that will help you sell your car wash business effectively and maximize its value.First and foremost, it is crucial to thoroughly evaluate and understand your business before putting it on the market. This includes assessing your financials, operations, customer base, and any potential areas for improvement. By identifying and addressing these aspects, you can present your business in the best possible light to potential buyers.Another key aspect is to develop a comprehensive marketing strategy. Creating a compelling business profile, utilizing online platforms, and engaging with industry networks can significantly increase your chances of attracting qualified buyers. Furthermore, understanding the market dynamics and setting a realistic asking price are essential factors that can influence the success of your sale. Join the lucrative car care industry with selling my car wash, you'll tap into a growing market, where vehicle owners prioritize cleanliness and convenience.
Preparing Your Car Wash Business for Sale
When it comes to selling your car wash business, preparation is key. Before listing your business on the market, take the time to ensure that your car wash is in the best possible condition. This includes performing any necessary repairs, updating equipment, and making sure the premises are clean and well-maintained. Potential buyers will be more inclined to consider your business if they see that it is in good shape and ready for operation. Additionally, gather all relevant financial documents, such as profit and loss statements, tax returns, and lease agreements, to present to prospective buyers. These documents will provide valuable insights into the financial health of your business and instill confidence in potential buyers.
Setting the Right Asking Price
Determining the appropriate asking price for your car wash business requires careful consideration. Conduct a thorough valuation of your business to assess its worth based on factors such as revenue, profitability, location, equipment, and market conditions. It may be helpful to consult with a business broker or appraiser who specializes in the car wash industry to get an accurate assessment. Keep in mind that setting the asking price too high may discourage potential buyers, while setting it too low may undervalue your business. Striking the right balance is crucial to attracting serious buyers and maximizing your selling potential.
Marketing Your Car Wash Business Effectively
To attract potential buyers, you must market your car wash business effectively. Develop a comprehensive marketing strategy that includes both online and offline channels. Utilize online platforms such as business-for-sale websites, social media, and industry-specific forums to reach a wider audience. Create a compelling listing that highlights the unique selling points of your car wash, such as its location, equipment, customer base, and any additional services offered. Additionally, consider leveraging your existing customer network by informing them about the sale and encouraging them to spread the word. Offline marketing tactics, such as placing ads in local newspapers, distributing flyers, and attending industry trade shows, can also be effective in generating interest.
Engaging with Prospective Buyers
Once inquiries start coming in, it's important to engage with prospective buyers in a professional and responsive manner. Respond promptly to their queries and provide them with any additional information they may need to evaluate the opportunity. Offer to schedule site visits, during which potential buyers can inspect the premises and equipment. During these visits, be prepared to showcase the operational efficiency of your car wash and address any concerns or questions the buyers may have. Building a positive rapport with potential buyers can significantly increase their confidence in your business and enhance the likelihood of a successful sale.
Negotiating the Deal
Negotiating the terms of the deal is a critical phase in selling your car wash business. Be open to discussing various aspects, including the purchase price, payment terms, transition period, and any contingencies. Consider seeking professional assistance from a lawyer or business broker who can guide you through the negotiation process and ensure that your interests are protected. Be prepared to provide supporting documentation and justifications for the price you're asking, such as financial records, customer data, and market research. Flexibility and willingness to find mutually beneficial solutions can facilitate a smooth negotiation process and increase the chances of reaching a favorable agreement.
Preparing for Due Diligence
Once a potential buyer shows serious interest and is ready to move forward, they will likely request a due diligence process. This involves an in-depth examination of your car wash business, including its financial records, contracts, leases, employee agreements, and any legal or regulatory compliance matters. It is essential to be well-prepared for this stage by organizing and compiling all necessary documents in a structured manner. Be transparent and forthcoming with information to build trust with the buyer and facilitate a thorough due diligence process. Anticipate potential concerns or questions they may have and be ready to address them promptly and honestly.
Closing the Sale
Closing the sale of your car wash business is the final step in the process. This involves the execution of a purchase agreement and the transfer of ownership and assets. Work closely with your legal and financial advisors to ensure that all necessary paperwork is prepared correctly and that the transaction complies with legal requirements. It is essential to maintain open lines of communication with the buyer and their representatives to address any last-minute issues or concerns. Once all the necessary documents are signed, and the agreed-upon funds are transferred, you can finalize the sale and begin transitioning the business to the new owner. A smooth closing process ensures a successful sale and sets the stage for a positive transition for both parties involved.
