#And eeeeeeeeeeh I don't like doing that very much
kakusu-shipping · 1 year
TELL ME ABOUT YOUR MUSHISHI S/I!! Where did he come from?? Does he have a relationship with Ginko or anyone else?? I bet he researches Mushi, right? That seems on brand with you and your curious lil brain
Aaaaah you'd think right. I am once again answering an S/I ask with Actually I have two different Self Inserts for this fandom fdkgjfdkg
The other one, an adult who lives alone and runs a hot spring in the mountains Ginko regularly visits does Research Mushi, and writes about them in his novels. He's part of the ever growing Aro Ginko Polycule, I've talked about him a few times, he's not interesting, just kind of domestic and in love with Ginko who pays him a visit once a year or so.
A lot of my younger self inserts are much more Head Empty than my older ones, the one your asking about especially
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He's a kid inflicted by the Ginko who just showed up one day in Adashino's village. Adashino assumed him some sort of love child of Ginko's and sent a letter telling him to get his ass over here as soon as possible.
He appears about 7 or 8 years old, but it's hard to tell sense his knowledge seems toddler like. He doesn't know how to use chop sticks, or what he can and can't eat, or how to dress himself, and doesn't speak or seem to understand much of what anyone says to him.
He has a bad tenancy to grab Mushi by the handful and shove them in his Tokoyami filled eye, which is what lead Doctor Adashino to bandaging up the opening, sense he assumed that probably wasn't a good thing to be doing.
In the few weeks it took Ginko to arrive, Adashino got pretty attached to the kid, getting rather use to parenting his larger than most toddler. However, like Ginko, if in one place for too long Mushi will begin to swarm around him, making it dangerous for him to stay in the villager, or anywhere for that matter.
It took a lot of convincing, but Ginko eventually agreed to take the kid on as his apprentice, taking him on his travels and teaching him the dangers and nuances of Mushi.
Basically, he becomes Ginko and Adashino's adopted son over time. Whenever he gets to talking he calls Adashino "Papa", but Ginko remains just Ginko or some form of "Master"/"Sensei" when he's learning. He also calls Tanyuu variations of "Mama" or "Auntie", with Tama being "Grandma" exclusively. He doesn't like Kumado at all.
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a-tale-of-legends · 3 months
Okay took a shower, thought about it, here's some ideas for Red's mom ( Legendverse version)
Pallet town born and raised. Was childhood friends with Prof. Oaks son.
Grew up in a..... conservative? Family. In the sense of like. "boys will be boys" but not really expecting their daughter to do much + the kinda. Quiet part of expecting her to find a husband and become a housewife. Like they weren't. Opposed to her doing anything else ( Agatha was from pallet town from pokemas lore and thus I imagine she was an inspiration to all the young girls back then EDIT: Agatha isn't from pallet town I only checked recently. She isn't lol. I still think she was an inspiration to many, but sadly no, she wasn't from pallet town. I feel like pallet town would be a lot different if she was lol. ), but also like. Ya know. "boys will be boys, and girls will be what's expected of them". They were strict or stern in this idea, but it was just. Expected. Am I making sense?????? I dunno.
Anyway, Red's mom kinda just. Never really questioned it growing up bc she never really thought about what she wanted to do. She kinda felt like she couldn't do much? And was kinda fine just. Standing in the background I guess. She didn't get frustrated with this until she got older.
In getting frustrated with herself, she tried to branch out, do different jobs, get into different things but ...she genuinely did not know what she wanted to do. Genuinely. Nothing was bad per say, but nothing was calling to her either. She wanted to be this free bird, doing whatever, being like Miss Agatha but. Nothing.
At some point she, somehow, landed herself an office job in Siph Co. And she was good at it. Very good at it. Which was honestly a surprise to her.
And even so she felt. Stuck. Her job was good, very good, and it pays so well. She even got herself an "office boyfriend". But was she at a point where she felt free and secure in herself? Eeeeeeeeeeh.
Like her main problem was that she was never brave enough to really go All In. She would dip her toes in something before quickly going out and trying something else. Silph Co was arguably the longest she's been invested in something and it still never really made her feel accomplished. Even with her little office boyfriend!
She was honestly considering just going back to Pallet Town, find a husband and live a life that was pretty much expected from her from the jump....
Until she met a fisherman ( I really like the idea of Red's dad being a fisherman lmao)
I don't know how their love story pans out. I just know Red's dad was someone Red's mom really needed at the time ( she was too afraid and a tad bit envious to talk to Oak's son. He had his life figured out as is, and she didn't really want to bother him with her uncertainty). I think he was very gentle and patient with her, as she was to him, and would softly encourage her to go a little deeper in what she wanted to try. And that it was okay if she wasn't feeling said thing.
I think her arc is like. Acknowledging both her frustration in wanting to do more with herself but also acknowledging that there's some things that she just doesn't vibe with and shouldn't force herself to vibe with bc she wants to be this grandiose person. Like being secure and comfortable with herself is ultimately the main goal, and Red's dad really helped her with that.
And that's not to diminish her little adventures! She's very proud of herself for getting out of her comfort zone even if it wouldn't last long. She has a tattoo!! Never in her life did she think she'd get one,but she does! And she actually got into fishing :)
As for her like. Becoming a stay at home mom as of FRLG/ RBGY.....I don't think she's upset. If this happened to her younger self then yeah, she would have been so disappointed in herself, but now she sees it as her being happier and more secure than she ever was before. So I think, to her, things turned out alright. She looks back in her past with pride I think.
This is getting long but I want to touch upon one more thing: this woman knows death and grief. She knows it well. My hc is that both of Blue's parents died at some point, and chances are the same for her husband. And even before all that, I imagine her folks kicking the bucket somewhere in her early adult hood. And then, years later, her son runs away without a word and she's left to wonder if he's even alive. It's a truly scary thought. So yes, she knows grief. But she tries so hard to be optimistic. Hope for a better tomorrow. It can be very hard, but she does try.
Aaaaaand that's it. Shower thoughts are crazy man.
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