#Anyway the first group judge was really impatient and I don't think she liked him
pawsitivevibe · 1 year
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This is frankly a silly amount of ribbons to be given when you haven't earned them. I do think it's weird that conformation shows still give you ribbons when you're the only dog of your breed to show up. Is he the Best of Breed or is he Only of Breed.
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bughead-ficz · 7 years
Don't Touch Her//Bughead Fanfiction (C5)
Chapter 5- Pools Of Red ☾☾☾ Red was all he could see. Pools and pools of deep red. The threatening colour dripped down, swimming around in his mind. After Jughead joined the Serpents, he was relieved. Sure, he was overcome with many emotions when he first put on that leather jacket. Was he good enough? Would he be dragged into the illegal sides of the Serpents? Would Betty accept him? But those thoughts were drowned out by an involuntary smile plastered onto his olive-coloured face. Jughead Jones was a Serpent. He'd been accepted, for once in his life. He was happy. But most of all relieved. Now, he had a whole new family who had his back, would protect him from future threats and would protect Betty from future threats. All the Serpents were fond of blonde-haired, sun kissed skin, green-eyed Betty Cooper for a variety of reasons. Firstly, most of the older generation Serpents had watched her grow up with Jughead. A few of them even recalled the time where FP had told them about when younger Jughead had rushed home from school, eager to tell the story of the little girl, Betty Cooper. Jughead had told FP all about how the blonde girl had given him a black crayon when his own had broken. The older Serpent's hearts had melted for a split second, forgetting all about their manliness. Even FP found himself proud of Alice Cooper's youngest. Speaking of Alice, she was the second reason. FP and Alice had a fling in the past, and she'd even been a committed Serpent. Until one day, months after FP and Alice had broken up, she turned up pregnant with Hal's child. She was forced to leave the Serpents. The child was never born and they all never found out why, but now Alice was gone, had a new posh persona and was trapped with Hal. All the Serpents saw her as a close sister back when she was in the gang, all except FP. He soon moved on after he met Gladys, Jughead and Jellybean's mother. However the middle-aged man always had a soft spot for her like the rest of the Serpents. And they all especially liked the two girls she'd birthed. Thirdly, the Serpents view on Betty's persona amplified massively when Jughead introduced them to her face to face. She had a certain warmth that glowed and radiated to everyone in the room. Her smile made them feel at home, like they could trust her with anything and they wouldn't be judged. They loved how she didn't judge them. Most Riverdale snobs would run a mile from the members, turning up their noses or getting scared that they'd be beaten up. But not Betty. She wasn't a snob like most of those other folk, she recognised them for what they were. Human. The Serpents were by no means a group of angels. There were some truly dangerous men and deals that occurred within the gang, but they wouldn't hurt their own. Jughead was FP's son. Betty was Jug's girlfriend, and Alice's daughter. But even so, it was highly unlikely the Serpents would hurt someone like her anyway. No matter how protective the Serpents were of Betty, no one was as protective as Jughead. Which is why he honestly and truly wanted to murder Chuck Clayton in this moment. She didn't want him to find out. She really didn't. But the telltale yellow and purple bruises on her shoulders wanted something entirely different. "Betty, what the hell are these?" Jughead and Betty had been spooning in his bed about to go to sleep until the black-haired boy had spotted the bruises beneath the straps of her pyjama top. He slightly brushed one with his pointer finger just to pull away when Betty flinched and gasped in pain. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you Juggie." She whispered after she revealed the whole ordeal. "I'm going to kill him. I'll get the Serpents on him." Jughead coldly stated, anger bubbling up in his stomach, his chest began puffing. "No!" Betty quickly interjected. "Don't, please. Just leave it." She placed her hands on his hot cheeks. "How can I leave it Betty? He hurt you! He - he touched you!" Jughead's eyes were dark as they pierced into hers. But she wasn't scared, she felt protected. However, she didn't need him beating up Chuck and risk him getting excluded from school or arrested by Keller. "Not really, Jug." She spoke quickly, clearly uncomfortable, "he only touched my leg, okay? I got away before he did anything." "This is all my fault." He grimaced. "I was the one who got you to walk over here, I punched him at the party. I got him angry." But Betty quickly shook her head after visably cringing at the mention of the partt, then pulled him into a hug. "This is because of Chuck being a jerk. Not you." Her arms were wrapped above his shoulders, his territorially around her waist. "Just promise you won't do anything stupid. Leave it or you'll make it worse." She whispered into his ear. He didn't say anything for a few seconds. "Juggie, promise me." She pleaded, pulling away and looking into his eyes. They softened. "Fine." He whispered. But Jughead wouldn't forget what Chuck did this easily. He had to pay. And this redness that was coating his