In conclusion, selling a car wash business can be a complex and challenging process, but with the right approach and strategies, it can be a successful endeavor. Throughout this guide, we have explored essential tips for selling your car wash business successfully.
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safeblanket · 1 year
Maximizing Your Profits When Selling your Car Wash
Selling your car wash is a great way to make an income and earn a profit. Whether you are an individual entrepreneur, or a business owner who wants to monetize their car wash, you can generate money by selling it. Maximizing profits when selling a car wash can be done by understanding the current market, calculating the true value of the car wash, and marketing it in the right way. Knowing the value of your car wash is the first step in ensuring that you are selling it for the right price. Evaluate not only the car wash itself, but also the potential for growth, additional services or products, and pricing trends of similar car washes in the area. Keeping track of local carwash market prices is also important in order to make sure that you’re giving your business the best opportunity to be profitable. Lastly, marketing your car wash effectively is key; this includes making sure you are providing potential buyers with all the necessary information, and placing ads on websites and in newspapers to get ahead of the competition. Maximizing profits when selling your car wash requires a combination of understanding the market, pricing it correctly, and making sure it is visible to potential buyers. Selling my car wash located near the downtown area. 
Determine Your Desired Return on Investment
The first step to maximizing profits for your car wash business is to determine your desired return on investment (ROI). Your ROI goal should be realistic and achievable over an extended period of time. Depending on the size of your business, this could range from usually between 5-25%. Some businesses are even able to reach higher ROIs. To determine a realistic ROI goal for your business, there are a few factors you’ll need to take into account, including the location of your business, the cost of your services, and the availability of customers. Once you’ve established a realistic ROI goal for your business, you’ll be able to begin to strategize ways to maximize your profits.
Evaluate Your Current Car Wash Setup
The next step in maximizing your profits is to evaluate your current setup, including your equipment, location, and services. Pay careful attention to issues like the quality of the materials used on the wash line, the water pressure, chemical distribution, and the type of machines and tools used. In many cases, to maximize profits, simple changes or upgrades can be made to increase efficiency and save money on operational costs. Additionally, it’s important to review the overall layout of your car wash—including drive-through or manual options—to determine the best system for your business. Lastly, initiatives such as mobile operations, eco-friendly solutions, or expanded services can be implemented to draw in new customers and maximize profits as well.
Consider Advertising Strategies to Increase Business
After analyzing and making any necessary changes to your car wash setup, the next step is to look into advertising strategies to attract more customers to your business. Advertising can take many forms, from running ads on local TV and radio stations to utilizing social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram. With these options, it’s important to define your target audience and create an effective campaign that will utilize the best tactics for reaching potential customers. Additionally, highlight your competitive advantages—such as small business specials or eco-friendly solutions—on all advertising platforms to draw in customers who are looking for the best car wash services in your area.
Examine Pricing Strategies to Maximize Profits
To maximize profits, you will need to carefully review pricing strategies and adjust services accordingly. Depending on the services you offer, you can offer discounts on certain packages or services. Additionally, consider the use of loyalty programs or reward systems to incentivize customers and keep them coming back. Keep in mind, though, that offering discounts or services too often can decrease profitability. Identify what offers and services will yield the most profit and focus your efforts in these areas.
Look for Possible Cost-Cutting Opportunities
Once you’ve identified the best pricing strategy for your business, it’s time to look for possible cost-cutting opportunities. Analyze all aspects of your business to identify areas where costs could be reduced or expenses eliminated. Consider strategies such as using energy-efficient lighting, buying goods in bulk, or maintaining equipment rather than purchasing new versions. Additionally, review payrolls and staffing to ensure all employees are being used efficiently and are being paid a fair wage. By taking steps to reduce overhead costs, you will be able to maximize profits and make your car wash business more efficient.
Utilize Technology and Automation for Efficiency
Utilizing technology and automation is a great way to increase efficiency and save on time and costs. Automation allows for a quicker and more efficient process when it comes to tasks such as booking appointments or collecting payments. Additionally, automation can be used to provide real-time data analysis which can help you identify areas of improvement or issues that need to be addressed. It is important to select the right technology for your business that will ensure that you get the most out of your investment and maximize profits.
