#Anyways I just thought 'how could they incorporate turning Perry into a Human' and molded the whole premise around it
iamdyeing · 3 months
Okay with Phineas and Ferb getting new episodes I think it'd be hilarious to have a reverse rehash of the one episode where Doof turned himself into a Platypus, but instead he makes an inator that turns animals into people so he can like, somehow turn some other animals into his own army to control and take over the Entire Tri-State Area(!) TM.
Meanwhile, the kids are all turning themselves into animals to see what it would be like and Candace, as Candace is wont to do, goes to Tell Mom. She herself is accidentally hit with the PNF ray and becomes an animal of some kind, like a parrot or other language-mimicking bird, and she still manages to get a chuckle out of Linda who remarks that this bird reminds her of Candace (ha ha).
Perry is hit with the inator and we get to see him however the creators would imagine him to look. Now this part is crucial. He doesn't say a word. Not a single gosh darn word. He is silent the entirety of his time as a human.
Wait wait I just wanted to add that I think Norm should also be there the whole time we see the Doof plot absolutely hands and knees BEGGING to be hit with the ray because as most of us know he's repeatedly shown the desire to "be a real boy" and I think that even if momentarily he should be given that sensation. He is a young man around Vanessa's age and she takes him out for cool teen sibling mall bonding or whatever.
The kids spend most of the episode trying to break one of them out of animal control after Candice made a call to them (but before she had gotten hit herself). Honestly she could be the one who got caught after harassing Linda so much. Anyway they get her back and start to head home to reverse the animal-ification but find the machine mysteriously gone. We know that Lawrence thought it was some antique or another that he was supposed to mail off to who knows where bc of course it looks like all the other antiques that he was sending off. Meanwhile,
Perry manages to hit the reverse switch and go back to his Platypus-ness and bumps into the inator's reverse switch, causing it to go haywire and fire willy nilly. Norm says that while it was fun being human he kinda wishes he was a robot again. He gets hit and he simply exclaims "Hooray!" and you hear his little jingle of "doo doo doo doo!"
Candace is hit with the ray first and says that the boys are Soooo Busted and goes to get mom, who we hear pulling up to the house. The kids are hit by the inator ray just in time, and everyone is called in for Pie.
The inator self destructs, in the process turning Doof into a turtle or squirrel or something irocnic, and curses Perry the Platypus for foiling his plans
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