#Anne yuri x Dan Moroboshi
harveybwabbit92 · 9 months
{Akari finds out she and her mom aren't from the universe she was born in.]
Akari, to her father: What do you mean I'm not from this world? Stop messing with me.
Seven: Unfortunately I'm not, A few years ago I met Anne. Not your mother Anne; Another Anne. She explained everything to me, She and your mother had somehow switched places. My An-Uh, Your mother Anne ended up here, in this universe. And the other Anne ended up in mine; That's why I didn't sense you when you were born, cos you weren't there in my universe.
Akari: So, I was never supposed to be here?
Seven: I didn't say that, I think this universe called you here for a reason. I think you were meant to protect it even before you were born.
Akari: Why me? Why not anyone else?
Zero, looking through one of Anne's diaries: I don't think there was anyone else.
Akari: Whaddya mean?
Zero: I mean miss Anne did her homework on this world's history. Cos according to this no other ultras have appeared on this Earth. Ever, until you. ...And I guess us now.
[The explanation Seven gives Akari is a slight retcon/call back to that one episode of ultraman Leo where "Anne" showed up along with her adopted alien son; said son ended up being the big bad of week and Dan defeated him by having a telekinetic battle with the kid.]
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chernobog13 · 6 years
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“Ultraseven X” was an adult-oriented Ultra series that ran for 12 episodes in 2007.  It was a cross between Ultraseven and “The X-Files” (which probably accounts for the “X” in the title). 
This is not a modernization of Ultraseven as some people assumed, but rather his adventures in an alternate universe with a new host.  The full story is gradually revealed over the 12 episodes, and viewers eventually learn that in order to save his “home” universe (known as the M-78 universe) and this new universe from some really nasty bad guys, Ultraseven come to the new universe and take a new host.  This is accomplished by the main protagonist putting on the Ultra Eye and transforming.  At the end of the series, with the bad guys defeated, the Ultra Eye returns to the M-78 universe.  There we find an older Dan (Keji Mortsugu) Moroboshi  and Anne (Yuriko Hishimi) Yuri waiting for it at the other side of the portal.
One of the things that set this series apart from others in the Ultraman franchise, other than the fact that children were not the target audience, is that Ultraseven X spent a great deal of time normal-sized.  Now, I haven’t seen every single Ultra series yet, but this seems unique to me.
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himitsusentaiblog · 7 years
Top 5 Ultra Heroines!
This is part of my contribution to the second @week-of-toku-ladies celebration of women in Tokusatsu!  This list celebrates the non-powered heroines of the Ultraman series who work for the various defense organizations or other support teams that defend the Earth from aliens and monsters alongside the giant heroes!  This is also perfectly times as today (July 17, 2017) is the 51st Anniversary of the airdate for the original Ultraman!
Let’s get started with:
5) Elly from Ultraman Max
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Eri (played by Hikari Mitsushima) in a gynoid operator who works for defense agency DASH (Defense Action Squad Heroes). Elly is fascinated by human behavior and wishes to be more human. She does he best to blend with her human colleagues and eventually even cries twice in the course of the series. 
4) Naomi Yumeno from Ultraman Orb
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The most recent heroine on this list and the only one to not work for a defense organization.  Instead, Naomi (played by Miyabi Matsuura) is the head of the SSP (Something Search People) who investigate paranormal and alien related events for their online journal. She becomes involved with Gai, the human form of Ultraman Orb and it turns out the two have a much closer tie than either of them initially thought.
3) Konomi Amagai from Ultraman Mebius
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Originally a preschool teacher before being recruited into Crew GUYS, Konomi (played by Misato Hirata) is a kind and gentle member of the team. She worries often about her place on the team and worries she’s not brave enough to be a part of a group defending the Earth from attack. She has a special bond with some of the monsters including Miclas, who will only obey her, and the tiny version of Eleking named Lim.
2) Akiko Fuji from the original Ultraman
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The radio operator of the team, Akiko (played by Hikoki Sakurai) doesn’t often get to go on missions but she has proven herself capable in the field.  She once became a giant under the influence of an evil alien and threatened the city. In a lot of ways, she is often the voice of reason and the least likely to fly off half-cocked when things get bad.