Strengthen Customer Loyalty to Maximize Profits
Lastly, to maximize profits for your car wash business, you must focus on engaging and retaining customers. Seeking out customer feedback and creating loyalty strategies can help you to identify which services your customers value and build relationships with them. Initiatives like membership programs, discounts, and regular promotions can be used to reward customers and encourage repeat visits. Furthermore, creating a positive customer experience will help to build trust and keep your returning customers coming back for more. Ensuring customers are happy and continue to be a part of your business will ensure that you maximize your profits.
When selling your car wash, it is important to maximize your profits by considering your car wash's location, its condition, and its age. Additionally, researching your target market, and setting the right price for the car wash can help you to maximize your profits. Finally, promoting the sale through the proper channels and taking the right approach to bargaining are also essential for maximizing profits.
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junkcarsplantation · 1 year
How To Sell My Broke down Junk Car
It is quite difficult to sell a broken junk car you need to do some effort to sell it and earn some money. You can do research it will help you to sell your broken junk car fast for finding the places where you can sell your broken junk car you can go to your local market and also on the online market. Here you can find so many options where you can sell your broken junk car and earn some valuable amount price. Make sure you can follow the right way to sell your broken car. These are some points below that which helps you to sell your broken car fast and for the maximum amount:-
 Determine The Value
 The very first thing you should do is determine the value of your broken car you can take the help of your local market as well as the online market. Here you can do research and compare your junk car with other companies that can deal with buying and selling broken junk cars near me. It will give you some idea regarding the price at which you can fix your broken junk car. Make sure it will be fair according to the condition of your junk car so that no one will question the price of a broken car.
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 Do Advertisements
 It is very important if you want to sell your junk car for cash to make sure people will know about it. If they will know that is why they will contact you to buy your junk car. You can post ads in newspapers, and magazines also you can take the help of the online market you can also do ads here on Facebook, eBay etc. Here you can post some pictures of your junk car with a short note about the broken junk car's condition. It will help the buyer to understand your car. If they will be interested in buying your junk car they will contact you.
 Be Honest With Buyer
 When you decide to sell your broken junk car you must be honest about the condition of your car and tell everything about your broken car to the buyer. It will make the relationship between you and the buyer good also they will make up their mind to buy it or not.
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k00288566 · 1 year
Artist Research
Jon Peterson
This is a book I got for xmas from my SO and it just so happens to be the perfect research for this poster brief. I'm doing GenCon the oldest tabletop convention in the world and this is the telling of how Gary Gygax, a wargaming enthusiast as well as a game maker, as he wanted to get more involved in the scene thus leading to the creation of Dungeons and Dragons.
GenCon was born out of many correspondences to other gamers across the Midwest and rest of the USA. To get the names of up and coming tabletop games mostly revolved around 19th and 20th century and Gygax's works a gathering of nerdy peoples and tabletop shops and companies selling miniature trains, cars, planes and other minis to act as a new way of marketing the small but passionate community of gamers .
Today GenCon has a similar objective but is now a place where announcements for the plethora of popular wargames/tabletop role playing games are unveiled.
Throughout the book are graphics of old newspaper ads, which GenCon would have been advertised as, and I like the tattered black and white with bulky text. I'm taking inspiration from my reading of this book to keep the poster I'm designing faithful to the ideals and vibe of GenCon from the 70s and todays.
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cardealersbrisbane · 9 months
What Are the Pros of Selling My Car Online?
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If you're considering selling your car, you may be wondering about the best approach. While traditional methods like trading it in at a dealership or placing an ad in the local newspaper still exist, one option that has gained significant popularity is selling your car online. As when you consider “Best Selling My Car in Brisbane“ assure yourself that selling your car online comes with several advantages that can make the process easier, faster, and more convenient. 
In this blog post, we will explore the pros of selling your car online and why it may be the best option for you.
Wider Audience and Increased Visibility
When you sell your car online, you have access to a much larger audience compared to traditional methods. Online platforms and marketplaces attract buyers from all over, giving you increased visibility and a greater chance of finding a buyer quickly. Through online listings, your car can reach potential buyers locally, regionally, and even nationally.
Convenience and Time-saving
Selling your car online offers the convenience of reaching potential buyers without leaving your home. Instead of spending time meeting multiple buyers in person or dealing with intermediaries, you can list your car online and communicate with interested buyers through messaging or email. You have control over the process and can manage inquiries on your own time, saving you valuable time and effort.
