∯ for Zatna || “Momo’s helping me to, like, not do it, but I still can’t help blaming myself…”
∯ for Phoenix || “Not all soldiers wear armor and go out to fight the war. Some fight it at home. You’re a prime example of that, because, despite everything, you still raised me like your own daughter. You’re truly so much stronger than you think of yourself as.”
∯ for Jasculs || “Where did you come from, where did you go, where did you come from Cotton Eye Joe… I really miss you.”
∯ for Mo’hir || “I wish ya could’ve seen ‘ow far we’ve come.”
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5. Has no off-switch, 6. Doesn’t know when to quit when they’re ahead, and 7. Argues they are right despite evidence to the contrary
5. Has no off-switchBoth Mo’hir and Phoenix don’t have an off-switch when they’ve first started and gotten really into it, and Zatna just never has one.
6. Doesn’t know when to quit when they’re aheadDefinitely Phoenix. Sure, Zatna is prone to marching and storming into everything and anything, but she is able to stop when necessary. Sometimes she needs a little help, but she listens and ultimately stops. Phoenix, however, do not. When she has first started, nothing and no one can make her stop unless they forcefully do so. Even then, you would have to chain her to a pole or something along those lines to actually get her to stop.
7. Argues they are right despite evidence to the contraryNone of my muses really do this seriously. Mo’hir does it as a joke, but she never means it. However, Phoenix’s grandmother definitely does this a lot. Her grandmother is a personality of her own, though, so no one is really surprised by it. 
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∯ for Jasculs || “I wish I could see your face without calling you my enemy.”
∯ for Mo’hir || “I try ta forgive ya but ya hurt me an’ our friends too much.”
∯ for Phoenix || “Thank you for caring.”
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SO QUESTION. How might one approach your character? Where do they tend to habitate? What sort of stories are you looking for? What sort of themes? Are there any short-term or long-term needs you're seeking atm? BE SPECIFIC.
How might one approach your character? Where do they tend to habitate?It really depends on which character it is.
Jasculs is a bit of everywhere, traveling with Kina and everything, though they have a residence in Booty Bay. He’s very silent at first, so unless your character is good at conversing for two or fine with silence, they might not get along great from the beginning.     Being an old war commander, Jasculs is very hesitant going into fights, so expect him to try to avoid those as much as possible. There’s always another solution, right? Just as he and everyone else have a breaking point - maybe see how far you can push him, either as a joke or serious business. Bring out that inner demon he despises.     Also, being a war-traitor with a bounty over his head makes Jasculs very secretive about who he his. He uses illusions, has changed his name, stays in the shadows, stays out of most guarded places, and generally tries to attract as little attention as possible. Uncover his past and who he is; decide to ruin him or help him. The choice is yours.
Zatna and Mo’hir travel together when bounty hunting, so they have a reason to be anywhere in the world, as well. But, they live in Sen’Jin Village in Durotar, and spend a lot of free-time in Silvermoon to visit family.      Mo’hir is all about that fun and not so much the socializing. She’s bad with feelings, be it telling her own, others, or dealing with them, so her attempts at socializing often go wrong anyways. Therefore, she tends to stick with the people she knows. But, she’s a strong leader and fighter and is my number one choice for partner-in-crime of my muses.     Then, there’s Zatna. She is basically a complete opposite of Mo’hir. Although still bad at telling emotions, she’s amazing at dealing and coping with them. She does tend to ignore those that require thinking, though, as that isn’t her cup of tea. At all. She’s over the top, loud, very outgoing, and most of all just wants to help. She could easily be taken advantage of, but then she’d slash the offender’s face off. Now and again Zatna is out doing Rogue Business for either class hall, belfs, horde in general, and other people, so she can definitely also be approached in a more serious manner without it being bounty hunting related.
Lastly, Phoenix. She is almost always near Rommath, wherever that may be. She’s his apprentice, after all, can’t miss out on any lessons. Though, if there’s more pressing matters at hand, she will definitely skip a lesson or several to take care of it.     Phoenix also ventures around the world, mostly around the Broken Isles, though. She checks up on and observes how all parts of the horde is doing, even attempts to socialize and make contacts. Attempts. Phoenix has been isolated most of her life and therefore has about zero clue how to be around other people. So her visits to cities, villages and simple towns often ends with her in the tavern or inn, drunk off her ass on whatever alcohol they may serve at that particular place.     She has a hella temper and hella muscle. Piss her off and she will knock you out… if she can reach. She’s very small for a belf. Use that knowledge however you want.
What sort of stories are you looking for? What sort of themes?Honestly? I’m not looking for any sort of stories or themes. I haven’t RP’ed enough yet to really be able to pin it down. Besides, it depends on my mood. Sometimes I might want to see them get tortured out of their minds or otherwise hurting them. Other times I prefer cuddles and cute and funny friendships.
Right now, I just want experience. I want to put my characters into all sorts of situations and interact with all sorts of people. I want to experience their lives, whichever part or verse of it it may be.
Are there any short-term or long-term needs you’re seeking atm? BE SPECIFIC.It’s… difficult to be specific when I’ve just stated the above, yes? But, I do suppose I’m currently favoring long-term partners. It’s always nice to be able to develop one or more characters alongside the same people. Maybe? Idk. As I said, I just want experience right now, haha.
