#As you can see I'm totally prcessing the existance of a fanbase for something like this totally fine
winter-spark · 5 months
I am falling into a strange hole. See, see Idk if you guys are familiar with sm/p (yes I'm hiding) serieses (no i don't know how to pluralize series) but I somehow became a fan of one and like it's weird because it's like a dnd/tabletop game campaign where everyone plays as themselves but there's still a fan base with fan content and aus and theories and shipping? And its like like these are real people but also characters but also real people but also characters but also real people who encourage the fan content and some of these real people react to said fan content namely youtube videos/animatics, animatics which one of these real people said they send to each other(the rest of the server members) in their (server) group chat. These animatics which treat them as characters in fiction which I mean they kinda are but also they're real peo
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