1) Anne Yuri from Ultraseven
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Portrayed by Yuriko Hishimi, Anne had two major roles on the team. Much like Akiko, she was the communications operator but she was also the team nurse, often working in the Ultra Squad medical unit to help injured teammates recover. She has feelings for her teammate, Dan Moroboshi and was the member he eventually revealed his true identity as Ultraseven to.  In some later media, the two are shown to be a couple (as seen in the final episode of Ultraseven X from 2007)
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harveybwabbit92 · 1 year
{How Ultraseven and Zero met Akari, Ultraseven (Dan Moroboshi) returns to earth after 55 years along with his son Zero (Shin Moroboshi) to investigate a strange techno-organic monster that suddenly attacked them, the only clue to the mystery was piece of scrap metal baring the emblem of the Ultra-Guard.]
Shin, to Dan while walking down a street: So what’s it like to be on Earth again dad?
Dan, looking up a large LED screen on the side of a building: Certainly more brighter then I recall, *Noticing someone on their cellphone* and their technology has certainly come long way from my time with the guard... 
[they stop by a park and Dan gets a nostalgic look on his face watching the children play volleyball.]
Dan: Though it’s good to see some things haven’t changed much. Y’know I had some pretty good times on this planet, left a lot of memories behind...Y’know just up this way we-...
{Meanwhile in the shop behind them a robbery is taking place, the robbers make the customers line up and take-out their valuables... and one of them gets to the last customer a teenage girl with a guitar case on her back, wearing a gray baggy hoodie and ripped shorts who seemed to be oblivious to the situation is calmly reading a magazine, the robber annoyed at being ignored goes up to her grabs the girl by her shoulder making her turn around to face him; revealing she had ear buds in. She glares at him and takes them out to see what he wants? after short exchange with the robber making a big show of waving his weapon around and the girl calmly nods puts the magazine back on the rack, opens the guitar case on her back and....!]
(Cue Dan and Shin jumping back in shock as they witness the window behind them explode and a man land at their feet, with a large ax resembling Seven’s Eye-slugger buried in his stomach, they watched as the ax levitated and flew back to it’s owner a teenage girl, Dan goes rigid when he saw the girl’s face she looked just like Anne! meanwhile the man on the ground turns to his stunned crew.]
Thug leader: Don’t just stand and watch idiots! GET HER! 
{The men morphed revealing that they were all aliens including the man on the ground, the girl lazily rest her ax on her shoulder as looks at them unfazed.]
Mystery Girl: Oh...It’s gonna be like that eh? Ok!...
(in seconds blinding light envelops the girl, causing everyone to cover their eyes, when it faded, everyone was stunned to see a human sized Ultrawoman standing in the girl’s place!)
Mystery Ultra, Spins her Slugger-Ax ready to fight: Let’s dance boys!
(While watching the teenage ultra fight the robbers, Shin couldn’t help but notice that she looked an awful lot like his dad...)
Shin, laughs in disbelief: Heheh, Well, Looks like you had a really good time on Earth, eh dad?...(slowly looks at Dan) Seems like you left a little more then just memories behind...
Dan, whose blue in the face sweating:...Oh.
(Cut to later where Dan and Shin track the girl down and find her living in the slums of the city’s Alien district. Where she confirms her identity as Akari Yuri, daughter of Anne Yuri and Dan Moroboshi...)
[Akari’s ultra form does resemble her father quite a bit, except her eyes and face are bit more rounded and she has three slugger like fins on her head, two small ones that kind or look like Zero’s and a large one in the middle that resembles a ponytail.
Her main weapon the Slugger ax: the one time Akari managed to grow passed 4meters to a full 46meters, But that was when she wasn’t thinking about her own problems and was focused on protecting and saving her friends, She managed to fight with her Slugger blade, however once her three minutes were up and Akari returned to her human form, the slugger blade didn’t disappear or reattach to her head like it was supposed to... it just shrank with her, and a new one grew in it’s place, though the new one couldn’t detach like the first one did...(Believe me she tried.)
