#Also Meiko since “She's just like Nagi-san”
period-of-nocturne · 1 year
I keep thinking about the Virtual Singer from each Sekai and what do they mean
Like what do they represent, what and who makes them appear and what does it mean to the related character
For a long while I thought each VS was linked to a specific kid, based on the focus where they appeared and who it was related to, mostly because of Niigo because... Damn each of them got their assigned VS for a year and half pratically you all know what I mean
But it didn't quite fit all the units and it also fit Niigo less than before, so it couldn't be that
So I kept thinking and
I think each Virtual Singer represent a... "concept", some very specific feelings from each kids
The one I'm the most sure about are VBS and L/N but I just can't explain L/N because they're so obvious to me I don't have the words to express it, so I'll use VBS VS as an example
Starting with Miku
Well, it's pretty simple... Miku is the only one I don't have a clue about (But she's often related to Toya now that I think about it)
So !
Meiko is so obviously that mentor figure, like the role-model... And by that I obviously mean RADers. The way she gives huge Nagi-san and Ken-san vibe and the similarity you can notice between her and those two definitely comes from An and Akito's perception of them, I don't need to elaborate on why I think
Rin and Len are the definition of "partner". I mean, An literally said it in Len 1* side story, she don't see them as sibling or lovers, but as singing partner
And each time one of the kids has some trouble with their specific partner, it reflects on Rin and Len, without much surprise.
They probably both has a distinct meaning, I think about Len's fear of being left behind and being kinda jealous in bout for beside you that obviously fit An but also Akito (those two again, Akito and An are as easy to read as open books it seems. Funny cause they're not the one fond of reading- ahem.), But I can't fully grasp it tbh...
I think I should precise I'm only aware of the stories out on EN before I keep going
Because VBS Kaito and Luka have only one focus feat on EN rn (Vivid Old Tale is the current event) so I could be wrong or maybe I've missed something
But oh by God Miku they make me ill I have to elaborate on them
Kaito first, he appeared during SBD, an Akito focus
And the sweet tooth aside, no one would ever think he looks like Akito. You could even say he's the complete opposite, with his airhead behavior and his innate talent. I even saw some people comparing him to Toya
Meanwhile Luka appeared, or she most likely came back, during SDSC, Toya's focus
And... Well she's also an airhead, kinda. People doubt her link to Toya way less than Kaito's one with Akito, but when you look at it she's everything Toya would think he isn't. She's the carefree and emotionnal one who just go with the flow without thinking about the technical side of things much (something Kaito is way better at even he doesn't seem so). Like, she's just... Living at her fullest, you know
They are everything but alike the kid they came around for... So what does it mean ?
Well I would say Kaito and Luka are what Akito and Toya wish they were, kind of. Akito's frustation being depicted during SBD, how he was chasing after Toya all this time and still kind of do
Toya who was compared to Kaito by ppl (not in game as far as I know), and who's also some kind of talented airhead...
Toya's wish to experience new things in SDSC, that part when he mention how he "has done so little with my [his] life..." But how he would catch up now that he can
And the way how if you ask Toya, the one who made him discover than a such freedom was possible, and kind of open the door for him to this carefree world is Akito. And how he would not be here without him
Did I just typed a whole Virtual Singer analysis only to trick you and makes you read about gay parallels- Noooo, what do you mean... I wouldn't dare
More seriously yeah I have an Akitoya illiness so they're the more developped thoughts I have on the topic, but I wish and hope people would dig into this more because I can't grasp every concept by myself
Don't forget how much Akitoya are gays tho-
Bonus part do you know what happen if you swap the A and the K in Akito's name
VBS Kaito and Akito are kind of the two side of ADHD when you think about it. And that makes sense because Kaito comes from Akito so if you combined them you got the combined style of ADHD do you get me-
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