#And yes - the subtitles spelt the name ''Johnathon'' (oh yes - my dream TV shows had subtitles LOL) and I know that's not quite usual lol
asinglemagpie · 1 year
So my dreams were a bit wild last night. Apparently I was considering the "get a free Amazon Prime trial" situation before I fell asleep because my brain created for me both season 2 of "Good Omens" and season 3 of "Picard" despite me knowing nothing about either.
"Good Omens" premise was that one brunch Crowley had accidentally proposed to Aziraphale, who paused a moment before continuing on with the conversation like it hadn't happened. This caused Crowley to decide that, no matter what, he was going to get a "yes" out of the angel, even if he hadn't really intended to propose in the first place. The more frustrated he got, the more elaborate his clothing. My first favourite is a stunning navy off-the-shoulder gown which he wore to go do the grocery shopping, and my second was that he had run out of things to wear or add to his clothes, so he disappears and comes back wearing a gold curtain rail with the dark curtains still on it like a cape behind him. The whole joke, it seems, is that everyone just accepted his outbursts of fashion - except for Aziraphale, who is getting increasingly concerned, and secretly amused. I woke up before the end of the last episode of the "season".
The "Picard" premise was much hazier, and on close inspection the timelines wouldn't have really worked, and contradict known canon. Any which way, there is a settlement under threat, and I remember very little - or there was very little - of it in the dream. What was very much the core was Picard and Crusher. They end up spending a lot of time together, and they reminisce a lot. Photos come out and they're sat with them up on the screen, and there's a picture of a young Beverly with a boy in his mid-to-late teens. He asks her who that is and she quietly says that's her son Johnathon, he passed away not long after that picture. Picard is shocked he never knew about the boy - after all they'd known each other almost their whole lives. Turns out that before she met her future husband, she and Picard had a short but serious relationship for a few years in the academy - they had recently decided to go separate ways when she found out she was pregnant but she didn't want to tell him and ruin his plans, because he would have stayed behind to be with them - or join family ships with them which wouldn’t have given him the same career trajectory - so she quietly had the baby and because of the kind of support Starfleet gave families she was able to raise him and continue training to become a doctor. Of course Picard does the math eventually and asks the important question - was that his son? And it was. He has questions - why did she never say, why did Wes never say he had an older brother? Somehow Johnathon died before Wes was born (see, I said that the timeline doesn't work!) and she never really talked about it, and Jack respected that. She ends up mortally wounded in the fight to protect the settlement, and after a long heart-to-heart that resolves it all, he takes her home to be buried with her son.
Needless to say I don’t feel very rested lmao.
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