adenenftslot · 2 years
x10 your income - Top 5 ways to make passive income with crypto even when NOT WORKING.
Content creators like us often think "Is there a way to make my money increase while I'm engrossed in the text somewhere?" What I mean here is that you can only do one job during office hours but your income is the same as if you worked 2, 3 or even 10 jobs at the same time. That's the magic of passive income. I hope this article can give you some ideas to increase your income, increase your assets without spending too much effort.
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As mentioned above, the most important step when investing in the cryptocurrency industry without spending too much capital is choosing the RIGHT WAY AND OBJECT TO INVEST.
How to choose the right object and method? The fastest way is to listen to experts, invest with them. This is a fairly common form today because it takes less time and effort of investors. But anyway, it's your money, you take the risk, so before investing in any field, each of us should learn carefully, consider carefully and, importantly, believe in yourself.
Staking is the act of holding and locking a certain number of coins in order to receive rewards from them. These coins can be locked in the wallet or nodes of a Blockchain project for a period of time. The reward will be based on the user's effort, including staked coin amount & stake duration.
Staking to receive Reward:
Staking to receive Reward: Users will use their tokens to stake back into the project's ecosystem. This staking does not directly participate in the validation of transactions or any tasks related to network operations. 
You can think of staking as the crypto equivalent of putting money in a high-yield savings account. When you deposit funds in a savings account, the bank takes that money and typically lends it out to others. In return for locking up that money with the bank, you receive a portion of the interest earned from lending – albeit a very very low portion.
Similarly, when you stake your digital assets, you lock up the coins in order to participate in running the blockchain and maintaining its security. In exchange for that, you earn rewards calculated in percentage yields. These returns are typically much higher than any interest rate offered by banks.
For example, Stake Aden token on the exchange (hold) for a profit. That part of the profit comes from the exchange's profits, not from the creation of new blocks or transaction fees.
Aden is one of the tokens that are considered to be very potent shortly, it is expected that by 2024, the value will rise to about $1 / Aden. Please research carefully before deciding to invest, if you own Aden from now on, you will earn x500 times the amount you spend.
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As the first fully decentralized gambling system of the 4th generation, ADENE gives its community access to possibilities previously exclusively owned by the game monopoly. Thanks to the use of NFTs, users are now becoming operators. ADENE innovations begin where ordinary gaming platforms end. For the first time in the millennia-old history of gambling, users and operators are becoming one.ADENE users can practically construct their own casino business with low barriers to entry. Starting one’s own business creatively has never been easier.
Staking by investing in NFT Slot Machine:
Recently I found a very special platform that allows players to become operators, allowing them to own their own NFT slot machine by assembling a minimum of 10 NFT items and minting it becomes an NFT slot machine. That NFT slot machine is operated independently of the platform, its creator is 100% owned, and the platform issuer cannot interfere.
I highly encourage you to create your own NFT slot machine and operate it on the Adene Platform. But the topic of the article is passive income and I need to focus on it. You can invest in NFT Slot Machines to earn more passive income.
I will say it in an easy to understand way:
Let's say I own an NFT slot machine, I have spent most of my money on minting so now I need to find an investor to help me operate the machine. The operating cost is $10,000 and I raised $5,000 for 50% of the operating costs. All you need to do is invest and operate is my job.
In the first month, our slot machine made $6,000 in profit. You will receive 80% profit based on the amount you invest.
The amount you invest is currently 50% of operating costs. Then your profit is $2,400/month. The number is quite ideal for passive income.
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2. Mining
Coin mining is not new to players in the crypto market. For a time, this job blossomed to the point where people mined coins and miners housed coins. And it has helped many people become millionaires.
An example that I give you is: "Two kids make more than $30,000 from mining cryptocurrency". If you follow the crypto market, you've probably heard this story before.
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During the three-month summer break, a 14-year-old boy and a 9-year-old sister can earn around $36,000 from mining Bitcoin, Ether, and Ravencoin themselves at home.