 So, Akari got creative she grafted the slugger to a pole made from king joe metal and started training herself to use it, Before long Akari found out she could manipulate the Ax’s size and create energy sluggers that she can control telepathically when she spins the the ax around, and since she can levitate the Slugger-ax telepathically; Akari can use it to fly around for brief time. But Akari must be very cautious when using her Slugger-ax as it requires a lot of energy use and if she isn’t careful Akari can easily wear herself out..]
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harveybwabbit92 · 1 year
[Akari sits by herself silently seething. Earlier Ultraseven tried to parent her after he’d been absent her whole life, and she took exception to that and stormed off to be alone.]
Akari: The nerve of that deadbeat, He left, and now suddenly he swoops in thinking he can just boss me around? No thanks!
[A Pigmon curiously approaches her, Akari is not in the mode to play..]
Akari, to Pigmon: Beat it...I don’t wanna see ya right now.
[Pigmon chirps sadly, but perks up upon hearing giant footfalls and sees Ultraman Zero approaching, Akari while glares up at him.]
Zero: Akari...
Akari: I have nothin’ to say to you... So go back to Dan or Seven or whatever he’s calls himself! And leave me alone!
[Zero notices the Pigmon and holds his hand out the Pigmon runs up to him. climbs on and starts chirping frantically while pointing at Akari.]
Zero : Please continue.
[Pigmon talks to Zero]
Zero: No, no. It’s nothing you did, That’s my sister....Erm...half sister. 
Pigmon: zu?
Zero: Yeah...We just met a few days ago, Long story. Our dad kinda walked out on her mom not knowing she was carrying my sister....Things are kinda tense right now.
Pigmon: Nu?
Zero, sighing: I Hate being in the middle. Y’know? but I get what she’s going through.
Akari’s perspective Zero is speaking Pigmon: Nuu, uh, qwe, nunar, neep'.
Akari, staring at him in disbelief : ….Are you talking to that Pigmon?
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harveybwabbit92 · 1 year
[Mirror knight and Jean-Nine come back from patrol to find the base in chaos, a worried Zero, Ultra Seven and Z are standing outside the restroom trying to convince Akari to come out. While Jean-bot glares at a very guilty looking Glenfire.]
Mirror Knight: Dare I ask?
Glenfire: Zero, Ultra Seven and that Z kid are all pissed at me and Akari’s been crying for at least an hour and we can’t get her out the restroom.
Mirror Knight: What did you do?
Glenfire: It didn’t seem that bad at first.
Mirror Knight: Glen...
Glenfire, puts his hands up: Okay, maybe playing ‘whose family is the most dysfunctional’ wasn’t the best idea I’ve ever had...
[Context: Akari did not have the best life on Earth. Her mother Anne died when she was still very young and it was really traumatic for Akari, That and she was bulled and ostracized by the community because her obviously being an alien; (i.e.: the slow aging and healing factor.) it caused Akari to to have an identity crisis, she constantly struggles with her human and ultra identity, and because of this her abilities are completely outta synch.]
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harveybwabbit92 · 4 months
[Anne is driving up the side of a mountain road.]
Dan, looking out the window: Damn, that's pretty steep!
[Meanwhile Anne is white knuckle gripping the steering wheel trying not look.]
Anne, curtly: Dan, shut the hell up!
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harveybwabbit92 · 6 months
Anne, as she and Dan run from alien invaders: This is the worst plan ever!
Dan: Well, wait 'til you hear Plan B!
Anne: What's Plan B?!
[They round a corner and are surrounded by alien guards]
Dan: ...I don't actually have one.
Anne: *facepalms*
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harveybwabbit92 · 5 months
{Zero and Akari somehow find themselves in the past in the original world Anne lived in before getting transported the kaiju world, the siblings are sitting in a cafe trying to figure out their next move when this very pretty lady in a white sundress walked by stunning Zero.]
Akari: I don't know how long we'll be stuck here for, So our first and best course of action is to stay out of dad's sight...
Zero, leans out of his seat checking the woman out: Uh-huh.......
Akari: Zero?
Zero: Sorry, I was distracted by...She is gorgeous.
[Akari looks at the lady her brother is drooling over and gets a disturbed look on her face.]
Akari, looks her brother mortified: That's my mom!
Zero, flabbergasted: w-What?
{A few second later they see a flustered Dan show up and apologize to Anne for being late for their date.]
