#And since Yuuka likes visiting seasonal flowers it's not even that unlikely on the mountain. Surprisingly workable ship.
Sannyo's Flowers
You occasionally see art of Sannyo with flowers: [link to an example by Kajatony]
The reason for this is not only that Sannyo Komakusa is named after the Komakusa flower, but also that she named and themed her Spellcards after Japanese mountain flowers.
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Mountain Sign "Heaven-Shaking Kumomagusa" / Mountain Apparition "Astonishing Kumomagusa" (depending on difficulty)
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Mountain Sign "Usuyukisou Shining with Bewitching Light" / Mountain Apparition "Usuyukisou of Thronging Crowds of Youma" (depending on difficulty)
And of course, her namesake
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Mountain Flower "Komakusa of Massacre" / Mountain Flower "Mountain Queen of Massacre" ( depending on difficulty)
Even her nonSpells resemble flowers.
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Its extremely cute that instead of modeling them after smoke, or gambling, she chose some of her favorite mountain flowers. She has very unique tastes, especially the Usuyukisou which aren't quite conventionally beautiful but they definitely look like lasers with sunlight shining off of them. Though they certainly have their charm shining in the sunlight.
She actually has a few flowers in her den in Lotus Eaters as well
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We aren't likely to be seeing them in Lotus Eaters again since Sannyo can only keep them on the mountain, but it's really great we got to see them when we did. It's nice knowing she canonicaly takes care of some in addition to modeling her Spellcards after them.
Also last but not least, the Title Lotus Eaters gave her was.
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a very appropriate, and poetic title for her; and it explains why she loves tough mountain flowers so much. she's a bit of a mountain flower herself after all.
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