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pathioll (c) me
i havent cell shaded in ages asfdgjk so this is kinda weird on the shading front BUT i saw this face, thought pathioll and had to draw it. i love him even more now
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(( pathioll befriending people: drunk dancing w/ dark iron dwarf & emotional talk w/ old human edition ))
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pathioll (c) me
here’s that velf from phoenix’s verse i was gonna introduce. he highly dislikes the void and ended up exiled bc of a misunderstanding :’)
but at least he’s a battle mage. dont get cross with him, he’ll spear you
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❣️ cuddling
Fluffy Friday asks
Pathioll nuzzles his face into Eryis’ hair, subconsciously inhaling its smell. It makes him smile and hug her closer, both legs and arms wrapped around her tightly. 
After placing her kiss on the top of her head, Pathioll moves down to instead lay his head on her shoulder and nuzzle her neck. Pathioll may be quite a tall guy for a Ren’dorei or Sin’dorei, but, still, his preference lies with being the smaller spoon. It’s quite endearing, really, how he can curl up and fill little enough for Eryis to fully embrace him.
“Mmm, this moment is not allowed to end,” he mumbles into her neck, voice so soft you’d think he’s falling asleep. Maybe he is; he certainly won’t admit it.
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Lays dramatically across Pathioll’s lap with an exaggerated sigh. “Feed me and tell me I’m pretty? Please??”
Raising a brow at the Eryis suddenly in his lap, Pathioll cracks a sweet smile at her.
“Any particular order, beautiful?” he asks, one of his hands motioning in the air. It is coated in a glow of blue and pink, representing arcane. Laying his other hand on Eryis’s arm and rubbing circles into it, Patrick produces a mana strudel. “It’s difficult to feed you anything else, my being trapped beneath you… so, I hope it’s okay.”
(( @spell-steal ))
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Surprises him and jumps on his back, covering his cheeks with kisses. "Hi! I missed you!!"
Yelling in surprise, Pathioll jumps into the air and flails with his arms. His breathing and heartbeat speeds up, heart definitely also skipping a beat or several, until they both calm down upon hearing Eryis’ voice.
He curses under his breath before chuckling in a low voice. “I’ve missed you, too, but do you have to go about giving me a heart attack like this?”
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“I’m kinda jealous of how pretty your hair is...” ( @ pat )
Blinking and just barely parting his lips, Pathioll looks at Eryis with puzzlement. Tilting his head ever so slightly, his eyesbrows furrow, adding something akin to concern to his expression of confusion.
“I’m aware my hair is fantastic; I’m rather proud of it, but… yours is stunning, Eryis, and, frankly, you have no reason to be jealous,” Pathioll begins as he steps closer and reaches out to thread his fingers through her hair. “Of course, that is not to dismiss or invalidate your feelings. I get where it comes from, and, as ugly as jealousy is, it’s common and understandable. Beauty simply isn’t a contest, nor is it something you can or should win at.”
Almost in a trance, Pathioll continues to thread his fingers through Eryis’ hair. He carefully feels the soft texture between his fingers and observes how the light makes her black hair shine like light hitting a black gemstone. In astonishment, he mumbles, “Absolutely stunning…”
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Phoenix in 5 gifs
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tagged by: @jadeblossom-journeys
tagging: whoever wants to do it
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Phoenix’s Secret
Post a gif that vaguely references a secret about your character!
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Tagged by: @koszmar-zycie Tagging: whoever wanna do it
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(( pathioll’s annoyed face is worth gold ))
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Ten Songs for Phoenix
Tagged by: @nym-wildseeker
Tagging: whoever wanna do it
King - Lauren Aquilina
Arsonist’s Lullabye - Hozier
The Phoenix - Fall Out Boy
Hey Look Ma, I Made It - Panic! at the Disco
The Diary - Hollywood Undead
Go to War - Nothing More
Pyre - Son Lux
Fire - Delta Rae
Icarus - Bastille
Fight Song - Rachel Platten
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Seyo being 9 ft and Phoenix being 4'4" is still the best thing ever. Just imagine Seyo giving her a piggy back ride while singing "A whole new world" as Phoenix finally experiences what it's like to be tall.
Phoenix having to build a chair specifically for Seyo because all the others are too small and will break if Seyo as much as tries to sit in them.
Actually, Phoenix can’t build anything worth shit, so she asked Vazolra for help. Her students helped her build Phoenix’ house, surely they can make a tauren sized chair, too, right?
They do and it’s the best chair ever. It’s extremely comfortable and might as well be John’s new bed.
Phoenix playing airplane on top of Seyo’s shoulders.
Basically, she feels like a kid again and it’s great.
She has 100% accidentally called Seyo “mom” on several occasions.
Everyone are weirded out by it because Phoenix is usually the mom friend, but here she is, calling her friend mom. 
So Seyo is basically a grandma because she’s the mom friend’s ultimate mom friend.
Césadris is the most confused but he puts it aside for a new fluffy big friend. Ultimately, Seyo probably ends up being his best friend, and Phoenix nicknames them “insecure butt buds”.
Between Phoenix calling Césadris dad and Seyo mom and them being big goofs together, they’re often mistaken for a whole family.
Césadris is still 120% gay, Phoenix knows that, but she still teases him about the family thing. Césadris has never been as embarrassed and flustered in his entire life, but it makes him happy so he never asks her to stop.
I just really love these threes’ dynamic okay they’re really cute.
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