pupils were sure going to help him with that. ☾ The sun glistened through a crack in the curtains, warming the whole room. The rays kissed Betty's skin as she woke from her graceful slumber. She smiled as her eyes opened, but the peace disappeared when she realised a missing element. Jughead was gone. Panic struck her core as she quickly sat up. "Jughead?!" She yelled out. She ran around the whole trailer. Where was he? The bathroom? No. The kitchen, the living room? No. Outside? No. Oh no. Betty automatically knew his absence was about the Chuck predicament. She was utterly angry as she left him message after message on his phone. However there was a side that feared. How was he going to approach this black cloud of a situation? And she knew no matter what he was doing it would just make it worse. If he just left it alone, no doubt Chuck would get bored of his little game and move on to some other poor girl. Her phone started ringing, dragging her from her thoughts. Jughead's name flashed over the screen and she pressed the answer button quicker than a fox. "Jughead where the hell are you?!" She impatiently questioned. He sighed from the other end, making her see red. "Listen, Betty. Chuck he-" the fuming blonde cut him off. "No! You listen to me! Whatever you've done will just make him ten times worse, okay? Do you not get that? He'll get bored and move onto some other girl. Or he'll just get bored!" She yelled, the redness taking over. "Look, Betts I'm sorry but he can't get away with doing that to you. I told some of the younger Serpent guys and they went to deal with it-" Jughead was cut off once again. "Oh my God, Jughead. Do you not realise what you've done? Chuck has friends too! You know, his ex teammates? Oh and remember who used to be on that same team? Jason Blossom." "Betty-" "Jason and Chuck were really close. Buds. I remember the stories Polly would tell me about those two. If anything happens to Chuck... Chuck and Jason knew people too. It was more than a friendship. And those people can hire anyone, okay? The Blossoms were loaded! Not to mention they probably gained lots with Mr Blossom's life insurance. And... you promised me." Her voice cracked in the last sentence, and it was almost as if she could imagine him softening in regret at her speech. "I'm- I'm sorry Betts." Jughead whispered into the phone. "I'll come home and we can talk-" "No," she sniffled. "I'm going home. To my home. You broke you're promise, Jug. I need some time." The broken blonde hung up the phone before hearing Jughead's desperate words. "No, wait Betty! It's not safe." But she had hung up. Little did she know that it really, truly wasn't safe. A few of the Serpents, Jughead's age had gone to sort Chuck out. But when they found him, they were surrounded by frat boys. Most of them didn't even look like they were from Riverdale. The Serpent boys had gotten back to Jughead with black eyes and sore ribs. The amount of guys there were totally disregarded the toughness of the Serpents. And now Betty would be walking straight past them on her way home. By the fifth missed call Betty received from Jughead, she melted. She couldn't stay angry with him, after all, he'd just tried to protect her, even if he did break his promise. So she answered the sixth. "Hi Jug." She answered, slightly melancholily. Her eyes darted around her, taking in the satisfying nature. Peacefully, she walked past the path down the side of the woods. Strangely, she wasn't bothered by it. She would think that she might have been scared considering Chuck attacked her in the same woods, but she wasn't. This was a bit odd. "Betty. Where are you?" Jughead questioned hurriedly. Betty frowned, confused. "I told you I was going home?" She replied, dumbfounded. "I know but where are you? Are you home already?" Betty scoffed, uncharacteristically. "No, I'm next to the woods outside of school. What's with the interrogation?" Crap. The Serpent teenagers had found Chuck and his gang outside of the school. "Listen, just walk back the way you came okay? I'm gonna walk to you. Hurry." She could hear him moving over the other end. Rattling noises and clatters almost overbearing his voice. "Why? I need to get home Jug." She looked up, squinting her eyes in the dimly lit area. The moon shone brightly, glimmering off of her iridescent eyes. "Because Betts. When the boys went to find Chuck he was near the school and with all these other guys and they got beat up. They're probably still there." He rushed out, his panting a sign that he was jogging. The phone on Betty's end was quiet. "I know." She finally spoke up. Jughead frowned in confusion. "What do you mean? You know they beat my guys up?" He heard her swallow and let out a shaky breath. Something. Was. Wrong. "I know they're at the school because I can see them." She whispered. Jughead's eyes widened as he realised what could happen if they saw her. It would be his fault too. "Listen Betts just slowly back away down the street, I'm coming." He picked up his pace. "I can't- they can see me. They're coming over here!" She whispered frantically. Jughead desperately sprinted, his lungs in great pain and his legs screaming to stop, but he didn't care. He needed to get to Betty. He needed to protect her from them. "Betty, just run!" He yelled, exasperatedly. Then he heard low cheering in the background and Chuck's intimidating, stereotypical voice. Then the phone went dead. Jughead knew that up ahead, there would be lots and lots of pools of red.
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