#And Popopo did not JUST 'kill god for a chili dog'
desultory-novice · 1 month
Okay... Switching gears here... Noir! Have you ever read stories about cool things? Like knights? phantom thieves? Robots? Magicians? cute creatures with super powers? ungodly cosmic horrors beyond our comprehension...? Animals?
(Pay no mind to how weirdly specific these are. Just know Adeleine is absolutely not associated with any of them! :D)
"...Be weird toward my siblings and you'll regret it..."
"Anyway, yeah. I kind of like all genres of what you'd call...cringe fiction, I guess...? The stuff that's supposed to be light-hearted and goofy but then it gets all serious and deep?"
"...I used to make up a lot of stories like that for Adeleine. There was the one about the really tall knight who steals all the food... The band of cat thieves who get tangled up with this giant octopus..."
(Outside of really liking the head honcho cat, I remember she thought the plot for that one was too "silly." I did my best...)
"Then there was the blue-haired robot boy and his mom that even I wonder if I went too far..? Probably went hard on that one cause I was nursing my ego from her reaction to 'Meow Mobsters.'
"And the forest guardians versus the dark warrior."
"...That one..."
"That one kinda came true though....To me."
(Which is still REALLY messed up.)
[Noir's Field Trip Masterpost]
[Surprise Bonus?!]
So, the whole "Young Noir tells Kid Adeleine the plot of DL2 as a bedtime story" was actually an illustration I had planned to complete while I was in the middle of working of Arc 2 of Apologies.
I never managed to get it going quite right and began to fall off of doing those large painterly pieces, so it's stuck in a perpetual work-in-progress state. Might as well share it here though!
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In case you recognize the long comic formatting, it was indeed intended as a parallel to my piece on Noir + Kirby's duel, "Darkened Skies." The goal here was to hint at Blade's defeat of Rick, Coo, and Kine as well as his "abandoning" (rescuing) Gooey.
...But also, (hinted at by Adeleine's "they'd be trapped forever and wouldn't even be able to die" referencing Noir's inability to get out from under Zero's control, even after losing to Kirby) to show that he too was a victim and desperately in need of a hero...
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