Zero, goes green:....Well, Crap.
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harveybwabbit92 · 5 months
{A female alien Salome and Anne are having a cat fight over Dan who awkwardly stands between them both, while Zero and Akari who had traveled back in time watch on from distance.]
Akari, cheering on Anne: Yeah, kick that bitch's ass mom!
Zero, in disbelief: Argh! It's not fair! How in the hell does dad get two beautiful girls fighting over him? When he has the looks and personality of a croquet mallet!
{Akari shushes him as Dan whips his head around in the direction the siblings were hiding in causing Akari and Zero to duck out of sight.]
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harveybwabbit92 · 5 months
{Dan and Anne are chasing an alien who ran into a building, Dan tries the glass door and finds it's locked, Anne decides to have a bit of fun with him.]
Anne: You know, I used to pick locks when I was younger.
Dan, looks bemused: really?
Anne: Yeah, this is a pretty standard one; not too hard to figure out. just watch what I do.
Dan: Ok...
{Dan curiously watches as Anne reaches for the door... when she quickly bends down; picks up a rock and throws it through the glass door shattering it.]
Anne, giggles at his dumbfounded face: All done, let’s go.
Dan, picking his jaw off the floor:....That's fair. (follows her)
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harveybwabbit92 · 9 months
Dan: No one can hurt me if I’m cold and detached and not emotionally invested in anyone.
Anne: Hi Dan.
Dan, heartbeat skyrockets: Crap...
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harveybwabbit92 · 10 months
{Fall of Earth au.]
Seven, To Akari about her job: So a Kaiju hunter, huh? (chuckles) Oh, I bet Anne is up to her neck with worry about you.
Akari: Not really, Mom died. No one worries about me.
{Seven stares at Akari startled and slowly realizes she's not joking; he feels his chest tighten and starts to hyperventilate, he felt his legs go numb and almost fell over until Akari made him sit down.]
Seven, finally able to find his voice: I- How...wh-When?
Akari:...a long time ago.
Seven: Did...Did she go in peace?
Akari, shakes her head: No, there was nothing peaceful about it. I was six when she was murdered, They came looking for you but found us instead, she made me hide in a cupboard.*takes a breath* ...And they tore her apart.
Seven, stands up and walks over to Akari:...
Akari, glaring at him: What?
{Akari wasn't expecting Seven to suddenly hug her.]
Seven: I'm sorry, I know you probably hate me and I'll understand if you never forgive me. But know that I loved your mother very much, and had I known about you I would've found a way to come back, even if meant risking banishment from my own home world.
Akari, backs out of Seven's hug: ...You're right, I won't forgive you. But I can learn to move forward and try to make things good enough.
Seven: Good enough, I like the sound of that.
{Later Akari brings Seven to the makeshift grave she made for Anne, it was right on the beachfront of the lake Dan and Anne had last spoke to each other.]
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harveybwabbit92 · 27 days
Dan: You might not know this, Anne, but I am a very flawed person.
Anne: I do know that.
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harveybwabbit92 · 9 months
Anne: Would you please not Dan this into a worse situation than it already is?
Dan: Hold on, did you just use my name as a verb?
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harveybwabbit92 · 4 days
[An old classmate of Anne's who she did not get along with approaches Dan(Seven) inviting him back to her hotel but he turns her down.]
Anne's Classmate: Sure you don't want to come back to my hotel room?~
Dan: As flattered and… intimidated as I am by your proposition, why me?
Anne's Classmate: I love taking what Anne wants.
Dan: Me? No, Anne doesn't want me.
Anne's Classmate: Yeah, she probably doesn't know it yet herself, but I do!~
[She goes in for a kiss but Dan notices Anne watching them; he moves out of the way and the woman falls forward into a fountain behind them and looks up in disbelief at Dan who looks down at her with disgust.]
Dan: Why would you think I'd anywhere with a woman like you? *turns to leave*
Anne Classmate, in the fountain: Aren't you at least going help me up?
Dan: Why don't you help yourself? that seems to be the only thing you're good at, bye!~
Anne's classmate: What the hell? you were kind before!
Dan: Yeah, cos I thought you were Anne's friend, but now that I see the real you I got no reason to be nice. (Walks away)
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