#And she doesn't give up. She's stronger than she appears. Not to mention Zoro of course.
Just because....
... an animal doesn't bite...
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... or a bird can't fly....
... doesn't mean they never will.
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zoros-bandana · 2 years
Strawhats with a Fem Reader who has the highest bounty in the Strawhats, like CRAZY high, like more than enough to make even Luffy’s the size of a peanut. The reason? She did a bunch of crazy achievements during the 2 years of training, like stealing one of the most national treasures in the world, overthrowing a corrupted ruler single-handedly, or worst (best) of all, actually killing a Celestial Dragon to save someone? When they reunite, she’s still her sweet self, but heavily stronger.
(additional note: "could you also add in that the reader has a DEAD alert on? Like no, DEAD OR ALIVE alert on her bounty, just DEAD")
Strawhats x High Bounty S/o
(ft. Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Nami, Usopp, Robin, Franky)
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When the new posters are delivered he is very conceited about his own bounty and expects it to be very high
Along with the rest of the crew, he is shocked to discover his s/o has a ridiculously high bounty - his jaw practically drops to the floor
Is very impressed by her efforts and begs her to tell him how she did it so he can get his just as high
Will listen very carefully to what they say and adds in some 'ooos' and 'ahhs' every now and then when it is something very impressive
Is probably one of the only people (besides maybe Chopper) who isn't horrified when she mentions she killed a celestial dragon but is starstruck and deeply more in love with her
When it's announced her poster says dead he again is one of the only ones who think it's something impressive
Will proudly show off his s/o and boast about her all the time, if someone like Usopp makes a comment, he'll say something like "well yeah but you don't have (y/n)'s bounty"
Is probably asleep when the posters arrive so doesn't care too much - will only wake up to the massive commotion upon seeing his s/o's high bounty
Is a mixture of impressed, proud, and surprised seeing how high her bounty is but doesn't think much of it, unlike the rest of the crew that are already prying her for answers
Will stay to hear the stories but doesn't physically appear to be impressed - has a still face for everything she lists - except for killing a celestial dragon, where he, much like the crew, are horrified
When it is announced her poster only says dead he is a little fearful of his s/o but is still very proud and happy that someone so strong and powerful is his own
Decided it needs a celebration and grabs both him and his s/o a drink (if his s/o doesn't drink it's just an excuse to have two drinks)
Only privately admits how impressed and proud he is of her and how he never expected her to grow so strong so quickly - his comment only inviting a sparing match between them
Is probably busy in the kitchen or pampering his s/o when the posters are delivered - runs out when there's commotion about her bounty
Near faints hearing her bounty but quickly recovers giving her a very tight hug and boasting how proud he is and how much he loves her
Will make some sly comment to Zoro about how his s/o's bounty is higher than his and how he got beaten by a girl
Upon hearing why her bounty is so high he is very shocked for every reason and is worried for her safety, even more knowing she killed a celestial dragon and her poster only says dead on it
Vows to protect her even more and thinks all these things she has done have been traumatic and pampers her twice as much as usual
Hangs up the poster somewhere in the kitchen like a proud parent so he can always look at it
Like Luffy is very intrigued about the posters and rushes to see her and her s/o's bounty (doesn't exactly care about her own bounty just what her picture looks like)
Will be the one to alert the rest of the crew of her s/o's bounty by a loud exclaim - a mixture of confusion and horror
Screams even worse seeing the dead part on the poster and becomes very fearful of her s/o's life - may even request Sanji to be a bodyguard for her
Is very demanding that she explain what happened and how her bounty is so high
Will stop her mid reasoning to hear about her stealing the national treasure and asking about it/how much it is worth/where she keeps it/if she can keep it instead
Like everyone she is horrified that her s/o killed a celestial dragon - is pretty mad that her s/o was so reckless and has higher chances of being killed etc
Will admit privately she is actually very worried about her and her safety but is proud that her s/o did all those things as she never thought those would be things she would be comfortable to do
Is excited to see the posters being delivered and makes a bet with his s/o that his will be higher bounty - is very cocky about it
Very distraught learning he lost the bet - probably even more so than hearing exactly how much her bounty is worth
Has a mini panic attack with every reason his s/o lists off why her bounty is so high and near faints when she mentions she killed a celestial dragon
Tries to play it cool and he isn't scared by acting like he will protect her and be her bodyguard now she is a very wanted woman
In private will admit that he may be a little scared about her safety and how she got the high bounty as he never expected it but will protect her non the less
Has lots of praise and encouragement about the bounty when reminded about the bet to make her go easy on him so he doesn't have to do the punishment
Isn't overly fussed about the posters but will join in when everybody is gathering around to find out about the bounties
Doesn't really care that much - even over her own - but is quick to gain interest in her s/o's
Is very impressed and proud of her s/o - affectionately shows it - until they discover her poster only says dead, making her very concerned
When her s/o explains what she has done, she will just sit there silently nodding and understanding with a smile on her face
When she mentions the celestial dragon killing, however, she gets very concern and motherly lecturing her about how dangerous it is and how she could have died
Once the commotion has died down she reassures her how much she loves her and is proud of her, but keeps the celestial dragon thing for moments of recklessness to hold over her
Is curious about the posters when they arrive but doesn't rush over to them like some of the other crew until his s/o's bounty causes commotion
Thinks it is 'super' cool that her bounty is high and is extremely proud of her - even after it is announced her poster only says dead
Happily listens to her reasoning for why it is so high with a very proud and goofy smile on his face - drops it once she mentions the celestial dragon
Is reasonable enough to know how dangerous it is to be concerned but at the same time, he still thinks its impressive that someone so small and timid can pull off something like that
Makes some inappropriate comment on how to celebrate her victory in front of everyone - Robin will get scary mad and at him and call him a pervert for saying it on front of Chopper
Like Sanji, will proudly boast and show off his s/o and her poster somewhere where everyone can see it
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