#And so go it's canon now that yamato is a man and okiku is a woman and visits the women's bath
enigmasong · 2 years
Seeing some twat both sides-ing the Yamato gender 'issue' and I am so fucking livid right now.
And it's like, god, do I bother directly responding to the post and getting into an argument I know is not going to go anywhere but in circles as this centrist dumbass keeps insisting on caring about the feelings of those who don't want to see trans people as people?
No, there is no argument to be made for both sides of the 'argument'. One side's position is that Yamato uses male pronouns and calls himself a man and the other side's is She has Boobs no matter what anyone else including the author says.
The most sickening part of it, though, was this person insisting that we should be civil about this.
About ten days ago, a sixteen year old trans girl, Brianna Ghey, got fucking murdered for being trans.
And you can't say arguing about a fictional character's pronouns doesn't matter to that, because it very much does.
Canon, positive trans representation (as well as for every social minority) matters because it tells the stasis quo that does not want us to exist and will go so far as to kill us to make sure of that that we do exist and that we are people.
Us having a problem with people using whatever flimsy argument to say a character who calls himself a man in the text of the story isn't is not just a petty disagreement - it is a matter of survival.
Because if someone cannot accept a canon trans character, I can't trust them to accept that I am an agender person and I cannot trust them to see me as a person at all because of it. And if I cannot trust them to see me as a person, I cannot trust them to not kill me.
Yamato is a man with boobs and a vagina. This is a canon fact, Yamato directly says it, all the characters around him readily accept it, and even his abusive father calls him such without hesitation. There is no argument to be made otherwise - it is not a delusion just because you think you can get away with calling his reasoning for transitioning that. And trying to convince people otherwise is transphobia.
Letting those people get away with it is transphobia.
Yamato is trans. Okiku is trans. Mr 2 Bon Clay is trans. Iva is trans. Inazuma is trans.
Eiichiro Oda is someone who writes positive trans characters. Maybe not perfectly all the time, but he cares about us and sees us as people. (And, given the way he talks about himself in the SBS, is probably in some way trans himself).
I am trans. I am agender. I have boobs and am perfectly happy with them. I am a person who deserves to exist.
I do not want to be murdered for being who I am.
But I will fight you to the death to protect the characters that tell me it's okay for me to exist.
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