#Alastor exclusively being friends with women he see him as 'one of the girls' and don't make romantic advances on him
hypervoxel · 2 months
My own personal RadioStatic headcanon is, of course, that they're both aspec but assumes the other has romantic feelings and act accordingly. Vox, in a "romance is just friendship with extra steps, sex can be fun, might as well get things started bc Alastor is too nervous about it to make the first move himself and the anticipation is getting stressful" way and Alastor in a "I finally have a close friendship with a man that is going well so far. Vox better get over himself and his feelings and not ruin this- oh, of course he's going to ruin this. Typical." way
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creamecream · 3 years
For the character thing, Magnolia 🐱
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Magnolia May
I don't like to make assumptions about anyone else's things! so if I'm wrong please correct me!
Sexuality Headcanon: because of the era she lived in I think she's only really thought about men in a romantic/sexual sense? but I don't think she would mind too, too much if a girl was just so pretty? I don't know if that makes much sense? but I don't think she would be confused or torn up about being attracted to women.
Gender Headcanon: Female! she/her exclusive!
A ship I have with said character: Alastor/Magnolia! I love them so much! they're just so sweet and pure (yes, I see the irony.) they'll always own some part of my gay heart. I just love how Alastor would literally burn hell down for Magnolia. and how Magnolia can and will fight angels for Alastor.
A BROTP I have with said character: Magnolia and Angel Dust! Magnolia and Penelope! Magnolia and Cherri Bomb! Magnolia just having people she can actually turn to, who aren't maybe in someone else's pocket to hurt her because of who her boyfriend is. I would love to see more of her relationship with Cherri tbh! just one on one of the blonde and pink girls!
A NOTP I have with said character: hmm..Vital? but he's kinda' made to be horrible so that's not much of a surprise. he was terrible to her, and he's actively still trying to hurt her. Will, come get ya' boi! go be horrible together and leave Maggie alone! I haven't really thought about any crack ships with Maggie tbh, like I have with a few of my HH characters (one of my favorites to think about is Will/Penelope, and how terrible it would be) also Kamen (was that his name? it's slipping me right now) is, of course, terrible, and Magnolia is way too good for him.
A random headcanon: she has the cutest twinkling laugh! everyone loves it! she's just so cute and everything she does is adorable! also she's probably threatened some of Angel's clients if they get too touchy or something? she's got claws and she will protect her best friend.
General Opinion over said character: I love her so much?? I legit adore her so, so much? she's one of my favorites of your characters. I think about her a lot and just fawn because I love her? she bby.
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