#Also that one bullet point IS supposed to just say Arven. I like him he's got near character design and he's nice
priconstella · 2 years
Scvi thoughts! Negatives and positives.
Tldr; I like the game despite its flaws
Things I like
The world feels alive, there's pokémon everywhere
Theres so many new pokémon I've yet to get near to finding them all
So far it seems that most of them don't have ridiculous evolution methods (unlike legends arceus)
The facial customization is so in depth it's great
The characters have nice designs, even the generic NPCs look nice
Raids have been massively improved, both with the timers, the lack of a turn system, the cheers, and the internet menu! I don't have to wade through other unrelated posts to find raids to join anymore
The map is so much better than swsh's map
Multi-player is massively improved now you can only see the few people you choose to connect with, not a random group of laggy strangers
Most things you can see others doing in multi-player. Battling, terastalizing, setting up picnics, and using the let's go feature can all be seen. I haven't had an evolution while on multi-player yet, but I'm pretty sure that can be seen too.
Multiple storylines give you many options
There's so many areas
I really love the general vibe of the world. I kept running off to fill up my pokedex and only progressed to the first titan because a friend told me I'd get a speed boost and I'd run quicker. Other than that and one gym, I haven't progressed the story at all and there's still plenty for me to explore.
The camera feature!
Being able to change your phone case is a really tiny detail that I like
You can go to classes! And actually learn lore tidbits! (I don't wanna put this in the negative section even tho it is but fuck that math teacher with the rigged question)
Exploring the huge school
And reading all the books in the library
And I've been told there's both midterms and finals so you actually have a reason to pay attention
Mystery (wtf are these stakes I keep finding.)
Things I don't like
No clothing customization
Still can't choose your pronouns, despite supposedly having no gender and only styles, whatever style you choose at the start locks in your pronouns
Shinies don't have noise
The lock on is very unintuitive and often doesn't work
Can't throw pokeballs to catch without battling like in L:A
Can't lock the minimap to north like you can the map
On that note. What the hell is up with the pokemon icons on the minimap. When you look different directions the map moves and so do the pokemon icons and it's clear they're supposed to rotate with it but they *don't.* They rotate strangely and end up in different spots on the map, so it's hard to find their actual point when they could be at any of them. Why don't they rotate normally.
While I honestly haven't had the game breaking glitches I've seen people online have, I have had lots of lag in the menus. The PC and clothing stores don't load models, so when I'm trying to look at things I have to wait for them to load in.
Speaking of, the PC is accessible a movement before it loads. You click box, it loads on top your current and you can move around, and *then* the screen fades to black and opens in the box with proper backgrounds.
And again, nothing gamebreaking or anything constantly or consistently happening, but why did all of the lighting give out and the background severely drop in quality when I choose my starter. I did the opening 3 times and all 3 times or did that. Why.
Sometimes when you start a battle the opposing Pokémon will be a low polygon model. It looks like they were taken from Pokémon rumble.
The camera feature. I can't move while it's open and I can't zoom in. Also, the menus I have to go through to change my profile picture is ridiculous when it should've been built into the camera as an option. Because you have to go to profile before changing your picture, you can't get a picture with all your pokémon in the picnic, because you literally can't open that menu during picnics. You can use the camera and take pictures, you just can't use them as profile pictures.
I hate convergent evolution so much or whatever it's called. I hate wiglett with a burning passion. Just because they have a real life excuse doesn't mean it's not just bad game design that they copy and pasted a Diglett and took away its spine and color
Everytime I leave a shop the camera moves causing me to reenter the shop
You can't use rare candies to evolve unevolved pokémon at Lvl 100 anymore, which seems like a pointless/backwards decision to take that away when they only implemented it last generation
Conclusion: I honesty really like the game. The performance issues are what's most glaring for most people, but I'm just questioning the many tiny decisions to made to include or not include. Why no set mode? Why can't rare candies evolve at 100? Why no shiny noise? So many why's. But I honestly so like the game so far, and I've barely progressed at all.
They removed set mode
There is no more pokerus, supposedly. I'll have to recheck that but I did read it somewhere that it's not attainable in the same anymore
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