#Am definitely making more of these hell maybe I'll even draw them interacting as scared besties idk
emijnshi · 1 year
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This can't be the only cross over of these two they're literally the same character...
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I'll Leave The Morning After (Billy Hargrove) part 1
Disclaimer/Description: I've had something like this in mind ever since listening to The Morning After by RATT for the first time (if you don't know that song I'd suggest you listen to it while reading this). At first I thought this was obviously a song that fits Billy perfectly. However, I thought it would be more fun if it was a bit different. What if Billy met a girl that was a total badass heartthrob just like him?
How did he end up here again? Oh yeah he was supposed to go on a date with one of Carols friends. Had he known back then that she would drag him to another stupid Highschool party to show him off to her friends, Billy would have never even picked her up in the first place. He definitely had other things in mind when he told her that his parents weren’t home this weekend. He took another sip from his beer, while the giggling girl next to him desperately tried to keep his attention on her. Tina's place was crowded as usual. But since her parents seemed to be out of town every other weekend this wasn't anything special. The same boring people as usual trying their best to feel important.
Suddenly Billy's gaze caught an unfamiliar figure among the party goers. She was sitting on the kitchen counter, dressed in tight leather, lighting what appeared to be a joint. The way she inhaled the smoke while completely ignoring everything and everyone around her coated the stranger in an almost divine aura. Mysterious and dangerous. His view trailed across her figure, from the black leather boots up to the pendant hanging from her neck. Billy almost felt caught when he suddenly met the girls piercing eyes. She smirked at him before taking another pull and moving her attention back to the dancing Highschool students in the middle of the room. He had never seen her here before- damn he had never seen any girl like her in Hawkins before.
"... am I right Billy?"
"Huh?", the voice of Tommy suddenly ripped him from his thoughts, drawing Billy's attention back to his actual company.
"You really showed Harrington who the real King is yesterday at practice!"
"Yeah. But that wasn't even a question in the first place."
"Oh Billy you're so mean." The girl next to him giggled. Hell he had already forgotten what her name was again. Stacy? And why did he still have his arm wrapped around her?
"Hey Stranger."
Billy almost immediately removed his arm from his date and made a step towards the captivating voice as he turned around, immediately meeting her eyes for the second time tonight.
„Hey.“,his bored expression almost shifted in a heartbeat as he licked across his lips, like an animal hunting for prey.
„You looked pretty bored over there so I thought I'd come over and bare you some company.“
„Oh did I? How gracious of you.“,Billy hummed while moving closer to the girl in front of him. God she was even more stunning up close. „Yeah you did. Also I thought I'd ask what all that staring was for. Got anything you want me to know?“, her upfront attitude almost caught Billy off guard, however, he couldn't help but notice the way she moved her eyes across his chest, before taking another pull and blowing the sweet smoke into his face with a suggestive smirk.
„Maybe I do. I'm Billy by the way. And you are-?“
„Doesn't matter.“,she quickly replied as she took a small step back.
„And why's that?“,Billy replied in a low husky tone, enganging in her little game, making another step towards her, reducing the space between them once again.
„Why's that so importnat? Wanna know who's name you'll be screaming tonight?“
She really wasn't the kinda person to take things slow. Which was right up Billy's street. „Maybe I wanna know who'll be screaming mine.“ the curly haired boy hummed with a devilish grin on his face. „You might wanna ask girlie over there about that. I'm sure she'll be happy to volunteer.“, the girl chuckled while moving her head towards Billy's date,who was visibly fuming with anger, desperately trying to make eye contact with Billy.
"Hey I told you guys you can't smoke in here!“ they were suddenly interrupted by Tina's shrieking voice before Billy had the chance to even think about an answer, “-is that Marijuana? Put that out! Now!"
"Sure thing." The girl replied with the sweetest smile, as she took another deep pull before dropping her joint to the floor, stepping on it and making sure to precisely rub the ashes into the perfectly beige carpet.
„What was that for?“
The tall girl didn't even care to answer, she just replied with a cocky grin as she raised her eyebrows at Tina as if she was trying to say „What? Wasn't this what you asked for?“. Billy chuckled at the interaction between the two girls.
„What's so funny Hargrove? Better tell your date to stop acting like that.“, Tina barked at him.
„I'm not his date. No need to worry, doll.“
„Then who are you? Cause this is a private party and I don't think I invited you.“
„Doesn't matter. I was gonna leave anyway. This party isn't quite private enough for my taste.“, she smiled as she moved towards Tina,who was looking rather scared, only to reach to the side table behind her, picking up a pen and ripping a paper from the small notebook next to the telephone.
"Call me when you're done playing with the kids if you like." she said as she scribbled down her number, handed it to Billy and passed the pen to Tommy, who was watching the whole situation awestruck, with a wink.
You think unkindly, simple not sane, know what I mean? Say I'm deliberately sent here to please It's what you need, so I'm here tonight You won't confuse me with somebody else
„But hey at least you got nice music.“, the girl shouted without looking back as she made her way through the dancing High School students towards the front door.
„Who was that?“, Tommy whistled under his breath.
„I have no idea.“ Billy muttered as he watched the stranger vanish in the crowd of  people.
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