#Also I'm looking for suggestions for Zam's sisters name too!
ros-is-writing · 8 months
Polyeclipse arranged marriage/mafia au drabble pt1!
Characters: Zam, Mapicc, Ro
Word count: 933
“It’s just gone? Like that??” Zam asked, open mouthed in the politest way he could manage. Outright yelling in a meeting like this was definitely not acceptable, but seriously??
“Our sources are reporting that the Pierce Mafia has collapsed,” the captain repeated, visibly shaking in fear. Across the table, Mapicc whistled and sat back in his chair, impressed. 
Every executive sitting at the table was showing various degrees of the same emotion. Shock. The Pierce Mafia was massive, it took up a whole city while Zam’s family fought over the neighboring city with other groups. Its collapse would create an equally large power vacuum. Which, for obvious reasons, was an opportunity. 
Zam’s mind was already racing, their neighboring city had resources upon resources, they would be powerful beyond imagining if they managed to fill the space at the Pierce family left. But how? Could they just walk in and take power? They didn’t even know how Pierce had collapsed, for all they knew the boss and his executives could still be out there. 
Zam turned to his left, looking for the expression on the Boss's face. To his surprise, she was startlingly calm. Every other executive was deep in thought, eyes flicking back and forth as they imagined different situations, but she just sat there, waiting for their attention to return to her. One by one, the executives look to the Boss, realizing she already had a plan. She slowly lifted her hand, scrubbed her nails with her thumb, then said: 
“Get me in contact with Eclipse.” 
“I still don’t get why we’re working with motherfucking Eclipse,” Mapicc complained as he slid into the back seat of the car. “Aren’t they our number one enemy here?” 
Zam shrugged and pulled his door closed, motioning for Mapicc to do the same. “An enemy of my enemy is my friend,” he quoted, waving his hands around like that made it make sense. 
“Our enemy is fucking dead, no ones seen Pierce in weeks,” Mapicc pointed out. “I don’t think we have a common enemy anymore. I think it’s just us.”
“We don’t have a common enemy but we do have a common goal,” Zam said. “Pierce's city is massive, we can’t control it and our home city ourselves. We’re letting Eclipse take half on the terms that they help us put down any rebellions, and we do the same for them.” 
“That’s what the Boss told me at least,” Zam finished. 
“How though?” Mapicc asked. “How is this agreement with Eclipse working? They’re a bunch of backstabbers, everyone in Eclipse is a backstabber, how do we know they won’t backstab us?” 
“Mapicc, you’re a backstabber, stop talking.” Came Roshambo’s voice from the front seat of the car. 
“Shut the fuck up Ro,” Mapicc complained. “You’re in soldier mode right now, drive the car.” He leaned forward and tugged on a piece of Ro’s hair, making him shout and whip his hair away. 
“Stop doing that! You’re literally pulling my pigtails right now, didn’t know you liked me like that, wow.” 
“You’re deranged.” Mapicc deadpanned with no acknowledgement of Ro violently switching tones. “Also this is a ponytail.” He reached through the hole between the seat and the headrest and pulled Ro’s ponytail though. As he turned back to Zam and started speaking again, he began to braid Ro’s hair. 
“All I’m saying is, what’s in it for Eclipse besides power? They have enough of that, they have so much of that. Too much.”
“Maybe they’re going to take over our city once we spread our resources thin in the Pierce’s territory,” Ro suggested.
“Ro! Shut up!” Mapicc exclaimed, yanking his hair again. “Sorry!” Ro laughed, “I have a point though!” 
“He does have a point actually,” Zam interrupted before Mapicc could jump over the seat and throttle Ro. He wasn’t sure why Mapicc kept up their soldier-executive relationship when they were in public. Mapicc and Ro had been friends since before Zam met them, so it didn't make sense why Mapicc would want the illusion that they weren’t. But anyway- 
“Ro does have a point but, the Pierce’s city is a lot more valuable than ours. Eclipse won’t be satisfied with just our territory in our city, they want their share of the Pierce’s city too.” 
Mapicc and Ro nodded at Zam’s words, they knew he was right. Or rather, they knew that the Boss was right, she told Zam that. 
“The Boss has a plan, remember?” Zam added. “She already has an agreement with Eclipse.” 
“It’s like she knew the Pierce Mafia was going to fall,” Ro mused to the silent car. 
“I don’t think she did…” Zam admitted. “Or if she did, she never told me anything.” 
“She’s creepy,” Mapicc said bluntly. “No offense,” he added, looking at Zam. 
“Not offended,” Zam shrugged. “That’s my sister, I’ve said worse!” All three of them laughed because it was true! Behind the privacy of closed doors and un-bugged rooms, Zam complained a lot about the Boss. He loved her though, nothing could break the bond he had with her sister. She was just so annoyingly cryptic sometimes. 
“But seriously,” Ro brought them back to the conversation. “What does Eclipse value?” Mapicc and Zam went quiet, thinking. Mapicc was right earlier, Eclipse was notoriously full of backstabbers. If you weren’t officially part of the Mafia, you weren’t guaranteed safety. And you most definitely weren’t safe if you were part of an opposing group. 
Maybe that was it though. It was the same as Zam and his sister. 
“Family,” Zam said. “Eclipse values family over everything else.”
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