#Always good to see more of the funni spoder
anomalytale · 3 years
Part 2 - Snowdin and the Amalgamate
[[strap in folks, this is gonna be long]]
As soon as you leave the ruins, you are confronted with a subversion of the cutscene in which Sans approaches you for the first time in Undertale. This time, you're the one stalking him. When you reach his sentry station, an encounter starts. He is unaware of your presence. One thing that strikes you about him is that his battle sprite is still black and white and is in Undertale's lower resolution.
You pat sans on the shoulder, he says "how many times do I have to tell you to keep your paws off my bones?" before turning around. he is briefly startled. he summons 10 Gaster blasters, but then regains his composure. "heh...ah ah. nah." The blasters disappear. "not even gonna give you the satisfaction." he winks and leaves the battle.
You can find him at his sentry station, where he says he doesn't really have anything to do since the anomaly (aside from overseeing the operations in the ruins) and he can finally relax. Flowey pops out and greets Sans, causing him to flinch again: “i can’t make the same joke twice. so, uh. I’m going to grillby’s”.
[[Going into the forest, you’d encounter monsters I showcased in the snowdin pack. Not much to explain since that pack gave a very in depth look at monsters and group encounter dynamics.I guess I should explain the amalgamate somewhat.]]
The Amalgamate, an amalgamate of all amalgamates, is loose in the forest and will appear as a random encounter. It’s unkillable; only way to end the encounter is fleeing. They always attack first.
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[[still love these guys]]
There's not much else to the area as most monsters are afraid of leaving their home in fear of encountering the Amalgamate. Firedrake being the exception as they recognize him as their son, as well as their son's friends as, well...friends (Jerry not included).
Snowdin Town is lively as ever. As soon as you get there you experience a cutscene showing the D.O.G.S. returning and a casually dressed Asgore asking them if they have any news of Toriel. Dog duo replies that the explosion that engulfed the Ruins was centered on Toriel’s home. Asgore thanks them and leaves for Grillby's, defeated.
Overworld npcs are fairly similar as they couldn't absorb Frisk's soul. Some shed some more light on the world and events. You learn that Papyrus has left for the capital as he is now second in command of the Demon Squad, the institution that replaced the Royal Guard. Also, more info on the ruins disaster: Asgore left New Home in search of Toriel as soon as he received news of the disaster, which allowed Undyne and Alphys to take over the Capital and proclaim themselves as new rulers. Spoder has followed you out of the ruins, and comments on how fresh the air is, something they had seemingly never felt.
Sans leaves his sentry station and can be found in his home as well as Grillby's. He won't leave these 2 places ever and has a few 4th wall breaks where he asks if you are expecting him to follow you around, but makes it clear he wants nothing to do with you. He also informs Asgore has been living in his home. Talking to Asgore reveals that while he and Sans had never been friends, they've grown a lot closer since the ruins disaster. You can find him at Sans's home later, where he wishes he'd let him sleep in Papyrus's room instead of the couch, but makes it clear he's not complaining and he's glad he found someone who doesn't think he's worthless. He also tells you he's afraid of harming you because he killed countless humans, one of them just a week before you showed up. The Royal Guard was disappointed in learning he didn't have the strength to absorb the human souls, freeing them instead. He was overthrown without even resisting.
[[unfortunately i have no art of asgore, just imagine deltarune asgore's sprite here]]
Talking to Flowey, he would tell you that, as much as he enjoyed messing with him, he hates seeing Asgore down and that maybe he would be happier if they met; even if he knows he won’t feel anything in return. However he’s afraid of what he might say. You can encourage him to do so, after which you can watch an optional cutscene in which Flowey reveals his real identity to Asgore. His first reaction is disbelief, but then as he realizes Flowey is really Asriel, he is overtaken by Joy. He hugs the flower disregarding the thorns. “After all this time, I started to give up. I forgot there’s more to life than...loss.” Asgore says, tears in his eyes. Flowey asks if he doesn’t care that he’s in a different form now, but Asgore shakes his head.
After the moment is over, Flowey tells you that maybe the soul in his possession has allowed him to feel again. He thanks you for believing in him and giving him a second chance after what he did in the ruins (you obtain his memento item). Sans barges in and there’s a funny sitcom bit where he hates flowey but doesn’t want to hurt his old, grieving boss’s feelings. [[i just made this part up i thought it would be funny]]
If you try to leave for Waterfall, Sans will block your way. "maybe I've been too harsh on you. you're not a human, are you? i can feel it in your soul. damn. you're...them. i never thought i'd see the day. in front of you lies a path of pain, death and darkness. but you have to be strong. just...please go easy on my brother. he doesn't understand what he's doing."
"and another thing... r u n ."
The amalgamate charges at you, using multiple attacks at once. The only way forward is to run (akin to Undyne's pacifist battle in UT). After a few turns, they will be slowed down by the blizzard, at which point they'll give up. You're free to leave for Waterfall.
You stab sans in the back. He staggers forward. "father...we did it" are his last words, before vanishing into dust.
In genocide, there is not much to do. The Amalgamate will come to rescue firedrake and his friends, at which point you'll have to run. The only way to complete the route, however, is to spare no one, so if you proceed without killing them, The Shadow will appear and end you.
Snowdin is deserted. If you head east, you'll find Asgore blocking your path. "Sans and I were supposed to meet at Grillby's 10 minutes ago. He is never late. He told me not to confront anyone but...killing is the only thing I know how to do. Whatever you are...prepare yourself."
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[[concept art of amalgamate in which they look like an eggplant]]
Asgore uses similar attacks as his UT battle. However, after a few turns, a loud, distorted howl interrupts the fight. Amalgamate joins in. "Are you here to rub salt in the wound?" "Or...YOU! What have you done to the children?! YOU...YOU DEMON!" Amalgamate and Asgore attack in sync. However the old monster is no match for Wally. "Sans...I should have listened." he turns into dust. You can then run away from the fight.
Amalgamate will keep following you into the snowstorm area. With a single ice spell, you can freeze them allowing you to shatter them, killing the abomination for good. You can then proceed to Waterfall.
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