Ability to Showcase Detailed Information
Online platforms provide ample space to showcase detailed information about your car. You can include specifications, features, maintenance history, and high-quality photos to give potential buyers a comprehensive understanding of your vehicle. This level of detail is often not possible in print ads or brief conversations with buyers, helping you attract serious and informed buyers.
Competitive Pricing
When you think of Best Selling My Car in Brisbane, ensure that you can easily research the market and compare prices to set a competitive asking price. Online marketplaces provide access to a wealth of information on similar vehicles, allowing you to price your car appropriately. This helps you attract potential buyers who are actively searching for the best deals in your area.
No Pressure to Accept Low Offers
During in-person negotiations, it can be challenging to reject low offers without feeling pressured or uncomfortable. Selling your car online puts you in control of the selling process, allowing you to decline offers that do not meet your expectations without the burden of face-to-face interactions. You can take your time and wait for the right buyer and the right price.
Safety and Security Measures
Reputable online platforms often have safety and security measures in place to protect sellers and buyers. These measures can include user verification, secure payment options, and mechanisms to report suspicious activity. This provides peace of mind when dealing with potential buyers, reducing the risk of fraud or other security concerns.
Flexibility in Timing
Selling your car online gives you the flexibility to choose when to list your car and how long to keep it listed. Whether you need to sell your car quickly or have some time to find the right buyer, online platforms allow you to adjust your listing and pricing as needed. You have control over the process and can make decisions at your own pace.
In conclusion, Best Selling My Car in Brisbane offers numerous benefits, including access to a wider audience, increased visibility, convenience, and time-saving. It allows you to showcase detailed information, set competitive prices, and avoid the pressure of accepting low offers. With safety and security measures in place, you can have peace of mind when engaging with potential buyers. The flexibility in timing ensures that you have control over the selling process. 
So, when it comes to selling your car, consider the advantages of selling it online. It may just be the best option for you to achieve a quick and successful sale.
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savagenewcanaan · 2 years
Savage New Canaan Muscle Cars For Sale - The Art Of Finding a Bargain
Due to the recent popularity of Muscle Cars the price on these vintage rides has increased dramatically. The current demand is also making it harder to find a good deal on a classic muscle car, but if you know where to look it is still possible to get your hands on one at a price you can afford.
Your local Newspaper
This may seem like an obvious place but you can still find good deals on muscle cars from local newspapers. In most cases local sellers are not muscle car collectors and do not have an idea of what these cars could be sold for in a national market, this leaves the door open to find a steal right in your backyard, but you have to be quick, these cars have a huge demand. You can also use your local paper to place want ads; this will get potential sellers to call you. This is great because you're not competing against others that are searching the classifieds to find a deal on muscle cars. You will most likely get calls from people who were not even thinking about selling until they seen your ad.
Online Classified Ads
Online classifieds can be a great place to find your muscle car. The prices may be a little higher than your local market but you can still find a good deal. Just use caution with these, and be sure you contact the seller so you can talk to them one on one and get more details.
Savage New Canaan
Get In Your Car and Drive
This is possibly the best way to find an unbelievable deal on a classic muscle car, but it also involves the most work and it is not for everyone. Right now there are thousands of muscle cars sitting in barns, under carports, and out in yard just waiting on you to find them. Many times the owner of these cars will not part with them because even thought they have not even touched the car in years it carries some sort of sentimental value, but if you catch one on right day you can usually get an amazing deal on a classic muscle car for much less than you would pay anywhere else. You just have to get out there, find the cars, and convince the sellers to part with it.
Michael Savage New Canaan
This is my personal favorite place to find a bargain on a muscle car. Even though this is a national market you will find local sellers (unaware of the national market prices) placing their valuable ride for sale on ebay. You will definitely have competition for these rights but with careful bidding you can land yourself a great deal on your dream muscle car. https://mikesavagenewcanaan.com/ is a site that list muscle cars that are for sale on ebay, the list is updated several times daily so you are sure to find the classic ride you are looking for.
You don't have to spend a fortune to own the muscle car of your dreams. Check you local papers, visit online classified sites, Drive around your area, and check on ebay. If you do these things you are sure to find the classic muscle car you are looking for.
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