Ishaan Thakur (14 years old) and her sister Aanya (9 years old) have spent the summer building a lucrative cryptocurrency mining company. Both chose to mine three cryptocurrencies: bitcoin (the largest cryptocurrency by market value) and ether (the second largest digital currency), and raven coin (an altcoin, a digital currency that replaces Bitcoin) in the top 100.
According to the publication, the 14-year-old boy and his 9-year-old sister earned a total of about $36,000 at the end of September.
Currently, the Crypto market is in hibernation. Revenue has dropped to a record but Bitcoin miners are still trying to plug in.
According to data from Blockchain.com, the daily mining revenue of miners fell about 27% in May. On May 1, the daily revenue of all Bitcoin miners reached $40.57 million. By the end of May, that number dropped to $29.37 million.
Bitcoin mining revenue bottomed out at $22.43 million on May 24. Compared to the all-time high, this is down about 62%.
Despite the decline in revenue and profits, the Bitcoin network's hash rate remains high. The high hash rate but  low profitability shows that the level of competition among miners is much greater than in the past. During market declines, Bitcoin miners often shut down their miners and stop receiving profits.
Please consider carefully before deciding to become a "farmer in 4.0".
Yield Farming 
Yield farming (yield mining) is a way to earn more cryptocurrency from the cryptocurrency itself. Specifically, it's you lending your money to others through computer programs called smart contracts. In return, you can earn interest in the form of cryptocurrency.
The most popular forms of yield farming today are:
Short-term borrowing and lending on dApps: Compound and Aave.
Lending money in the money market is the easiest way to profit in decentralized finance. Compound and Aave are DeFi's two main lending and borrowing protocols. The two protocols combined currently account for $1.1 billion in the lending market and $390 million in the borrowing market (pictured below).
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Create liquidity on: Uniswap and Balancer:
Uniswap and Balancer are the two largest liquidity-generating protocols in decentralized finance (DeFi), providing liquidity providers with fees as a reward when they deposit their accounts product into the group. Liquidity pools are constituted between the two assets in a 50-50 ratio in the Uniswap protocol. Whereas Balancer allows up to eight assets in a liquidity pool with custom allocation on each asset.
Whenever a trade is made through a liquidity pool on Uniswap or Balancer, the liquidity providers (LPs) that have contributed to that pool are entitled to a fee.
It can be said that Yield Farming is a very new and attractive form of passive investment in the decentralized financial market. However, investors need to learn carefully about the form, type of coin and the associated risks before deciding to invest.
4. Lending
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Lending is a way you lend idle assets. When the loan expires, you will receive both the principal and the interest. Cryptocurrency lending is attractive because it passively secures income by avoiding market fluctuations and is correlated with interest rates.
In the past, when the cryptocurrency market was not too developed, investors often loaned some key coins such as BTC, ETH, etc. Today, thanks to the strong development of DeFi, lending has expanded. more. Accordingly, you can lend any coin/token you own to earn interest.
Even so, lending itself is still risky if the price of the coin you're lending to falls during the loan term.
Example: You open a BTC extend. The interest rate is 1.6%/year for 14 days.
July 16, 2021 (starting lending): BTC price is $55.
July 30, 2021 (principal + interest payment): BTC price is $50.
If you lend 5 BTC, your estimated principal and interest will be: 5 + 5 x 1.6% x 14/365 = 5,003 BTC, equivalent to $275,165 (calculated at the time of lending).
But if calculated according to the BTC price at the time of interest payment, the total income will be 5,003 x 50 = $250,150, a decrease of more than 10%.
5. Hold Dividend Token
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Dividend Token allows holders to receive passive income without having to have ownership in the organization.
Example of dividend token:
KuCoin Token (KCS).
50% of all exchange transaction fees are shared with token holders.
Holders receive a daily dividend payment.
Dividends will be paid in the form of KCS tokens. You can sell or add to your existing portfolio.
There is no minimum holding period, you can sell your tokens at any time.
You need a minimum of 6 KCS tokens to be rewarded.
Bibox Tokens (BIX), which pays owners 45% of Bibox's net transaction fee profits.
Bibox Dividend Bonus was introduced in April 2018. To qualify for a dividend payment, you just need to buy Bibox tokens, hold and lock at least 500 of them on the exchange. And then every week on Friday you will get 30-45% net trading profit share for that week.
