#Anyway I can't wait for pt 2 aaaaaaaa
lexicals · 5 years
First of all. I love vespa SO much. I know I said the same thing about jet last episode but like they're all so good is the thing I love All of them so much
Second it's so fucking nice to have Another of my hcs confirmed...... first aroace jet & now trans vespa penumbra you are SPOILING me
As for the actual episode though. First thing is that I really enjoyed that first section, going from "wtf is going on with peter" to "wait hang on. That's not peter" but I think the interesting thing is that as a listener, you can put two and two together pretty quickly because we know nureyev & that while he might be a little bit of a dick, he's not a complete asshole, whereas vespa really doesn't know him at all and therefore finds it harder to tell the difference. I'm wondering how much of her distaste for nureyev (& juno as well) has to do with conflating the very harsh versions of them that she hallucinates vs what they're actually like
Also the fact that she considers herself a has-been? Which we know is something nureyev also struggles with? I'm really hoping for some kind of reconciliation between these two next episode because it seems like nureyev is someone that vespa is projecting a lot of her insecurities onto - a thief (with some assassin-like tendencies) in the height of his career (at least in vespa's eyes) and one with a shadowy past & a motive to betray them, someone that buddy made the decision to hire despite vespa's opinions to the contrary. That's a whole lot of her issues bundled up & represented in one person so I don't think it's any wonder that he seems to be the focal point for her nastier hallucinations
Noah sounds like he’s having a fucking ball though
On a lighter note I'M SO PROUD OF JUNO HE'S DOING SO WELL & TRYING SO HARD I LOVE HIM SO MUCH & I MISSED HIM. "Oh wow I'm yelling really loud aren't I" ma'am I love you
Also the fact that juno "everything that ever goes wrong is my fault" steel is saying "hey, this wasn't my fault, it was yours, could we maybe get an apology for your fuck up" is definitely a step in maybe not entirely the right direction with the blame game but for sure a different one
Why was he walking around in the middle of the night though huh. Juno were you texting your boy & got worried when he stopped replying is that it
Why was jet yelling...... was he stuck in there? Jet why were you yelling like that
Jet's little "hello!" absolutely murdered me on impact I straight up Barked
Side note. I can't believe we ACTUALLY got the juno & vespa buddy cop adventure that I've been dreaming of once AGAIN penumbra thank you for my fucking life
Can't believe rita is corrupting jet with her conspiracy theories either that's so fucking funny. Yeah they broke him
*Cocks gun* Ship's haunted.
Seriously though what the fuck is up with nureyev seemingly going walkabout. What
If we're talking a non-human but biological invader.... dark matters? I'm thinking of those things they were using in day that wouldn't die, but then again those might've been mechanical. Still if this is something that's followed them off-planet maybe they weren't as successful in their getaway as they thought
If the setup for this episode was that they can't go ahead with the main part of the mission until juno & vespa can get along I have really high hopes for them resolving their issues by the end of next episode. I'm so happy I cannot wait oh my god
Additions after listening a second time:
Rly interesting listening to that first convo keeping in mind that nureyev isn't actually there, love that
I had this thought the first time through but kind of dismissed it for reasons I'll mention in a second: are.... all of them hallucinating? Jet definitely sounded like he was fighting with someone, and was ready to brain juno & vespa before he realised it was them, even though there was no-one else in the room with him. Juno was wandering around the ship with his gun out for some reason. If the ship is losing air they could be suffering from a lack of oxygen maybe? The only thing about this is that I can't think how all three of them would be seeing the exact same hallucination at the end there
The other option I'm thinking about is that it's something to do with that small rat-like thing that vespa saw & then dismissed - something small enough to get past juno & vespa & maybe make them think that the door opened by itself? & something small enough to keep making small holes in & out of the hull perhaps. This is going back to the whole dark matters tech thing a little bit
Why was jet in the docking bay in the middle of the night anyway. Why are so many people awake and wandering around at this hour. Juno can be pretty paranoid at times too, I'm wondering if he's in a similar situation to vespa where he woke up from a nightmare involving nureyev, tried to contact him to confirm that it was just a dream & got himself worked up about it when he didn't answer? & I guess jet is also a bit of an insomniac when he can't get his thoughts to slow down. Still though??
What the hell is that glowing thing nureyev is holding?? Huh?????
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