#And Elliot hates conflict even tho he starts shit sometimes so he'd begrudgingly back down
riisume · 1 year
I just started designing that oc to be friends(?) with an oc my bestie's gonna design and... I really need to stop falling for my insecure, bitchy ocs but they're always so relatable.
This one's transmasc but he's insecure and struggling with his identity because he's seen people's opinion that if he doesn't conform to gender norms he's invalid as a trans man. His hair is longer, he doesn't want to cut it, so it's harder for him to pass, he likes his birthname (Briar) and doesn't want to give himself a straight-up masculine name & he's nervous about taking T and doesn't really want to.
So he's stuck in a mental limbo, thinking he doesn't belong in the trans community because of these reasons, but he doesn't feel cis-gendered or purely agender either.
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Did a little doodle of him in my sketchbook while I waited for my friend to get back (the t-shirt isn't fr I just drew that on him to give him a shirt-)
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