Previously bonuses were paid out only if you made at least one trade during that week. But this has since been changed, which is a welcome update for investors looking for passive income.
In some cases dividend payout depends on whether the issuer has met performance milestones or targets and this is beyond your control.
In addition, dividends are distributed when the project is profitable. If the project starts to lose money, you may not receive regular dividends and the value of the tokens you are holding may plummet. Therefore, you should consider investing carefully before entering the market.
Above, I introduced you to the concept and some ways to earn passive income in the crypto market. The above methods can give you a certain amount of passive income and financial freedom, but remember that “no lunch is free”. Either way has certain risks. Let's start with staking, do your research and make the right choice.
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adenenftslot · 2 years
Own your own NFT slot machine and trade it in the market- Join Adene now
Join Adene, the NFT application platform based on blockchain technology, where you can create and own your own slot machine and trade it on the Adene NFT marketplace.
Adene - Disrupting and Decentralizing the Gambling Industry. Where profits not only go to the casinos' pockets but also generate profits for the players, where you can own your very own slot machine, where each NFT slot machine is unique.
Game name: Adene
Game download link: JOIN ADENE NOW
Release time: 2021
Category: Slot, Jackpot
Deposit/Withdraw: Aden/USDT/ETH/BNB
Founder by Mart Metaverse Holdings
Partner: Lbank, Coinsbit, CMC, PariMatch, Nuxgmae.
Listing floor: Pancake, Lbank, Coinsbit, Vpex.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AdeneNetwork
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/AdeneNetwork
Tele group: https://t.me/AdeneNetwork
Tele Channel: https://t.me/AdeneNews
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/AdeneNetwork
Medium: https://medium.com/@AdeneNetwork
Keyword on google: adene slot machine, adene slot gaming, adene top slot game, crypto slot game with adene .
What is Adene?
As the first 4th generation gambling platform, Aden token users can become both players or operators. Users can practically construct their own casino business with low barriers to entry. Starting your own business creatively has never been easier.
Imagine owning the first ever slot machines that are NFTs – making each slot machine unique.
Imagine a world where the games of chance are not owned by the casinos, but by you – part of the community.
Imagine you could create your own customized NFT slot machines and trade it on Adene NFT marketplace.
Imagine a world where the games are not rigged by a centralized entity thanks to the peer-to-peer gaming system.
Imagine a decentralized gambling platform with fairer, more transparent and ethical games for both the operators and the players.
Our vision is not just to imagine, but to reimagine the future of the gambling system by utilizing Aden tokens.
Another issue of concern is the initial capital to join. This amount depends on the game. Therefore, participants need to base on their personal financial situation and risk tolerance to decide to invest in a game.
How to own a slot machine?
Win the first NFT slot machine worth 10 BNB as a presale holder:
Must be a presale holder
Put NFT Adene slot machine in the subject of the email [email protected]
Describe what would you do and how would you use the slot machine to be benefit the crypto community.
How to buy Aden Token on Trustwallet!
To be able to acquire Aden tokens in your Trustwallet you will need:
Step 1: Download the Trustwallet app on your smartphone
Step 2: Create your digital wallet
Step 3: Deposit value in BNB in your wallet
Step 4: Add Adene Token to your wallet -> Detailed instructions
Current listing:
P2P GAMING: We believe that P2P will take the power from the centralized gambling entities like the private casinos and transfer it to the community to prevent rigged practices like freezing winning funds or manipulating the odds in the games.
NFT SLOT GAMES: Adene is the first platform to ever create NFTs out of slot machines. NFTs should not only be static digital assets, but assets that have feasible business use cases to sustain the circular economy of Aden tokens. Adene platform also allows users to mint their customized slot machines.
Minipoker: Play now
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Football Champions: Discover
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Luxury: Play now
Adene will also give you unique weapons (slot machines) to destroy the monopoly of these tyrants (centralized casinos) and create your own gambling empire. In this realm, every mortal being will get an equal opportunity to become prosperous from the gambling industry.
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